Life After Medicine: How To Change Careers, Beat Burnout & Find Your Purpose For Doctors

3 Beliefs Keeping Doctors Trapped in The Wrong Career

Chelsea Turgeon Season 1 Episode 118

You may feel like you are completely stuck in a job that’s not the right fit for you. Like you are trapped with just no way out, but the good news is: the only thing actually keeping you trapped, is your beliefs.

In this episode, I’ll help you start to deconstruct and poke holes in the three most common categories of beliefs that are keeping you trapped.

The beliefs look something like:

  1. The options are limited.
  2. I’m limited.
  3. My time is limited.

Join me as we break down these limitations and explore practical ways to move past them.

This episode is designed to challenge your perspective so you can see the limitless possibilities that are actually available to you.

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Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

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Life After Medicine explores doctors' journey of finding purpose beyond their medical careers, addressing physician burnout, career changes, opportunities in non-clinical jobs for physicians and remote jobs within the healthcare system without being burned out, using medical training.

Welcome to the Life After Medicine podcast, where we help you create a fulfilling and non-traditional career as a healthcare worker. I'm your host, Chelsea Turin. In 2019, I left the hustle and grind of my OB G Y N residency and set out to create a fulfilling career on my own terms. Now I'm a bestselling author, career and burnout coach and world traveler. Through this podcast, I'll show you how to enjoy your work, make an impact, and support yourself financially without all the stress and burnout you are currently experiencing. Let's get to the show. Hello, my loves. So today I wanna really cover something that has been percolating in my mind for a while, and today I have finally sat with it enough and really come to this place where I can articulate it for you and talk about it in a way that hopefully is going to allow you to shift your perspective, shift the way you look at things. And as one of my teachers, Wayne Dyer says, When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So really giving you this perspective shift is one of the best things that I can give you because what I am really helping you do is change the way you are perceiving things. But it's not just that. When you change the way you're perceiving something, your whole situation feels totally different. So today I'm gonna talk about three beliefs that are keeping you trapped in the wrong career. Because most people who come to me, it's because they have this sense that they're in the wrong career and they don't know what to do about it. They don't feel like they can leave. They feel stuck, they feel trapped in some way, and. For the most part, we think it's our circumstances keeping us stuck. I have people comment on my Facebook post saying things like I'm in a very exceptional circumstance because X, Y, and Z, right? And everyone thinks they're in their own unique circumstance and everyone thinks that it is their circumstance that is creating their stuckness, but it's not. It's our perceptions. Of our circumstances, it's the lens that we're looking through and often we're looking through the lens of limitation and lack. And so that is what I wanna talk about today because I really believe deeply that we are all living in cages with the doors wide open. This is a quote, I think it's from George Ezra. Do not quote me on that, but I think that's who it's from, and it's just this idea that. We create all these cages and prisons in our mind when really the door is open the whole time. And there, there could be a whole episode for all the reasons that we do that to keep us safe and in some way. But really what I wanna help you do in this episode is just look around and see. Oh, there's the door. It's open. I'm not actually yes, maybe I'm in this cage, but I'm not trapped in it. There is a way out. And so what I'm gonna walk you through today is three sort of genres of belief that are keeping you trapped, and then I'm gonna go through a preliminary process of showing you. Starting to poke holes in this belief is how in these beliefs is how I start to think about it. Because that's really how we start. We start shifting beliefs. It's a process, right? Because beliefs are yeah, we'll go into this, like beliefs are the things that we hold to be true. It's what we're convinced is the truth. But usually beliefs are not. The ultimate truth because I, I think there's very few ultimate truths, and that's a whole nother trippy thing to get into. But the beliefs that we hold, it's just something that we feel. It's true. Something that we know to be true, something that we're like very convinced that is true. And I'm gonna read this quote from this Naked Mind, which is a book that I have been going through recently to help me totally reprogram all my beliefs around alcohol. So it's super relevant because the work I've been doing around that for myself is also, a similar mindset type work that I wanna help you guys do with career. The the quote says, the things we know to be true are not actually formed by reality, but by reality as we have interpreted it from our experiences, observations, assumptions, and conclusions. And there's this whole sort of process that happens of we experience, we have these early experiences and observations from those. We create assumptions and then we draw conclusions, and then we vision. So the quote says, the things we know to be true are not actually formed by reality, but by reality as we have interpreted it from our experiences, observations, assumptions, and conclusions. And so essentially what happens is