Expat Property Story
A podcast for expats investing in UK property
Expat Property Story
Money, Money, Money
This week’s guest is Vicki Wusche, named one of the UK’s top 25 most influential people in property. Vicki helps people restructure their relationship with money through property.
She has helped clients invest over six million pounds in property, which she refers to as a ‘brick bank’ for the long term. She argues that 3 bed terraced houses in Liverpool are a much better investment than new-build high rise apartments in Manchester.
Ironically, back in 2017, the Expat Property Guy and his wife agree to buy a one-bed flat in Manchester. Their Expat Property Story is underway!
Vicki talks about:
- Financial resilience (5’50”)
- How she built her portfolio (8’28”)
- How to help your kids (11’40”)
- Manchester high rises versus Liverpool terraced houses (13’35”)
- The trouble with HMOs (21’17”)
- The risks of Buy, Refurbish, Refinance & flips (26’03”)
- Long term strategy (28’50”)
- Post-pandemic property landscape 31’19”)
Vicki starts with a joke: (4’34”)
Follow the show and leave a review at www.expatpropertystory.com
If you would like to have a personal mini-wealth consultation directly from Vicki she has very generously made a special offer to anyone who leaves Expat Property Story an honest review on Apple Podcasts. Here is how. The offer is for a free 30minute session with Vicki. So all you need to do is to send a copy of the review to Vicki@Wusche-Associates.co.uk
Vicki's Links
Social Media Sites
Website – https://www.VickiWusche.com
Booking calendar - https://calendly.com/vickiwusche
Book titles
Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition
Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition
Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition
The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century
The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style.
Ebooks – on the website VickiWusche.com
9 Critical Property Principles
The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage
The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business
The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them
Free gift
Online Assessments FREE for your guests Link to
· Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book this gives you a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons
Expat Property Story
Money, Money, Money
Vicki 00:00
The thing about property is it is a brick bank for the long term. You want to create for yourself using property metaphors, a foundation of a property portfolio where you've invested in the bricks, the bricks are giving you a stable return that mean that you don't have to feel vulnerable, that you feel financially resilient. And the way you do that is nice, simple, three bed occasionally a two if the numbers are right money in return 8% ching ching ching every month and that's it.
Expat Property-Guy 00:33
You're listening to Expat Property Story, a podcast in which I share my story to smooth the way for you to have your own Expat Property Story. Hello there and welcome to Episode Five. In episode four, we met Samuel Chan, an entrepreneur and influencer from Hong Kong, who was able to expand his UK portfolio just by writing a blog. Like most Hong Kong UK property investors, Samuel is happy to buy new build high rise apartments since that standard practice here in Hong Kong. But today's guest makes a pretty compelling case against adopting the same strategy in the UK. So listen out for that later in the show. Before we go back to 2017 If you know someone who might get value from this podcast, please let them know to spread the word. Now in the last episode, I told you about how we approached a sourcing company who put us in touch with a mortgage broker who arranged a mortgage in principle with Vita home loans. The mortgage was for a loan to value of 75%, which will be taken out on completion, we had decided not to go down the limited company route, but instead to buy a property in my personal name and to arrange a deed of trust so that the profits of the property would be split 5050 between myself and my wife. In this way, we will be able to take advantage of our personal tax allowances, which in 2017 amounted to 11,000 pounds each. It was now June 2017, and we were ready to buy. A month later we were offered a one bedroom flat in the centre of Manchester, the purchase price was 170,000 pounds with a projected rent of 850 pounds per month. The agent said he might get something as good in the future, but definitely not better. I had done some due diligence on the sourcing company and had contacted an existing client of theirs. Who had warned me that this guy was a bit salesy, but in general, he was a satisfied customer. Everyone was talking about Manchester being a great place to invest at that time. So my wife and I decided to go ahead, we paid the agent 3% sourcing fee and celebrated our first buy to let purchase. The sourcing agent recommended a solicitor and we were good to go. We set off on our summer holidays back in Europe happy in the knowledge that our Expat Property Story was now underway. Tune in next week to find out what happened next. A couple of years ago at the height of the pandemic while I was hiking here in the hills of Hong Kong. Listening to a property podcast, I heard a piece of advice from the guest that was so simple, and yet so incisive, that I felt obliged to stop walking and write it down. So when I started my podcast, I wrote her an email asking her to share her wisdom with us here. Today, dear listener, we are in for a treat. After a shock redundancy caused her to reflect on her financial well being today's guest started a property portfolio and has since helped clients invest over 12.5 million pounds in their own portfolios. She soon developed a passion for helping others to become financially resilient and set up a business consultancy with a focus on creating a wealthy life for her clients through property. She has gone on to write five books, one of which ,The Wealthy Retirement Plan got to the final of the 2020 Business Book Awards. Little wonder then that she has been named in the Telegraph's UK Top 25 Most Influential People in property. I apologise in advance for some intermittent audio glitches during our zoom call, and for the unscripted appearance of my cat Moustache. But the advice on offer today is so valuable that I'm hoping you will barely notice these minor interruptions. And if you listen all the way to the end, you'll hear that piece of wisdom I stopped to write down when I heard her on that podcast two years ago. Her name is Vicki will Shay. And we began with a joke.
