Laughing Through Life on Tour and Sleep Studies

Modi Season 4 Episode 79

Episode 79: The AH"M crew recaps Modi's recent West Coast tour.

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Music. Welcome to and here's Modi. Hello everybody and welcome to and here's Modi. Right off the bat, i want to thank our partners. A&h provisions the best Glot kosher provisions, obviously known for their hot dogs and other Glot kosher meats website is wwwkosherdogsnet and bring them to the 4th of July barbecue.


That's what I have to say and also whites and Luxembourg, the law firm of whites and Luxembourg, the law firm you want to have as your if you ever got forbid. Need somebody that they are. They've helped millions and millions of people and received millions and millions of dollars. And not only do they do are they doing well, they do good. They are big philanthropists and do lots of charity work and we are so happy to be partnered with them. And now we are back. Now we're in the show.


Welcome to what will be episode 79. Can I know her? and here's Modi and here's Modi. We did. You miss me. I wasn't here last week. I got some messages saying that I was missed. I missed you.


I without you here just need the validation.


It can.


It doesn't need to be true you are a hundred percent missed and I'm so thankful you here. You had a hard night and hard night. You had a very hard night. Let's have a hard night. What?


you want to tell us about it, leo? I don't know, because it's like I don't want to talk about it, but I also like attention, so it's like I go, do I finally admitted that I had to do a. Yeah, you're a comedian, you're on stage. I know, but you're the fact that you say you need attention. It's okay, we also need attention. Everyone here in this room needs attention obvious that I need attention.


It's obvious I'm not a performer, so I'm not allowed to like it birth to a child, so that someone all day long is looking for her. Okay, i have a 500 people in front of me every night, but you you, i did not have 500 people in front of me.


Last night I had one Filipino lady touching nodules all over my body so she could track my sleep.


Let's tell every yeah that sounds like something that's like that there happens in a 24 hour massage place no.


I had to go I might be having this surgery whatever, and so in preparation for the surgery, slash to see if they can do whatever they need to do. My surgeon was like you have to go do a sleep study and I don't do well in those situations. Like it originally started with just dentists office that I was like really bad at, but fortunately we have a great dentist who gives you valium before you go in. So that's been helpful. But now that has kind of I'm kind of regressing a little bit, in that that anxiety is spilling over into like other medical environments, to just like doctors offices in general and anyone wearing scrubs walking towards me. So last night I had to go spend the night in a different bed that was not mine.


Okay, let's just think about that for a second in his own bed he can barely sleep, and my own bed I can barely sleep. And they attached so many wires to me I had to come home and shower because I had like sticky glue on my scalp. Anyway, that was my life, that was my night so I happened you to go to the sleep.


I went to the sleep study and it's so dehumid, it's so humiliating, it's so dehumanizing. I felt like I was in prison. There's a camera on you while you're sleeping. She's speaking to you through the mic. She like at one point I had to pee so I just went like this, and she was like you have to go to the bathroom. I'm like, oh my god, i'm like it's like prison. It was like it was really disgusting and thank God I brought my own pillows, because the pills they had there for from like a small pox hospital I don't know what they had and I was gonna bring my pillows, i drove him like literally, like I was bringing him to Alcatraz.


I was checking in, for this whole thing feels like a prison sentence, like it feels like a like a jail sentence. And now I've been. Who else was there? like were you the only one there? I was the only person that I saw, but it was disgusting. It was like a dent. Imagine a dentist's office and not a nice dentist's office like a, a schleppy dentist's office but with beds in the room you spent.


Is you spent the night there? you?


I was there from 8 30 pm until 6 am this morning and, but you didn't actually sleep. I slept a few hours this is the most boring conversation I could be telling no people.


I, i've been thinking about doing something like this because it's just to figure out my sleep, sleep is the most important.


She was like she's like what pills do you take to sleep? and I was like I was like I take Ambien. She was like how much? and I lied, i like, about the dosage. And then and then, when she wasn't looking, i took Xanax too, because I was like I need to be able to sleep. And even with the double dosing of Xanax and Ambien which, if you're listening to this, don't do, don't do that but I still only slept like three or three consecutive hours but why do you feel like?


they're like nobody. There's no like shame or judgment here that you're taking it's absolutely shame or judgment.


For what?


that like you're taking, like you don't need to lie to the nurse about because I thought she was gonna be like oh, this is null and void.


