Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul

Journey through Earth's Frequencies: The Power of Water in our Lives

December 17, 2023 Natasha Joy Price and Guests
Journey through Earth's Frequencies: The Power of Water in our Lives
Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
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Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
Journey through Earth's Frequencies: The Power of Water in our Lives
Dec 17, 2023
Natasha Joy Price and Guests

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Are you aware of the pulsating power that Earth's frequencies hold, especially when it comes to the essence of our very life - water? In this enthralling episode, we dive deep into the healing prowess of water, underscoring how our lives are profoundly intertwined with this element. Drawing from our inherent connection to the Earth, we dissect the distinctive states of water and their impacts on our health. We spotlight structured water, its benefits, and the adverse effects of dehydration on our physical and mental well-being. A key takeaway is the importance of staying hydrated with high-quality water, a simple yet significant step towards leading a healthier life.

Have you ever wondered if your thoughts or words could influence water? We unpack the captivating research by Dr. Masaru Emoto, which elucidates how positive and negative speech and thoughts can shape ice crystals in water. The conversation illuminates the fascinating concept of water having a 'memory,' its ability to store information, and its deep connection to our thoughts and intentions. The episode also features Veda Austin's intriguing work with "hydroglyphs" and water's predictive power in science. We share our enriching experiences of exploring the serene natural springs in England while introducing you to our book, Freedom of the Soul, a handy guide for managing energy. Tune in to unravel the magic of water and its deep-seated connection to us and our planet.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

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Are you aware of the pulsating power that Earth's frequencies hold, especially when it comes to the essence of our very life - water? In this enthralling episode, we dive deep into the healing prowess of water, underscoring how our lives are profoundly intertwined with this element. Drawing from our inherent connection to the Earth, we dissect the distinctive states of water and their impacts on our health. We spotlight structured water, its benefits, and the adverse effects of dehydration on our physical and mental well-being. A key takeaway is the importance of staying hydrated with high-quality water, a simple yet significant step towards leading a healthier life.

Have you ever wondered if your thoughts or words could influence water? We unpack the captivating research by Dr. Masaru Emoto, which elucidates how positive and negative speech and thoughts can shape ice crystals in water. The conversation illuminates the fascinating concept of water having a 'memory,' its ability to store information, and its deep connection to our thoughts and intentions. The episode also features Veda Austin's intriguing work with "hydroglyphs" and water's predictive power in science. We share our enriching experiences of exploring the serene natural springs in England while introducing you to our book, Freedom of the Soul, a handy guide for managing energy. Tune in to unravel the magic of water and its deep-seated connection to us and our planet.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: ZTXJPK8BA5WMLKSF

A call to action to help us keep spreading the spiritual ripple xx

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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

Speaker 1:

So, hi everybody, welcome to another episode of Bond to the Soul, and this is my healing with the Earth frequencies in the ancients part two. Have a look back. Part one was all about the Celts and the trees, crystals and the Aztecs, but this one the second one I'm going to talk about is going to be about water. There's so much information out there at the moment about water, so I thought I'd just collate a lot of it together and present it to you. So when we're talking about healing with the Earth frequencies, as I talked about in the first part one, it's so important to be grounded. We are part and parcel of the Earth, that's just so important, and we are basically electrical circuits and we have to be grounded properly. It's essential. When we are grounded properly, when we walk on the actual ground, not interfered with by the infrastructure, the concrete that we put down and our shoes, etc. But we actually walk on the ground for sort of 20 to 30 minutes every day, then we have so many benefits. We heal better, we have better clarity, we sleep better, we just function better. So we are absolutely tied to the Earth in that way. But with water it's slightly different. It's almost that we mirror water and the end factors within that. So we'll have a look at that. Also, since the last time that I did the first talk, I've discovered that there's eco therapy, which I've never heard of before, and it is basically that Eco therapy is about getting out into nature and becoming involved in nature and doing activities out in nature, and obviously they found that that really eases anxiety and low mood and helps with all sorts of ailments and just generally how people feel day to day. So that's a new one on me Eco therapy. Have a look at that. So this time, like I say, we're going to look at how we mirror the Earth in one element and that is water.

Speaker 1:

So all creation stories, whether that be Christian, egyptian, african, native American, greek, aboriginally Norse this is not an exhaustive list, but they all include water in some way. The Egyptians, the gods, created humans through tears, so all life was formed in some way from the movement of water, and it's a movement that's important. We now know that water needs movement in order to form structure. We commonly know the three states of water that we can have. So we've got ice water, rain and the vapor the water vapor in the air. But there are in fact, other states that scientists are aware of.

