Marketing Espresso

When should I do market research?

Bec Chappell Season 1 Episode 112

"Market research is a very important part of marketing strategy."

While I was drinking my coffee this morning, feeling good about the start of the week, I realized that market research is a really important part of marketing strategy. 

It gives you a clear understanding of the market that you are either in already or that you want to launch into. It also gives you an idea of where you sit in the market and how you are different from your competition. I realized that I need to be doing market research continuously in order to reflect where my brand needs to be sitting. If you're not doing market research yet, reach out and ask for help.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How important is market research to marketing strategy?
2. What are the benefits of market research?
3. How often should market research be conducted?

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Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:06] - Marketing Espresso is back with another episode filled Marketing Caffeine.

[00:01:02] - Market research is a very important part of marketing strategy. It gives you a clear understanding of the market that you are either in already or that you want to launch into. It also gives you an idea of where you sit in the market and how you are different from your competition. It's important to do it every year. I'm not the brand where I always look perfect in my photos or even in all my marketing. I really try not to copy anyone else. And this is what I want for you guys.

[00:05:47] - When should you do market research? The answer is at the beginning, in the middle and continuously. Market research should reflect where your brand needs to be sitting. If you're not doing market research yet, reach out and ask for help. Leave a review on the episode.

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Connect with me:
Connect with me: Instagram @bec_chappell -
LinkedIn – Rebecca Chappell-

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This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
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This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative