Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

Coaching- Powerful Questions To Increase Your Mental Wellness, Clarity, and Forward-Movement

Jackie Borlawsky & Dr. Sibylle Georgianna's Leadership Practice Season 4 Episode 1

As this season in history seems to put a lot on our plates, learn in this dialogue with Jackie Borlawsky about coaching. Coaching is one way of leadership through powerful questions and repeating back what the coach hears the client say. The clients lead themselves by sharing their thoughts with another person and coming to their own solutions as they are hearing their own thoughts repeated back to them.

Learn more about this exciting pathway to mental wellness in Jackie and my conversation- enjoy!

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

Sibylle Georgianna:

Okay, and welcome, Jackie. It's so fun that I get to bring you here into a conversation about an exciting topic, which is coaching, which is actually where you and I met in a coaching training. And, you know, we've been going coaching back and forth talking about things. And so I was so excited when you were open to talk about what excites you, but to talk about that here. So yeah, so you know, what's coming to mind? I mean, why would you want those that are looking for like mental wellness, we know about coaching.


So I have a strange background with coaching. But I'm fortunate to have been able to experience in in, get it free through my work when I first started. And I think what was surprising, and what I think people don't realize, when we talk about coaching an offer is that people don't realize how much they just need somebody in their corner, who also just isn't going to let you ruminate over your issues that you bring to the conversation, they're really going to work with you to develop solutions that will lead to forward momentum. So I would always come out of my coaching sessions, like pretty energized in and ready to, like tackle the issue, and then see what was next after that. Right. And that was, to me, that was a surprise, I never, I never thought that that was what I needed. You know. And then the fact that I, I enjoyed it so much. And after I left that job, I just decided to change the account to be a personal accounts. So I clearly found the value in it enough to keep my coach and, and Karen was great. She's she's been my coach for three years. And she actually led me to start my own coaching journey. And I signed up for all the classes, and now I'm working on my credentials.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Wow, yeah, that is very powerful. Even that first exposure, but for you that your company, your company, saw the value, and convinced you to see the value in a way right first, and that's as I'm, I think the other piece that that is so striking, like I, I would feel the same way receiving coaching that it kind of is so you know, unexpected in a way, how energizing it is a how much forward momentum it generates. And so that's that's one thing I think we both shared. And then the other one, which I think that keeps shining through, even in our other conversations prior to this, to this call is that I think you are also a person who loves to not just help people, but also loves efficiency. This has been like my lesson, I was like, Oh, how can we make it more efficient? And yes, it's probably still I mean, my husband says it's 100%, the stereotype about Germans is, you know, looking for efficiency and everything, which is true, right? And so, you know, it could be from that mindset, but really, how, how amazing the efficiency is in these in these calls to get momentum to move forward. So yeah, so I, I fell in love with that, by looking for that additional avenue to offer to clients. In this one of a kind time that we're in where I feel, you know, we have not always so much time, we are very committed with many things. We don't want an extra obligation. And so I'm really always looking for how to get help to people in the best way. And the most efficient way. Right. So yeah, so yeah, so yeah, is anything else that keeps you basically, in that pursuit of, of this, this extra Avenue in your life?


Absolutely. So the actual the, the way that I landed in it was the recurring theme in my conversations with my coach for a couple of years was I struggled a lot in my career. And a lot of it came down to like the fight or flight reactions that I would have to just being independent having a paycheck, you know, that that I could rely on. And so it would cause problems at work where I'm stressing about things that aren't that bad, right? So we found that I needed something outside of work that I can rely on, like in the chance that I just don't want to work there anymore. It's something that I can rely on for income after the fact. Right, so just some sort of buffer that would just make me relax more at work. Right. I wouldn't feel trapped at that at that role, right. And so Oh, that's the role that it plays now, right? I'm not so sure that I'm going to pursue it as like a full time career. It's something that I love doing. And I came to the like, you could do a side hustle for pretty much any anything you want to do, right. But coaching is where I landed, because I was a supervisor for about 10 years in production. And my favorite part of my job was, like personal development, helping team members, especially the ones that feel stuck, realize that they can, they can pursue what they want, and they have somebody on their side that's going to help them do it. And just seeing them light up when when they're able to actually see a career path and see that they can take control of it. And they're not, they're not just stuck there. So that is was my favorite part of the role as a supervisor, when COVID came around, we probably lost about 30% of our workforce and hiring was almost impossible, it was very stressful and difficult. And we didn't have the flexibility to take an associate off of the production line and have a conversation with them. And when they're running the line, they're doing the job of about three people. So my favorite part of my job very quickly disintegrated. So and so that's when I took over my current role, which is now planning I'm not in production anymore, but it now gave gave me the freedom of a schedule where I could take the classes, and I will never regret it. I think it's amazing. And I get to, I get to come home from work and plan on coaching sessions after work in a stressful as my job currently is. And I'm always so tired. I'm always like, Man, I got a coaching session again tonight. But I always leave that coaching session feeling amazing. It's amazing, like just the connection and the ability to, like walk somebody through the issues that they're seeing and have them light up at the end of the conversation is it's very satisfying for me.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Yes, I think that's really the it's like an intrinsic reward in a way, right? Anything on the outside, it's, it's really not any, you know, you need to be in a certain format, it's really the client getting into their own solutions, which is so powerful. And then you know, it's such a meaningful way of being in the world, you know, being in this type of maybe copilot position. Right? So, yeah, I mean, 100%, I think it's like, if you just look at it from the outside you like how can be like a 30 minute call on system or, you know, 20 minutes. Questions be so transformative, right? I mean, it's, it's really something where the capacity of being heard or I think even that capacity to hear yourself, say certain things that are being repeated back without, you know, you know, without putting anybody else in the driver's seat, apart from the person who brings the conversation. This is like powerful stuff. And I saw second, this, you know, this whole impact with COVID, when there were so many changes where it was just adjust, adjust, adjust. And yet, you know, it's, it can be still so transformative, we could come out of that. All of those stressors, and kudos to you how you identified what would help you personally, and then it just expanded. That's so, so beautiful. Yeah. So I know you we've always had questions also, like back and forth, or any question you would have for me, as we're teaming up in this even in this conversation today?


Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm kind of curious about how, like, you have a history in, in therapy, right. And you're pursuing coaching, and from my understanding, it was something you wanted to do, because you can offer your your clients even more, right. So how do you feel the benefits of therapy and coaching compare?

Sibylle Georgianna:

The great question, and I think people just look at me, like, why is Why are you putting this here too? As an extra choice, you know, and so, okay, so the benefit for the client so I think the benefit is in a way similar, you know, with regards to clarity feeling, you know, you're not that, you know, capacities maybe you couldn't see yourself with and that's maybe as well with a with a therapy approach. But I think the approach you know, I think about it more like sometimes to get to the clarity and that forward movement, you know, is though is it more of a current topic or like something that's in your future transitions, even beautiful events, like promotions or you know, People get married or relocations, or, you know, you've transitioned in your in your work. So if it's more current, or in the future, on an event that hasn't happened yet, and we're just looking for ways to, you know, make it best, then the coaching, you know, with those full pointing questions, you know, could be, you know, be the means to get there. And I think as therapy sometimes as a, as a means to also get people moving, but perhaps stuck, including these areas, where it's, the mind keeps going back to certain situations or questions or missing pieces where we don't, we're not quite sure. And so we're finding ourselves, you know, with, with the something that's more in the back of the mind wanting to pull us back from from things in the past, and then therapy and, and just techniques for stress reduction, as you mentioned, that fight or flight, you know, that could be a piece that's usually, in particular with that somatic type of work that I do, you know, that that can be beneficial to kind of add, so it's more about like, what were we looking, but the benefits and that, you know, the outcome, in a way, I think I'm very, very much comparable. And, and so the other piece, funny, you know, people are like, what's, why are you thinking about this? To me, it's like the same. I mean, I look at people as he's, you know, I mean, they have already everything in them, what they need, where they need to go, what the answer is, and so that's the, you know, so even there, you know, there is for me, and my own point of view, no difference between therapy and coaching, because I look at people like you already got it, maybe a different tool to use to get to that clarity. And that makes it maybe a little different from, you know, the typical view on therapy where some people again, I don't really endorse that, but you know, it's, you know, they're like, all people have this issue, you're having some, if there was something wrong with a person, you know, and I don't, that's not even my background as a, although that my opinion, although therapists are in this field, but it looked at as abnormal or not well adjusted, and I really think about it more as like, they already have it, and we just have to kind of dig it out, you know, if it's like something that's deeply, you know, buried, but versus something that's good that can be gotten to with these footprinting questions, but, yeah, so at this time, I always think about that as well, in these coaching calls or getting this credential, you know, pathway for coaching. Get that done. You know, I think about that, too, you know, what's, what's the difference for, you know, what, what people may benefit from and, and at the end of the day, you know, clarity, peace of mind, you know, energy to move forward. I mean, that's really what I'm looking for in any, in any conversation, you know, in any type of service. So, so yeah, so for people who've not really thought much about coaching, kind of like maybe as you entered it yourself, what would you want people to know about coaching, if there's something from your experience.


So it's interesting, because I did work with Karen for several years, I still consider my coach, even though I haven't met with her for quite a while. And ever since I signed up for the coaching classes, I found out pretty early that I was not a very good coaching client. Because I was rather difficult and Tom shore, very stressful for her to handle. And so if, if anybody's like excited to practice coaching, or try out a coach for the first time, I highly recommend that they do a little bit of research on like, the flow of the conversation and what the what to expect, right. And also kind of the different styles of coaching that people have and know that not every coach coaches the same way. And that's one of the things that I think I struggled to, to discuss with new clients, because I usually work with people that have never heard of what coaching is, right? And I always struggle with it until I'm able to show them the cadence of a normal conversation and we go through it a couple times, and then all of a sudden, there's a pattern and then there is unleashes every possibility for them.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Yeah, that's deep. That's like another conversation. We like about like, watching all day, what to expect, right. And and then at the same time, you know, with this expectation that there's going to be questions for forward movement, right, it gears up the I think it gears up my own mind to be like, okay, you know, I mean, that's at least And sometimes when you coach me, you tell me like, Oh, you already have that all mapped out. I'm like, No, I don't. It's just my mind is probably putting it together and I'm like a little offended. But I'm like, No, it's really hard for me and you're like, nope, your minds on it. You already know it.


You did it. You already did.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Wow. Okay, so much to ponder. So thank you so much for for accommodation today. So if anyone would want to look you up or learn more from you, or about you, what is a way to contact you?


They can contact me probably easiest by email. I can add it, I think probably as a link or anything like that. But yep, we can do it that way. Put it in the

Sibylle Georgianna:

little show notes or something. Yeah, there was that comment section? Okay. Yeah. Okay. Thanks so much for your time. And I look forward to hopefully some more chatting about this exciting topic of coaching.


absolutely need to bite so Jason, thank you.