there's not a real objective reality because there's so many there's so much sensory stimuli and sensory input that's coming in at any given time that our brain has to filter it out. And we all have these filters that are created by the filters create our perceptions. And so we're not perceiving reality, but reality as we interpret it. And so all of the things that we experience and we observe that. We create assumptions based off of those, and then we draw conclusions. And it's this whole process of creating these subconscious beliefs. And so what I'm gonna walk you guys through today are these three beliefs that are keeping you trapped in your career. These three it's like a genre of belief. It's not just necessarily one belief, but it's the overarching or underlying belief. And then I'm gonna go through this like preliminary process of showing you. That these beliefs are not actually ultimately true. And we're gonna go through an even deeper process of doing this in the Clarify Your Purpose workshop that I'm hosting this September. And I'm so excited about that because I'm gonna go through this tapping process that I do with my clients to help them. It's not just identifying the beliefs and knowing and like bringing awareness to it is really important. But for a lot of these beliefs, It's encoded in us. It's like in our body and it's, we need to shift it in a more physical way. And so I'm gonna take you guys through a process of tapping to get to start making progress on releasing these beliefs. And it's such a powerful process that I go through with my clients. I've created this really amazing script around it. And so we're gonna go through that together. So let's get into some of the beliefs the beliefs that are keeping you trapped in your career. It boils down to three major things. One, Is the options are limited. Two is I am limited, and then three is my time is limited. So the overall theme of this, like I said previously, is limitation and lack. And anytime you are looking through the lens of limitation, you're always gonna feel trapped and stuck in some way. And so let's walk through the first belief of the options are limited. So essentially I've heard this so many times of there's no good options. And so you know that you're coming from, it might not be these words. Exactly. You might not be saying, The options are limited or there's no good options, but you'll be saying something like, I've gotten messages, like not many options. Pay what I make clinically so hard to change things'cause I'm the primary breadwinner or there's not a lot I can do without going back to school. This idea that the options are limited. You also may notice that you have this, if you find yourself endlessly scrolling through those lists of nonclinical career options and you're feeling frustrated and you're feeling like you're like overwhelmed, but underwhelmed at the same time you're overwhelmed.'cause there's, there can be quite a lot of words there of all these like 20 different things you can do. And it's whoa. But then it's underwhelmed because you look at them and none of them seem. Something you would wanna do, or maybe you feel confused. And so it's like anytime you're, you just feel like there's nothing out there for you, there's nothing else out there for you. So let's walk through where this belief comes from and then we can start to poke holes in it. So we'll start with observations. So in the past, you have likely observed that when it's time to select a career or make decisions about your career, You make that decision from a list of options, right? It starts back in high school where you are, maybe you have a meeting with your guidance counselor, or maybe you guys took a school-wide aptitude test and you are given this sort of list of oh, based on your strengths and skills, and here are some things that you could do. And we look at this list and we're like, okay, here's the things. And then we might even not be as formally given a list of options, but maybe more informally. Our parents will talk about the best jobs are doctors and lawyers, right? I have a lot of clients who, they come from immigrant families and their families are basically saying, doctor or lawyer, pick one. And that makes sense from where they come from. But we, for the most part, when it comes to career, we are used to making decisions. From a list of options, this even happens in college, right? There's a list of majors and then within majors, maybe you go to like career fairs and there's, it's just like all this sort of, we're gonna give you this list and you pick from here. And so then that's how you've observed that it works for careers. And so then your experience when you're feeling trapped or feeling unhappy in your current career, you're like I'm gonna go and figure out what my options are now. And I've had this many years of education and you know this. S qualification and this experience. So then you start looking on Google, right? You're like what can I do with my medical degree if I'm not a doctor? I remember looking what can I do with my MD if I don't do residency or alternative jobs for doctors or, what are other. Jobs that pharmacists can do or PAs or whatever it is you're looking for, you start Googling it.'cause you're like, I had to find my list of options and then what you find I'm gonna go through, I was looking on Google the other day and it does feel pretty dismal, so I just wanna let you know. I feel you, you find op, you find lists of options like this Indeed article. It says alternative careers for doctors salaries and descriptions. Nine. Alternative careers for doctors. One tutor. Average salary, 21 pounds per hour. I don't know why it's in pounds. I think this is in the uk. Okay. Doesn't, doesn't sound great. Medical administrator of 20,000 pounds per year. Technical writer. 