Speaker 1:

For example, there's a fourth base of water called structured water or exclusion zone EZ water. It's also called coherent crystalline hexagon or biological water, and this type of water is still HTO. There's still two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom, but the atoms are arranged in a slightly different configuration that allows them to carry an electrical charge and, as a result, structured water is viscous like honey somewhere between a liquid and a solid. And because structured water carries a charge, it can deliver electromagnetic energy straight to your mitochondria. In fact, your cells already contain structured water. It's one of the ways that they maintain energy production and communicate with one another. So if we drink structured water, that brings that energy in from the external source and delivers it straight to our cells. Structured water also decreases stress. It slows down aging because basically, you're pumping up your cells all the time, especially in your brain, and it decreases inflammation, which is so interesting. I've discovered that you can buy something called an analena water wand. I'm not sure I'm saying that either I'm saying that correctly either, but anyway, an analena water wand which basically creates a charge in the water. It's literally like a little pen shape or wand shape that's small and you stir your cup of water with it and it creates electrical charge and it creates structured water. Fascinating, really fascinating, but the benefits are huge, so it's worth having a look at that.

Speaker 1:

So we're up to 70, we are up to 70% water volumetrically. So whatever information we discover about water is found within us. That information is about a substance within us which is worth remembering as we go on. It gives a different perspective to this information about water. So our bodies are basically holographic images of the earth. We are like mini-earths living on the surface. So the earth is 70% covered by water. So we mirror that with 70% volumetrically water and the earth is covered by 70% water. However, we are over 90% molecular water, which I just find incredible. Think about that. We are over 90% water molecularly. That's just incredible. And there are some very interesting facts that seem to connect us as humans to the water on the earth and sort of echo that mirror idea. For example, the amniotic fluid around a baby mirrors the mineral content of the oceans exactly. The fetus, as it grows, has gills at one stage and our spinal fluid is one molecule different than the oceans. Our brain is 80% water and it rests in a pool of water. So we have this inbuilt relationship and connection with water and subsequently with the water on the planet.

Speaker 1:

But we need to be hydrated. We need to keep replenishing that source of water, and they're saying that over 75% of the population of polychloride dehydrated were just not getting enough water in. And it's connected. Being dehydrated is connected to so many physical elements, including fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety. So it's really important. But what's important is the quality of the water that you're drinking. You become hydrated much more quickly with less water if it's high quality water than if you're drinking less good quality water, if that makes sense. So you can drink loads and loads of less good quality water and still not be hydrated properly. That's what I'm trying to say. So within five minutes of drinking water, that water becomes part of our blood. So it's important that the quality of water again that we drink is good quality water, because it's creating blood which then flows for our body and connects to every part of it, and it's often why water is referred to as the earth's bloodstreams.

Speaker 1:

We also know that our DNA is held in its double helix shape by structured water molecules, by this sort of part viscous water. We're actually held together. By this and as I've been researching water, what I've seen and what it's reminded me of as I'm reading things about water is our energy field and how I've always described our energy field. So I've always said and described it as a bubble around us and it must move to be operating at its optimum. It's beautiful flowing colours. Water must move to be at its optimum.

Speaker 1:

Your energy field can. If the energy is not flowing properly, can become stagnant and blocked. It can spike, it can break. Water can become stagnant as well if it's not moving properly. They both have an intelligent force of their own and they both can expand and can take in and give out information. I find that fascinating. But our energy flows through us physically. So, for instance, if we do a physical detox, like have smoothies at detox us, you might find that emotionally you are detoxing as well, because our energy field, all our emotions and beliefs etc. Flow through our physical. So we're all interconnected. So we're going to be interconnected to water if that's part and parcel of us. But that correlation is really interesting to me. So water is life. We cannot survive without it. It can be something quite trivial like us going and getting gas and water from the kitchen. Here it's very easy we go and get it, we drink it done. Or it can be really traumatic when there's no access to clean water and then there's serious dehydration.

Speaker 1:

Water itself is actually quite a weird element. It has 66 properties that differ from other liquids, so it's a real anomaly and they don't know why this is at all. And it doesn't like other elements will fall into sequence. It doesn't fall into sequence with any of the other elements, so that I'm not going to go through the 66 different properties. But there are 66 different properties. I have a look at that. But one unusual factor is that when water freezes and becomes ice, it becomes less dense, which is unusual, and therefore the ice floats to the surface and we get ice on the surface of a lake. But what this actually means is that the ecosystems below the ice are incubated and protected. If the ice was to be denser than water, then those ecosystems wouldn't survive. They would freeze and die. So that's an interesting point.

