What's Good?

Keith Mannes on Finding Joy in Ministry after Christian Nationalism

Brian Foreman Season 1 Episode 13

Rev. Keith Mannes served as a pastor for nearly 30 years until he faced a dilemma - serve a church that supported something he didn't feel matched the Gospel or walk away. I am to follow the call of my heart to speak into the world as small as my voice may be,” said the 59-year-old lifelong Republican. It was a voice, he said, that was too controversial, too divisive, for this small house of God. He gave his two weeks’ notice and quit East Saugatuck Church.

But the painful decision to walk away isn't the end of his story. He continues to minister as a chaplain and a writer. I cannot encourage you enough to read his article, The Pearl Principle. His joy, sorrow, and hope all are on display in this interview.