Marketing Espresso

How do you use social media to fill your lead generation funnel and do it consistently?

July 11, 2024 Bec Chappell Season 1 Episode 289
How do you use social media to fill your lead generation funnel and do it consistently?
Marketing Espresso
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Marketing Espresso
How do you use social media to fill your lead generation funnel and do it consistently?
Jul 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 289
Bec Chappell

Another solo episode, another listener question tackled!

So how do you create consistent lead generation through social media?

I am going to tackle this question by making you think about your ideal clients purchasing behaviour... 

Discover why it's crucial to choose the right platform—whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or Pinterest—based on where your audience is most active (and making purchasing decisions.) 

Let's chat about developing a tailored strategy, practising patience for organic growth, and leveraging collaborations to expand your reach. 

Whether your brand's goal is to educate, entertain, or touch hearts, a clear and concise social media strategy will drive leads and foster business success.

However all the social media in the world still needs to be integrated into a broader marketing strategy - rather than relying on it as your sole lead-generation tool. 

Social media is powerful for building visibility and brand presence but should be balanced with other channels to grow your funnel and also move people through the funnel. 


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative

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Another solo episode, another listener question tackled!

So how do you create consistent lead generation through social media?

I am going to tackle this question by making you think about your ideal clients purchasing behaviour... 

Discover why it's crucial to choose the right platform—whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or Pinterest—based on where your audience is most active (and making purchasing decisions.) 

Let's chat about developing a tailored strategy, practising patience for organic growth, and leveraging collaborations to expand your reach. 

Whether your brand's goal is to educate, entertain, or touch hearts, a clear and concise social media strategy will drive leads and foster business success.

However all the social media in the world still needs to be integrated into a broader marketing strategy - rather than relying on it as your sole lead-generation tool. 

Social media is powerful for building visibility and brand presence but should be balanced with other channels to grow your funnel and also move people through the funnel. 


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative

Speaker 1:

marketing espresso, making marketing as enjoyable, energizing and digestible as your morning coffee. Hello, hello. Thank you for joining me for another episode of marketing espresso, so grateful you are here, as always. I am going to be completely honest. It's's a Friday night when I'm recording this. It's a horrible weather night, hence why I'm home on a Friday night. Let's not just, I'm not going to lie to you. I'm home on a Friday night because my weeks are so big. I actually don't enjoy leaving the house on a Friday night. Often these days I just want to sit on my couch, have a glass of wine and chill out. But I was like I had on my list today to do this podcast recording and I was like I've had a bit of a shit day. If I'm going to be completely honest, we all have them in business. I don't talk to you guys about them often, but today I was just in one of those days where it was like I have reached my peak and I'm going to do something fun to end the day. It's glass of wine time. So, yes, I am drinking a beautiful Pinot Noir. I know this is marketing espresso, not marketing Pinot, but for this episode bear with me it is marketing Pinot. But, as always, if you're loving the podcast, all I ask is that you tell someone else that needs to listen to it to listen, and that you leave me a review. And I love the reviews. I actually go in and check them every now and again and I love reading what you guys write. It's actually really uplifting and makes me want to continue doing what I do. So here we are Now.

Speaker 1:

Once again, I am answering questions in from you guys, and the one today is how do you use social media to fill your lead generation funnel and do it consistently? It's a really great question because this is completely dependent on the type of business that you have and the access to, I guess, the channels of social media that are right for your business, and also whether advertising is right right. So it really depends also if you're a product or service business. There's so many variables to this question, so I'm going to be really annoying and say there is no direct answer, but that doesn't mean that you can't have a social media strategy within your broader marketing strategy. That answers this question. And the first thing is let's actually talk to whether social media is right for your business. How do you decide this? Well, you need to know your ideal client and where they're hanging out, but not just where they're hanging out where are they making purchasing decisions? And from that question you can then decide which social media channels are worth your time, and you can also decide if testing ads is going to work for you.

Speaker 1:

There's another caveat I want to put on this, and that is the fact that we know that Meta is trialing a whole bunch of new things to make more money out of the businesses that use their channels for free in inverted commas for free, because we know that social media is not free. It is your time and your time has a value. Against it, I feel like every time I say that I'm going to potentially lose my voice. But you can definitely use social media to get leads. Do I think that it is the best way for businesses to get leads? That depends on your business. There are plenty of product businesses out there that have gone viral and absolutely killed it through social media, potentially using an influencer advertising. So this is where it really comes down to.