If you're putting yourself into a coma, what's the point of attaching all these strings to you? she was like she's like this is to monitor your brain waves. I was like oh honey, if we have any luck, there won't be any brain waves tonight.


That was this is like Michael Jackson with his propa fall that's like.


Well, chelsea handler has that joke that if Michael Jackson's doctor was still a doctor, he would be her doctor. I've been the same boat got sleeping, he got sleep, yeah anyway, that was my night and I I showed up here very dramatically at the last second. We thank you mostly only because they started, i was not gonna come and then what? then they started doing construction upstairs, Oh God, so I got out of bed. I'm sorry.


You're welcome everyone, thank you. Well, we I'm very happy you're here, we just, we just we're like We finished the tour.


Yeah, that's another thing. We just finished the tour sleeping on the road and then I got home and had to leave my bed again to go do this thing. It was, and you're gonna get on.


Wednesday We're flying back out to LA for the. We're doing the. This is gonna be, it's gonna, this is gonna. This air is, after we do the taping of this, the roast of anti-semitism.


Okay, where have you guys?




Okay how long were you away and where did you go?


We were away for probably nine days. We began in Vancouver and went to Seattle, San Francisco and then the Saban theater 2000 people in.


Crown Jewel of the tour.


Yeah, the, the, the, the, the, the.


I mean the apex of the tour okay, i'm gonna ask you the same question I asked my nine-year-old What was your rose and what was your thorn?


Okay, someone said that to me the other day and I didn't know what it meant and Everyone at the table who has like real jobs was like oh, this is like corporate management speak.


And I was like, like oh, i'm not.


I don't have a real job, so I wouldn't know that's corporate rows in the thorn.


I had never heard that before me neither the rows in the thorn You guys don't know what the well, i didn't know, i don't obviously.


okay, what was the? is this a month?


to story school like, and the thorn is the what was the worst?


thing? I'm was the best thing.


It's also known as your peak in your pit.


I hate these things. Okay, what? where did you find this? on the back of a smucker's No.


Kids every day. It's really cute when you talk to the kids about it.


I don't talk to kids, it's a way to ask him How was your day?


Well, it's a way to get like a real Answer, okay so what was your favorite part of what was your rows of the tour?


I mean you don't talk to kids. You talk to my kid.


No, we talked to with the kids. You do most of the talking in that environment me.


No, periel perio, as, but when we are around kids, we talk to kids. I don't talk to kids.


Yes, you do, oh hi, that's.


I don't believe you. I'll bet you're a great uncle to little kids, Okay uncle, and by uncle.


His nieces and nephews from my side are his age, so I don't know what they're like two years younger than him. He's literally.


Wait. So we went. I'll tell you. I'll tell you, we went to Vancouver. Yeah, Vancouver. I had never been before gorge. It's beautiful. Granted, i cannot imagine what it's like there in the winter, because we were there in June. The show was sold out. It was beautiful. I liked Vancouver a lot more than I thought I would like it. It's very, very beautiful, very clean. Then we went to theater was amazing.


Leo made some graphics that were gorgeous, like my name up in this beautiful signage that he did. This graphics that he did and it was Amazing. It was the entire Jewish community from all parts of different Parts of Vancouver okay, it's not in New York where they all live in one spot or they came from all over and I was so thankful and so humbled by about by it, and Orthodox, not religious, young, old, just amazing, just pure, and it was one of those rare Situations where when you google the venue, the photos are Not very good and then when you got there It was actually very cute and clean and nice, so that's always nice a lot of fun.


So that was your, that was.


Vancouver. No, that's not the roses, just we're just going up the stem right now. Then we went to Seattle, which was Methi, meth, calm. It was Matthew, seattle, your little Matthew, your little man to look into that.


We were in this beautiful hotel and as soon as you walk outside, there's like people, literally literally free-basing on the sidewalk.


And I mean we live in New York, So I we've seen it too, but like we're New York so we can get away with it. You're Seattle.


Get it together and they had also. We walked through, we, we did the touristy thing There's like this is place you walk down. Yeah, called. Pike Place Market or whatever it's called and you know what the big attraction there is? there's this like half a block Of a wall of people take their chewing gum and put it on the wall. Yeah and the play. It smells like mouth, gum like mouth. Oh my god, yes, it's not like mouth, so disgusting and people are standing.


Today I couldn't get the Plus sitting taking pictures and then they do these things with a. They dare you to lick the wall.


I was yeah, get it together.




Seattle was, um, no, the. The audience themselves were amazing because we went to do the show in this island off of Seattle okay, which was stunning which is one of the most expensive area codes in the.


Yeah, We were walking along the lake and I was looking at Washington like Washington. I was looking at Zillow because I like to see, i like to get a gauge of where we are, and the closest house for sale Was ten million dollars look at nothing house, but it was on Washington Lake and it was beautiful.


So that's where we did the show, but the show is beautiful again, the theater was stunning and The the people were great and we did to, you did a matinee, and then I'm gonna matinee and then we did a um and Matinees's work better for Florida, not for for Seattle, but I don't know and then I don't know.


From Seattle We went to San Francisco, which actually was one of the best shows in terms of crowd and vibe and everything. Yeah. It was a great show also very cracky and dirty, like yeah like yeah, yeah, yeah, francisco's in like a emergency level crisis.


Yeah, i feel so bad, I feel horrible.


You think the gaze would be able to clean it up? It's not in their area.


It's, it's all over. It's where the theater was. For sure, leah went out to just to just to do a walk around the block for the theater and like on both sides They were like these tents and yeah, it's a mess and I just, oh, my mind always thinks where people parking What when they get to the show, where they Parking, where they have to walk by these people in these tents and it's just I don't know. But but they came and they were amazing.


I can't but I mean was great, it was just in San Francisco was the second best show, lady, and then we went to Saban, which was obviously the best show is the biggest one. Yeah it was your biggest Ticketed mody show to date.


Wow, people came with counterfeit tickets.


I was like yeah, people were at the door being like I bought these online and the ushers were like These are fake. like these don't scan, oh my god.


By the way, i we received some. You see the DM on The shows in Paris. Someone's wrote in the in a comment Hey, buying, trying to buy tickets for your show and their whatever the price was. Just so you know We love you, but it's the same price as Elton John. So I wrote Those are probably not real tickets you're looking to buy, or third party tickets because that show has been sold out for a while. So if you are not buying ticket, if the show says sold out and you're buying tickets, it's from a third party. We have no control over that, none.


Thank you, taylor Swift.


Yeah, it's very.


But you, i said I had a movie had a Chris rock moment at the.


Insan horrible Modi. Had you had a Chris rock woman at the Saban? Yeah, so picture this. We're at the. Saban theater. This is like 2000 Jews on Wilshire and wherever we were.


Wilshire, in La Siena. This is in the heart of Beverly Hills. Yeah, this is not like downtown, where they had a drive and look for this is.


The parking outside was just like Rolls Royce's, so it's like stunning. It was. It was it's high-end client.


The high-end event. Jewish neighborhood there It's right.


Even if it's not all the Jews can get to it. It's easy, it's not downtown and The most important thing for me in any situation is the sound. Right the sound, the sound, the sound, the sound. I ask for monitors because I stutter, so when you hear yourself, it prevents you from stuttering, it slows you down. You're not yelling and screaming. They have the monitors, they had the sound is. I mean, the place is massive and beautiful And it's so high and there's like literally it's like two theaters. You're really working.


Yeah, it's a full theater upstairs. When I went upstairs, when I went upstairs, i looked up, was dizzying. Like I was like I don't know how the people up, up up there are sitting watching the show right, like I got little vertigo.


So we got, we were there with the, with the, with the sound guy, and they were great. The sound was amazing and I for the sound Check.


They were the sound check.


It was amazing And I could see usually there's like a little turn off the mic and turn on the mic, but this was one of those older mics where they just the batteries in and it just right. And they had it for the. We were there Two hours before for the sound check and then we were there Hanging out till and they didn't change the batteries. In the middle of my set the just died.


Oh, but, they always tell you where the emergency mic is, and it was right by the monitor, so I just pull. I just went like I just dropped that one and then grabbed the other mic and It wasn't on, of course. Then the guy goes subhan, give me a little something here. And he turned that one on, and then they that was happening in the first Precious couple.


First minutes of the show where you're trying to get them.


Yes, well, you're where you're saying to them I'm here, It's okay, we're gonna have an amazing time and then the mic dies.


So are you doing all new material.


No, but I saw, i watched this happen from upstairs right, and because you got off stage and you're like you must have been freaking out with that might when that mic thing happened, i was like I actually didn't freak out at all And it actually made you look good, and someone else told you the same thing.


