Arizona Bird Call
Information for Arizona birders including summaries of research and analysis related to bird conservation and protection. Introductions to common Arizona birds, Arizona birding hotspots, governmental and non-profit agencies charged with bird conservation.
Podcast host Mike Ameigh is a retired professor/academic administrator with the the State University of New York. He holds a PhD in Public Communication from the Newhouse School of Public Communication at Syracuse University.
Arizona Bird Call
Episode 178 - February 19, 2025
An account of how an owl nest was saved following an invasion by a swarm of bees. A nature photographer and a beekeeper teamed up to move owl eggs from the nest to a quickly constructed nest box that was then mounted nearby. The female owl quickly took up residence and raised newly hatched owlettes to fledging. A report on Arizona Trail association's 'Seeds of Stewardship' initiative that introduces youth to nature. Bird of the episode: White-winged Dove. Birding hotspot: Marble Canyon/Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. Friend of wildlife: Friends of the San Pedro River.