36,000 pounds per year. Health consultant, 48,000 pounds per year. Medical lawyer, 49,000 pounds per year. Why would a lawyer only make that much? And then also you're like looking at that and you're like, okay, wait. So I actually would have to go back to law school. So it's not really what I can do with my medical degree, it's what I can do with my medical degree if I also get a law degree. So that's casual. To pursue a career in medical law, enroll for a law degree, right? Medical recruitment consultant. 93,000 pounds per year, so we're getting a little bit better. But then it's like, what is a recruitment consultant? You could also be a career counselor. Marketing is the career listed marketing, and then it says, A career in marketing is lucrative, but then the salary, it lists out 28,000 pounds per year. That, first of all, that does not feel lucrative. Second of all that's not even, that's such a broad career. That's like saying you could do business, right? It's so broad, right? So it's like you look at, and then product manager, which actually I do have a lot of friends who do that, and you can do it in health tech and that's great, but the way that it's presenting this list, especially if you're looking at, from a salary standpoint, you look at these salaries, you're gonna immediately dismiss them. And then you also you might not have a clear sense of what even. Is that what is a medical recruitment consultant? And there's just not a lot of great information here so that feels not great. And then you go, maybe you start looking on LinkedIn for other careers, or maybe you're asking different career coaches. I get messages all the time saying, Hey, what are the options? And I'm like, I don't even know how to respond to that question anymore. Or maybe you go to Facebook groups and just, you're just trying to get your list of options. You need your list, right? And so then, You have a list or two and your assumption is these are the only careers out there, right? Like I checked my list of options. They either sucked or they didn't pay well or they were confusing or otherwise just not ideal. So you're assuming like this is all that there is and your conclusion is there's no good option, right? So then your beliefs are. Okay, so I'm trapped because there's not like a better alternative out there for me. It's what else am I gonna do? So that's how this belief forms. But now what I want us to do is check in with reality. So number one, there many things, but it's like, where do I even start with this? But one thing I really want you guys to know is there's no like ultimate list like. There's not one list that's gonna have all of the options out there, and even just trying to get multiple lists, like it's just not really how it works. So a list of options online or anywhere else you find a list. Those are not by any means, the only careers or opportunities available to you. I think you guys all know the statistic that like there's this huge percentage, I don't know the numbers, but there's a huge percentage of jobs that are never even listed on a website. Because they're creating a role or they're hiring internally or doing it through networking. And I've had so many clients who. It's like the career that they're pursuing is not from a, an option list. So I've had, yeah, I had one client who messaged me saying like her old employer she had recently resigned from her job and her old employer was actually, Deciding to create a role for her based on like her specific things that she wanted. They're like, we still want to have you on here. We think you have a lot to contribute. How can we help you piece together a role? How can we make something for you? So they're creating a role. I interviewed this one person I think you, if you guys know, I don't remember the exact episode, but it was OTs Gone Rogue and she talked about how during her Work as an occupational therapist. She decided to create this own position for herself within the organization that she was in. And she applied for grants to cover the funding for. And so she just created that thing. Not everyone wants to do that. But I think the important point here is that like the list of options, Are not the only options. And so it's like when you're trying to, and I know it, it can help to ignite the creative juices or whatever, but if it's not doing that, if it's not igniting your creative juices and if it's just making you feel limited and ful and like you're trapped, then let's just stop doing that. So the list of options are not the only options available to you. I also, let's see, I had another client who. She decided she wanted to be a fractional C m O. So this is, so she had been doing consultant work for health tech companies and she was really good at helping them create the product and test the product and get it to a point where it's like ready to go to market and it's good. But she didn't wanna stay on with one company because she is, if you guys know human design, actually, I don't know for human design. Is that but she likes to have multiple projects going on. She is someone who likes to just be dabbling in lots of different things. And so she would get bored staying with one company. And so what she liked to do is take on different projects, help the company develop their. Product and get to a place where it's like ready to go from a medical perspective, right? She's the c m O of that process. And then help them, maybe even hire their full-time C M O, the person who's actually gonna run the company or, do the mark, the medical part of the company and then go from there. And so she decided to start creating and positioning herself. As this fractional C M O for health tech companies, which is so cool. It's like not something I've ever heard of before, but it works exactly for what she wants to do and where she wants to meet people in the process. I