Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul

Transforming Pain into Purpose: Yuossima Rose's Journey to Spiritual Healing and Holistic Wellness

June 16, 2024 Natasha Joy Price and Guests
Transforming Pain into Purpose: Yuossima Rose's Journey to Spiritual Healing and Holistic Wellness
Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
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Balm To The Soul - Energy Healing to soothe mind, body and soul
Transforming Pain into Purpose: Yuossima Rose's Journey to Spiritual Healing and Holistic Wellness
Jun 16, 2024
Natasha Joy Price and Guests

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Can spiritual healing be the key to overcoming chronic illness and mental health struggles? Discover the extraordinary journey of Yuossima Rose, a divine channel, author, and CEO of Yuossima Rose Limited, who refused to accept a lifetime of pain following a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Through her unyielding determination, Yuossima embraced energy healing and found her true path, transforming her life from one filled with chronic illness and personal loss to one of spiritual enlightenment and purpose. This episode reveals how she identified and realigned areas of imbalance within herself to achieve holistic wellness and how you can do the same.

Join us for a compelling exploration of what it means to discover and align with your soul purpose. Yuossima and I discuss the duality of life and the misconception that spirituality will solve all problems, emphasizing instead the importance of mastering the human experience with all its challenges. Through personal anecdotes, we highlight the significance of facilitating others' healing journeys without trying to be their saviours. This conversation is a powerful reminder that the transformative journey is continuous and that true growth begins with looking within to activate your soul calling.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

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The properties of Marigold essential oil, and what this beautiful musky oil can help you with.

A call to action to help us keep spreading the spiritual ripple xx

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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

Soul led steps for a joyful life
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Can spiritual healing be the key to overcoming chronic illness and mental health struggles? Discover the extraordinary journey of Yuossima Rose, a divine channel, author, and CEO of Yuossima Rose Limited, who refused to accept a lifetime of pain following a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Through her unyielding determination, Yuossima embraced energy healing and found her true path, transforming her life from one filled with chronic illness and personal loss to one of spiritual enlightenment and purpose. This episode reveals how she identified and realigned areas of imbalance within herself to achieve holistic wellness and how you can do the same.

Join us for a compelling exploration of what it means to discover and align with your soul purpose. Yuossima and I discuss the duality of life and the misconception that spirituality will solve all problems, emphasizing instead the importance of mastering the human experience with all its challenges. Through personal anecdotes, we highlight the significance of facilitating others' healing journeys without trying to be their saviours. This conversation is a powerful reminder that the transformative journey is continuous and that true growth begins with looking within to activate your soul calling.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: ZTXJPK8BA5WMLKSF

The properties of Marigold essential oil, and what this beautiful musky oil can help you with.

A call to action to help us keep spreading the spiritual ripple xx

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Natasha Joy Price
Facebook - Dandelion Therapies
Instagram - Raymond Cottage, natashapriceauthor and schoolcourseenergy

Link to book Freedom of the Soul - available on Amazon UK

Speaker 1:

so welcome everybody to another episode of balm to the soul, and today I have a lovely new guest with me and her name is yusima rose. So welcome, yusima. Thank you so much for supporting balm to the soul oh, thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 2:

It's always an honor, so thank you so much no, my pleasure.

Speaker 1:

I love having new guests on. It's always refreshing to hear you know what, what you're doing and and new people's ideas and you know, so that's lovely new energy. Um so let me just give you a little bit of a description for Yosemite. She's a divine channel and author of the truth of trauma. She's a spiritual teacher and she's the Truth of Trauma. She's a spiritual teacher and she's CEO of Yosemite Rose Limited. That's you.

Speaker 2:

You got it Brilliant.

Speaker 1:

So first question how did you start really on your healing path? How did you come to be in the place that you are now? I know that's a long lots of information before, but if you can condense that down, I'll break it down.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's. You know. I think everyone has their own story to tell. I think everyone's voice is valuable and I just feel like there was a moment in my journey in which I needed my voice to be heard, because I knew that everything that I'd been through could be used to help others, and that was really.

