The Brave Pivot Podcast

Ep:9 8 Productivity Tips for New Entrepreneurs

February 22, 2023 Cynthia Ferguson
Ep:9 8 Productivity Tips for New Entrepreneurs
The Brave Pivot Podcast
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The Brave Pivot Podcast
Ep:9 8 Productivity Tips for New Entrepreneurs
Feb 22, 2023
Cynthia Ferguson

 Starting a new business can be overwhelming, especially if you're a new entrepreneur. There are so many tasks and projects that you're working on simultaneously in the beginning, as you're working on getting yourself established. The only constant is change. As a new entrepreneur it's critical for you to be as efficient and productive as possible and make the most out of every hour. Not only will this help you be more effective and achieve your goals, but it will also reduce the stress that often comes with being a new entrepreneur. As you build and grow your business, you need to find strategies which work for you and maximize your productivity. 

 During today's podcast I 'll be sharing eight simple productivity tips for new entrepreneurs that help you stay organized and on track.  

Show Notes Transcript

 Starting a new business can be overwhelming, especially if you're a new entrepreneur. There are so many tasks and projects that you're working on simultaneously in the beginning, as you're working on getting yourself established. The only constant is change. As a new entrepreneur it's critical for you to be as efficient and productive as possible and make the most out of every hour. Not only will this help you be more effective and achieve your goals, but it will also reduce the stress that often comes with being a new entrepreneur. As you build and grow your business, you need to find strategies which work for you and maximize your productivity. 

 During today's podcast I 'll be sharing eight simple productivity tips for new entrepreneurs that help you stay organized and on track.  