had another client recently in my Pathway to Purpose group who was describing to me her, we do this like a spark type quiz and we like get into the essence of the work that you're here to do. And so she was like telling me, Sort of the essence of the work and we were going into the deeper purpose. And it's like you, I really help them go through this process to fine tune their exact like zone of genius, essentially. Like that exact thing that they're doing. And for her, I realized when she was talking about it, it's like she had this really cool ability to go from, she loved doing big picture, but she also could really translate well from big picture to. Small picture, fine, detailed little detail, like big picture to small detail. And she had this really cool ability to translate between the two and like really like work between those two, which is not something a lot of people have. And so with that I was like, you know what sounds like perfect for you is this role of integrator. And it's not a role that you would find if you were looking up, what can I do with my medical degree? It's not a role you would find unless you knew. What to be looking for, because it's like deep in the business world and it's a new way that some people run their businesses is through hiring an integrator. But I just happened to know about it because I'm deep in the business world and so I like told her about that and she's oh, that does sound perfect. And so she started looking at it and she's oh, that really is perfect for me. But it, so it like, yes, technically it's an option that's listed out there, but it's not like she was gonna come upon it on a list because it's a niche type of a thing. And there's just so many options available that I don't like the whole idea of, and I know this is what we've been trained to do, so this is why we do it. But the whole idea of consulting any one list of options just doesn't even make sense to me anymore. Because I'm somebody who I. I am a career coach, right? And then I'm constantly networking. I'm in masterminds, I'm going to events and I'm meeting people at cafes and I'm always like networking and meeting people who do really cool things for work. And I'm always surprised of oh wait, what is it that you do? Like, how does that work? And oh, that's something new I haven't heard of. And so it's like this idea that there's no shortage of ways to use your gifts and talents to put value into the world. And receive money in return. So yes, I understand why you feel like there's no good options or like the options are limited because of the things that we talked about, but it's not accurate. That is one perception of reality. The truth is there are like infinite options. So when someone even comes to me and they're like, what are my options? I'm like, In anything infinity. What do you mean? Like how would I even go about telling you what your options are? Your options are literally anything and this is one thing that so many of my clients kind of report after working with me, is this sense of I was able to start seeing opportunities that were around me. That I wasn't seeing before because the way I was looking at things, right? So opportunities started to open up and they were technically already there, but I just didn't know how to open myself up and look for them. And so really getting into this mindset, this is something I like just pound into my client's brains as much as possible, is there's no shortage of ways to put your gifts and talents out there. To the world to receive value or to put, wait, let me say it again. There's no shortage of ways to use your gifts and talents to create value in the world and then to receive money in exchange for that. There's just not a shortage of ways to do that. It can happen in so many different ways, and so because of that, there's, the options are not limited. The options are truly unlimited. So it's really just your methods of uncovering them that are the problem. So this is one of the genres of beliefs that keeps you stuck, right? The options are limited. There's no good options. It's not true. There's unlimited amount of options. The options are truly infinite, and it's really about how you start looking at it. The next category of beliefs that keeps you trapped is, I'm limited. I am limited in some way, and this one's so hard to see and to witness because I'm like, you people are so talented and so incredible and you have so many skills and like, how could you even think that you are limited or that you are lacking in some way? It just doesn't make sense to me any once again, this one doesn't make sense to me either. I think the concepts of limitation don't make sense to me anymore okay, so when you're thinking I'm limited, You're not really gonna be saying it like that. Usually you'll say something like I don't think I'm good enough. I'm just not gonna be good enough at anything else to make money doing it. Or literally on a My Pathway to purpose call. Last week, one of my clients said all I've done for the past, like the only job I've ever done is work as an anesthesiologist. Oh, that's it. Oh, you're just keeping people alive while they're getting cut open. Oh, okay. Is that it? That's all you can do. Great. Or I'm just a C R N A, I'm just an mp. I'm just this I don't have any other skills. So if you're thinking that in some way, like you are limited that is gonna keep you trapped because you're feeling like I'm not good enough, I'm not gonna be able to, Transfer my skill. That's another thing people struggle with. Oh, what are my transferable skills? Like what? Like you're just a transferable human. I don't understand. Okay, so let's go through this. So observations in the past, really the way you've observed jobs and like that whole process is that in order to qualify for jobs, Or maybe for you, it's like in order to qualify for to getting into a certain school or to qualify for a residency position or wherever you're at, in order to qualify for that, there's a certain number of requirements or education. There's certain requirements for experience skills, et cetera, right? And so you're looking at certain job listings, maybe for nonclinical options, and they intimidate the shit out of you. And I get it, like literally, I found this one job listing on LinkedIn and I was like, Oh my God. Who, how could anyone qualify for this? Let's see. Okay. And it's for a medical director, clinical quality and performance pay range. 