Marketing Espresso

Why are people so confused about the idea of funnels?

July 18, 2024 Bec Chappell Season 1 Episode 291
Why are people so confused about the idea of funnels?
Marketing Espresso
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Marketing Espresso
Why are people so confused about the idea of funnels?
Jul 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 291
Bec Chappell

What the hell is a sales funnel? A Marketing Funnel? A Lead Funnel? 

Yep another question from you my incredible listeners, this one was:
Why are so many people confused about sales funnels?

Well I am going to dive into what a funnel is, the different stages of a sales funnel, including awareness, interest, evaluation, and action. 

The importance of moving potential customers through these stages and integrating marketing activities at each level. 

I also  want to touch on the significance of post-sale loyalty and advocacy! 


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative

Show Notes Transcript

What the hell is a sales funnel? A Marketing Funnel? A Lead Funnel? 

Yep another question from you my incredible listeners, this one was:
Why are so many people confused about sales funnels?

Well I am going to dive into what a funnel is, the different stages of a sales funnel, including awareness, interest, evaluation, and action. 

The importance of moving potential customers through these stages and integrating marketing activities at each level. 

I also  want to touch on the significance of post-sale loyalty and advocacy! 


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative

Speaker 1:

Hello, thank you for joining me for another episode of Marketing Espresso. I hope that you are well this week. I hope that things are going extraordinarily. If you know from my last episode because you know that I batch these, so you can probably assume that I batch all of July together and I do. It is still a Friday night and I am still enjoying a glass of pinot, not an espresso like I normally would. I don't know what Leah's going to prefer more, but I mean, maybe these episodes will get really spicy. No, I've had literally two sips of this glass of wine and it's sitting there staring at me, as is my couch, and probably a pretty shit rom-com. Let's be honest, it's a very wet, rainy, crappy night in Sydney. And look, I would say that this is the reason I'm home on a Friday night. But actually the reason I'm home on a Friday night is being a business owner is really hard and I am really tired 90% of the time. I was also up at 6am this morning doing a 7k run, so I feel like I've earned my time on the couch tonight and this beautiful glass of wine. So the things that you can do for me in return for all of the things that I hopefully give you in these podcast episodes is please let me know if you're listening, reach out, say hi, leave me a review and also tell someone that you know should be listening to this that they should be listening to it and refer them to the potty. I would love that.

Speaker 1:

So, once again, I am still answering questions that have come in from you guys, the listeners, and also a focus group on Facebook that you might've seen me call out. So today's question is why are people so confused about the idea of funnels? And also a focus group on Facebook that you might have seen me call out. So today's question is why are people so confused about the idea of funnels? This one's interesting because people don't really talk about funnels often, and this one came in from my good mate, jade. You probably know her if you're on Instagram and if you don't, you should. Her name's Jade Warne. She's excellent in all that she does, and I'm still trying to tie her down to get on the potty, actually. So that's a good reminder for me to reach out to her again, maybe not this wet, rainy Friday night. I'm sure she's enjoying time with her family Anyway. So why are people so confused about the idea of funnels. Well, I think because people might not even know what a funnel is. So let's go through this.

Speaker 1:

A sales funnel essentially has different stages in it and the goal is that, depending on how someone gets to find you and gets to find your business, depends on where they are in the funnel. So you've got. So, whether you call it the sales or marketing funnel, or maybe you call it the sales and marketing funnel, you've got awareness, interest, evaluation and action right. So, depending on where someone finds you, depends on where they probably are in this funnel. Now, obviously, in your awareness state, these are people that might have seen you on social media. They have no idea who you are. They might have seen you through a collaboration you've done or a podcast you've done, or they've just seen you pop up, so they're aware of you. Then you've got interest. That's where you've sucked them. This is, and it's literally, a funnel, right? So like, picture a funnel. You're moving them. The goal is to move them down this funnel. So your next one under awareness is interest. So, obviously, as it says, this is where they've gained interest of you. So in order to get them from awareness to interest, you have to be giving them something to make them interested. So this is why your marketing content and everything that you're doing to the people that might be becoming aware of you Now, these people probably aren't people in your email list, for example, because they moved your email list at the interest stage.

Speaker 1:

Right, They've said, hey, I actually quite like what this person is about, I will give them my email. Then they've moved into interest. The awareness state is all of that above the line. So in marketing you've got above the line and below the line marketing. Right, they're two different types. Someone might actually come into the awareness state through below the line marketing too, so I'll excuse myself for getting that wrong. So above the line is all your advertising, all the stuff you're throwing out there. Below the line is all the kind of when I worked in a health fund, for example, where we could only sell to Commonwealth Bank employees, the below the line advertising was going and setting up in the foyer and handing out yogurts, right, like it's all those other little things that you do. That might not be the really obvious attention grabbing advertising, social media, all of that stuff. I hope that's making sense. So you've got awareness, interest, and obviously we've just spoken about how you pull them into this interest. Then you've got evaluation. This is where they might be getting your emails. They're listening to your podcast, for example.