Vicki 04:34
I read a book last night and I read a book about shipbuilding. It was riveting.
Expat Property-Guy 04:43
Monopoly challenge so I'm also asking people to take part in Monopoly challenge. Are you ready for that? A quick reminder of the rules. You have 30 seconds to name as many of the squares on the Monopoly board as you can without repeating any okay Vicki your time starts now.
Vicki 05:02
Angel bow bond. Islington fleet Mayfair Marylebone Oxford Street Regent Street the strand Trafalgar Islington, Pentonville more Ps there's many more there's four Ps... Pentonville. Did I say Mayfair? Yes I did. Marylebone, Mayfair Marylebone,
Expat Property-Guy 05:32
Vicki it's not easy
Vicki 05:34
how many did I get?
Expat Property-Guy 05:35
Unfortunately, I have to disallow Islington because you'd already said angel and the full name of the square is actually the angel, Islington. So your final score is 11. Now I guess that many of you listening now would consider yourself to be financially secure. But would you say that you're financially resilient? One part of Vicki's business focuses on restructuring her clients relationship with money. I mean, I've met quite a lot of expats here in Hong Kong, who were earning big money and then lost their jobs maybe, and had nothing to show for it. And I've heard from expats in Dubai, particularly, who earn good money, but get sucked into a lifestyle where they've got nothing left at the end of the month. So what advice would you give to them?
Vicki 06:23
See, I think that's the thing. Sometimes when you say to people, I help people restructure their relationship with money, they go, Oh, I have plenty, I don't need to do that. But actually, this is something that affects people of any income bracket, just as much as the people who don't have a lot of money in the first place to the people who have loads of money. But how much reserve do you have for if something happens, and I'd like to work with, like all of my clients, and get them to a point where they've got a minimum of three months, preferably six months of cash in the bank, plus whatever other investments that they've got going, and never also to rely on one source of income. You see, the thing for all of the expat examples you were using there is that if they're taking all of their expat wages, and spending all their expat wages, when the expat wages stop, they have nothing if they syphon, some of that off, whether it's into property investments, and I believe in property investments, because they generate a monthly income, as opposed to crypto, that you have to sell the golden goose in order to access the eggs, or stocks and shares and you're not getting a regular income coming in. With property, you've got a second wage coming in through your portfolio. So whatever happens on the front end, if you create enough on the back end to cover your basic expenses, have six months money in the bank, then that doesn't matter. And that very much comes from the point in my life. When I was made redundant. I thought I was secure. And I wasn't even in a job. I was vulnerable because somebody else made a determination on whether I got money that month or not.
Expat Property-Guy 08:07
I've heard you talk about financial security and financial resilience. What's the difference?
Vicki 08:13
When you can say "I've got money in the bank, and I've got an alternative income stream," That to me is when you're resilient. In my case, I know that the life I've created for us here, we are financially resilient. Because whether I worked or didn't work, I had another stream of income coming in from my property portfolio.
