Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul

From Reflection to Liberation with Susie Smith

January 06, 2024 Natasha Joy Price and Guests
From Reflection to Liberation with Susie Smith
Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
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Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
From Reflection to Liberation with Susie Smith
Jan 06, 2024
Natasha Joy Price and Guests

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Embark on a celestial journey with Susie Smith from Aiya Star Healing, as we explore the energetic transformation awaiting us all. Susie, our insightful guest, offers a compelling perspective on the transition from the introspective 2023 into the liberating new chapter of 2024. She weaves a narrative of growth and healing, suggesting that the trials of the past year have been a necessary pause to reflect and prepare for the vibrant future ahead. With the significant astrological shift of Pluto moving into Aquarius, she paints a hopeful vision of liberation and harmony that beckons at the dawn of 2024.

Tune in to discover how this cosmic change is set to ripple through our collective consciousness, promising a period where many may finally harvest the fruits of their spiritual labor. Susie assures us that despite ongoing global upheavals, the individual and collective energies are primed to ascend into greater freedom. Her words will infuse you with anticipation for the blissful beginnings on the horizon, as she expertly charts our course towards a brighter, more expansive era. Join us for this transformational chat that is sure to leave you inspired and ready to embrace the unfolding wonders of 2024.

Susie Smith
Sound Healer

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: ZTXJPK8BA5WMLKSF

The properties of Marigold essential oil, and what this beautiful musky oil can help you with.

A call to action to help us keep spreading the spiritual ripple xx

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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

Soul led steps for a joyful life
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Show Notes Transcript

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Embark on a celestial journey with Susie Smith from Aiya Star Healing, as we explore the energetic transformation awaiting us all. Susie, our insightful guest, offers a compelling perspective on the transition from the introspective 2023 into the liberating new chapter of 2024. She weaves a narrative of growth and healing, suggesting that the trials of the past year have been a necessary pause to reflect and prepare for the vibrant future ahead. With the significant astrological shift of Pluto moving into Aquarius, she paints a hopeful vision of liberation and harmony that beckons at the dawn of 2024.

Tune in to discover how this cosmic change is set to ripple through our collective consciousness, promising a period where many may finally harvest the fruits of their spiritual labor. Susie assures us that despite ongoing global upheavals, the individual and collective energies are primed to ascend into greater freedom. Her words will infuse you with anticipation for the blissful beginnings on the horizon, as she expertly charts our course towards a brighter, more expansive era. Join us for this transformational chat that is sure to leave you inspired and ready to embrace the unfolding wonders of 2024.

Susie Smith
Sound Healer

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: ZTXJPK8BA5WMLKSF

The properties of Marigold essential oil, and what this beautiful musky oil can help you with.

A call to action to help us keep spreading the spiritual ripple xx

Support the Show.

Be a Compassion Crusader!
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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

Speaker 1:

So, hi, everybody, welcome to another episode of Barn to the Soul. And today we have got Susie Smith from I, a Star Healing, to come and chat to us. So hi, susie, thank you very much for coming Hi.

Speaker 2:

Tash, thanks for having me back. Hello everybody, happy new year and hope you're well.

Speaker 1:

Yes, happy new year to you too, and, in fact, we're going to talk about moving from the energy of 2023 into the energy of 2024, aren't we? And you're going to give us a bit of a sounding in order to help us to move forward in a positive way?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think most people will have found 2023 quite tricky. I see it for myself and for other people that I've spoken to. It's almost like 2023 was another year of being held back or just being in a place of just being rather than doing, rather than having to push, and I think that's whether that place of being has given people a chance to reflect back on perhaps past traumas, experiences and look at that for clearing and healing, or whether it's just been in a place of being to perhaps be more present, and the more present we are, the more we're able to expand our energy and allow a high light quotient or high frequencies to come through. So I sort of see last year as a bit of a holding year for most people of humanity and my perception of 2024 is so. I dabble a little bit with astrology not hugely, I dip in and out of it, but I do know that in 2024 we're going to see nine months of the planet Pluto into Aquarius.

Speaker 2:

So Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and for the last, I think, five years, maybe more, or somebody might be out there too.

Speaker 2:

With the correct years it may be longer Pluto has been in Capricorn, so this is especially what we've seen over the lockdown and the COVID period, where we've been seeing the deconstruction of society, of the banking systems, of foundations.