Yeah you looked very professional, you did not miss a beat. The way you threw the old mic off stage was funny, because he threw it, because I. He threw it with like a little bit of anger but like he threw it.


But it was funny.


It was like physical comedy the way he threw it and then you'd like hopped on the mic. That's corded Mike, and and you did the whole show.


I would expect nothing less.


Yeah, and so it was just an amazing tour. Then, of course, while we're there, they booked me for this Event exactly a week later at the Saban theater, called the the roast of Antisemitism, which I'm not exactly sure what. The premise is right, but I'm just in my head making fun of Antisemitism, so I'm having.


Mandela's gonna be there, jeff Ross is gonna be there, elon Gold's gonna be there, michael Rappaport, friend of the show, goes into his up Yeah it's gonna be there. Yeah, manika's gonna be there. Someone did bring up a good question to me, which was that at the end of a roast aren't you supposed to go around and say nice things about the person? So if we're roasting, Antisemitism, yeah so.


I'm not sure what that, what that's supposed to look like. They also told us to not use the title roast of anti-semitism in case they change it to something else. But it's, they're filming it to probably try to sell it to something.


But I know something funny. Yeah, i don't know if you saw this email, but Brooke Goldstein, if you haven't listened to her episode, go back and listen to it or not. It got people mad. Her PR person reached out to me asking if you could wear the end Jewish hatred t-shirt during the roast. Really I? to which I responded Modi will be wearing a suit.


Yes, this is If she makes a $2,000 Hate. No, I appreciate.


I appreciate the grind. I appreciate the hustle of him asking doesn't hurt, but no, you're not wearing a t-shirt.


I don't agree on on stage.


Yes, sorry, is that rude? Am I being rude today?


No, you are on fire.


I'm on fire and sleep deprived no filter whatsoever.


Are you doing all new material?


I'm doing some of the old stuff because we haven't aired it. I'm in therapy right now, is that you? Oh, this is your therapy mode now. Mm-hmm, okay, leo snapped, it's both. You know the old stuff because I haven't aired the special yet. And then the new stuff that I'm getting ready for the fun.


It's fun, it's so much fun.


It's so much fun I'm having the best time on Because I shot the special and I'm not thinking about like how much I don't care, i just hear it is, i'm just Popping it out, i'm having, i really am having a best and it shows the audience can see me having a great time.


Not that I didn't see before. But yeah, no, it's fun to watch too. Um, and still nobody answered my question which was what's the, what was your rose and what was your thorn?


Oh, the rose was so gone and the thorn was the mouth wall the traveling, though It's just a lot of traveling like we were. It's like you land show next morning, fly out, do the show next morning, fly out, do the show. And then, just to give you context, today is Tuesday. Yeah, we landed when Sunday. We landed. It's a Sunday morning. We landed Sunday and then so. And then tomorrow we're leaving again to go back to LA.


Yeah, the second time in a week in Chicago and then from LA we're going to. Chicago, and then we wonder why I have to have a sleep study. No, i thank God. Thank God, we have all this work and we're booking and you're killing it, and then European dates are coming.


That's what I have to tell you guys. Okay, so I got a message.


I have news about Amsterdam.


I have news about what happened to them. You want to go first?


What's yours?


No, you go first.


I know. I just got in the car right over here. I got an email saying we're about halfway full for Amsterdam. Oh really want to maybe add another show, but I said let's wait a second.


I might want to come with you guys to Amsterdam.


Put you up. Oh my god, you can do all your your filth up front. Oh my god, it would be so fun. Here's some curse words.


I got a message a few months ago from a woman in Holland named Sylvie Amsterdam Hygienmarink.


Okay, you the card. a girl ring. That's not a real name, it is okay, and she's my long-lost cousin.


No way going back like Generations. We traced our lineage. Her son lives in New York. He's like a musical prodigy. I think he's at Juilliard, i'm not kidding, he's like 20 something years old. He's insane. Like I've seen him play like Chopin. Anyway, she just messaged me and said that her friends, whom we always go to the theater with, just told them that they bought tickets To a show in Amsterdam In November and it turns out It's with Modi. So I guess you'll have to join him to Holland.


You're welcome to join us. I was, i was also with What are the dates around Holland?


You have a whole bunch.


Well, first we go to first we're in Brussels, then Amsterdam, which are Public ticketed shows, and then from Amsterdam we go to Frankfurt, which is a Technically a private show but people can buy tickets for all available on moodylivecom.


But wait, I was thinking maybe if he has time can I book him for the Jewish community. There's a JCC with about 300 seats.


That's cute, but we really don't have time. The shows are the fifth, six and seventh so it's like Do the show leave at the 7 am Flight? do the show that night? It's like we don't.


Why are you guys staying a little bit to enjoy your?


it's like we get it.


No, we can do it going to Seattle.


No, but first. By the way, we spent a lot of time in Seattle. That's three days in Seattle.


That was the thorn. Why don't you guys stay? We should have stayed the weekend over. Shabbat in the weekend over in in Vancouver and then gone to Seattle. Seattle are gonna be hating us right now They'll be fun. Oh, they know, they love you, seattle itself just didn't give.


And, by the way, Yeah, the people we're talking about. We were staying in like downtown Seattle at a very nice hotel, but the show was like kind of in a different area, told like with a different vibe.


Okay, I don't have you guys been to Brussels and yes, i'm sure damn, i have not been to Brussels don't you want to go to like the Anne Frank?


No I.


Been there. No and yes, he doesn't want to go.


I don't want to go to Anne Frank anything.




Because I've read it, i've seen every documentary about it. I don't need to go into the house or wherever it was.


Justin Bieber apparently visited the Anne Frank house years ago and got in trouble.


She'd have been a Bieberette. She's.


I love that honestly, i love that. That's a believer.


Yeah, I Love it.


I get in his little weird head. I get what he was trying to say. He's probably right.


No, leo, i get, i went to the Anne Frank house a few times and it's, it's a lot. It's a lot that you know, like you're going through before you get there, you have, like a with me dinner plans and you get there and I just it reminds you, oh, wow, yes, this was a reality for for a minute. Yeah, and it's more than a minute more than a minute for five, for five years, which brings us to a topic ever, ever a book.


What book did you read I?


read, a gift that Periel gave me. That those of you who've been following the podcast. I'm dyslexic and ADHD and I don't really read. Periel gave me a comic book. It's called the mouse, by art speakable by art Spiegelman and I don't know how I just picked it up and began its little. It's a comic and if you know, Everybody knows what mouse is. Yeah, but it's like little words, it's little sentence There's no big paragraphs. Right you know if they keep track of where everybody is. You know?


And now I'm trying to get art Spiegelman. Art, mr Spiegelman, if you're listening, i'm trying to get my cause into you to come on the show.


Yeah yes, he's welcome. I would love to see, is he?


old, he's young, 75, yeah 75 is young. Wow, I mean Alan Dershowitz is like.


Young is a state of mind, it's. It's not a number. It's not a number, it's a state of mind, for real. I know it sounds. I mean your sounds like the four in your rose, but it's. It's a state of mind. You're 75.


There are 75 year olds who are ancient, and then there are 75 year olds, Yeah. Mick Jagger is like 75. Right.


We have a guy we have this a guy in our gym that we see him. He's 80 years old and he's lifting and going and coming and running and I don't know if that's hard but What we're gonna do?


that that, that article gonna do it on the After that wait, what one?


the podcast, the podcast. Thing we're gonna talk about it after Zach.


Yeah, after Zach will do okay, so what?


else do you want to talk about?


What do you? what else do you want?


to talk about. It's like this is your episode like you're going.


Why? just because I actually spoke for the first five minutes.


You've, you've spoken times, many times before, but what, what, what are you really? did that steep deprivation study really destroy you? destroyed you.


Is that really a question? you saw me on the way there.


I was like We don't have to talk about it. Okay, so we talk about.


Arts, beagle man. We talked about what else?


Do? we are bad travelers because did we even eat any like stellar meals on this whole trip of ours?


We had some great meals. Where did we eat?


I took you I took you to water bottle to that one place I where we ate at the bar. Oh yeah.


No, we did, we did touristy stuff, but I feel like you guys are like always rushing and that's why it's hard to travel. You could take listen, i know you're working and this isn't like a vacation. You could take like one more day and do.


Okay, so we've messed up and we took that one more day in Seattle. Right, but we also did a, what we also had one day, but it actually turned out to be nice, because we ran into someone we knew and we went out to dinner with them and they took us out to a gay bar and we saw that local gays in Seattle need to stop shopping at H&M, oh my God.


And then we Leo's, we're gonna get canceled because of Leo, Not because of me.


I would like to see everyone fucking try. Oh my God.


Oh my God, poor Leo's really losing it today.