Expat Property-Guy 08:30
Perhaps you could tell us a little bit about how you got started in property.
Vicki 08:34
I just had this feeling that property was a good idea. I started off investing back in I think our first property was 2004 it was still the Stone Age of the web. And so there was no way to sort of get this information and I met a man through a friend and my sister and I had a chat with him and he seemed nice. And then he got us a property, you know, and that was the first one and it worked. So then we did it again. And then in 2007, I remortgage those properties because in that three year gap, I knew that there was an economic crash coming. I knew we were in for some global money mayhem, I didn't quite fully appreciate quite what it was going to be. And so I made plans for about April 2007 to remortgage the two flats we had and then to go on and I also remortgage my own home, release more money and bought some more property in 2008. We then re mortgaged my parents house, which was mortgage free. My mum and dad would have been probably in their 70s paid off their mortgage, like all good people are supposed to do, but that wasn't generating any income for them. My dad was still working, they were living on a pension. We released the equity in the house £200,000 and bought seven properties, those seven by two, let's pay their own mortgages. And then with the profit of those mortgages, I had money to give to my mom and dad to say, thank you for lending us the money. I had money to pay the initial £200,000 equity release, I paid that mortgage and still made a profit at the bottom of it. And that was it. And then it was off.
Expat Property-Guy 10:26
I mean, your parents were in their 70s. In 2007. I can't imagine being able to persuade my parents to release equity from their home. Did they take a lot of convincing? Or were they... they must have been nervous about it? No?
Vicki 10:41
I wanted to create a business plan and go to the bank. So I wrote a business plan explained why we were good, explained what my background was explained what our investment history was, etc. and took it to my dad who ran his own business and said to him, will you read my business plan and listen to my presentation? Because I want to go to the bank and ask them for money. And his first thing was, Are you struggling for money? And I went, No, no, no, this is a business plan. And he went, do you need money? And I went, Well, yes. But for a business. So it's a business plan. And he went, how much do you need? And I went, No, but I want you to look at the business plan. And we'll how much you ask him for. And I said, Well, initially, I'd like, you know, a couple £100,000. And he went, Okay, I'll give you the money. I said, Well, how can you give me the money? You don't have the money? You know, and he never ever read the business plan. And I never went to a bank.
Expat Property-Guy 11:38
But it was your idea, it was your idea for them to remortgage their house, right?
Vicki 11:43
Yes, definitely. And I think that parents think that the way that they help their children is to give them money, or to get them on the property ladder or whatever else, actually, the way that you can help your children is to create a property portfolio. And because everything is better off being put in a business now for tax reasons, for a vast majority of people, you create a business in which you and your partner are the directors and your children, as shareholders, your business makes money. And if you don't need the income right now, your children could get £2,000 pounds a year tax free dividend in the UK, obviously, it'd be different amounts of money in different countries, but you can get tax efficient money out of your property business to give your children their allowances, so it's not coming out of your wages, or you could leave the money in the business till the money accumulates, and then you buy another property and then it accumulates and you buy another property, and you can then create a property business that is something that you can then pass on to your children, that is income generating and that would put them in a position where they were resilient going forward.
Expat Property-Guy 12:51
Great advice, so your parents remortgage their home and you use that to buy seven, buy to lets
Vicki 12:58
and that was on top of the original. So on top of the original flats, then we bought buy to lets right, and then we released more money from our house and then went again, and so on and so forth.
Expat Property-Guy 13:09
So where did you buy those seven properties
Vicki 13:12
Those Liverpool, right and that might be somewhere No one's ever heard of up north in England.
Expat Property-Guy 13:18
Plenty of people have heard of Liverpool. Obviously expats will know Liverpool. I mean, here in Hong Kong, local Chinese people are they like to invest in UK property as well. And traditionally, they've always invested in central London, but they're starting to invest in places like Manchester and Liverpool now as well. So Liverpool is well known.
