Healing Feminine Trauma With The Akashic Records
Naturally Prosperous Woman
Naturally Prosperous Woman
Healing Feminine Trauma With The Akashic Records
Apr 21, 2022 Season 2 Episode 16
Tara Preston, New Paradigm Feminine Leadership Mentor, Akashic Teacher

Join myself, Tara Preston, on this week's episode of the She Rose Revolutionaries Podcast where I share on "Feminine Trauma & The Akashic Records".

Tara Preston is a New Paradigm Feminine Leadership Mentor, Soul Level Transformational Business Guide & Akashic Record Teacher.

She now has a prosperous, freedom based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for their next level prosperity, leadership and legacy work in the world, while rooting deeply into their feminine power.  

She helps women embrace their power to create life on their terms, shifting from old masculinzed ways of operating in their businesses to ways that feel aligned to how they are naturally designed to flourish, experiencing new levels of prosperity and freedom.

Here is what we covered on this episode of She Rose Revolutionaries:

  • The history of the feminine on planet
  • Soul & embodiment
  • The true meaning of karmic consequences
  • What the Akashic Records are
  • Feminine trauma explained and how it affects women in many ways
  • Who is the revolutionary feminine, and where can SHE be your most powerful ally during these times
  • Core collective feminine wounds & the witch wound
  • A woman's evolutionary soul's path & karmic patterns
  • Exploring the edge of your own feminine evolution
  • Where healing the edges of our own feminine evolution allow for more of our expression & embodiment as well as where the Akashic Records assist with this powerfully.
  • Feminine consciousness and the awakening on the planet.
  • The distortion, separation & illusion around true feminine power.

And SO much more...

NOW ENROLLING: Check Out The Flower Of Life Akashic Certification: https://akashicwomenschool.com/floweroflifeakashiccertification/

And as always come join in on the Akashic Women's School private community for weekly discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/akashicwomenscommunity

Check out the upcoming ANCHORED: From Chaos to Calm Through the Power of the Womb here: https://akashicwomenschool.com/anchored/. Don't forget to take advantage of the 3 day sliding scale savings!

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):


Reach out to tara@tarapreston.com to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.