Speaker 1:

What is your business? Who is your ideal client and are they in these social media channels? If they're in LinkedIn, definitely have a LinkedIn strategy. Have your content for LinkedIn to Instagram, to Facebook, to TikTok all be different. You might actually even be using Pinterest. There's a wild idea.

Speaker 1:

I had a conversation with someone the other day that really needed to be on Pinterest. It's definitely not a dead platform and it's 100% where her creatives were her client. They're creative, they're in the renovation space, of course. They're on Pinterest creating boards. So how then, do you create something to be there, be in front of them and direct them to your website, right? So everything I guess that goes onto your social media. There's different pillars that you need to be hitting in different types of content. Of course, it depends on your brand. So if your brand strategy is to be educational or funny or, you know, heartfelt or pull on the emotional strings of people, it all comes down to the strategy that you develop for your social media. And if you develop that strategy and you're really really specific about who you're going to be targeting on social media, the metrics that matter to you, then you can really target that to get your lead generation. And also understanding that it takes time. If you don't have advertising budget, if you don't have huge ways to collaborate, if you don't have huge audiences already. It's going to take time to build all those things, especially if you're trying to do it organically.

Speaker 1:

I have a client at the moment who stresses about the fact that she's not building on Instagram or LinkedIn really quickly right now, but they're the two places that we know she's got two different actual targets. One of them is definitely active on Instagram and they're looking for people to follow. They're looking for information, educational information on Instagram. The other client is corporate and they're looking for information on LinkedIn. On both she gets good visibility okay visibility. Instagram is obviously a lot less than LinkedIn and LinkedIn. Her engagement's not huge, which is the frustration with LinkedIn, because your engagement is never going to be huge, especially if you're going after corporates. People are scared of what their boss will see. They want to absorb but not engage, and so understanding your social media, based on also your users and how they actually use the platform, is really important too, because then you can gauge your metrics around that.

Speaker 1:

So I've said to her one way for her to grow her Instagram is, of course, through collaboration. It's one of the quickest ways to grow on there. You have to find people that have the market that you want and find something that you can offer them and collaborate with them. That will grow your audience, reaching out to other businesses that you know that you need, having one of those strategies, but also producing content that's going to be seen. So it's really hooky, it's really interesting, it's really hitting what your ideal client needs to hear. But we know that through Meta, it is going to get harder and harder and harder and harder to build great lead funnels. That is the reality if you're not willing to pay to play. So I think whenever you're looking at your social media, really have that in the back of your mind.

Speaker 1:

And obviously, tiktok I don't buy into TikTok as a platform. I think that the days of TikTok are limited. We see what's happening in the States. It's also a really interesting one from an ethics point of view, but so is meta. I say it all the time.

Speaker 1:

But these platforms if you're really looking to use it as a lead generation funnel and be your main lead generation funnel, it's going to take a lot of your time. The people that are big on there spend all their time on that channel and that is the only thing that they really hammer, other than potentially their email marketing, and they spend ages tweaking and changing what it is that they do in order to grow leads through that channel, and even some of the people I know that spend all of their life on these channels and have huge followings, they still struggle to get those followings to convert, because I guess if someone finds you and they think that they're getting free information from you constantly through these channels, the likelihood that they also want to dip into their pocket to spend on you is a little bit different too. So what I urge you to do, if you're thinking of using social media as your main lead generation tool, is to really, really, really, really, really I cannot emphasize this enough be sure that it is the right channel for your business and that it is actually the best way for you to generate leads, because it is a time suck. In order for you to grow it, and grow it really, really well, you have to be producing really high quality content that is going to there's a lot of it, right and you're going to be getting in front of people. You have to have a collaboration strategy and you have to really, really understand your ideal client and be able to get in front of them.

Speaker 1:

So, once again, it's not a straightforward answer. I'm sorry, none of these things are, and there are people that will tell you that you can grow huge followings on Instagram easily and that, you know, maybe I just don't have the right strategy or I'm not selling the right idea about social media and that reels is the way and all of these things. And, totally, if you produced X amount of reels a day, of course you're probably going to grow your business faster, but will it lead to lead? Sorry, grow your following faster, not your business, because will it actually lead to lead generation? Maybe, maybe not. And is it the best way for you to be spending your time in your business? It's the other question.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I want to throw back at you. If you are thinking making social media your number one lead generation tool and building that as your main funnel, look, it's definitely a way to get eyes on you, it's definitely a way to build, but it's part of your marketing strategy. I would suggest not your whole marketing strategy. I hope that's been helpful. As always, have a fab week, guys, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out.

Social Media Lead Generation Strategy
Building Effective Social Media Lead Generation