Speaker 2:

The pivotal moment for me was back when I was really unwell. It was 2016. I was in a very unhappy marriage. It was unfulfilling, um, I was struggling with my mental health. I had previously lost someone to suicide. He was like a father to me and my body was just breaking down, like my body was manifesting all of this pain that I wasn't able to express and it was just slowly breaking down who I was. My spirit was broken, not just my body.

Speaker 2:

And I think the pivotal moment for me was I got a diagnosis eventually. I was in and out of hospital for two years before I got any diagnosis and when they told me you've got fibromyalgia, the way they described that to me was you're going to be in pain for the rest of your life, and there was this inner knowing, this. This I can't even explain. It was like something in me was like that's not your truth, that's that's not something you can receive and place on yourself to live conformed to this, basically prison of this chronic health condition.

Speaker 2:

I really then surrendered and I'm not religious, I've never been someone who believes in anything. I was very pessimistic and I was like, if there's anything up there because obviously I'd lost so many people at that point as well to the spirit world, I was just like, if anyone's up there, please help me, you know, show me a better way, because I didn't see a way out at that time. All we know is the health system and what's provided for us and I'm not saying that's wrong, because it was a huge part of my journey. But I needed more. At that point and when I surrendered, that's when all these doors opened up and I was introduced to spiritual healing and that's what catalyst me. I delved so deep into my own healing journey that I was almost obsessed with what I was able to not just become as a woman, but what I was able to heal within myself. But I knew I couldn't not share this with the world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that, because I've always you know, I've said that a lot it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, I am not disrespecting traditional medicine at all, because look how far we've come Absolutely, but I do absolutely believe that there's a piece missing and that piece is our energy and our energy healing. And you know, and if you, if you don't look at that piece, you're missing a massive piece of the jigsaw. So lovely to hear you say that and that, and I like the fact also that you knew that there was something else and you went about looking for that, and I think the fact also that you knew that there was something else and you went about looking for that and I think lots of people do that they get a diagnosis and they think, okay, I've got to find some other way, I've got to find some other path. So that's really powerful. So you, you have clients come to you. Do they come with physical issues like that or do they come with a whole array of things going on? What do you really focus on?

Speaker 2:

because I feel like my journey has been catapulted. I know I'm only 32, but I feel like I've been served so much adversity in my life. It's not just my health, it's been relationships, it's been sexuality. I am someone who survived sexual abuse as a child and because I have experienced and overcome so many things, I'm not limited in what I'm able to offer, because what I truly believe in my heart is we are whole beings.

Speaker 2:

Therefore, whatever is out of alignment within us can affect and create a catalyst of disease in any area of our life. So our business, our career, because for me as well and this is something I speak about in my first book that manifestation of illness I truly believe in my heart was my soul telling me you're not living the life you're meant to. And that's the true work I'm here to fulfill is to help people align with the path that they are meant to lead. Because we are so conditioned, we are meant to do a, b, z that we are disconnected from the soul within us that is trying to guide us on the correct path. And I truly believe that disease, whether it's in unhappiness, or whether it's in our body, our mind, our business, our relationships, it's all manifestation of something within us not quite being in alignment, and I think that is the pillar for us. Healing is to look within ourselves and find out what that misalignment is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, and how? What techniques do you use to help people do that? Because if somebody's been given a diagnosis or somebody is very unhappy in their relationship, it's actually really quite hard to get them to start working, because it's not a quick fix, is it? It's you've got to really find a way to hear your soul's voice really don't you? And your soul's wisdom. So it's a real process.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad you brought that up, because I feel like there's a lot of victimization out there in which people who are in desperate states of wanting to find an alternative way of healing they're ultimately buying into these quick fixes, losing money, losing sense of hope because they're being sold these holistic modalities that you're going to be healed. I still, to this day, have adversities with my body. I still have adversities in my life because I'm here to live in the contrast of what life brings us. What we really need to master is how to be the healer of ourselves in a way that we are able to hold the space for those events when they come into our lives.

