weMove Podcast

Finding Flow with Jamie Wheal - Episode 35


Can you remember the last time you were in the zone? Where you forgot completely about what you were doing, time both stood still and flew by and you felt like you could carry on without stopping?

Well that experience is known as Flow or the Flow State, and it can be accessed at will when you understand how and even more so it can create a way of living which provides a level up from the daily grind. 

As we explore in this weeks podcast with Jamie Wheal, founder of the leading research and experience facility the Flow Genome Project. The Flow State whilst a high performance mind “technology” can, if used inappropriately create a true disconnection with our ability as human beings in whatever we do. We cover a huge range of topics that connect being in the Flow; Burning Man, Psychedelics, action sports, the masculine and feminine, death and rebirth and much more.

A big thanks to Rich Husseiny for connecting us, and of course Jamie Wheal and the Flow Genome team.