Vicki 13:36
So the difference between Liverpool and Manchester is Manchester's heavily developed in terms of flats. So really, Manchester, I think of as the core is high rise and flats. And I'm not a super fan of high rise flats, I never have been, I think smaller developments or bespoke developments is completely different. But big developments because you're just another Smarty in a tube or another, you know, sweetie in a packet, how do you differentiate yourself, whereas with a house, you've got more options, even if your house is one in a row of terraces, you've still got the chance to put a different front door and you're not paying for a management company you've got, you've got direct access to your property. So there's a little portfolio in London and the bulk of the portfolio is in Liverpool and that's where I buy for my clients. Now, you're typically for a three bedroom house talking about £100,000 pounds, you're typically talking about a rent of £550 to £650 Call it £600 pounds a month and by the time you've paid letting agent fees and everything else. You can be looking at an easy even in a limited company seven to 8% net return a year. Okay, that's what my clients are getting net seven to 8% a year right on the money that they've invested
Expat Property-Guy 14:59
right Okay, I mean, a fair few expats and local Chinese investors, you know, here who've managed to save some money, their first port of call, if you like, is new build development.
Vicki 15:10
Just what a dreadful idea!
Expat Property-Guy 15:13
What's your thoughts on that?
Vicki 15:14
Well, I think I think the key thing with a new build development is that you don't have any history of, let's call it the culture of the building. So it's all too easy for investors to pile into a new high rise development, it's full of tenants, the tenant type starts off well. And then over the next couple of years, one landlord doesn't take care of their property, or gets greedy on the rent, or something, they have a void period, the void period is too long that all of a sudden, they take in a less desirable or less well screened tenant. And before you know it, because you're all in, you're all in rooms effectively off a central corridor type of thing, the nature of the building deteriorates. And it's very easy to get the culture or the climate of a building, determined by just literally a few bad tenants in a property, and then you will be dropping rates. The other thing that happens with new bills is quite frankly, some of the builders will con investors, particularly foreign investors. I even had one English client who put down a deposit on three flats in the centre of Liverpool. When we looked at what the flats were, the prices were hugely over egged. So I've already said to you a three bed in the region of £100,000, he was being asked to pay £150,000, for a one bed flat, he was being told that the one bed rental was £950 a month. Now a one bed rental is determined by market conditions. And while maybe in the very beginning, they might get that it's not going to last because a tenant is basically a client who's looking to buy something a room, and the room is one of many rooms out there in the marketplace. And if the marketplace for a one bed property is £450. Why would I pay you more than double that to live in your flat. So what's happened is when we looked at it, because the terms were that £950 was guaranteed for two years, what the developer had done is over egged the purchase price, so that included in the purchase price was a supplement to over egg, the rental. So you were being sold a deal on paper look good £950 a month on £150,000 investment. But actually, the truth of the matter was that you were only getting 450 rent, you were getting £500 supplement from the developer for two years, and then the rents were going to drop, and then you would be getting £450 a month. But you would have a mortgage on £150,000 pound property that actually wasn't worth 150,000. Plus, you've got all the service charges. So you could easily be looking at another 100 a month and service charges. So you know, at the end of it, the cash that was coming out of it was unreal. And so for that same amount of money, you could buy one and a half houses and genuinely be getting close to £900 a month, you'd get £600 on a whole house and £300 will be half a house, not the by half a house. But you know, principally you could get that and you wouldn't be paying the service charges, you would be in control of the property who went in there. And that's the key to this. It's about good management. But it's before that good investment decisions. And new build flats are small, you're paying for the furniture, you're paying for the furnishings, you're paying for the luxury, you're actually paying, in some cases, the builder to build the property, you're not even paying for something that exists. Whereas the way I work with my clients is when they start paying for that property, they actually own an asset that is worth more than the amount of cash that they put in and covers the cost of the mortgage that they've taken out.
Expat Property-Guy 19:24
So when they buy those properties at overegged prices by the developers how come the lenders are allowing mortgages on them, or at least for people just buying with cash.
