Dr. Michael Lenz, MD
Dr. Michael Lenz is a practicing physician in Wisconsin. He will start his new position in June 2023 seeing patients at the Froedert and Medical College of Wisconsin Network of Physicians at the Tosa Health Center. He is Board Certified in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, meaning he sees patients from newborns through adulthood. He is also a diplomat of the Board of Lifestyle Medicine and a diplomat of the Board of Clinical Lipidology. Dr. Lenz also has received a T. Colin Campbell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate. Dr. Lenz graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and completed his Residency at the Virginia Commonwealth University Hospitals in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Lenz has helped hundreds of patients suffering from fibromyalgia and other related invisible illnesses. He is committed to educating, inspiring, and equipping patients to walk through this challenging journey.