Marketing Espresso

How do you get out of the tactics and into strategic action?

Bec Chappell Season 1 Episode 293

I think there are common misconceptions about the word "strategy" and what this actually means for your business, or how it works & whether it is worth it...

I think it is because often Strategies have been seen as 3-5 year plans that just sit on the shelf collect dust, rather than living the breathing things that guide the business...

In this episode I am going to talk through the differences between tactical and strategic actions in marketing, highlighting the importance of not just engaging in marketing activities but understanding the 'why' behind them. 

By creating a strategic plan, businesses can make informed decisions, optimise their marketing efforts, and avoid wasting time on ineffective channels. 

I want to bring home the importance of research, understanding customer behaviour, and how strategic planning and how it can lead to better marketing outcomes.

Tune in for my practical advice on moving from mere tactics to effective strategic actions.


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Marketing Espresso. So grateful that you are choosing to tune into this potty. I know there's thousands out there so I appreciate you being here listening to me and hopefully taking some good advice. So this week, answering your questions again and I quite like this one because, I mean, I'm always crapping on about how tactics won't build your business, and my dear friend Emma has reached out with this question because she would tell you that I'm frustrated with her, but I'm not, because she loves a good tactic and she balks at the plans that I always try to give her. So the question this week is how do you get out of the tactics into strategic action? Great, bloody question, love it, okay.

Speaker 1:

So firstly, let's start with a little bit of an idea around what I consider tactics and what I consider strategic action. So the tactics are the things like I'm posting three reels to social media a week and I'm following this trend because finance no, guys, I'm not even going to sing that to you. What is it? I'm looking for a guy in finance Like you followed that trend or you did the Barbie movie trend or whatever it was right. So tactics, to me it's the stuff, it's the doing and the strategic stuff is the thinking, the why you're doing the doing. Right. So it's how do you get out of just doing the doing and get into this place of an actual plan and strategy behind what it is that you're doing? And it's really bloody simple Instead of just doing the doing, we come up with a plan as to why you're doing the doing. It's literally that simple Like taking yourself away from I've got to create this because everyone else is doing that and like my competition's doing this and actually sitting down and saying what is my product, what is my service, who is my ideal client? What is this stuff for? And you can literally go back. There's so many episodes I've done on this. Who are the people that I'm trying to reach? Where are they hanging out? What sort of content do they actually need to be seeing in order to get their attention? And we spoke through the sales funnel, slash marketing funnel last episode. So go back and listen to that. How am I going to move them through my funnel With the tactics? Right, there's going to be tactics in there.

Speaker 1:

There is times when a trend is going to work for your business and I want you to jump on it. But the difference is when you have a strategic plan, when you've sat down, you've done the thinking. Firstly, you're not in any channels that aren't producing you results or will produce you results. You're not wasting any time on TikTok if you know that your client is not on TikTok making purchasing decisions about your product or service and that's the important part making purchasing decisions so you are in front of them at a time where they're able to receive your message and not tuned out, doom scrolling, okay, or you know, and I think there is subconscious marketing, obviously. So there's certain places that we need to be to get into people's subconscious, but we don't waste lots and lots and lots of time there, because we want to be in the places where people are making decisions and they're looking for our product. Right, they're already like. That's why Google ads work so well for so many businesses, right?

Speaker 1:

Anyway, back into the actual question answering when you have a strategy and you have a plan and you know why you're doing what you're doing, because you have all the foundations set up. You even understand how a customer comes through your business, how you're dealing with them at every stage, what you do post sale service. Whatever it is that you do, that's when you can start looking at what tactics, trends and things are right for business, because you're making informed decisions from data and research and understanding what it is that you're really trying to achieve. And the thing is, this takes time. This is not. I've got two hours on a Friday I'm going to decide all of this stuff. It takes time, it takes patience and it takes the ability to understand that there is going to be trial and error in this. You're not always going to have all the answers and that's why research is really important and reaching out to other people that already have your market understanding this stuff.

Speaker 1:

I've done so many episodes on that so I'm not going to cover it off here.

Speaker 1:

Go back and listen to it. But that is how you get out of the tactics and you get into the strategic action. You literally just stop doing the doing, sit down and do the thinking, because once you do the thinking firstly half of the doing that you're doing you'll stop doing. I love how many times I'm using the word doing. No one let any teenagers get their hands on this episode and use it as a drinking game. So that is literally that's how you get out of it Just doing the thinking, because if you haven't done the thinking, you shouldn't be doing any marketing, or you should be doing minimal marketing, because, also, the thinking will help you get really clear on message, product price, all of that stuff, because you'll do research, you'll understand your market better and you can really then dive deep into the action that is going to reap results.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to stop saying doing and stop saying all of these things and call it an episode. This is my shortest episode for a while, guys, but I'm sure you'll appreciate it. Have a really great week. Do all the things that I always ask you to do Share this podcast with someone that needs to be listening to it, review, if you haven't already and, most importantly, reach out and say hi to me if you haven't yet. I would love to hear who's listening to this podcast. Have a great week, guys.