Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

How To Detox Your Life For (Mental) Well-being And Sanity

O'Donnell & Sibylle Georgianna The Leadership Practice Season 2 Episode 17

Are you interested in the following:

How to get the best health into your/your loved ones lives within 21 days, and how to use an online programs to the support and the tools needed?

How to get mental health to clients in the fastest way possible and the best way possible?

How to find a manageable action item to get started, and how to find ways to decrease the impact of sugar (without getting intimidated by it)?

How to find a small community of no more than 10 people in a class, and a private Facebook group for additional support and accountability?

Learn more about the power in people and having a community by listening to this episode. Enjoy!

About Andrea O'Donnell:
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Rising Roots Nutrition LLC

You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity.

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

Sibylle Georgianna:

So welcome back to you, Andrea, Donna. I know we already had one beautiful episode where we talked about food and mood and your important work as a nutritional therapist practitioner. So I'm so glad, good to have you back for one more conversation about, yeah, how to get the best health into people's lives within 21 days. So. So yes, thank you for coming back. In I know, we've had conversations outside of our other conversation about the benefit of tackling such a big topic like food and mental well being in a in a classroom on it. So how did you find the format for the class that, you know, I took with you that you offered? Or you were trained to offer? How did you? How did you come across that format? It started with that?


Yeah, so um, you know, when I finished my program, this has been one of my goals is to create online programs to give people the tools that they need, and I know that we're all so busy, you know, a, we don't have time to dedicate hours and hours, you know, in learning. And what I saw was, there was a need in our market for more than just handing somebody a handout, right, you have a handout here, do a detox, go do some juicing, and then nobody learns anything from it. And then after that seven days, the 21 days, or whatever it is, people just go back to eating the same. So I wanted to create a program. But in the meantime, as I've been working on creating a side project, I found this restart program, through another NTP like myself who created it. So I bought the licensure and I just absolutely loved it because it falls 100% in line with what I do as an NTP. And I kind of took it on my own, and then really just started sharing it with others, because it has, in my opinion, best of both worlds where you're teaching, and you're providing the tools, while you get to actually embark on your own detox journey.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Well, and I think, as, as you mentioned, you know, I've been really looking for ways to get mental health to clients in the fastest way possible, and the best serving said, so to speak, because of the busyness and because of the sometimes it's even so complex, where we're even starting. So how do you sell no sugar? To someone who knows that that could be such an avenue, but could get easily intimidated? How are you usually bringing that up as an as an option? For those inquiring?


That's a great question. And it's something that I'm honestly still navigating through. Because when people hear sugar, and no sugar, they usually run for the hills. So what I have done instead is really again, going back to listening to people and what it is their needs are, if people are telling me they have low energy, they're having menstrual issues, they are having trouble sleeping, they are having achy joints. And when I hear this or trouble losing weight, then that spurs the conversation of okay, well, what can we do about it in a relatively quick amount of time, you know, I don't believe in magic pills. Because they don't work. But what can you do even in 21 days in less than a month to actually see a difference and see results. So that's when I talk about this program that I offer this five week sugar detox program that is not only just detoxing, but you're actually learning. So you're able to take the tools and the knowledge that you learned from this program and to continue it in your life to live a healthier and joyful life again.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Well, and I think you even finding like a little foot in the door to look for something that that could work. So I remember with my daughter, we looked at it like, okay, let's just ease in, we don't have to go on like, like a very compressed schedule. We could just say, you know, having coffee without sugar, right? That was like already, you know, you could just do those things. So so a lot of times helping clients to find a manageable action item, right? That's one of many one of my passions with my German background, what's the efficient way to get in into their lives? Right and, and yet, by the time where there was, you know, we just practiced to have less sugar for you know, just, I don't even know three weeks or something and by the time she was like with even less sugar, and then, you know, with even inspirations of what could be consumed, right? So sometimes I feel it's not just the absence of something, but then what could you put that in place. And I remember you mentioning these cookbooks right from the get go where I ordered them where I did our first kind of exploration into into this field. And where there were so many things to be able to that, that could be consumed, that were sweets, right, there was some satisfaction for for the sweet craving. And I thought that was a that was even a game changer to be like, Wow, there's so many things you can have. And then, you know, just to gradually find the ways to decrease them. The influences that were like the hardest on the body. So so with that inspiration to your clients to get them into into these productive, really profound shifts, like within like those 21 days, is there anything else that with these classes that you've been teaching, what you notice, is helping them embrace the no sugar for data time? There anything, anything that you notice that that's always that that can be a habit for for starter? Perhaps?