Hi, and welcome to the Brave Pivot Podcast. I'm your host, Cindy Marie Ferguson. I'm a former corporate girl turned entrepreneur, business educator, and mentor here to help you build a profitable and successful business. After the kids' corporate and chaos. On the podcast, we'll have honesty, meaningful conversations around becoming an entrepreneur, starting a business, building a brand, and my favorite. Systems and processes and so much more. If this sounds like your thing, stick around each Wednesday through guest interviews and solo episodes. I'll be providing insights, tools, business strategies, and actionable support to help you along the way on your entrepreneurial journey. Get ready for some candid conversations, inspirations and invaluable insights. I'm so delighted you're. Let's dive in and get started. Starting a new business can be overwhelming, especially if you're a new entrepreneur. There are so many tasks and projects that you're working on simultaneously in the beginning as you're working on getting yourself established. The only constant is change. As a new entrepreneur, it's critical for you to be as efficient and productive as possible and make the most out of every hour. Not only will this help you be more effective and achieve your goals.. But will also reduce the stress that often comes with being a new entrepreneur. As you build and grow your business, you need to find strategies which work for you and maximize your productivity. During today's podcast, I'll be sharing eight simple productivity tips for new entrepreneurs that will help you stay organized and on track. Starting with number one. Be aware of the shiny object syndrome. For those of you who aren't familiar with the concept, it's the tendency for someone to chase something new, be it a new idea, a trend or a goal, rather than to stay focused on what you're doing. At the heart of it the issue with shiny object syndrome is distraction. When you're too distracted, you're not productive, you don't hit your goals, and you derail your success. Tell me if this might sound like. You spend too much time on new ideas, a new tool, or the latest training on a potential software solution you're interested in. As a new entrepreneur, the struggle is real. Here are a few strategies for overcoming shiny object syndrome. Number one, focus on your priorities rather than chasing new things.. Number two, set measurable goals. New entrepreneurs have a tendency to chase new and exciting things when they don't have clarity on what they want to achieve and when they want to achieve their goals. And lastly, get accountable. Find someone who can be your accountability coach to check in and help you stay focused on your goals. By incorporating each of these strategies, you can successfully overcome shiny object syndrome and get yourself and your business back on track. Moving on to tip number two, using apps to manage your calendar. Calendar apps like Google Calendar or Apple's I Calendar are useful tools for keeping track of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and milestones. They can also help you visualize your schedule and remind you of important events such as a business conference or your upcoming vacation. Moving on to tip number three, prioritize tasks. Make a list of tasks that need to be done and prioritize them according to importance. This will help you stay organized and focused on the most important tasks. A recommendation I suggest is to consider using a project management software tool like a Asana to help prioritize and manage your tasks. You can easily create and complete to-do list for for your projects and keep track of your timelines and due dates easily through setting up notifications. I love that Asana has an app that I can use on my phone when I need to add something to my project plan on the go. Moving on to tip number four, create a productive environment. Now, one way to accomplish this is to make sure your workspace is tidy, comfortable and designed to maximize productivity. Ensure you choose furnishings and equipment that will make an impact on your ability to focus and giving yourself a space of comfort that meets your needs and preferences. Your workspace really does play a vital role in making sure you can focus fully. If you wanna add some greenery and some personality, you might wanna add a plant. Apart from adding a beautiful accessory to your office, having plants improve air quality, reduce stress, inspire creativity, and increases productivity. All great reasons to get a plant. Moving on to tip number five, delegate and automate tasks. Don't try to do everything yourself. While you might be tempted to do all of your administrative tasks, rather than getting bogged down, consider handing them off. Whether you automate your bookkeeping or you hire someone to address your IT issues, handing them off can be a huge stressor as long as it makes good financial sense. Moving on to tip number six, take breaks. Taking regular breaks throughout the day will help you stay focused and productive. Productivity isn't about getting things done, it's about getting things done well, and if you wanna get things done well, you need to take breaks. A 2018 study found that taking micro breaks, for example, like getting up from your desk to stretch or taken a quick break to grab a cup of coffee, increased positive effects at work, which in turn improved, performance. So be mindful and remember to take breaks in order to boost productivity and performance. Moving on to number seven, set deadlines. A good strategy is start with a goal in mind. All deadlines have a core goal behind them. Set up a time to review your goals for your business and what you want for the next few weeks and months to look like. Based on your plans, you can determine what needs to get done and which tasks or projects will set the tone for specific deadlines. Remember to add a buffer to account for any unforeseen events, and lastly, be reasonable. Don't set or agree to unreasonable terms that are unrealistic and that set you up for failure or disappointment. Believe me, I learned this lesson the hard way, way early in my career. Setting deadlines for yourself will add structure to your business and help you achieve your goals. Moving on to my final tip. Number eight, reward yourself. Celebrate your successes and reward yourself for a job well done. Did you know that receiving rewards after doing something is one way that can help us be more motivated and productive? Rewards can make us feel amazing and happy after receiving them. Treating yourself with a latte for a job well done keeps you motivated and productive long after that well-deserved Starbucks run. You should always take a moment for yourself after an accomplishments. It's a healthy, mindful practice to recognize your efforts and encourage yourself to keep going. I hope you found these tips and strategies helpful. Let's go ahead and recap the eight productivity tips that I shared with you. Number one, be aware of shiny object syndrome. Number two, use apps to manage your calendar. Number three, prioritize your tasks. Number four, create a productive environment. Number five, delegate and automate your tasks. Number six, take breaks. Number seven, set deadlines. And number eight, reward yourself. My friends, these eight productivity tips can help you stay organized, motivated, and on track. Implementing these tips can help you strike a healthy work-life balance, increase focus, improve productivity, and enjoy more successful results. With a little bit of planning and discipline, you can achieve your goals and have the business and life you dream of. I hope you found these tips and strategies helpful, and I invite you to try and incorporate one or combination of the tips and strategies in your business. If you end up using any of them and they've helped you, I'd love to hear from you. You can drop me a DM or send me an Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed our conversation. If something I shared today resonated with you, please tag on Instagram. If you enjoyed this podcast, please leave an honest five star review. When you do, it helps us to grow the podcast and helps others to find us as well. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you know when the new episodes are being. You can subscribe right from the app that you're using to listen to this podcast, or you can sign up for email Lastly, if there's something you'd like to hear about in a future episode or if you just wanna stop by and say hello, please feel free to DM on Instagram. Thanks again for listening to The Brave Pivot Podcast and I'll see you next time.