Speaker 1:

Water molecularly can have tensile strength of steel. It's incredibly strong and its molecules can pass through solid walls in the quantum tunneling state. And if you remember when I was talking about scientists aware of other states, that's one of them, the quantum tunneling state. But that's quite amazing, that molecules can pass through solid walls. And when you look at molecularly, you look at water molecules. They're very similar to the way that crystals grow and the crystal molecules and that's why it's often referred to as living liquid crystal. Crystal and water are very closely related, which is very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Water is also being shown to communicate with other water, which is called quantum coherence. So if you put two glasses of water side by side one which is beautiful spring water and the other modified tap water, the higher quality one will imprint on the lower quality one. So if you think that we're over 90% water and if we upgrade the water that we drink, so we only drink high quality water, we will not only affect others around us, but we'll also affect the water on the planet. So that's our secret weapon to helping the water pollution on the planet upgrade ourselves and through this water coherence we are going to affect the water that surrounds us. The scientists have really struggled to understand why water behaves differently and in studying water they've discovered all sorts of different things about it, all of which are quite strange. It is a strange element. So one idea that's been put forward, which is very controversial. Controversial is that water is not a complicated liquid, but two simple liquids with a complicated relationship. So a guy called Anders Nielsen, who's a chemical physicist at Stockholm University in Sweden and Stanford University in the US, has put forward this idea and his recent work adds weight to the theory that water isn't one liquid, but two distinct, separate liquid structures that can coexist. However, this is very controversial, as I say.

Speaker 1:

The other person I want to talk about is Matsuramoto. I love Matsuramoto's books. They're absolutely beautiful. He was such an interesting man. I think he passed away in 2014, but you can still get his books. There's still a Facebook group, et cetera, so you can still follow along to the posts and or to show about his beliefs and his work.

Speaker 1:

And he claimed that water exposed to positive speech and thoughts created these beautiful ice crystals when he froze them and then looked for a microscope of the actual water crystals, and that negative intentions yielded horrible ugly ice formations or, literally, the ice didn't form properly. So he really advocated that you talk to water, you towel to that, you love it, you thank it, you respect it, et cetera. And he did these experiments and he did like a container full of water, two containers full of water and he'd be lovely to one he would talk about how beautiful it was and how much he enjoyed his company and all that sort of all those sorts of words. He just loved it all the time. And then the other container he would be really nasty to and swear and be unpleasant. The lovely, the water to which he was really positive and lovely, created the most beautiful water crystals that look like snowdrops, that absolutely beautiful, beautifully formed. The other container would not form crystals like that. It would either not form crystals at all or if it did, they were misshapen, they just didn't form correctly.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you think about how much we are water and how we are affected by the energy of words, that's a really sobering thought. So he advocates like I've got a water bottle here. I've actually got it on a crystal mat coaster, crystal coaster, I've got crystals in it. But also you can put words underneath it. Words have energy. Just the words written, the words spoken have energy. Everything has energy. So if you have words of love and respect and thank you, that's going to be taken up into your water and you can drink it. So that's how he advocated it. And when we have a look at this water, coherent. How important is that? If we all did that, we would influence not only the people around us, but the water around us, the water in our homes, etc. So his research also showed how polluted and toxic water, when exposed to prayer and intention, can be altered and restored to beautifully formed water crystals similar to that found in clear and healthy water, and he did this experiment in Japan. I think there were 300 people who surrounded this body of water that had gone stagnant and was actually really badly affected by algae and no-transcript. He they chanted and prayed over it and it actually improved and cleared. So interesting, very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Dr Emoto also studied how sound affects water. So the Emoto music studies demonstrate how different types of sounds, like classical music generate these beautiful water patterns, crystalline patterns and heavy metal music generate ugly and distorted crystalline formations. So sorry, if any of you are heavy metal fans, water doesn't like it. So he referred to water as a living consciousness rather than an inanimate object, and that was really quite a concept put out there.

