Awe in Trauma

Addiction as Dissociation (with Dr Adam O'Brien)

Season 1 Episode 30

Dr. Adam O'Brien is an Approved Brainspotting Consultant and special topics trainer. He is a specialist in trauma, dissociation, addiction, recovery, and trauma or memory resolution. His passion is educating on healing through Addiction as Dissociation Model and research, helping others walk the Path of the Wounded Healer, Recovery research, advocating for psychedelic medicine and psychedelic research, and freeing the hearts and minds of audiences by activating states of healing together with his Addiction Re-Educational Program at the Wounded Healers Institute.

This powerful episode takes the listener through a journey into the power of history and insight into developing a relationship with parts of oneself that may be hidden away and dissociated off through trauma and overwhelm.  Adam takes us through his fascinating doctoral research into the multidimensional nature of the human experience, spirit and soul as well as the incredible impact of drug use on the body, the psyche and the personality.  Within a culture of dissociation and isolation, Adam sets out the importance of a fresh and revolutionary approach which serves to honour the connectivity of all things across time and space, so that we can access the abundance of this planet to reconnect with our pasts and our many modalities of experiencing the world, thus facilitating powerful processing and integration to safely transcend and to heal.

For more information on Dr Adam O'Brien's work go to:

For more information on Brainspotting and to train with Dr Mark Grixti go to: