The Genius of Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell might well be our greatest living Intellectual. His accomplishments span 6 decades and include over 40 books and thousands of columns and articles written on a wide range of topics, from economics to sociology to history to race and culture. It is hard to name another intellectual who has studied and written on as wide a range of topics in such a profound way. This podcast will discuss his ideas and is intended to provide a place for admirers of his work to discuss his contributions with other like minded thinkers.
The Genius of Thomas Sowell
Fight the Good Fight with Amy Wax
In today's episode I interview Professor Amy Wax from Penn Law School.
If you don't know Amy Wax, buckle up, you're in for a real treat.
Amy is truly one of a kind and you'll know what I mean after you listen to the episode.
I named this episode “Fight the Good Fight” because Amy Wax reminds me of the crucial importance of fighting for what you believe in. And not just fighting against what you don’t.
Here are some links to help you get more out of this episode:
• Here's a LINK to Amy's 2009 book "Race, Wrongs and Remedies"
• Macarthur Park Restaurant in Palo Alto
• Amy's Philadelphia Inquirer Op Ed which caused so much controversy: LINK
• Amy Wax's syllabus for her course on "Conservative Political Thought": LINK
• The Thomas Sowell Reader mentioned in the episode: LINK
• Podcast statistics HERE
1) Support the show financially by subscribing with a monthly contribution on Patreon:
The money raised through Patreon supports our efforts to popularize the books and ideas of Thomas Sowell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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3) Purchase our Thomas Sowell Post It Note pads: You can find all 100 digital images of the post it notes HERE, feel free to download them and use them however you like.
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We have two editions of the quotes available:
Edition #2: Quotes 1 - 50.
Edition #3: Quotes 51 - 100
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There are only so many hours in the day and that fact that you spend some of your precious time listening to my podcast is something I will never take for granted and will always appreciate.
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