Life After Medicine: How To Change Careers, Beat Burnout & Find Your Purpose For Doctors

Take Control of Your Time to Avoid Burnout and Stop Being a Time Victim

July 13, 2023 Chelsea Turgeon Season 1 Episode 110
Take Control of Your Time to Avoid Burnout and Stop Being a Time Victim
Life After Medicine: How To Change Careers, Beat Burnout & Find Your Purpose For Doctors
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Life After Medicine: How To Change Careers, Beat Burnout & Find Your Purpose For Doctors
Take Control of Your Time to Avoid Burnout and Stop Being a Time Victim
Jul 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 110
Chelsea Turgeon

This is the 6th episode of our Permission to Pivot Series. In this episode, we'll be discussing the irony of time and how we often spend it by default without considering the consequences.

Discover how being a time victim leads to unfulfillment and how to make hard decisions about your priorities.

We'll also delve into the importance of taking control of our time and prioritizing ourselves, especially when it comes to finding a fulfilling career and life.

You’ll learn:

  • Taking control of your time
  • Identifying your priorities
  • The Avoidance Tactics

And if you're feeling stuck and unhappy in your current career, we've got you covered.

I’m introducing you to our program, Pathway to Purpose, which is designed to help you connect to your purpose and create a fulfilling career and life.

It's a streamlined process that only requires four hours a week, so you can prioritize yourself without sacrificing too much of your time.

So, if you're ready to take control of your time and prioritize yourself, join us in this episode and let's get started.

And don't forget to check out our shownotes for more information and resources on how to prioritize your life.

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Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

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Ready to find work you enjoy that doesn't burn you out? Let's connect to see how I can help you!
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Connect with a community of like-minded healthcare professionals seeking career change support

Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

Show Notes Transcript

This is the 6th episode of our Permission to Pivot Series. In this episode, we'll be discussing the irony of time and how we often spend it by default without considering the consequences.

Discover how being a time victim leads to unfulfillment and how to make hard decisions about your priorities.

We'll also delve into the importance of taking control of our time and prioritizing ourselves, especially when it comes to finding a fulfilling career and life.

You’ll learn:

  • Taking control of your time
  • Identifying your priorities
  • The Avoidance Tactics

And if you're feeling stuck and unhappy in your current career, we've got you covered.

I’m introducing you to our program, Pathway to Purpose, which is designed to help you connect to your purpose and create a fulfilling career and life.

It's a streamlined process that only requires four hours a week, so you can prioritize yourself without sacrificing too much of your time.

So, if you're ready to take control of your time and prioritize yourself, join us in this episode and let's get started.

And don't forget to check out our shownotes for more information and resources on how to prioritize your life.

Click the link:

Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

Book your FREE Discovery Call
Ready to find work you enjoy that doesn't burn you out? Let's connect to see how I can help you!
Book Your Call

Life After Medicine FB Group
Connect with a community of like-minded healthcare professionals seeking career change support

Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

September 30th, 2018, an entry from my journal and residency. I feel so defeated and profoundly miserable. I can't keep living like this, feeling like I'm being dragged along every day. I can't keep feeling so encumbered in misery. And dread all the time. I feel so trapped and powerless, like there's no way out of my own life. I just wanna scream or crumble, or both. Essentially, what I'm doing right now amounts to an overall miserable approach to life. I read this first and foremost because I want you to know if you're feeling like this, you are not alone. I felt this all the time in residency and I had this overwhelming gut feeling that medicine was not the path for me. And it's because I had all of these different longings. I longed to be outside more, to travel, to learn photography, and I kept dreaming about just packing up my car and driving into the deserts of Utah in the middle of the night to get a job as a park ranger. I wanted a career that I actually enjoyed, but I also had no idea what I could even do outside of clinical medicine. And because of that I felt so trapped. When you do the path of like undergrad and then med school and residency, it's all laid out for you. But if you are trying to escape and then transition out of medicine, there isn't as much of a clearer path. And that was daunting af. But finally I hit a point where I couldn't stand feeling like an empty shell anymore. I knew that something needed to change because the life I was living wasn't sustainable. And right when I was at my lowest, I was given this gift. My program director reached out to me and helped me take a five week leave of absence. From my residency program, and it was a gift I took full advantage of because I used that time to connect back to myself. I started to think through my values, my strengths, my interests, my purpose. I reconnected to my sense of passion, and I got clear. On how I wanted to serve the world, and I realized medicine wasn't the vehicle for doing that. And with all of that inner clarity, I finally felt relief. I didn't have to keep swirling around in this indecision picking these sad girl journal entries because I just finally knew what my next steps were. If this is you right now, if you're feeling stuck or trapped in the wrong career with just no real sense of how to get yourself out, pathway to purpose will be opening for enrollment this July. This will be a live eight week group coaching program. By the end of these eight weeks together, you will have clarity. Bahi moi on what you want for your life and career. And with that, you'll see how you can start helping others in a way that is personally meaningful and fulfilling, but also doesn't destroy your soul. And you'll develop a tangible plan and direction for your career. Identify next steps and start taking action and have this momentum towards this new path that is right for you. Time is almost up to enroll in this summer round of Pathway to Purpose. Enrollment ends July 15th, and we start Sunday, July 16th. So if you are interested in joining us, the time is now. Be sure to head to the link in the show notes that you can get more information and decide if joining us in Pathway to Purpose is right for you. Welcome to the Life After Medicine podcast. Where we help you create a fulfilling and non-traditional career as a healthcare worker. I'm your host, Chelsea Turin. In 2019, I left the hustle and grind of my ob gyn residency and set out to create a fulfilling career on my own terms. Now I'm a best-selling author, career and burnout coach and world traveler. Through this podcast, I'll show you how to enjoy your work. Make an impact and support yourself financially without all the stress and burnout you are currently experiencing. Let's get to the show. Hi, my love. We are here today at Permission to Pivot part six, and we will be talking about giving permission to prioritize yourself and really more so we're talking about like time management priorities and how to deal with the fact that. There's a book like called How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, right? How do we do that? How do we live on 24 hours a day? How do we problem solve and, move forward with our lives? When we all have this limited amount of time that we're working with and never ending amounts of responsibilities and tasks and things to do that keep coming in and piling in. I am so excited for this topic. If you are new To this like series. I have been doing them. This is part six. So I've done five other series of in the permission to pivot in the Permission to Pivot series. And you can find those. If you go to coach tells, you can find all of the replays. We've talked about some really great stuff already, and today is gonna be no exception. I'll just go ahead and dive right in. So today we're talking about permission to prioritize yourself and I really what this is coming down to is that dilemma of time, that feeling of not having enough time, who can relate to this feeling, who has felt this before? There is just too much to do and there is not enough time, and just feeling this never ending sense of time, scarcity. Especially when it comes to like when you're feeling burnt out and when you're feeling unhappy in your career, that's a problem that needs to be dealt with. That requires time and energy to deal with it, and it can't really be dealt with when you're in the same circles and the same situation that is creating it. And so there does require this initial time investment