The Brave Pivot Podcast

Ep3: How To Grow And Cultivate a Champion Mindset So You Can Get What You Want Out Life & Business

October 30, 2022 Cynthia Ferguson
Ep3: How To Grow And Cultivate a Champion Mindset So You Can Get What You Want Out Life & Business
The Brave Pivot Podcast
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The Brave Pivot Podcast
Ep3: How To Grow And Cultivate a Champion Mindset So You Can Get What You Want Out Life & Business
Oct 30, 2022
Cynthia Ferguson

Hi, and welcome to the Brave Pivot Podcast. I'm your host, Cindy Marie Ferguson. I'm a former corporate girl turned entrepreneur, business educator, and mentor, here to help you build a profitable and successful business after the kids corporate and chaos. On the podcast, we'll have honest and meaningful conversations around becoming an entrepreneur. Starting a business, building a brand, and my favorite systems and processes and so much more. If this sounds like your thing, stick around. Twice a month on Wednesdays through guest interviews and solo episodes, I'll be providing insights, tools, business strategies and actionable support to help you along the way on your entrepreneurial journey. Get ready for some candid conversations, inspirations and invaluable insights. I'm so delighted that you're here. Let's dive in and get started. Thank you for joining me on this week's episode of the Brave Pivot Podcast. This week I will be doing a podcast short. In this episode, I wanna talk about how you can be your own champion. I'll be sharing some empowerment tips on how you can cultivate and grow a champion mindset so you can get what you want out of life and business. The first tip is to take care of your mental health. We can all agree that the most important thing in your life is your mental health. This covers everything from your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The better you take care of your mental health, the more likely you will succeed in your endeavors and you'll be more happy. Mental health is a serious issue that affects one in four people. It's more common than you think. If there's one thing that Covid has taught us, it's ensuring that mental health should be one of our top priorities. There's lots of way to start taking care of your mental health. It's best to find methods that actually suit you and your situation. And as always, it's a good idea to seek the counsel of professionals together so that you can develop a personalized plan that works for. In a time when mental health is more important than ever, it's essential to take care of yourself, to effectively foster a champion mindset. Now, moving on to my second tip, and it's to believe in yourself and your abilities. I believe that every person should have the confidence in themselves and their abilities. Whether you're trying to achieve your dreams or you're just doing the best in your current situation, you should believe that you can succeed and that you're already fully equipped to achieve and accomplish anything your heart leads you to do. You have all the power in the world. All it takes is for you to be brave enough to believe in yourself. And for the record, I believe in you. The third tip is to stop caring about what other people think about you. I know this can be difficult to ignore the opinions of others. What's matters most is what you think about yourself, and that's all that truly really matters. There's always gonna be people that have something to say about your journey, your life, your career, or your aspirations. But the truth is, you are the only person running your race. Worrying about what others think about you, robs you have your precious energy that you really should be focusing on bettering your life and maybe your business. I have a quote that I often refer to in my own toolkit that I bring out when I need to, and it says,"What others think of you is none of your business." I love that quote. When I get derailed by thinking about what others think of me, I'm reminded of that quote and it always recenters me. Now moving on to the fourth and final tip, which is to adopt a growth. The growth mindset is all about the idea that we can change and grow through learning and being on a path of continuous improvement. And I've got news for you! We can all adopt a growth mindset by simply putting ourselves in one. People with growth mindsets believe that traits such as intelligence and a personality are just the foundation for future development. And I think that's an important thing to call out. You're not limited to what you came into the world with. And this can be developed. Studies have shown that people with a growth mindset are better with coping with challenges. They're more creative and more successful in life. All great benefits to remember when you are championing yourself so you can get what you want out of life and business. Just as a reminder, let's recap those tips I shared for you to grow and cultivate a champion mindset. The first tip is to take care of your mental health. The second tip was to believe in yourself and your abilities. The third one is to stop caring about what others think of you. And the fourth and final tip was to adopt a growth mindset. As we come to a close today, I want to share with you that I sincerely believe there is absolutely no limit as to what you can accomplish when you are your own champion. I hope you found these tips helpful and that you can add them to your own toolkit. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed our conversation. If something I shared today resonated with you, please tag on Instagram. If you enjoyed this podcast, please leave an honest five star review. When you do, it helps us to grow the podcast and helps others to find us as well. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you know when the new episodes are being released. You can subscribe right from the app that you're using to listen to this podcast, or you can sign up for email Lastly, if there's something you'd like to hear about in a future episode or if you just wanna stop by and say hello, please feel free to DM on Instagram. Thanks again for listening to The Brave Pivot Podcast and I'll see you next time.