Speaker 2:

And I've been on this path for seven years and I'm still learning and growing, and I feel like that is our soul's evolution we never stop. We are the students of life and I think the the main thing that we can teach people is there is no overnight fix. There is coming home to love, there is surrender, there is grace, there is patience, but there's this duality of okay, I'm willing to do whatever it takes and I'm willing to change my life for the rest of my life, in knowing that it's not about what I do now. It's what I'm doing every single day to contribute to a life that's actually going to help me live in alignment with who I am.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely Do you know? I always used to joke that I never thought I had any issues until I started energy healing and then I've been doing it for 20 years and things are still coming up. And you know, so it is. It is a journey, isn't it? It's, it's, it's. You say you've been doing it for seven years and it just keeps going, but it doesn't mean that you're in a place of pain for that time either. Know you can find a place of peace, and but you still need to be working, and each of us are so unique, aren't we, that it's a very unique path for everybody.

Speaker 2:

I really just want to pinpoint on what you said there, because we carry not just our own trauma but generational and ancestral imprints. So if we were to heal all of that in one go, our psyche would break down. It wouldn't be able to handle that level of woundedness that has been passed down through our bloodline. So that is why I truly believe for it to be for our greatest good, to honor our well-being, it has to be a gradual evolution of healing in a timeline that we can handle, because if I had healed everything that I've healed the last seven years in one go, I wouldn't be here. It would have been far overwhelming. Because, yeah, you're in a human body and for us to really honor that aspect of ourselves, that human aspect, we must have that awareness that I have to be patient with myself. In honoring that I'm not just healing my stuff, it's also going back through my ancestral lineage.

Speaker 1:

So I really just wanted to pinpoint yeah, no, a really good point, and I learned that quite early on. Actually, with some clients they would get great revelations and other clients would be just literally drip fed little bits of information and it was to do with what they could cope with. Like you say, maybe they were slightly more fragile at that point in time and if they had a big, suddenly saw something, got a realization, it would, it would do them more harm than good at that point.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love I was reading something about you as well and you were talking about, um, how you help your clients to calibrate to the vibe, the vibration, so they can manifest. And I love that because you know manifesting we talk about raising our vibration and and doing, but that's just slightly different way. It's a lovely way.

Speaker 2:

It's like you'll be, you're fine tuning them in a bit or they're fine tuning themselves, but that that's a that's a great way of putting it yeah, I love, I love this, and it's only something that I've been able to do myself the last maybe two years because obviously, I've raised my vibration to a certain level. But I really I had this duality in the spiritual industry because, let's be honest, there is a lot of mistruths, there's a lot of fads and I truly believe in my heart that manifestation is actually becoming dangerous because we're using it to bypass our pain. We are teaching people to manifest a conditioned life which isn't in alignment with their soul. It's just a life they think, that's going to help them escape what they're experiencing, and this is what's keeping people trapped in these trauma loops. However, when we calibrate to a frequency, we are choosing to remove the blocks from a somatic level within our nervous system, so that our vibration is raising to the consciousness of our spirit, soul-led life.

Speaker 2:

So there's a different, there's a different perspective in which there's this what I call the 3d manifestation. The 3d manifestation is manifest to I just want more money, I want a nice car, I want a nice house, all of these things we're conditioned to desire. But then you have the manifestation which is I'm going to truly go through and heal through and remove those layers that are blocking me from my ancestral lineage, those money imprints, those wealth blocks, and I'm going to calibrate to a higher consciousness and, honestly, that is when my life took a massive u-turn, was when I was able to vibrationally remove those imprints and actually raise it to a higher consciousness, which enabled me to manifest my soul-led life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're absolutely right. Most manifest, a lot of manifesting forces that you see it's about more money, about more abundance, about what society thinks we need, you know, flash cars, big houses, and actually maybe that's not what your soul is telling you that you need. So that's a really it's. It's almost like don't manifest until you've worked through some stuff and really, really listen to what you want to do, and then at that point you know um well, I've, look, I've, I've, I've been in celebrity environments, I've been to radio shows.