and this ability to. Step back and zoom out and really look at what is going on in your life. But it does require you to invest in time in it. And so as I'm put my work out there in the world and I'm interacting with all of you guys who are struggling in your careers, that's one of the messages I get over and over again. So I'll connect with people who tell me about the hard time that they're having in their career. This isn't going well. This is a problem, this is toxic. But I don't have time to do anything about it, right? So I like literally have some of the messages I'll read with no identifying information. Obviously I'm swamped with work crises, toxic behavior from people above me in the chain of command. So you can see that I need to pivot, but I also don't have time to learn about how to pivot. It's been crazy right now trying to buy and sell a house and plan our move. So I don't think I have the time to devote to this right now. These are just few examples of this constant, perpetual state of I don't have time to deal with this, right? I don't have the time. So if you are feeling unhappy in your career, if you're feeling dissatisfied, do you also struggle with the idea of not having enough time to fix it, not having enough time to figure it out? Let me know if you feel like this, because I think this is such a common. Kind of obstacle and a common barrier that really keeps us stuck. This idea of I don't have the time, right? Like I can't do anything about it. Like I'm unhappy, but I don't have time to fix it. And the problem is like when you're unfulfilled in your career, this is not something that's just gonna fix itself. And you probably know this to some extent because it's been ongoing. A lot of the times when people come to me, This has been a problem that's been ongoing for years. This has been something they've been dealing with on some level for a long time. And so the problem itself, it's not that you need me to fix it necessarily, but it is not going to fix itself, right? Something needs to give, something needs to change, and that does require time and energy. And what I wanna point out is if you're being super honest with yourself, You already are spending time and energy on this problem right now. You're just doing it in a way that is ineffective and that's not really leading to a solution. So all the people who write to me and say, I don't have time. I don't have time. Yeah, they have a lot on their plate. There's a lot on their schedule. They are busy people. I wanna fully validate and honor that like there's so much to be done in this modern world. And. It's likely that they are still spending time and energy on this problem, but they're just not moving towards a solution. So for example spending hours down a Google Rabbit hole, Googling okay, what career can I do that can make me a lot of money that I can do from home and then go into a Reddit sub form, and then you're just scrolling and you're spending all this time like, that's one way that takes a lot of time listening to lots of podcasts and that can be a more productive use of time. Cuz usually people are putting out podcasts to try to help you solve a problem in some way. But talk, like complaining about your situation, venting about it, just being in this constant mental head space of indecision around, okay, should I say, should I go, what should I do? What's gonna solve it? Maybe I could do this, maybe I could do that. Most of us, right? If you're feeling unhappy in your career, you are already spending a lot of time and energy trying to problem solve around that. And it's time that you don't have, and it's energy you can't afford. But all of these things drain you. Even if it's just like on your way into work and you're constantly using up this mental bandwidth to try to think about what you're gonna do that can drain you. Taking this time, like you are already spending the time and energy. And so then the question is like, how is that working, right? What amount of time and energy am I currently spending on this problem? And is that working? And if not, like how could I potentially better spend this? Cuz a lot of that time and energy is being spent by default. It's not something you're intentionally like setting aside time for. I don't think most of us are like, I'm gonna set aside time to endlessly loop around on why I can't continue in this job. We're not really like delegating this time, it's just what happens. It's where our brain goes cause it's what's on our mind, but it still is consuming time and it's consuming energy and it's doing so in a very default way, in a very ineffective and unproductive way that's probably not leading to. Solutions, results, anything positive, it's probably just making you feel drained and exhausted. So let me know if you feel like, yeah, I am spending time on this problem. Like I do. Ha, maybe it doesn't feel like time that I have, but if I'm being super honest, there is time that's being spent on this. And maybe not in the most effective possible way. And this is not to shame you or make you feel bad about yourself at all. Like I get it. I've totally been there. It's just let's just be honest with ourselves about what's happening. Let's just be so fully in integrity as we communicate with ourselves about what's going on. And maybe you don't even wanna say it to me, and that's fine, but just within yourself, can you just acknowledge like what amount of resources you're currently spending on this problem? And are you spending it in a way that feels good, that's helpful, or