85 to 125 per hour. So then you look at education has to have graduated from an accredited medical audio path, osteopathic school board certified, trained in family practice, internal medicine, peds or med peds. Five years of clinical experience with at least two years in a leadership role, two or more years. H M O managed care experience is preferred two or more years. And all these little letters, quality improvement, required license to practice medicine, and this including full prescriptive authority, right? Professional experience in a role requiring skills related to balancing clinical, regulatory and financial. I'm looking at this and I'm like, hoo, like how would I ever be qualified for this? So you're looking at, I'm not, I'm definitely not qualified for this, but you're looking at oh my God this listing is like, how is this even a possible thing to do? And maybe so that's like your observation, right? So you're observing that In general, in order to qualify for jobs, you need to have these like skills, these experiences, all of that. And then part of your experience is you're looking at these job listings and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm so intimidated. How could I even possibly qualify for this? And then maybe you've even taken it a step further and you have, lemme just throw my hat into the ring. I'm just gonna try applying for jobs. And then you've been rejected over and over again. And this is something I hear people come to me with all the time is I just can't get a foot in the door, or, this is just a really competitive industry and. You, maybe you've also been in Facebook groups and they're just discouraging you from even applying'cause you're not experienced enough to begin with and it's oh, you're gonna need this. Or you're you're in anesthesia and they want internal medicine, or you're this and they want that. So just don't even bother. That's never gonna work. Or maybe you just see other people posting their things in Facebook groups saying ah, I've applied to a thousand jobs and then this is never gonna a thousand jobs. And I got three interviews and I didn't make it past the first round. And like all of these stories of competition and scarcity and I can't get a foot in the door. And it's really hard. And there's this sort of, this myth of competitiveness that we have created and perpetuated and we, it is like there's a confirmation bias, right? Where we experience the competition and losing in the competition. And so it perpetuates it. And so then you assume that in order to be qualified for any. So maybe this is like a job. You don't even want that one. But you're assuming like in order to be qualified for any of these jobs or careers, I'm gonna have to go back to school, just keep working in clinical practice for a couple more years to get all this education or all this experience. Maybe I have to complete more rigorous training, go do a fellowship or an extra certification or obtain more experience or whatever. And so then it just starts to feel like, wow, I'm so limited. Like in the way that I exist right now with the skills I have right now and the experience I have right now, it's not enough. I'm limited. I don't have enough skills or experience like my things don't translate. And so I'm trapped and I have so much compassion for you for experiencing this and. Like it, I'm not gonna say it's not real. It just doesn't have to be the only reality. So let's check in with the reality I prefer. So number one, this is an important one, is you don't have to meet all the skills. The skills that all the skills and experience listed on any given what's it called, job description to land a job. I think we all know about this study, which I love because I use it to talk to my clients. Come on, just keep applying even if you don't meet the stuff. But there was a study that was conducted reported that men apply for a job or promotion when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they beat a hundred percent of them. So I remember like hearing that statistic and then being like, okay, but does it work for them? Does it actually work? Who cares if they apply? Do they actually get the job? And so then I found a survey conducted in 2019 of HR managers. It was a national survey in the US and it said 42% from from the HR manager's perspectives. 42% of resumes that they receive on average are from candidates. Who don't meet the job requirements. 