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, first and foremost, it always helps to have community, you know, they say there's power in people, and, and having a community. So that's the one thing I love about this detox program, is we have a small community of no more than 10 people in a class, whether that's I do zoom and in person as well, but you always have people around you to support you. Not only that, but I also offer like a private Facebook group, currently. And that just gives additional support and accountability for people where I post recipes, articles, videos, that they can watch books, other resources that they can always turn to, even after the program. So that that support continues. Also, they have access to me for any questions they may have, so they don't feel like they're going at this alone, you know, when I'm giving these resources of foods that we want to avoid and foods that, you know, we can enjoy and plentiful. You know, sometimes it can feel overwhelming, and people are like I just don't even know where to go. And this is where when I work with people one on one, we obviously dive deeper to that. And I provide grocery store tours and pantry cleanouts that people love. But for this program, I still am there answering any questions that you may have, I've had people who are at the grocery store sending me pictures of you know, products saying hey, is this okay, is this? Yeah. And so I think that having that support in that group is the most important thing. And then, again, having me here where I'm live, you know, I'm not just sending you a handout and sending you on your way but you have a live person to ask questions every single week for five weeks, you know, all your burning questions that you have, that you're hearing, and, you know, the news, you know, from friends that you can ask and learn more about. So I think that's been really beneficial.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Yeah, I think even the previous research on how really to self regulate that shows that having a short par, you know, like a person who kind of moves you up the mountain moves you down on the other side of the mountain knows that territory is such a, such a key ingredient to to learn even suffering to learn to self regulate. And I think what usually people don't even bring up when they come even for let's say therapy or coaching is that the food is is a like a like a little backdoor to regulate our emotions in one way or another self to space out. Sometimes even maybe possibly, like, you know, quiet the voices inside of us. And so I'm just so grateful that there is a greater awareness that it's not just about a losing weight or something, but it's really about a different way of regulating ourselves to get to where we want to be in the best and the healthiest way possible. So there is again my my desire for efficacy and for helping people really to be at their best and getting there the best way or the fastest way possible. So yes, so I think what we can do is we can put into our notes the the information for the class and perhaps even the link to the cookbook, because I felt that that was such an empowerment when I first ordered the cookbook even to be like Okay, I think we can you know, just approach This whole we said and you know, like a, like a reversal of, you know, difficult patterns even in teenagers lives, we can approach it from this very down to earth and very feasible way, you know?


So, yeah, it's view, yeah, it's power, you know, and the more we understand and the more we learn, the healthier choices that we can make, even finding when you find delicious healthy recipes, you know, they're out there, you know, not everything is just broccoli, and kale, you know, like, there is ways to make really nourishing and delicious foods. And we talk about that as well. And, and how food when it's eaten properly, can make you feel amazing, you know, energy that you need it. It regulates, like you said, your mood, where you feel you can focus better, right, you you're able to concentrate more, you're able to have better memory, all that is really intertwined with the food that we're eating, because when we're eating sugar and inflammatory foods, like processed foods, it inhibits our brain from properly functioning.

Sibylle Georgianna:

And that even is such a empowering thing that we have so much control over our mood, and our feelings and our, you know, sensations really much more than I think, in the sport that so driven by like, outside forces technology, you know, other people that make me on that made me you know, like, there's this mindset that I don't have as much control as, as we know, we actually we have so much more control than then we sometimes we feel we have and I think that something about food is such a direct effect on your well being that is so beautiful, like we do have it in our control what we eat, and yes, sometimes we have limitations around maybe the budget or perhaps geographically where we may not have certain foods at certain times in season, but at the same time, I think that's just one of those, those big incentives is to say, we have so much in our control, you know, within the way how we choose foods or even maybe skipping, skipping SAP certain items, but then having the budget to buy that fresh blueberries, you know, and saying, Okay, do I need to get the you know, the Jews that yeah, I would obviously crave that, like, instead I can budget it for you know, something fresh. So I think that's a whole talking about that, the grocery store to have that's like another, another conversation for another time. But yes, thank you so much, again, for making yourself available, we put the information for you, to reach you in the notes and I look forward to our continued dialogue


at all, it was such a pleasure and I look forward to you know, having others in the class, like you know, yourself and your daughter who took the class and just the amazing results that you gained from and your daughter really gained from it not just how she felt but the learning aspects. That is my goal is really to give people the tools and empowerment. So thank you so much for having me.

Sibylle Georgianna:

Yes. You are so welcoming. Again. It's it's been such a gift to have been experienced. Do you two have thank you so much.