Vicki 19:35
It can be a combination of things. If they've got people buying with cash, then they've got people buying with cash, but also when they're doing and I can't speak to what surveyors are doing. But quite a lot of the time if things are going into limited companies then what they're doing is valuing the properties based on the rental income or the return on the property. So it's not of course just bricks and mortar valuations. It's actually sometimes being valued on the basis Have a business. Yes. So the return is there. It's saying it's £950, when really, it's not okay. And by the time I finished speaking to this client, he actually lost £15,000, which was five grand on each of the three properties. But he's earned more with the eight properties that I got him than he would have earned from the three properties that he was initially going to buy.
Expat Property-Guy 20:21
If I could go back to, you know, that 2007 time when you bought the seven properties, how did you find those properties?
Vicki 20:29
First of all, search online, find properties that looked a good idea, run them through the spreadsheet, guess what I felt like the repair budget was going to be five grand 10, grand 15 grand, put that in, make sure the numbers worked, know what price I wanted to pay, never mind what it was being asked for, do my due diligence on the street to look up what recent solds were. And then we would take trips to Liverpool originally, myself, my partner, Bob, my sister, and my brother in law, we would all go up. And eventually it moved to just me doing it, drive up to Liverpool, view all the properties, and then buy the one that we got the best price on according to the spreadsheet. And that's essentially then what I started doing for clients.
Expat Property-Guy 21:18
A lot of people want to get into HMOs, because they see the return has been good.
Vicki 21:22
Don't be fooled by the surface numbers you need to dig into it. It's about the quality of the life of the tenant, the quality of the product, and that determines the tenant, and it will determine how long they stay, where you got to understand about an HMO, you are only renting a room, and you're sharing a room with probably three other strangers unless you are a student, that's a whole different kettle of fish. What do you want, you want it to be clean, you want to probably have your own bathroom, and how long are you going to stay there. Because as soon as, as a single person, you get a partner, you want somewhere that your partner can come most HMOs will say that you're not allowed to bring your boyfriend or girlfriend's and keep them staying over there, maybe one night but not living together. So you have to move on. So what happens with an HMO is there's a lot of setup costs, there's a lot of legislation that you have to be aware of. And stay abreast of there is a volatile transient tenant type. So they come and they go. So you might have four tenants. But how many rooms do you have occupied at any one time, you constantly emarketing in order to fill the room fill the room fill the room, you have to not only pay the mortgage, and if you've got a management company and your repairs, as you would do normally. But you're also liable for all the utility bills and the council tax, that's easily another 400 quid. So out of four rooms, you've got you know, easily one bedroom is paying the mortgage, maybe two bedrooms are paying the mortgage, depending on the price of the house, one bedroom is paying for the utility bills, and you've only got the fourth room that is your profit room. So what I don't understand is why you wouldn't go for something that is easier and more consistent. And you just get a family in there and the family stay for the next I know anything from one to 10 years depending on the age of their children and their relationship with the community. And what I have learnt is that if I don't with due respect, if I don't work with you to ensure that you know how to run the property business, I can find you a decent house with a decent tenant and put you with a decent letting agent, you can blow it and we could speak in a year or two from now and you'll be miserable. Because you're not making the money I said you'd make because you haven't done the repairs or you change letting agent or someone in the letting agent left and you didn't check who was the right one, or you've not listened to me. Now what I do with my clients is I work with them solidly for that first year. One, how to get prepared to invest too I find them the property three, I take them all the way through the buying process from the solicitors, the surveyors, the brokers all the way through to the point where we've completed and then knowing that the completion is coming, we make sure we've got the insurance in place. Knowing that all of that has been done either we've already got a tenant in situ, because a lot of the properties that I buy now our tenant ID and we buy direct from landlord to landlord, and so we know what repairs to do. So on the day of completion, we send the team around we do the minor repairs, the tenant is happy with the changeover of new landlord, and the relationship moves forward, or the property is empty and we send in the team and they do the work to bring the property up to standard and then we get the tenant in. I'm there for every repair I want to be copied in on every repair and explain to them what the repair is why the repair is how much the repair should cost, how they should respond back to the letting agent what they should look for back in return from the builders. Then if I haven't heard from them, I speak to them on a quarterly basis so that all of the systems and processes are in place. them and I will keep that going for a year after each purchase just to make sure they're all bedded in the thing about property is, it is a brick bank for the long term, you want to create yourself using property metaphors, a foundation of a property portfolio where you've invested in the bricks, the bricks are giving you a stable return that mean that you don't have to feel vulnerable, that you feel financially resilient. And the way you do that is nice, simple, three bed, occasionally a two if the numbers are right family let money in return 8% ching ching ching every month and I'm here to support you. And that's it. You know, if you get into the more complicated things like HMOs, you're going to find funding much harder, particularly if you're a new investor, you've got to be much more involved. Do you want to spend one hour a month checking on your portfolio tops to if you get a bigger portfolio? Or do you want to be worrying about your portfolio on a weekly basis,
Expat Property-Guy 26:04
Despite remortgaging her first two properties, Vicki is wary of both the buy refurbish refinance model and flipping properties to raise funds.