84% of the HR managers say their company is willing to hire an employee whose skills don't exactly match those reflected in the job description, but can be developed through training. And then 62% of employees have been offered a job when they didn't meet the exact qualifications. So I know that's a lot of statistics. But really what I want to reaffirm to you is. You don't have to meet all the qualifications to get a job, right? So 62% of people who get jobs do not meet all the qualifications. So I think that's just really important to know that like what they really want is for you to be able to do the job itself, that you don't care. Like they put the qualifications and descriptions up there or whatever. So that. Because it's oh, if this person meets all of these things, they probably will be able to do the job. But if you can just do the job, then you can just do the job. I also, I had a client recently who landed a really sweet job in pharma and did not have those everyone's you need five years of clinical experience and blah, blah, blah. And she didn't have that and she got this job. And so that's an important thing to know is yes. There's, what's it called? Yes, there's qualifications and things listed, and that doesn't mean you have to meet all of those. And then the other part that I really think is equally important because especially for the people who are like, okay, yeah, I know you don't have to meet them. So I've been applying and I'm still not getting jobs. So let's come back to this. When you know yourself really deeply, when you are clear on your gifts, your talents, Your values when you're clear on like why you want something and when it's truly the right fit for you. When it's something you actually want to be doing, not just another thing, you're trying to, like a default option. You're trying to go for'cause you think you could. But when it's something that is truly right for you, like your purpose will not miss you. I love that quote. It's what is meant for you won't miss you. So when you know yourself, When you're doing, when you're going for the right thing for you, the thing that is right for you, and when that self-knowledge that you have is one, it's gonna help you determine what is right for you. It's gonna help you be like, oh yeah, so this is actually gonna be the perfect fit for me for all of these reasons. So it'll help you make a choice for a job that is more correct for you, or a career that is more correct for you. But on top of that, it's gonna help you articulate why. You are the best person for the job. You are gonna be able to sell yourself so easily to any place that you wanna be because you've done the deep work of knowing this totally aligns with my values and mission. This is the right fit for these reasons. I have this, these particular gifts and talents I like. When you really have that self-knowledge and then you're picking a career that is correct for you. It's so easy to sell yourself. I've had one of my clients who, she got into this Harvard Medical Ethics program and she like, didn't even quite know she wanted it before we started working together. And then she said because of our work together, she was able to write this killer essay and do all of the whole application. She's it was so good and easy because I was able to just be so honest and clear and articulate about why this was right for me. I had another client who just, she applied to this mentorship, or she was gonna be mentored to a ment mentoring pos, I don't know, a mentoring program. That's what it is. She wanted to be the mentee. And she just reapplied for this mentoring program, and she had applied for it last year and didn't get it. But then after the work we did together in Pathway to Purpose, she just reapplied and said that she was able to answer the questions so well. First she was able to pick a mentor and apply for a mentor. That was a better fit for her. And then she was also able to just answer the question so well because of how much she knows herself. And so she was just really proud of she's yes, I represented myself so well. Like I, I know, like I was just so clear on my answers. And that stands out. That's what really sells and stands out is like your, you are really the right fit for this. And you're able to tell them exactly why, like you're nothing is a. Competitive or like hard to get a foot in the door when it's the door you're supposed to be in. It just, that's doesn't, that doesn't track. So yeah, we don't know if she, she got it yet, but fingers crossed, I feel like she totally will and I'll keep you guys posted on that. But so that's the whole, that's a whole nother thing that like, this is something I work on with my clients all the time is helping them realize they're not limited. You are not limited. And when you are living in this lens and looking at the world through this lens of scarcity and limitation, and I'm not enough, of course you're gonna feel trapped because damn that job description reading that made me feel trapped too. But like I'm not trapped and neither are you. And this is what, like we really have to start shifting this perspective. If you want to start doing work you enjoy because. You have to be able to pursue it in the way that is correct for you because the work you enjoy is not gonna be like on some default it might be, but like it's not necessarily gonna be on this default list of options that then you have to contort yourself to meet the qualifications for, and then you're like lying about certain, I don't know, like it's just, that's not it. It's not the vibe. We're not doing that anymore. It's 2023. We live our purpose now. Like we're not doing this bullshit of I'm gonna try to get myself to fit in and make my resume look good and care about how other people perceive. No, I'm just, there's work I'm here to do and I'm gonna, I'm gonna figure out what that is and then I'm gonna do it. And there's no limitations there because it's the work you're here to do. Okay. Belief number three is my time is limited. And this one's a little bit more nuanced. It's I am gonna explain it a little bit deeper because yes, technically you're a finite being with limited time on this earth. And so it yes, correct. Overall your time is limited. But the problem is, and what I wanna show you is the way you're trying to save your time. Is actually wasting your time even more, right? So for example, people will think my time is limited, meaning, okay, so I've already spent like eight years in school and four years in training and I'm unhappy, but I don't wanna give all this up entirely because I don't wanna have to start over. I, because I'm, my time is limited. I need