Speaker 1:

We also have the the idea that water has a memory. So the theory of water memory states that when you dissolve the substance in water. It still has the memory of that substance, no matter how many times you dilute the water afterwards, and this is the central theme in the field of homeopathy. But this has been studied as well by scientists from Germany, and they believe that as water travels, it picks up and stores information from all the places that it's travelled through, which can therefore connect people who take on that water to a lot of different places and sources of information, depending on the journey that it's been on, which is quite amazing. They've also concluded, based on this information, that our tears will hold a record of this. It will have a unique memory of an individual through the body's store of water and how it's linked to individual experiences and where those people have been, et cetera. It's almost like our tears are the library of who we are, which is lovely, I think.

Speaker 1:

Then there's Veda Austin. Again, I've spoken about Veda Austin a lot, but she's a very interesting lady. She's got an Instagram post. Go and have a look. She's been studying and freezing water with her freezing technique for the last five years and what she has developed is what she calls hydroglyphs, so what they are. What she does is she gets a Petri dish of water and she either puts it on a picture or she will say a word to it, or she will think something and sort of put that thought into the water. Then she freezes the water using her freezing technique and what she has found is the water will echo back to her picture, will echo back a picture of the word that she has said. So, for instance, the hydroglyph for money is like a coin. So she talks to the water about money and then does her freezing. She will find that she gets a sort of coin formation and the same with the thought. The thought will be reflected back in the picture in the ice. And what she's done. She has to have the same response 50 times in order to include it in her hydroglyphs and I think she's got around 50 hydroglyphs now. So it takes time to build up those hydroglyphs. But absolutely fascinating. It's almost like water response to her water response to the energy of what she puts into it. But it responds in the same way to the same energy. So it's consistent that response. But some of her pictures are quite amazing and it's well worth following her. But it's very, very interesting. There's also another lady called Isabelle Friend. Again, she's on Instagram, she's got a website. A lot of the information from this came from her. She's got lots of free resources. She's got a little webinar that's free that you can go and have a look at.

Speaker 1:

She talks about water and has done for the last 10 years and she really advocates a guy called Victor Schauburger, who was an Austrian and called the water wizard, and she said it's well worth reading his books, although they're a bit old fashioned and obviously they're translated, so not not always fluent, I think, but well worth reading. And then water has also been found to have a predictive pre-science. So scientists have used it to predict earthquakes and when solar flares are going to happen, it's obviously. It is so in tune with the earth that it can pick up what's about to occur and it reflects that in some way to the scientists. But when we think about this, many cultures and ancient tribes use water to scry, to obtain information. So scrying is having like an obsidian mirror, a crystal that you can look in, or a bowl of water or some form of water, and they would look into it and they would see pictures and information. That's scrying.

Speaker 1:

Nostradamus was believed to use a bowl of water for his predictions and actually, when you think about it, if you think about the old wives saying old wives tale, I can feel it in the waters. I find that quite interesting, that there's always a grain of truth in these old wives tales. And you do say that I can feel it in my waters. I knew it was about to happen. So let's just recap because that's a lot of information out there.

Speaker 1:

But basically water is affected structurally by our thoughts and intentions, whether they're positive or negative. It has a memory, it remembers what's been in it and no amount of diluting will take that memory away. It stores information, it's predictive, it's affected by sound, it can communicate to us via pictures, it can communicate with other bodies of water and it might have a consciousness. Now think about that. Because all of that water we are mainly water, so we have all of those abilities so interesting.

Speaker 1:

So there's lots of ways that we can use water in healing. We can obviously go swimming. Wild swimming is amazing. We're in the sea soaking up all those negative ions. We can try a netty pot which is like a salt water nasal rinse which helps sinus infections and enhances breathing. We can try sensory deprivation, floatation therapy, when basically you're floating in a huge bathtub full of salts and water so much salt that you float, usually in the dark. I think I would hope it was warm water, but apparently there's a continual releasing and unfolding in such a way that no other therapy can replicate it. So when you let go of tension, you relax in this unusual way. When you let go of tension whether physical, emotional or mentally you feel lighter and your vibration goes up.

Speaker 1:

You can also look at the Wim Hof who is the ice man and he really advocates taking cold plunges, being in freezing water. So he talks about starting off by having your normal shower in the morning and then doing 30 seconds in freezing cold water and you think what's that going to do for me? But it's actually been shown to increase circulation, speed healing, promote lymphatic drainage and boost the immune system. So it's incredibly good that and hot and cold that the difference between them is really good for the body. And Wim Hof developed this because he wasn't coping. His wife committed suicide and left him with four children and he really needed a way to cope and he developed this system and he's done some amazing feats of staying in freezing water for a long period of time and I think he's in the Guinness Book of Records for that Having control over his body's reactions. That's what's so amazing with Wim Hof. So there was another experiment that he did in a hospital where he was injected with pathogens and they knew the way that the body normally reacts and somebody becomes sick, and he didn't. He was able to control it in some way using this technique that he uses, which is all around cold water, and then you could have a wotsu, a duwotsu, which is a water massage, again, floating in warm water while somebody massages you, and the surrendering in this experience is said to invoke a wound-like state. And, primarily, we can upgrade the water that we drink, drink more structured water, put back the minerals that have been taken out of the water by processing and give our bodies the best hydration that we can.