Speaker 2:

I've been to all these events and I've seen, behind the surface, what's going on with people who are wealthy, successful, what we're seeing, what is sold on social media. I've seen, actually, what's hidden. I've seen what's in the dark. I've seen the addictions. I've seen the drugs. I've seen the mental health issues. I've seen people break down and I truly know in my, in my soul, if I'm destined to live that higher life, then I want to do it in a way that I'm honored and I'm not hiding aspects of myself that are keeping me in a form of suffering. So why would you want to manifest a life that is just looks good on the surface and actually you're not whole and healed and fulfilled as an individual? Because that's what we actually desire. We don't desire the external things. We desire the liberty from that pain and suffering, and the only way we can rise above that is by truly going within ourselves to remove those layers, so that when we do raising consciousness and our life does shift, it brings with it a healthy, whole and fulfilling reality.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and, in fact, a lot of what we are shown to be, this amazing life that everybody wants, that, like you say, it's not amazing for the people involved in it and they're not happy, and you know. So that is not the way to be. I love the fact that, um, you also talk about empowering women as well, particularly to just find their, their soul's calling, basically, and how, how? How do you do that when people like this, people listening, thinking, oh you know, I really do want to find what my, but how, where do I start with that? What, what, what do I do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, this is really what inspired me. I have an online program called RTYSS. It's return to your sovereign self. Because this is what inspired me, because I knew myself. You cannot seek your purpose externally, because your soul is within you. How can you find something outside of yourself when you are the soul? And that's when I really had this passion and this something ignited within me when I was going through my own journey of healing. The more I started to heal and awaken to who I really am and really let go of those layers of generational trauma, the more that I was shown by the universe the right path for me. That's when my soul calling was activated.

Speaker 2:

It's not something that we can seek or find or attain and unfortunately, this is something I speak about in my book, the Truth of Trauma. A lot of people build it on a very broken foundation in which they want to be an external saviour because they're going through their own trauma. And if you are seeking to save others, you are building something on a broken foundation. We cannot save others. We can only inspire them to save themselves. So for me, there has to be this duality of holding space for being your own healer, taking responsibility for yourself, and as you are the leader of yourself, you are inspiring others to do the same and show up, and for me, that's what catalysts women into discovering what their soul's calling is is because they're not looking outwards, they're actually looking within, and that's where your soul's purpose is activated, because you're getting into that calibre of being in soul alignment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're a facilitator, aren't you rather than a healer? You're not healing them. You're a facilitator, aren't you Rather than a healer? You're not healing them, you're facilitating their healing. And everybody has such a unique path, don't they? You know something that would resonate with you might not resonate with me, and vice versa. And you've got to listen to that little nudge, that thing that is personal, speaking to you somewhere that says you know, go and do that webinar with that person. Or, and when you go and do that webinar, something else triggers and or you meet somebody, or you know, or somebody says read that book, or you know, and that's. It's like the breadcrumbs, isn't it? That's how you need to set off, but it's lovely that you're there, that what you do is there to support people on that journey yeah, because there's.

Speaker 2:

This is what a lot of people don't unveil.

Speaker 2:

I'm very much I like to expose everything. I don't like anything being hidden from individuals. A lot of people are taught spirituality is love, like it's all this amazing you. But when you truly are on a spiritual path, there's a lot of contrast that comes with that. When you choose to follow your soul's calling, you're going to be dealt a lot of adversity because you have to become that individual who's actually ready to step into that purpose and that was a huge part of my journey is the woman I am today is not the woman I was all those years ago, because the more I've stepped into and surrendered to my purpose, the more I've had to become a new level of myself that I wasn't yet embodying.

Speaker 2:

And this is what a lot of individuals aren't exposed to. Is that contrast in which it's not all perfect. We are here to be unconditional beings. We are still teaching in the spiritual industry, conditioning where it's not all perfect. We are here to be unconditional beings. We are still teaching in the spiritual industry conditioning where it's all perfect. We are exposing them to right. Spirituality is something that's going to fix your life and make it perfect, which is not the truth. It's actually a lie, and I really want to, I think, unveil the truth which will set them free, in that there is no perfect conditions. It's always going to be a duality of contrast, and it's learning to love and embrace all aspects of life as you grow, and that's where you become the woman you're meant to yeah, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

The journey it's a journey. It is a journey. It's not click your fingers and you have the perfect life and actually if you did that, you wouldn't be in the right state to enjoy it anyway, sort of thing. It is a journey and it's also painful, isn't it? And it's hard, and there are periods where you think what the hell am I doing this for? No, I like that. I like that honesty you seem, and that's that's because because you know it isn't a quick fix. It is about really getting to grips with who you are and listening and and recognizing the potential of who you can become once you've done, once you've followed that journey. But I think that leads into actually being human is quite difficult.