Speaker 2:

We've been seeing some people like revealing truths. So there's been a lot of disruption that's been happening over the last four or five years and with Pluto moving into Aquarius, it's moving into Aquarius, which is allowing a much more of a free-flowing way of being. That's like the new earth, the new being, the 5D that we've been talking about and yearning for so long. So, with Pluto moving into Aquarius, what that's doing it's allowing us to shine so we've gone through the death and the destruction and it's allowing our souls to really be the shiny, glorious selves that they are. So, like I say, nine months this year and then in 2025, I think that's when we're really going to see that liberation of soul unity coming forward. So we're going to be getting a little bit of a taster in 2024 and that feels harmonious, it feels nice, it feels more than nice, it feels blissful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I've been guessing as well, that lots of endings, lots of people struggling in 2023. But as soon as you tune into sort of, I think, 2024 to 2026, it feels very different, it feels very expansive, it feels like a lot of people are going to soar in what they're doing and, yeah, it feels a very different chapter for everybody, really doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

Definitely new beginnings. And it doesn't mean we're not going to stop seeing the world traumas. I think they're still going to be happening, but perhaps more on that individual, collective energy, if that even makes sense, we're going to start seeing, like the souls rising, more harmony coming through for people and I guess, for those people that have had the ability and the time to work on their energy, this is there. They're going to start reaping their rewards, so to speak, feeling more flowing in their energy. And you know, really just, I think the word that keeps coming is like liberation and freedom, and it's something we've all been yearning for for so long.

Speaker 2:

And what I've been happening is the deconstruction is going to start building up in different ways. So it's going to be, you know, gently, gently. It doesn't all have to happen tomorrow, it doesn't have to happen by the end of January or even by the end of 2024. Be realistic in what's happening. But I think the energies that we're feeling into are just going to be free, flowing, you know, won't be as many obstacles. In our way, we can really touch what we want to touch and start to bring those manifestations, those thoughts, come into reality. So really be mindful of those positive thoughts.

Speaker 1:

I think that even the energy since New Year's Eve, the beginning of January, has been quite intense. I know quite a lot of people we were talking about this beforehand have felt tired and like not brilliant and it's almost like we're sort of still having to move through that sludgy energy before we actually move out into something freer, I suppose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think. So I know that the first week of January has been quite slow for me, and I had two weeks off over Christmas, which was really lovely and I really snuggled into my sofa and was at home and it felt really nice just to have that time off. And then I was like, ok, yeah, brilliant, let's go. And I think it's quite often that mentality that we have. It's almost like the old paradigm drummed into us. New Year means it all has to start, and I think it's almost like, well, it has to start on the first or it has to start on the second of January. And it's not always that way. It's been slow, but I think it's going to again. It's going to shift and we just need to flow with it rather than trying to leap into it so much, just flow with trust. And also, this year we're moving into the Year of the Dragon with the Chinese Horoscope Astrology, aren't we? And I know that the dragons?

Speaker 2:

I've been working with dragons for many years, but many can see the dragons as quite formidable, like a strong frequency. I see it as really benevolent and loving and kind and they don't tolerate any nonsense. But there's a real heart-conscious energy coming with the dragon. And if you think of the dragon, the way it flows, it's almost like quite snake-like, isn't it? How it moves in its body, so that free-flowing energy is coming through with the dragon energy of the Chinese New Year.

Speaker 1:

And I always see dragons as power and strength, which is a lovely way to move forward, and really we want to move forward with that intention, don't we? Rather than thinking about what's happened in the last few years, we want to sort of, I think, set our intentions to soar into 2024 and sort of connect into that energy, that frequency.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's also about connecting. You know, making those intentions, making those intentions that they're heart-based and they're not coming from the human personality, from ego. They're actually coming from source, from high self-perspective, from soul, from heart energy. Always be mindful with those intentions that you're putting into play and really allow those to free-flow and maybe ride on the back of the dragon and see where that journey takes you in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lovely. That's a great image to have, isn't it? Yeah, you were going to do a sounding for us, susie, to help us to move forward into 2024 with our dragons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll bring the dragon. Let's bring the dragon energy in, yeah, definitely. So I'll start with a little meditation just to connect into that heart space. I also think it's really important and I'll bring this through in the meditation it's also really important to bring through the energies of Gaia because you know we're residing on Gaia's surface, you know we're also connected through our Beishakras down, but Gaia's shifted so much. You know, collectively we're shifting and we're allowing this new free-flowing energy, gaia shifting. So as we're moving through, it's almost like let's allow an upgrade of Gaia's grounding and protection frequencies to travel through in 2024, because she's a fundamental part of our journey of being human.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and grounding has come up so often for me and how important it is for all of us, for our health and just everything, every part of us. So that's lovely. Yes, okay. So if you want to do that, I'll be quiet.