in a way that's the opposite of those things? Because that is the irony of the quick fix, right? So essentially there's this idea that you're in denial that it's gonna take time and energy or like you just, you wish it wouldn't take time and energy. Maybe not your, not in full denial, but you don't really wanna acknowledge that making any moves within your career like, Fixing your career situation is gonna require time and energy. So you're spending all this time like looking for the magical solution, right? So you're like on the Google looking for this quick fix. That's gonna be the thing that solves all your problems, and then you won't have to worry about it, and then it's all gonna be taken care of. And then you don't have to dedicate any time and energy into it. It's just gonna be a quick fix. But the thing is that doesn't actually exist. And so then you're sinking lots of time. Trying to find a fix that saves time. And in that whole process you're just like wasting more and more time. So it's just this irony that happens as you in invest a lot of time looking for a quick fix, you continually sink more and more time in instead of really just to the terms with the fact that it's probably not gonna be a quick fix. Maybe there's a situation where it is, but for most people that, like for me and for people I've worked with, it's a process like getting into a career that is fulfilling and authentic and brings you joy and you wake up and you look forward to your day. Like getting to that place is a process. It's not something that happens overnight. It's not something that is this quick fix. There's a lot that goes into it, and I don't say that to discourage you. I just say that. Like taking the time and energy to intentionally create a new path forward. That is a really like positive use of your time and energy. But you have to come to this point of realization with yourself that this is gonna take time and energy. And so I will intentionally carve out this time and spend this time on this process as opposed to. I don't want it to take time. I just wanna find something that's gonna be a quick fix. And so to find that I'm gonna spend a lot of time Googling and asking people and looking at whatever sources. You're like going through LinkedIn job boards, and indeed, and I'm gonna just spend all this time doing these things, looking for the quick fix, but I'm wasting all this time doing that. Is this making sense to you guys? Is this sort of like the irony and the paradoxes of time and how we're spending our time, does this resonate with all of you because. It's something I've observed in so many people that we're just spending our time very much by default, and we're shooting ourselves in the foot when it comes to getting any results. Because for most of us, the results we want, we wanna enjoy our career and enjoy our life. We wanna have a more fulfilling career, a more fulfilling life. We wanna wake up and look forward to our day and look at our calendar and feel like excited for the day ahead and all of that. It really does take this time. It takes this energy and it takes this intentional prioritization of self. And then there's the other piece that I wanna address around this. So there's, the, I'm too busy. I don't wanna say it's an idea because there is a reality to it as well, right? There are a lot of things to be busy with, but what I want to invite you to consider is, Are you using this as an avoidance tactic? This is very much like a call out episode, but I wanna call you in and call you forward and just help you to really see yourself in, in all honesty, right? See the naked truth of what is going on here? So is it possible that you're using this? I'm too busy Excuse as an avoidance tactic, right? Is this serving some sort of hidden emotional agenda? If you keep saying I don't have time, or I'm too busy, what are you getting off the hook from? What are you what do you not have to do if you are too busy? If you don't have enough time? What are the things that you are avoiding by doing that? And a lot of times it's, something for everyone, it's, it might be a little bit different, but usually there's this common theme of. We're avoiding asking some of those harder questions. We're avoiding having to really confront the truth that I think I'm going down the wrong path. I think I've been spending a lot of time on things that don't make me happy and that don't feel fulfilling, and they don't feel like they're adding up to a meaningful existence. But if we're too busy, We don't have to deal with it, right? We're too busy. We don't have to feel our feelings around that. If we're too busy, we don't have to, make these hard changes and face these difficult truths. And I fully get that. I've been there, I was the queen of too busy. And I think within that, on some level there's a, an amount of avoidance and there is this sense of. This hidden emotional agenda around that, I'm too busy. So I invite you to consider that for yourself. If you don't have time, if you are too busy, what is it that you're off getting off the hook from? And some of this I have read in. The book 4,000 Weeks, which a client actually recommended to me, and he has a lot of kind of a philosophical approach to time management, which I love. And this has been a really powerful book. But he talks about this using the busyness as this avoidance strategy. So I'm gonna just read a quote from the book that I find really powerful. Most of us invest a lot of energy one way or another in trying to avoid fully experiencing the reality