Speaker 1:

I think we're here to learn lessons, and I actually think it's blooming hard for most people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and that's and that's what a true spiritual path in path is is to master being human. It's not to be spiritual, it's to actually master the human aspect. That's why we come here as souls and spirits, is because the human life master the human aspect. That's why we come here as souls and spirits, is because the human life is so challenging and that's what I've had to learn like I've. I was on a radio show the other day and I was honest and open.

Speaker 2:

I have been in moments in my life where I've ended up in a psychiatric ward because I was so broken. I needed external support. I needed help. I'm not here to expose myself as this guru, because they don't exist. There is no one better or less. We are all humans who came here on earth to learn our lessons that we have placed on ourselves to learn in this lifetime, and there's no getting away from that. You can try, I've tried. I've tried to escape my soul's calling, tried. I've tried to escape my soul's calling. I've tried to escape my lessons. But what you resist will persist and I've learned that the hard way and we have to say as well it is this spiral.

Speaker 1:

You know you keep coming back to the same issue. I've been doing it for 20 years and it's still you know you're still clearing stuff, but also, along the way, it is fun and it's fascinating. And you know you meet so many amazing people who have done such random things really not to them, but to you and and that's what keeps me going I just find the whole process so fascinating.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't change it for the world. Number one because it took me so long to find who I am as a woman, and you know that, for me, has been my greatest byproduct out of all of this is, not only have I learned how to love myself unconditionally, but I've become someone that I'm proud of. I'm ultimately embodied in a woman that I believe God made me to be, or whatever you believe in, and for me, that's been my greatest byproduct out of this is me sitting in this chair today, because I saved myself. I did this. No one saved me. I didn't seek an external saviour, I didn't seek in a relationship and, yes, I have my challenges, but I wouldn't change it for the world because I'm dedicated to myself. I'm devoted to love.

Speaker 1:

That's my pillar yeah, absolutely how you would say, perfectly imperfect, like we all are. So if somebody comes to you, yosima, and what can you offer them? What, what, how do they get in touch with you? What, what do you offer them if, if they are listening and think I need some of that support don't?

Speaker 2:

we all need some of that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have a range of services, so it depends on where you are in your journey, and my work can be quite intense, a lot of the people that come into work with me. You have to be ready and willing to truly do what it takes, because it's a 50 50 50 50 collaborative effort and that's something I always expose people to. If you are sitting on the fence about working with me, you have to first ask yourself am I willing to do whatever it takes? Because I'm only here to show you the way you have to lead yourself? And then, once you've discerned within yourself, actually I am willing, like I do whatever it takes.

Speaker 2:

We do have a range of services, so we've books, we've retreats, we've courses, we've one-to-one. It all depends on what's for you. We trust you to use your inner discernment to feel what's going to serve you, because everybody's at a different part in their journey and what one needs, another one doesn't need. So it all depends on you individually and what you feel called to. As you say, when you feel that that, knowing that I have to step into this, this is for me. That's what we've done. We've created these different containers so that you can choose what's right for you at this moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and tell us about your book and where that's available. The Truth of Trauma yeah, and tell us about your book and where that's available.

Speaker 2:

The Truth of Trauma yeah, so all of our services are available on yosemarosecom, where you can purchase the Truth of Trauma and you can purchase Relationship Remedy. So there's my two books. There's a part one and a part two, and you can also get it on KDP in e-book as well. So if it's something where you are struggling with finances, you still can get them for free. So there's always something available to you.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Thank you so much for coming on to the podcast. It's been a real pleasure talking to you. It's lovely to hear somebody who's got similar ideas as well about what we're all here to do and how that's not as easy as people think. So it's been a real pleasure talking to you, yusima to you, yusima.

Speaker 2:

thank you so much thank you so much for having me, and thank you for letting me share my truth. I always love letting my voice be heard, so thank you for giving me that platform well, you always.

Speaker 1:

You do it so beautifully. So thank you very much, and if you've enjoyed this podcast, please like and share, and I'm going to put up all Yusima's contact details under the the episode, and I'll talk to you all again soon.

Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery
Embracing the Journey Within