Vicki 26:13
The property model that I offer is about saving money in bricks. It's the brick saving account. What you don't want to keep doing is re-mortgaging. And then being in a position where you increase your debt and your liability, you reduce your income, you're doing this to create a monthly income so that you feel financially secure, the percentage increase in value that you're getting is always going to be determined by the street that you're in, I can quite easily take this house that I live in, add another four bedrooms basically triple the size of the house. But the value of this house, no matter how much I spend on it will be determined by the most expensive house in the street.
Expat Property-Guy 26:58
Vicki argues that factors beyond your control in the period between buying a property and refinancing it make it a risky business,
Vicki 27:06
what's happened to the market, what's happened to the street, has someone in your street been repossessed, and I've been through this, I bought a house and at the time, we bought it for £50,000. And the street had properties on there for £100,000. And I thought this was going to be my first flip, I bought the property for cash. And before I could buy and complete, two houses will repossess down the street, one came on the market, it's £78K. And another market came on the market with a six at the front. And the value of my house, then was never going to reach £100K. Because the current values on the street will determine the value of your house, no matter what you've done down the line, you can review your properties as you go, this one isn't performing as well, or this one's really gone up in value. So I'll sell this one. And with the money from that I'll buy another one and pay a bit off of those or you've got that flexibility there because it's about a longer term goal, right. Because your jobs, I mean, particularly if we're talking to your expat community, you're living in a foreign country, you're working for a good wage that you need to pay attention to that job, you just need more financial security or more financial resilience. And you think that a brick savings account is a better way to give you that monthly income that can then pile up in that limited company, you don't even have to be touching that you live off of your wages. And every so often you syphon off a bonus or you syphon off safe savings. And every year with the combination of the rent that you didn't spend, and the savings that you've accumulated, you add another property.
Expat Property-Guy 28:51
So at what stage would your clients pay off those mortgages? Because if they're all interest only mortgages, what's your model basically sell a few to pay down the mortgage on the rest at a certain point.
Vicki 29:02
But at the moment, my most of my clients are somewhere in their 40s, early 50s. Right? So they're not they're not worried they've got 20 years ahead of them at the moment, what they're doing is they're doing it to generate the income and so that's why a buy to let interest only mortgage maximises that, okay, most of them are in a position where they're in a 15 year term. So they've got a 15 year plan. Now, again, my goal is to stay in a relationship with all of my clients when they come towards the end of their mortgages. And I've got one that I'm having a conversation with at the moment. They've got six years left on a on a mortgage and they want to discuss what their options are, then we'll look right so when I speak to you today, this is your circumstance, then you go on a journey in five years from now your circumstances might be completely different or because you love what you're doing. You're still doing this but now you've got five years worth of properties. 10 years from now, you really might be thinking, well, actually, I want to change the way I'm working, I want to work four days or three days, or I don't want to work abroad, I want to come home or I want to work in a different country, or I want to set up my own business. That's the point at which you have the conversation. And that's the point at which you can say, Well, look, I've had a good run, you know, I lived abroad, I was earning an income. And the properties gave me a great cash flow. And I'm quite happy with that, because it gave me the security that I wanted that if anything went wrong, I knew I could come home. And I'd always have like a wage from my properties. And it served its purpose, I want to sell them all, that would be a bit crazy, but you know, whatever, or I've got quite a lot, I only want half as many or, or, if I sold this number of properties, I could actually have four properties mortgage free. Now, you don't need to get to the mortgage free side of things, until you can't get yourself a buy to let mortgage anymore, because why not keep them all and keep all the cash flow. So again, it's about working out on a spreadsheet, or 10 properties on mortgages, generating you more money, or less money than if you had four or five properties without mortgages, and the maths will tell you the answer, to bind with your circumstances.