I think I just have residual sleeping meds in me right now. Okay, and that's what's happening. So no, we went to this gym, like when people drive on Ambient and kill someone and they don't remember. That's gonna be me on this podcast.


Could be, but we went to this gym. That was this adorable gym called everything. There's Rain City.




Rain City, this Rain City Catholic.


AMC. Yeah, work on your branding if everything in Seattle is called Rain City whatever Isn't it like perpetually raining there though. So I was told by the Vancouverites that it rains just as much as Vancouver, but they don't catch about it as much as the. Seattle people do, So it's a branding thing.


I had a very, very close friend who lived in Seattle for a long time.


I would be too depressed, but He was depressed too he died.


But I think of AIDS, not of depression. Oh on that note, On that note modaylivecom for all of our coming shows, lex and.


Weizenberg. I mean, are you kidding me, You guys? what the hell is wrong with you? Both of you? Edit the crazy status.


This is the crazy Seattle story we have. We Modi and I like to work out. Just get to the gym. We got to this gym In Vancouver. They have an equinox, which is the best.


Which was beautiful, the best equinox I've ever seen Then. So shout out to that. Then we went to Seattle. We were like okay, where are we gonna work out here? The concierge said go to this gym. That's down the road. So we went to this gym. We got there. The girl was super nice. She was like you guys are more than welcome to work out. We got there at 11, like on the dot. She was like but we close at noon, so you have an hour to work out, but I can stay a little extra if you need like 15 more minutes. She was so nice And we went in and we got changed And then we got out of the locker room and we were like we need to like camp out here and take our time and like we don't wanna be rushed Like rush our activity.


I'm not gonna go look at the museum of San Francisco or the museum of Seattle, but we, if we have a day in a city, we camp out at the gym, have a two hour workout.


It's also good to like get a vibe check of the people Why is there a gym closing at noon Cause it was down town?


Cause it was like in their Fideye district on a weekend or something, So and you go to this other gym she goes why don't you go to this other gym called Rain City Fit?


And I said okay. So I went on the website and I called them and I said, hi, do you guys offer guest passes? And the woman on the other line said, yeah, you just have to fill it out online and you'll be able to get in. So I was. That went in one ear and out the other And I just figured we'll get there. There'll be a person behind a desk saying hi, welcome, and I can give them my card and they'll just let us in. That's not the case. This was like a warehouse situation with a door entry code that you had to get in. It was like a complete honor system gym, like community center type gym that was massive and sprawling like four stories, but like there was no admin staff, there was no front desk. The only reason we got in is because we piggybacked off of someone else coming out of the gym, because I didn't have the door code. So we like snuck into this gym, basically, and I was like where are we? And then we ran into someone we knew from.


New York. I should describe this gym too. You could tell they began with one part of this building and then just took on another part, and they had good weights and good machines. There's no mirrors, which is so weird.


Can I read the sign that was on the door?


And then they have signs everywhere that this couple, there's a bisexual couple that runs this gym. And how do we know? I'll tell you in a minute.


No, that's the best part of the story.


So this is a couple, and then it just rooms, and then another room and another room and it like just equipment everywhere, but good equipment and nice and clean.




And very honor system and like there's no locker room and there's no, there's a bathroom and cubbies you can put your stuff or and you can bring your dog there.


Yeah, people working out with their dogs.


Never seen somebody working out. I'm working out having a labradoodle. judge me because my form is off Cause there's no mirrors in the gym.


Come on, you guys. Okay, this is the sign.


This is the sign, and there's the handwritten signs all over the gym.


Handwritten signs all over the gym.


This really encapsulates the vibe of the gym Rain City Fit. We are a community Capitol Hill gym that welcomes people of all shapes and sizes. We love and support our LGBTQ, poc and female identified community members. We will do whatever we can to put you first and give you a safe space to work out. We are not a bro gym. If you ever feel uncomfortable in this space, please let the gym staff know and we will take care of it So they also- There is no gym staff.


They also. yeah, they exactly. There was no gym staff, but they also had a weight. they do weightlifting competitions and I guess they have the male category and the female category And then what they have, they have the, the fems and them's category, that's what they called it And that they're non-binary people and they give them their own weightlifting competition.


So anyway, our friend that we ran into from New York is being like oh my God, what are you guys doing here? Like this is my, this is where I work out. My friends own this gym. It's owned by this. Like really cool, like alternative Seattle. Like bisexual couple, i mean, like the male and a female, but they're, of course, they're queer. They give them a little bit of edge. And then he's showing me pictures of them and I'm like okay, cool, she's like I'll tat it up, like you know exactly what your picture.


