Conquering Your Fibromyalgia Podcast

Ep. 27 Diagnostic Delays and Dilemmas. ADHD and Fibro Part 3

Dr. Michael Lenz Season 1 Episode 27

Text Dr. Lenz any feedback or questions

In this week's episode, we continue to learn more about ADHD. The average adult with ADHD has seen 3.3 physicians and tried on an average of 6.7 SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) over seven years before their diagnosis is made. Many give up before then.  In this week's episode, the question are stimulant medications addictive? is discussed. What are the biggest clogs in the system to effective diagnosis and treatment?
Dr. Lenz is an internist, pediatrician, lifestyle medicine physician, and clinical lipidologist with an interest in helping those with fibromyalgia and related problems go beyond just learning to live with to even reversing fibromyalgia. He is also the author of the book, "Conquering Your Fibromyalgia: Real Answers and Real Solutions for Real Pain. " It is also available on audiobook with Dr. Lenz as the narrator. You can also go to  to read some blogs that Dr. Lenz has done on fibromyalgia. 
If you have questions or topics you would like to have discussed on a future podcast, email Dr. Lenz at You can also share a recording of your question. If you have a question, it is likely that hundreds of others have the same question.
Remember this podcast is meant for informational purposes only. It is NOT intended to be and should NOT be interpreted as medical advice for any medical condition and any individual. It is also not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. The content presented  is provided as a starting point in your research and a helpful guide when discussing your individual cir

Connect with Joy Lenz here, a Registered Dietitian and member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

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A Fibromyalgia Starter Pack, which is a great companion to the book Conquering Your Fibromyalgia, is now available. Dr. Michael Lenz practices general pediatrics and internal medicine primary care, seeing patients from infants through adults. In addition, he also will see patients with fibromyalgia and related problems and patients interested in lifestyle medicine and clinical lipidology. To learn more, go to Remember that while Dr. Lenz is a medical doctor, he is not your doctor. All of your signs and symptoms should be discussed with your own physician. He aims to weave the best of conventional medicine with lifestyle medicine to help people with chronic health conditions live their best lives possible. Dr. Lenz hopes that the podcast, book, blog, and website serve as a trusted resource and starting point on your journey of learning to live better with fibromyalgia and related illnesses.

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