Speaker 1:

So just to end this talk, let's look at how religions talk about water. So in animism, the perception of water in animism is that it is an entity that connects others and creates relationships. That's interesting, isn't it? Especially when you look at Vader Austin's work and a theory that we're coming to about. Perhaps it's not just, it's not too liquid, perhaps it's a liquid and something else. So that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

Hinduism, water, and Hinduism is sacred because it's believed to hold purifying and cleansing powers, and each water body is worshipped as a form of God. So the rivers are worshipped as God is and the ocean is worshipped as a God. Buddhism Buddhist path to enlightenment includes a diligent cleansing of body, mind and spirit through practising water offerings at Buddhist shrines and in. These are very succinct points taken from these different religions. But it's interesting. Christianity, water and Christianity is primarily linked to the ritual of baptism, where a follower professes his or her faith by bathing in holy water. This symbolises rebirth and purity, and Islam, in the holy book of the Quran, water symbolises wisdom. It's recognised that water is a part of life that we are made up of, live, breathe and consume water. To know this is a conscious awareness of the self. So every religion looks at water in a very positive, favourable, even sacred way.

Speaker 1:

So cultures around the world equate water with healing and energy. People travel great distances to drink or bathe in water from mountains, wells and springs that are viewed with special energy. For instance, lords in France, where they've been reported 66 miracle healings that have been verified and numerous other experiences, and there are similar sites in India and Mexico and, of course, in this country we have glass debris and the springs that, the two springs that are supposed to represent the sweat and blood of Jesus. So that's quite amazing and they sell water at glass debris and I've always thought is it worth buying water from glass debris? But having now done all of this research on water and understand how water can affect us, I would now buy some water from a sacred site, I think, and take that in. I think that would be interesting experiment to see how it affected you or whether you failed to difference.

Speaker 1:

So I'm very interested, like I was saying about the animism concept that water is a conduit, because perhaps water in my research this was sort of mentioned a few times perhaps water is the conduit between spirit and earth, what I would call spirit, but maybe you would call it God, other people would call it that all-knowing presence, whatever you want to call it, but maybe water is the conduit between us on earth and that all-knowing presence that is around us. So maybe what we are communicating when we communicate with water is spirit within it, is that energy within it. So maybe that idea about there are two simple liquids communicating and coexisting together, perhaps it's a liquid and a spirit energy. And then the other thing that has come up a lot in the research, which is obviously quite controversial, but I'm going to put it out there. It's just something. I'm not sure that I agree 100% with it, but it is something that's being put out there and talked about.

Speaker 1:

And that is what if water is God? What if it is that all-knowing presence around us? You think about all the properties that we've just talked about and, of course, you get the theology of ice, water and vapor. All food for thought, if I can say it. All food for thought. So fascinating, well worth researching, having a look. Go look at Nader Austin's Instagram, look at Isabelle Friend. You know they have so much information out there.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, water is quite an amazing element and it's well worth looking into and it's well worth, if nothing else, just upgrading the water that we are taking in getting local spring water.

Speaker 1:

There's quite a few springs in England. There aren't any in Suffolk, unfortunately, but there are quite a few natural springs throughout the country and you can go on a website and look at I don't know what it's called, but you can Google it and they will tell you exactly where to go to find this natural spring that's coming out of the water and you can collect the water. So that's an interesting thing taste it, how does it affect you, etc. So I hope you've enjoyed that Healing with the Earth frequencies part two. If you have enjoyed it, please share, please like, please subscribe. If you subscribe to Barn to the Soul I think it's about £2 something a month you will get more information like this. You will also get me reading my book Freedom of the Soul to you and talking through all the different parts of that, and Freedom of the Soul is a sort of proactive workbook to help you with your energy management. So, yeah, all interesting. So thank you very much for listening and I will be back with you again shortly and have a lovely day.

Healing With Earth Frequencies
Power of Words and Thoughts on Water
Exploring Natural Springs in England