Yeah, the woman. And I'm like, okay, cool. Then the next day I get a message that says hey, from this girl I went to high school with. I went to high school in Georgia, we were in Seattle, so it was a lot of distance was covered And she goes hey, i heard you were in my gym yesterday. My friend Christian told me and I was like what? And I looked at her profile and this girl in high school was like the most clean, cut, hot, popular cheerleader, like bad bitch in school. She now lives in Seattle and is covered neck two toe in tattoos and running this like LGBTQIA plus gym. And I was like, wow, you've been on a full journey, leanna.


Shout out to Leanna car and rain city fit.


Yes, shout out to rain, city fit.


What are the?


chances of that.


That was crazy.


I didn't even recognize her. when Christian was showing us the pictures, I was like I don't know who this person is.


Can't they put like a door person there?


So No, so you get a door code. Everyone else has a door code.


I don't want a door code.


I want a human being.


It's also something nice about not having to bleep bleep when you walk into a gym too. It's a cute vibe. It's a different for a day. It was nice.


Okay, model tub to the gym, i love towels everywhere and I love.


Oh, there were no towels on. Yes, this is not okay It was what it was, and it was our journey for Seattle.


It sounds like a thorn, and It wasn't a thorn, and this might be my favorite version of Leo so far.


Yeah, what sleep depraved. No, what's it called? when you take ambient and it doesn't kick in and the next day you're hallucination. No, it's not hallucinations, it's. There's a word for it, but I don't know what it is.


Delayed onset dementia.


Oh my God, God forbid, God forbid No but I feel like this is like a very honest version of you, because if you weren't trying to like I'm always honest.


You guys just think I'm a tight ass.


Not at all.


Nobody said that. No one said that. Nobody said that. I feel like you behave according, like all of us, social convention usually, but this is always what's going on in your head.


No, no, you're usually more polite, yes it. He's polite, i'm always polite. He's always polite, i'm always polite, yeah polite. And always gives everybody a chance.


I don't know if he's always polite. Are you calling me rude, Perrio?


No, no, he's not, he's not rude.


I did have a funny story in LA. I don't know if these fun, these stories are probably just funny to me, but I invited my friend, jenny from college, who I haven't seen in four, five years, well, more than five years.


Was this like your best friend from home?


We went to the University of Georgia together and I haven't seen her forever. She had moved it out to LA and she followed me on Instagram and she saw that I was in San Francisco And she was like, oh, you should come to LA next So I could see you. And I was like, actually, we're gonna be there tomorrow. Do you wanna come to the show? And she was like, absolutely. So she shows up to the show. She's sitting like here and I'm like watching her from the back of the room And she's in like full conversation with this woman in front of her who's there with her whole family, like typical Modi fan, jewish woman. and Jenny is not Jewish, jenny is.


Not Jewish, and she's also stunning.


She's beautiful, i love her, and she went to Catholic school and high school and so, and now she's at a Modi show and by her sitting by herself, i gave her a plus one. She came by herself and This woman's in full conversation with her, so I go up to her after as I was like what was that? What was going on? She goes. She turned to me and she said you're so beautiful, do you have a boyfriend or who are you here with and are you single? and Jenny says yes, i'm single. She goes you have to date my, my, my son. And she starts pulling out pictures of his son And she goes he's good, he's successful, he's this and that. And Jenny goes well, he sounds great. And she and the mom goes well. The only thing I ask is that the girls Jewish and Jenny goes. I have bad news for you. I'm not Jewish. And the woman was like What do you? what do you mean? you're not Jewish. What are you doing here? Basically like how'd you?


get in like.


All Jewish people. It's a lot of Non-Jewish. And then she goes, she goes.


Well, i'm actually friends with Leo. I went to college with Leo, so that's why I'm here. And the woman goes who's Leo, and Jenny goes Modi's husband and the woman goes Modi's gay. So it was a whole back and forth that I was like privy to that's really funny.


Yeah, but I love being in the audience when you get to the part about me, because a it's a surreal thing being in a room of 2000 people with someone on stage talking about you and then but no one knows who, i am right, so I'm just like watching everyone's reactions.


