The Genius of Thomas Sowell

Equality & Envy

Season 1 Episode 23

In this episode we  discuss Sowell's 1997 book "The Quest for Cosmic Justice."

In particular, we discuss how pursuing a vision of universal equality leads paradoxically to an increase in inequality and to the fostering of envy and resentment in society.

Here are some useful links to deepen your appreciation of the episode:

• "The Quest for Cosmic Justice" by Thomas Sowell HERE.
• Post It Note quotes HERE.
• Podcast Patreon HERE.
• Podcast statistics HERE.
• Thomas Sowell video truck ad campaign video HERE.
• Thomas Sowell sidewalk decal ad campaign HERE.
• Selected excerpts from "The Quest for Cosmic Justice" HERE.


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NEW:  We have two editions of the quotes available:
Edition #2: Quotes 1 - 50.
Edition #3: Quotes 51 - 100
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