The Brave Pivot Podcast

Ep: 5 10 Things to Declutter Now to Get A Fresh Start And Reclaim Control In Your Business

January 19, 2023 Cynthia Ferguson
Ep: 5 10 Things to Declutter Now to Get A Fresh Start And Reclaim Control In Your Business
The Brave Pivot Podcast
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The Brave Pivot Podcast
Ep: 5 10 Things to Declutter Now to Get A Fresh Start And Reclaim Control In Your Business
Jan 19, 2023
Cynthia Ferguson

On this episode, I will be sharing 10 things to declutter now, so that you can get a fresh start and reclaim control in your business. 

Show Notes Transcript

On this episode, I will be sharing 10 things to declutter now, so that you can get a fresh start and reclaim control in your business. 

Hi, and welcome to the Brave Pivot Podcast. I'm your host, Cindy Marie Ferguson. I'm a former corporate girl turned entrepreneur, business educator, and mentor here to help you build a profitable and successful business. After the kids' corporate and chaos. On the podcast, we'll have honesty, meaningful conversations around becoming an entrepreneur, starting a business, building a brand, and my favorite. Systems and processes and so much more. If this sounds like your thing, stick around each Wednesday through guest interviews and solo episodes. I'll be providing insights, tools, business strategies, and actionable support to help you along the way on your entrepreneurial journey. Get ready for some candid conversations, inspirations and invaluable insights. I'm so delighted you're. Let's dive in and get started. Hello and welcome to the Brave Pivot Podcast. I'm so grateful you're here. Thank you so much for joining me today. On our last episode, I gave some tips and strategies to get prepared for the new year, and I'm continuing with that theme with today's podcast. The new year is a great time to start fresh and reclaim control of your business. Now, one way to do that is by decluttering your workspace and eliminating any unnecessary items that are taking up space or hindering you from being productive in your business. Decluttering is the process of removing items from your space that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Side note, that's the third step of the five steps in the Kon Marie Method that Marie Condo teaches. She encourages you to keep only those things that spark joy. When I go through my own decluttering process, I use that method to help me decide what I'm gonna keep or not. Decluttering is a way to create organization and order in your life, both mentally and physically, which can help you to start fresh and make room for new beginnings in your business. In today's episode, I'll be sharing 10 things to declutter now to get a fresh start for the new year in your business. From outdated documents to unused office supplies. Decluttering these items can help you reclaim control of your business and create a space where creativity and productivity can flourish. Starting with number one, physical clutter such as unused office supplies and equipment. Now, I'm not suggesting for you to get rid of your 3M stickies or your whiteboard, however, perhaps you may have some old office supplies and equipment that you haven't used in a while or no longer need, like that outdated printer in the corner of your office. I see you! You made to consider discarding them or if you're not comfortable with that, another couple of options are to repurpose or donate them. For example, you can repurpose them by giving your no longer needed items to a nearby school, or you can donate them to a charity perhaps that focuses on creating jobs and opportunities in your local community. I know it makes me feel so good and puts a smile on my day when I donate my no longer items needed, to a local charity and they put them into good use. It's a win-win. Number two, digital clutter. Just like physical clutter, digital clutter can also be a source of distraction and disorganization. Take some time to go through your computer and delete any old or unnecessary files and organize the ones you do need into clearly labeled folder. Number three,-Outdated processes. Take a look at your current processes and see if there are any that are no longer necessary or can be approved. Upon streamlining, your processes can save time and increase efficiency, and we all can use that in our businesses. Number unused or or underutilized tools. If you have tools or software that you're not using or that aren't serving their intended purpose, it's time to get rid of'em. Number five, old documents and paperwork. Old documents and paperwork can be a real hassle for many people. Not only do they take up valuable space, but they also need to be stored securely in an organized manner. Lucky for us. With advancements in technologies, there are more effective solutions for storing and managing old documents than ever before. From shredding services to cloud-based storage solutions, there are plenty of options available that make it easier to declutter those old documents and keep them safe. Number six, access inventory. Now go through your inventory and get rid of any items that are not selling or that are no longer needed. This will free up some space and potentially save you money or storage. Moving on to number seven, old or inactive clients. If you have any clients that know you no longer work with or that are not a good fit for your business, consider letting them go. This will allow you to focus on providing more value to your ideal client avatar and foster relationship deepening opportunities as well. Moving on to number eight, unused social media account. If you have social media accounts that you're not using or that are not benefiting your business, you might wanna consider deleting them. This will help you focus your efforts on the platforms that are most valuable to you and your business. Number nine, outdated website contact. Now this is a good reminder. Um, you might wanna take some time to go through your website and delete any old or irrelevant information. This will help you, keep your site current and actually enhance your user. Number 10, Unnecessary expenses-Review your expenses and see if there are any that you can eliminate or reduce. This might include in subscriptions, memberships, or services that you no longer need. I recently did this myself. Now is the perfect time to take action and start decluttering. You can start by taking a few hours to go through each of the items on this list and see what you can get rid of. You'll be surprised at how much a little decluttering can do to improve your productivity and efficiency. By decluttering your business, you can create a fresh start for the new year and set yourself up for success. Decluttering is an iterative process and won't be done in one fell swoop, so give yourself some grace. It's important to regularly review and get rid of anything that is not serving a purpose or adding value to your business. This will allow you to focus on the things that matter most and help you achieve your goals. Start decluttering and getting a fresh start now. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed our conversation. If something I shared today resonated with you, please tag on Instagram. If you enjoyed this podcast, please leave an honest five star review. When you do, it helps us to grow the podcast and helps others to find us as well. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you know when the new episodes are being. You can subscribe right from the app that you're using to listen to this podcast, or you can sign up for email Lastly, if there's something you'd like to hear about in a future episode or if you just wanna stop by and say hello, please feel free to DM on Instagram. Thanks again for listening to The Brave Pivot Podcast and I'll see you next time.