The Brave Pivot Podcast

Ep 1 Welcome to The Brave Pivot Podcast

September 28, 2022 Cynthia Ferguson
Ep 1 Welcome to The Brave Pivot Podcast
The Brave Pivot Podcast
Cindy Ferguson:

Hello and welcome friends. I'm Cindy Marie Ferguson. I'm the host of the Brave Pivot Podcast. Thank you so much for joining me and listening into our first episode. I'm so grateful and honored that you're here with me today. Before we kick things off, I wanna break down and share with you what I'll be talking about and covering during our first episode. I'll be starting with providing an introduction. I'll be talking a little bit about myself and my background, and then I'll move into my life, which is why I decided to start this podcast. And then lastly, I'll be talking about what you can expect from the show and what topics will be covered in the future. So without further ado, let's get started. As I shared earlier, I'm a corporate project manager. I was in the financial service industry for over 20 years. During my time as a project manager, where I fell in love with and became obsessed with productivity systems and processes, strategies, personal development, mindset and tools, and so much more. After being the project lead for many projects during my tenure and implementing multimillion-dollar project efforts, I learned a lot about being strategic, having a vision, adopting a growth mindset and how important it is to have systems and processes established to set me up for success. Of course, working in the financial industry. I couldn't help, but also fall in love with learning about finance. One area that I'm most interested in is personal finance. Especially, as it relates to women, setting themselves up for financial success. On a side note, this is an important topic and one that I'm completely passionate about. And I can't wait to dive deeper with you on this subject, in the future. So be on the lookout for that upcoming. Now, some of you might know, I'm a proud Latina wife and mom, and I have a grown son and two fur babies and their names are Macy. And max Macy is my sweet multi poo. And max is our latest rescue and he's a high energy Wey terrier mix. I love being outside in nature and taking long walks. And I also cycle as a hobby. I absolutely love the beach. It's my favorite pastime. I often go there to pray and meditate and I'll go there to get kind of recentered. I live in sunny, Florida and pretty close to the beach and I try to go there every chance I get. Now, moving on to a fun fact. I happen to share a birthday with one of my all-time favorite singers. Can you guess who it is? It's Kelly Clarkson. Now I haven't seen her in concert yet, but she's totally on my bucket. I also love Hallmark movies, especially the end of the year holiday movies. And I know we're getting close. They really get me in the holiday spirit. And my sisters, my mom, and I will watch the movies and bake cookies while we're enjoying those movies at the end of the year. I love to read mostly non-fiction. I know, I'm kind of boring like that. I love personal development and mindset books, but when I do read fiction, I do read a lot of female authors, such as Barbara Delinsky, Debbie Macomber and Dorothea Banham Frank, just to name a few. Now I also love to cook and try new recipes to share with friends and family. Your girl lovesher some Pinterest. I cook a lot of Latin and Italian recipes. However, lately I have been trying some Greek and Mediterranean recipes and I really like them. I also love to travel. I've been to Germany, Austria and Ireland so far. And now that the COVID restrictions have been lifted, I do plan to travel again. I like to be brave and try new things and stretch myself and get outta my comfort. Now, moving on to my"Why". My"Why" is really personal. My, why is really about you? I started this podcast because I strongly believe that as women, we have so much more to be able to give and share with this world after we've raised our children, we've had long and successful careers in corporate, and we've navigated through the messy middle of life that sometimes can become chaotic, and that I often lovingly refer to as"chaos. I also believe that many of us here to do something new, brave, and even different that allows us to creatively leverage our background experience and skill sets that we've required through the years, and to put those assets into good use by designing a business and life that we've very much dreamed of and would like to make into a reality. Lastly, it's my belief that we wanna do the things that we can profoundly contribute to while also creating an indelible impact. For me, that was stepping into my own brave pivot and starting this podcast and becoming an entrepreneur. I know many of you share the same sentiment and aspire to become successful female entrepreneurs. And I wanna cultivate and create a space safe space for women who are looking for community, connection, and coaching so that I can help and support you in building a business and life you love. I'm sincerely looking forward to growing with you and helping you along in your journey. The next thing I'll be talking about is what you can expect from the show. Now twice a month on Wednesdays through both guest interviews and solo episodes, we'll be having honest and meaningful conversations about starting a business, becoming an entrepreneur marketing, building a brand mindset and inspiration and my personal favorite, systems and processes and so much more. On occasion I might add an extra episode here and there just to keep things lively. But when I do, I'll be sure to let you. In the spirit of keeping things honest and real, it's important to me that as part of this podcast, both my guests and I share our wins and our challenges, having those honest conversations and providing those transparencies about our respective entrepreneurial journeys, I think is everything. Or as I like to say, I wanna know"what's behind that green curtain." So we'll be sharing the good, the bad, and the challenging. My guest and I want you to be able to learn from our mistakes and avoid our stalls and pitfalls. And if we can save you some time frustration and in some cases money, then I think you'll find tremendous value in that. As we come into a close today, I want you to know that each of the episodes will be designed with you in mind, to help and provide you with some insights, tools, business strategies, resources, and actionable support that you can apply and use on your own entrepreneurial journey; so I can set you up for success and inspire you to take massive action. I'm so excited and I can't wait to start this journey with you! Thank you so much for joining me on my first episode. I hope you enjoyed it. I can't wait to have you join us and be a part of our community. Together I look forward to helping you build a successful business after the kids, corporate, and chaos. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you know when new episodes are released. You can subscribe right from the app that you're using to listen to this podcast, or you can sign up for email alerts at Lastly, if there's something you'd like to hear about in a future episode, or if you just wanna stop by and say hello, please feel free to DM on Instagram. Thanks again for listening to The Brave Pivot Podcast and I'll see you next time.