Savage Continent

The Nuclear War Ep. 3 The High Stakes Gambler

Stephen Eck

The Cold War kicks into high gear. Both sides now not only have fission bombs like those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but now a new weapon  thousands of times more horrible that there is no limit to its scope and size.  Just a few years before a general war with atomic weapons could be immensely destructive but in the thermonuclear age it could annihilate life on earth. On a lighter note, if you think any recent world leaders have made waves with bombastic tweets and comments... I humbly submit to you Nikita Khrushchev. You may reevaluate your opinions about certain 21st century American Presidents after listening to this one. Will his outrageous bluffing and outright lies lead to disaster or will no one have the guts to call his bluff?  Also, ever wonder what it would be like if you gave some silicon valley nerds the task of planning nuclear war? We shall see.  Also lets meet (in my opinion) one of the most interesting men who ever lived: Herman Kahn. If Stanley Kubrick makes a movie about you and your plans for a happy future after a nuclear holocaust... well you are in a good place my friend!!