Speaker 1:

I would suggest that most of you guys in my funnel hello, welcome to my funnel, you're interested and you're potentially evaluating me You're like would I actually want to work with this woman? Is she giving the right advice? Do I mesh with her? Do I like her values? So the evaluation stage is really where we're building that like no trust. So someone's interested in us, they're following us, they're watching our stuff. We're moving them into evaluation.

Speaker 1:

Action is when they're putting their hand up. They're like actually I'm pretty interested. I've decided that I'm interested and I've evaluated that I think I'm the right fit for your business and you're the right fit for me. And now I actually want to take action. And that's where marketing kind of pisses off and your sales comes in. Because it was interesting, I was watching.

Speaker 1:

Someone sent me a video the other day, I think it was a Gary Vee one. Anyway, he was talking about marketing and sales. What's the difference? Right, and he's like if you're doing marketing, you should never have to do cold calling or any other kind of sales activity of this and they should just buy you straight from your marketing. Now, I really disagree with this. I think, especially in this day and age, in the economy that we're in right now, people that are ready to take action, they still want to have a conversation with you. They need to be sold, especially if you're a high ticket item or something like that. If it's a $5 purchase, sure they're going to take action a lot quicker. So this funnel really depends on where you sit.

Speaker 1:

So, sosgas V, I actually have to disagree with you a little bit on this one, because I think it's all well and good to say that marketing should just be pushing people into your funnel. It should be pulling people through. But at the end of the day, if you don't have that sales capability at that action point and you don't know how to really convert someone, you might not have to. Maybe your marketing is so shit hot that you're converting them in that evaluation and action stage. But the thing is you don't really just want to hope that your marketing is shit hot. You also want to ensure that you've got that sales pitch Pretty good, or you've got a sales strategy that works for you and your business right. It could be a really relaxed sales.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, this is why I guess people are confused about funnels because they don't understand how important it is to move people through these funnels and how, at each single point of the sales funnel, you have to be moving them through. I also think if you happen to go Google marketing funnel or sales funnel, you'll see a whole bunch of other ones come up too. Like you might have one where engage comes before action and totally like of course they're going to probably engage with you, the action could be the sales aspect. But the reality is, at the end of the day, whether it's the five stages, the seven stages or however you want to put up your funnel, you can totally create one how you want people to come through your funnel. But at the end of the day, that funnel always starts with they've seen you, they've noticed you, and then the goal is to move them through to a sale. So if you're not doing that, you obviously have to also tell people how they can buy from you. And that's why it's really important in all your marketing messaging that you're hitting each level of this funnel and that you're doing activity, hit these funnels, and this is why it's important that you're not just on social media. If you're just on social media, there's going to be a point of this funnel that's really missing out, right, and you could be like but I sell in my DMs, but there's still going to be. What else are you doing when they're in that hand up? I've spoken to you, I'm interested, or the consideration phase, or the you know it's consideration, evaluation, interest phase Like, what else are you doing to move them through that funnel? And it's really important because this will also help you decide what kind of marketing to do.

Speaker 1:

It's a really key thing to look at for your business, and I think there's also other funnels. There's other stages of the funnel that people talk to as well and other marketers talk to, and that's loyalty and advocacy. After someone buys from you, how then are you keeping them loyal? Do you have a product where they can keep coming back? Do you have a service where they can keep coming back? And if you don't and there's no that loyalty comes out in different ways, and that is they're telling other people about you, and that is also the advocacy right, the ways, and that is they're telling other people about you, and that is also the advocacy right.

Speaker 1:

The quickest way to grow your business is through referrals and word of mouth. Now, people that say word of mouth is dead. I think that's a silly thing to say, because there's still so much to be done that if you're not working on making sure your clients are these advocates for you and that they're loyal, that's a really big missed opportunity. So don't just think the sales funnel finishes at the sale, because these people can still be working for you after that sale. So I think people are confused because maybe they don't even know about the funnel to answer the question, but also because they don't understand how the funnel should plug into their marketing activity so that they have marketing activity happening at these different points. And that is why I always talk to marketing strategy, because it comes back to the funnel and everything is working for the funnel. But also it ensures that you're not just cutting off your customer once they've bought from you and you're forgetting about them. It allows for the surprise and delight element and all of those other things that should be included in your marketing sales strategy and all of that great stuff.

Speaker 1:

Now, I hope that's been helpful. I feel like I actually managed to answer that question better than my normal. Well, it depends. Answer that I give you. I hope it was helpful. I hope you loved it. As always, I'll be back in your ears next week. Have a great week, thank you.