Expat Property-Guy 31:20
One of Vicki's books, The New Estate, Insights from the 22nd century, is a fictional look at the future. And one five star review on Amazon suggested that Vicki could be the Nostradamus of property. So I wondered what Vicki's vision of the post pandemic property landscape look like
Vicki 31:37
We still got to get out of this post-pandemic climate. We've spent billions. That money has to be paid back. The country has to be solvent, how is that going to happen? Our main tax is going to go up. And if the tax if it went up to 30%, what does that do to the general public and how they can cope financially. And when anything changes in that market, it affects the homeowner because mortgage rates change their ability to pay for their mortgages change. And as soon as that period comes in, then you get the repossessions and then the whole cycle starts and you get a property downturn. Do you know what none of that matters, none of none of what I've just said, matters at all. Because if the house price, when divided by 12 times the rental income tells you that this property will work as a rental property. And you can afford the interest rates both now. And if they were at 5%. So I always check at 5% I don't see the government get much beyond 5%. And by the time they're heading towards 5%, you could have made a decision along the way you could have you could have got out the mortgage or in or sold the house or done something. None of it makes any difference. All it makes a difference to is how easy or how hard it is for me to buy a house. That's all. I bring you back to that very first email you sent to me. You said you heard me on a podcast that said, "There is no right decision. There is only your ability to make the best possible decision right now in the moment with the information that you have to hand" and I will put in brackets and mitigate for as many risks as you possibly can. And property is always the right decision in brackets providing you have mitigated for whatever the current prevailing risks are.
Expat Property-Guy 33:23
I think that's the perfect way to sum up everything that you've said today. Vicki, it's been an amazing conversation, great advice there for expats. And if expats want to get in touch with you what's the best way to do that?
Vicki 33:36
Well, easily if you can spell my name then you can find me so it's V I C K I and My surname is Wusche W U S C H E that will find you my website. VickiWusche.com There is an online audit on there. So VickiWusche.com/score-card. You can take an online audit which will help you with your wealthy life planning. You can find me on Amazon for the books and but also if anybody wants to email me, I'll happily have a conversation with them. And that will be Vicki @Wusche-associates.co.uk Or of course LinkedIn or Facebook etc.
Expat Property-Guy 34:14
Great. Okay, well, it's been great chatting to you, Vicki, thank you very much. That was Vicki Wusche, property sourcer, mentor and author. You can find links to all the wonderful things she does in the show notes. If anyone would like to have a personal mini-wealth consultation directly from Vicki she has very generously made a special offer to anyone who leaves Expat Property Story an honest review on Apple Podcasts. The offer is for a free 30minute session with Vicki. So all you need to do is to send a copy of the review toVicki@Wusche-Associates.co.uk
While Vicki writes books, next week's guest reads them and recommend them to others via his personal blog, which features some of the best books on property, business and mindset. He also represents a link between last week's guest who bought a new build apartment near Canary Wharf and this week's guest who prefers three bed terraced houses in the northwest. He has done both. Join me next week for that. If you want to follow my slow transformation from a hopeless to hopeful user of Instagram. You can follow me at expat underscore property underscore story on Twitter is a similar story and I'm at expat prop guy. And of course, I'd love to know what you'd like covered on the podcast, so why not write to me? My email address is expat Property-Guy at gmail.com You've been listening to Expat Property Story