in which we find ourselves. We don't want to feel the anxiety that might arise if we were to ask ourselves whether we're on the right path or what ideas about ourselves. It could be time to give up. We recoil from the notion that this is it. This life with all its flaws and inescapable vulnerabilities, it's extreme brevity, and our limited influence over how it unfolds is the only one that we'll get a shot at. And that really resonated with me because it's this idea that if I'm too busy to deal with it, I don't have to face this sort of existential anxiety that might come up when I start to ask some of these harder questions. And so what do we do with all of this information, right? I'm just dropping all this stuff on you guys, and I'm like, Hey, You're avoiding dealing with life, right? So what in the world do we do about this? And we're gonna go into some hard truths and a process to start dealing with this. So I think essentially the main hard truth I wanna talk about is that whenever you say I'm too busy, or I don't have the time, you are operating from time victimhood, right? You are being a victim of time. You are saying that time has power over you or control over you or some force outside of you is exerting control or force or influence into how you spend your days. So whenever someone utters that phrase like, I'm too busy, I don't have enough time, I immediately know that there operating in the state of being a time victim, this is not a fixed state. This is something that can easily be shifted and changed. But essentially when I say time victim, it means you're not taking ownership and responsibility. Over how you are spending your time. The truth is being too busy is a choice. Now, it might not feel like a choice because it's how society operates and we feel like we have to say yes to anything and everything that comes into our schedule, and we feel like we don't have options. But if we're being super honest, it is all a choice. Not having enough time is a choice. Everything that is on your calendar. Is there because you are choosing it to be there on some level. As long as I'm talking to adults here, which I think everyone listening to, this is an adult. I don't think we have any children here. That means you are choosing everything on your calendar, right? Even if you feel like, oh, these are obligations. I can't say no I have to do this, I have to do that. None of that is true. You don't have to do anything. You literally don't have to do anything. You don't even have to pay your taxes. You might get audited and but you don't technically have to do any of these things. So everything that's on your calendar is because you're choosing it to be there. And the reason this is a problem is because being a time victim is directly correlated with feelings of unfulfillment, feelings of discontent. With feeling resentment and bitterness, right? The less perceived control you have over your time, the more unfulfilled you will be. So essentially being a time victim is almost always a recipe for feeling unfulfilled because. When you don't have that autonomy and that authority over how you spend your days are just passing by and you can't fit the things you want to do inside those time boxes that keep just flying by you. So what's the solution, right? What do we do about this? There's three, three main like steps that I wanna talk about of how to work through this. Number one is moving out of being a time victim and. Becoming, I guess we'll call it time empowered, right? Moving into an empowered state when it comes to time, realizing that you are ultimately in control of your time, that everything on your calendar is cuz you're choosing for it to be there. If you can just take full ownership and responsibility of that fact and really decide that is true, all of this is here cuz I'm choosing it. That's when you get to start making shifts and making changes, because the less perceived control you have over your time, the more you're gonna feel unfulfilled, bitter, resentful, all of those things, which we do not want. So you have to take back your power, you have to take back ownership, and it's as simple as looking at your calendar and being like, I chose all of that. And now there's consequences to my choices and I can choose something different and there's gonna be consequences to that. But truthfully, I did choose this and I need to come to terms with that. Then next, once you've like really taken that ownership and you're like, yeah, okay, I will accept all this responsibility. I will accept full ownership of my time. The next part is you have to accept that time is limited. That you cannot do it all. Every time that you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. And usually you're saying no to many something else's. So when you're saying yes to things that you don't want to be there on your calendar, what are you saying no to? And so just being really clear that it is this sort of one in, one out kind of game. It's a bouncer at the club situation because time is finite. We do not have enough time to do everything. There is a very limited amount of time, and so it's up to us to be our own individual stewards of that time and to really decide how we wanna spend that and how are we gonna take ownership of that because it's so limited and I have become, ever since realizing all this, I have become so protective of my time. I guard it like it's a it's a treasure because it is the time is the only currency that does not regenerate. We do not get time back. Money can regenerate. We