La was pretty, pretty much good, amazing, the whole in general, the whole West Coast tour. I we have to thank, i think, leo for putting it together, mrg, which was the production people. Yeah they were amazing. They were they're just so great and they're they're concert people, so they're dealing with a comedian and for them.


They're used to after the show, like the band just destroys the green room. They're ordering drinks after the show and just ripping it up and then going out afterwards the party. We're like we want to go to bed. We're like we're going to bed, um see you guys later, i mean see you at the next stop but we did go to Soho house. We had a very nice Soho house LA experience.


Okay, tell your Soho house LA, and then we're done with this.


Oh my god, no, i. We went to Soho house after the show because the only thing that's open in LA at like 10 30 at night, with a kitchen and all that and It was it was LA, la is, la, la is LA, la. You know, we went to work out at the West Hollywood. Equinox and I Literally was. I was on one treadmill, leo's on the other night. Text him go. I feel like I'm wearing the new Apple goggles Just because of the show that you see yeah of the people walking by.


Fabio, was there the surgeries like the actual Fabio?


When. I lived my three years that I was friends with him. We used to speak when we were the gym together because we had the same hours at the gym. Super nice guy. Nice is guy in the world.


I think I love Fabio.


Yeah, he's still got it. He looks good. It looks great He's keeping it together.


The rest of the people. Just it took a show. People are the outfits, the faces, the It's so entertaining. Leo hates it. He could just tell us, looking at the floor while he's walking, machine, machine. I'm like just watching everything.


No, I don't hate LA, i La, i like visiting visiting.


Yeah, okay, we are done. We have shows coming up all over the.


I want to hold on the color.


Oh, I'm cool. I. Everyone's just calm in the whole world bring Okay no hold on. That's at the end.


This will already have aired, probably, so the roast of anti-Semitism is tomorrow. Today, wednesday, yeah, tomorrow's a roast of anti-Semitism in LA, then the next day we're in Skokie. Illinois, june 29th. Algonquin Arts Theater in New Jersey There's a two shows that are sold out. July 30th Sony Hall, new York City sold out. August 8th the chosen comedy festival at the Coney Island Ampitheater. Those tickets are on sale and available. Baltimore, august 24th the first show has sold out. We added a 930 show, please You're coming to that now which one the.


Baltimore shows when's Baltimore.


August 24th at Magoobies Oh Comedy club. I thought you were.


I would love to come to that. I might be in.


If you're not, you're welcome to come and perform before I go. Okay, thank you.


That's August 24th, then September 11th and 12th were in Berlin. The 12th is sold out, i think, so we added the 11th show, so we have that then. this is big, because I have Many, many DMs about this. Israel dates are live and available October 1st in Tel Aviv, october 2nd in Jerusalem, october 3rd in Herzliya and October 5th in Bitschemish. Those are all available at modi livecom.


Who's opening those for you?


I'll be Lieberman. Yep, i'll be Lieberman. Then the three shows in Paris, october 10, 11 and 12. Those are sold out. Brussels, november 5th just went on sale. Those tickets are moving.


Brussels is cute.


Amsterdam, november 6th. Brussels is also.


Antwerp. It's only a couple of us. This is really cool, i know, but Antwerp is right there because the airport Antwerp Jews were the ones really asking for me to come.


So just, guys, just get your tickets and drive over go ahead November 6th Amsterdam, which, according to an email I just got, is about halfway full already, and those went on sale yesterday.


Wow, Oh.


Frank Fert is November 7th, then we have Your very big holiday show on December 21st at Town Hall in New York City. That show is about 70% sold out, so I would buy your tickets now if you want to go to that, because it's gonna sell out. And then we're doing New Year's. We're doing New Year's in Florida on December 30th and 31st. There's four shows at Boca Black Box. The first two are sold out and That's it. We're gonna be adding Atlanta is coming soon, atlanta is coming soon and Boston is coming soon.


Thank you everybody that came to the shows. Thank you, i can't I. I wish I could thank each and every single one of you. I really do. I appreciate and I love all of you, and those of you coming to the upcoming shows buy your tickets, of course. Be the friend that brings the friends to the comedy show. Buy ten tickets. You'll find someone to give it to And they have good resale market to value.


We didn't even tell the story about the email we got after the Seattle show.


Oh next that's the other episode and That's it. Thank you so much, and thank you again to a and H provisions. You guys are amazing and so happy to be working with My my buddy's law firm, arthur Luxemburg, whites and Luxemburg, and their website is White's luxecom.

