The New Generation Project Podcast

Episode 81: Wrestling With Shadows

The New Generation Project Podcast
In the final episode of our look at the events of the Montreal Screwjob, it’s finally time to say ‘Goodbye’ to a man who’s been a bigger part of our podcast than anyone else – Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart. In Episode 81 of ‘The New Generation Project Podcast’ we break down “Wrestling With Shadows”, the documentary that follows the final year of ‘The Hitman’s’ WWF career. In addition to that, we run down a list of Bret’s best WWF matches from our timeline. If you’ve never seen the film before, or perhaps fancy a re-watch, it’s available to view for free on the Canadian National Film Board’s website at the following link - to give a little something back to the show? Head on over to for details on how to pledge!