Speaker 2:

Okay then all right. Well, thank you. Okay, everybody, if you just take a few deep breaths, it for me so nice deep breath in and exhale, breathing in, connecting to unconditional love and, as you exhale, just allowing yourself to release anything that does not need to be part of this process. And two or three more breaths, bringing in love and releasing as you exhale in your own time, and then simply allowing yourself to find that breath that's supportive and comfortable and just right for you, allowing your breath to find the stillness within, allowing that breath to find your being, the oneness of you. I invite you to drop into your heart space, your heart consciousness, with breath, with intention, and take a breath or two here in that heart space and, as you expand out your heart consciousness, set the intention that your heart consciousness travels throughout all parts of you, all aspects, bringing you into oneness of love.

Speaker 2:

With the next inhalation, we're bringing in Gaia's frequency and asking that Gaia harmonizes with the oneness in our heart consciousness. We're allowing Gaia to integrate her new frequencies of being, her consciousness, into our being so we become one with an upgrade of her grounding, of her protection and of her nurture. And take a few breaths here, aligned with heart, conscious energy and with Gaia frequency, opening your heart even wider and calling in the dragon energy of 2024, calling in a dragon guide to support you through this sound journey and as we journey together. We open the free flowing energy of 2024 and all the opportunities that it offers us. We allow ourselves to let go of the attachment of 2023 and before, and we gift ourselves a liberation of now, alleluia.

Speaker 3:

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Speaker 4:

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Part 2 will air soon and 3 akan Olive.

Speaker 3:

The days before father millennium. Father millennium will recognize wooo, wooo, wooo, wooo, wooo, wooo, uuuh, uuuh, uuuh.

Speaker 4:

Surnakete kasaar nyatu korre kekiesur nyatu korre kekiesur Surnakete kasaar nyatu korre kekiesur Surnakete kasaar nyatu korre kekiesur Surnakete kasaar narakete kyo. Surnakete kasaar narakete kyo.

Speaker 2:

So I'm being shown that there is a cosmic wave that is flowing through your heart, consciousness now. And as you allow yourself to flow on this cosmic wave, allow yourself to be free flowing. Allow yourself to observe rather than to participate. Allow yourself to be free in your nature and your expression. Allow yourself to go, move beyond attachment and allow yourself to be, be the genie upon your magic carpet. As you flow through the cosmic wave of the universe, any obstacles you can rise up or be low or simply divert around that path. Allow yourself to be free, allow yourself to be love.

Speaker 3:

Naaayuuuuh, naaayuuuuh, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.

Speaker 2:

I am, I am, I am.

Speaker 3:

I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.

Speaker 2:

I am, I am.

Speaker 3:

I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.

Speaker 4:

I am, I am, I am.

Speaker 2:

So we're just bringing in some light codes now so that we can allow an exception of this high frequency into the physical form.

Speaker 3:

So we're just bringing in some light codes now so that we can allow an exception of this high frequency into the physical form.

Speaker 2:

So, in your own time, just become aware of your physical breath for me, breathing in and breathing out, reconnecting all of this beautiful energy with your breath into the here and now, any dragons that have supported you in this process. Just sending their gratitude. Sending them gratitude and asking them to step back from your energy field. Reconnecting your breath with guys, frequency, perhaps, sending that breath down to your base chakra, down to your toes, to three deep breaths into Gaia for me and, when you're ready, a deep breath into your heart space. Allow your eyes to open in your own time lovely.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, susie, that was really lovely. I I couldn't really concentrate because my dog was singing along with you oh, I didn't hear.

Speaker 2:

How was that blue?

Speaker 1:

yes, it was blue, she was completely. She was absolutely in tune to what you were doing. She was listening and then making all sorts of noises as you went along.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, she was clearing herself, I think well, maybe she was assisting with the sounds and bringing in her own connections of the stars and 2024 energy well, she's the feisty one, so maybe she was bringing in her dragon energy.

Speaker 1:

That was lovely. Thank you so much. That's a great start, a great way for us to flow into 2024, actually flow with the sound waves. I'm brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Well, I hope everybody's enjoyed it and be really nice to hear their experiences. Yeah, make any comments.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to hear or to read what they experienced through that sound meditation yeah, and if you'd like to leave a message, if you go on to the Facebook page bar into the soul, you can leave a message for Susie or just describe your experiences during the meditation. Yeah, and I will pass them on to Susie. So thank you so much, susie. Thank you so much for coming in and supporting Balm to the Soul. It's lovely, as always, to have you on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having me and I'll put up all Susie's details below the episode. And if you've enjoyed listening to us today, then please like share. And of course, you can always subscribe to Balm to the Soul. So thank you, susie, and we'll speak again soon bye.