to save time. I don't wanna go all the way back to school and spend another 10 years going through a training process. Right? And There's this idea that, because it's like the sunk costs fallacy of I've already spent so much time doing this and my time is limited, so I wanna try to salvage this degree and this experience and this education in any way possible. And even though, and for some people that is right? For some people, finding a new way to practice medicine on their own terms is their correct thing. I've had clients where that is absolutely the case, and it's wonderful to watch them realize that. But for the people who like, it's like you have this nagging voice that says this is not right for me and there's these other things I would love to be doing, but I don't wanna throw this all away. So let me just ignore that voice and try to make this work by, maybe changing the clinical setting that I'm in, or maybe going part-time or just powering through and just convincing myself that I'll find a way to make it work. And they spend years doing that. I've had a client recently who I just started working with, and on the discovery call we had, she, she said I've always known working in medicine wasn't my calling. And it's been getting heavier, but she was ignoring, she's always known it, right? And I've had so many people say this, like they've known it for a while. But, and then it's been getting heavier and heavier because that's what happens with your calling the nagging voice. It doesn't go away, right? So it's like you're worried about your time being limited, and so you spend years trying to salvage a career that's not the right fit because you think that will save you time. But then they'll get on a call with me and say, I wish I had the courage to do what you did in residency.'cause I knew then, or I knew during school and I just didn't listen. So if you know your time is limited, then it's time to listen to that still small voice now. The waste of time, like the way you use your limited time is by becoming all that you can be. It's not by trying to save years you've already spent. So when you think your time is limited, yes, you're correct, but let's approach that differently. Let's approach the idea of my time is limited, so I have to try and save. The time I've already spent. That's just, it just literally doesn't make sense. So hopefully, I know that's a lot and it's hard to unpack all of these in just one podcast episode because there is so much here. But hopefully this episode has really started the process of poking holes in your beliefs because when you really get this, when you really get that, these limitations are not real. They are just prisons that you have created in your mind. When you can see that and you can start to, to open up the doors and, release the cages and the bars that are, you're gonna stop feeling trapped and stuck in the wrong career, and you're gonna feel free. To start doing work you really enjoy, and maybe you don't know what that is yet, but then you can actually start looking for it and figuring out what that is. And so this whole process of breaking through all these limitations, This is step three of the career transformation process that I teach inside authentic career alignment, which enrollment is happening really soon. We have our October, our next round is starting October 16th, and we've already had early bird enrollment starting, so more on that very soon. But this, it's step three in this career transformation process. And so we first reconnect to yourself, clarify your purpose. We release all of these doubts, limitations, fears, beliefs, all of these things. We make space for your purpose. And then we take clear, decisive, intentional action moving towards your purpose, and that is how you start doing work you enjoy. And that is the work we do inside of authentic career alignment. And so I'm so excited for this enrollment to happen, but then even before that, Guys, even in September we're gonna be busting these limitations even more in the clarify Your Purpose workshop, which is happening. It's a two part workshop and one of the days the second part two, we are gonna be doing this whole process of. Tapping to release your limiting beliefs because yes, I'm going through this process and I'm helping you start to poke holes in it. But there's still gonna be parts of you that are like, okay, but that's not true for me for this reason. And, you're still gonna try to be looking for your limitations and that's okay. So what we're gonna do is an actual process to help you really start releasing your limitations on a deeper level. And I am so excited for that. Honestly. I, that is something I've only done with clients so far, and I'm like, oh, it's so good, but I really do wanna share it. And so for that, it's actually only gonna be for people who are live that day because it's not a replay kind of thing. It's like you're there and you get it or you miss it. And so that's how it works. So that is all I've got for today. Let's just quickly recap the three beliefs, keeping you trapped in your career. The options are limited. I'm limited or my time is limited. And the thing is, There are no real limitations. The only limitation is you and you trying to argue for your limitations and look for them and perceiving the world through a lens of limitation. But when you can change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, opportunities start to open up and you're able to. Stop feeling so trapped in the wrong career and start just doing the work. You truly enjoy that work that is really meant for you. So thank you guys so much for listening. This has been so fun. I'm like recording this on a podcast, but I'm also on video too, which is really nice. And yeah, I just thank you so much for your time and I can't wait to deepen into this work with you.