can make more money. Children can regenerate. I don't know. Like we can have more kids. We can, there's like lots of kids are not a currency. That's not a good example. There's a lot of things that can regenerate, but time does not. It only goes one way. So that's a really important fact to be like, this is limited. And so I do have to make these difficult decisions, which kind of brings us into the next step, which is you have to make difficult decisions around how you wanna spend that limited time, right? So we've accepted, I'm in control of my time. We have realized that time is limited resource that I am a steward of. I'm the one who's in charge of it. And that I need to have a yes, like I need to decide the things I wanna say yes to so that I can live my life and, honor my time in a way that feels really good to me. And within that there can be, it's, I'm not saying that these are easy steps to take, right? There's a lot of things that go on within each of these pieces because there can be deeper healing that needs to be done and trauma patterns around being a people pleaser and fawning and just saying yes to everything and feeling like your voice doesn't matter and your opinion doesn't matter, and that you need to just go with the flow and be easy and agreeable. So there's. Like you can have previous trauma around that. There's a lot of societal conditioning that tells you need to be agreeable, that you need to be one way. And so there is a lot to work through. I'm not saying that any of this is easy, but this is the process. Take control and ownership of your time. Decide that you are the one who is in charge of your time. Two. Recognize that there is a limited amount of time and that every time you say yes to something you say no to a zillion other things. Also, by the way, thanks for saying yes to being here with me right now because I know there's so many other things you could be doing with your time. And so the fact that you said yes to being here with me is such an honor and I just wanna thank you for that. And then even, and even if no one was here, I would still wanna talk about these things cuz I love them. But I do appreciate that you are here. Number three is you have to start making hard decisions about what's a priority to you in this season of life. So you got this finite resource and it's oh, okay. How do I wanna spend it? It's up to me and how do I wanna spend it? And so that is when you have to start making these difficult decisions. And it starts with getting really clear on what is a priority to you in this season. So if you prioritize everything, you prioritize nothing, right? Like you can't do it all. You don't have time for everything. So you do have to make cuts, right? It's like a, I was thinking like it's Juilliard, we gotta make cuts here. I don't know where that's coming from. But you do have to make cuts. You have to choose what your priorities are, and from there, decide what that means about how you spend your time. Because if I look at your calendar, if I look at everything you did last week, I should be able to tell you. What your priorities are. So most of my clients, I'll look at their calendar and they'll be like it looks like you're prioritizing work and kids and errands. Like, where's the U? Where is the U? What are you not prioritizing? So choosing what is your priorities, making these hard decisions. And so then what I have my clients do is make these yes no lists, right? So if, let's say like burnout, recovery is a priority for me in this season of life, what sorts of things would I say yes to? I would say yes to sleeping. A full eight hours, right? I would say yes to going to yoga class. I would say yes to maybe meditating. I would say yes to alone time. I would say yes to just quiet time. I would say yes to nature. And then if burnout, recovery is a priority in this season of life. What sorts of things would I say no to? And this is where it gets hard, right? But this is the real work because you do have to carve out the time. So what sorts of things would you say no to? I would say no to requests at work to take on extra projects. F that? No thank you. I would say no to taking my work home with me. I would literally just say no to that. I would say no to. Booking clients or booking patients In my admin hours, I would say no to. There's gonna have to be things that you say no to. And again, I'm not pretending this is easy, but it's just literally the physics of time and this is how it works. So you have to make decisions and you have to get clear about what's a priority for you. And then knowing that's a priority, what sorts of things are you gonna say yes to? What sorts of things are you gonna say no to? And then, Implementing would be the next step. And so for you guys out there who are listening to this and feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in your career right now, how much of a priority is it for you to enjoy your career? Like, how much of a priority is it? For you to feel at peace in your career, for you to feel resolved around your career. Cuz a lot of people, it's not even just the sense of I wanna be happy. It's I wanna stop feeling like shit. So how much is that a priority to you? And if it's number one, number two, number three, if it's a top three priority for you in this season of life, then it is up to you to carve out time to address this. And so if it is a priority to me, but I'm not doing anything to solve it, really solve it, then what sorts of things do I need to say no to? What can I start saying no to make