Love You More Podcast

Ep 8: Hey, Smartphone...It's Not You, It's Me

Jennifer McDaniel Season 1 Episode 8

May 23, 2022

Love You More

Ep 8: Hey, Smartphone...It's Not You, It's Me

Episode summary:

At a time when 2/3 of Americans want to change the relationship they have with their smartphone, there has never been a better time to evaluate the control your phone has over you. This episode outlines how you can start to change the way you use your phone with the goal of paying more attention and spending your time more intentionally. 

Jennifer is trying 10 techniques to change the way she uses her phone - join her to revamp the relationship you have with your smartphone. 


Favorite quote:

“I don’t want to have a brain that’s getting worse over time. I really want my brain to stay as sharp as possible for as long as possible.”



Catherine Price's Website
Screen / Life Balance Website
Jennifer's Website

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Follow me on Instagram:  @jenmcdanielrdn

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