time and space for this? And this is more of a tough love kind of live stream than I normally do, and I think it is such an important message. I think all of this. Really needs to be heard and really needs to be said until every single person I meet feels fully empowered over how they spend their time. So my invitation for you is to reflect on some of these things that we've talked about. Number one, what. Amount of time are you already spending on your career? What amount of time are you already spending, like trying to solve this problem of your career? Number two is how is that working for you? What is that leading to? Does that feel effective? Next one is whenever you say I'm too busy or I don't have time, what is it that you're avoiding? What are some of the harder questions that you're avoiding asking? What are some of the things that you. Get off the hook from facing if you're too busy to deal with it. And then really moving into the solution. How can you start to take ownership and control over your time? And then what are your priorities in this season of life? And if career is a priority for you, right? If you're feeling unfulfilled and feeling like you want to stop feeling unhappy all the time in your career, then. What are you doing to address it? And if you want a streamlined soul searching process to get there. So I've talked about like finding a fulfilling career and discovering your purpose and really connecting back to yourself. That does take time and energy and it doesn't have to take up your whole life, right? It can be a pretty streamlined process. And I'm not saying it's a quick fix, but it is a process that. It can be a lot shorter. And faster and more effective if you have support in the process and if you have someone guiding you and helping you with here are the questions to ask. Here are the things to reflect on. Here's the things to know, like here's how to connect with yourself. If you have someone really guiding you through the process, it saves you so much time. And so I think it's so interesting when people say, oh, I don't have time to do the program, but they really do feel unhappy and unfilled in their career. I'm like, you don't have time not to because. This is gonna be the quickest way for you to solve the problem that I know of, because I think doing it on your own, totally fine. You're allowed to. But if time is one of your big concerns, this surely would give you a shortcut to that. So if you are looking to. Connect to your purpose and find a fulfilling career that also translates to just this fulfilling life that you love. We are open for enrollment for my program Pathway to Purpose. So this is an eight week group program to help you connect to your purpose and create a fulfilling career and a fulfilling life, and it is such a beautiful process as far as time commitment, since this is talking about the time to prioritize yourself, I recommend people dedicating four hours a week to this process. So if you are struggling with this and you. know, that I can carve out four hours a week, right? There are four hours I can find in my schedule to do this. Then I would love to have you join us. You guys can send me a message. If you want more information, we can talk more about if it's right for you. I don't wanna go into the whole thing here, but I just want you to know that you are allowed to do this. You're allowed to prioritize yourself. You are allowed to be unhappy in your career. And have that matter and wanna change your mind and wanna be doing something that you really enjoy because it is not selfish at all. When you're doing work, you enjoy this overflows to others and it just adds this benefit into the world that is like intangible that. The world is a better place when we're all doing work that is really truly fulfilling and enjoyable to us. And when we're also resting, right? It's not when we're working all the time, but when we are tapped into our purpose and really expressing ourselves in that way, the world is such a better place when we do that. And so if you're craving that, if you're craving more meaning and fulfillment and purpose in your life, and you feel like you don't have that right now, this is exactly. What I wanna help with in the program Pathway to purpose. So if all of that sounds interesting to you, please send me a message. I would love to talk with you more about the process. We are starting enrollment. Enrollment is open now, and we're starting our first class on July n not 19th, July 16th. So if you want to join for this round, you're gonna wanna get in and do your enrollment before July 16th so that we can. Make this happen, and I don't know exactly when I will be doing it again next. So if this is something that's on your mind right now and something that does feel like a priority in this season of your life, then reach out, send me a message, and we'll talk more about if Pathway to Purpose is right for you. And that's all I got for today. So thank you so much for joining me here. Thank you for spending some of this time with me, and I would love to see you inside of Pathway to Purpose and spend more time together. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Life After Medicine Podcast. Make sure to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. If you wanna continue the conversation, share your takeaways, and connect with other like-minded healthcare workers, then come join us in the Life After Medicine Facebook group. The link to join the group is in the show notes. I can't wait to connect with you further.