The Samantha Parker Show

Balancing Spirituality, Business, and Modern Life with Rev + Doc

Samantha Parker Season 1 Episode 16

We immerse ourselves in the wisdom of Doc and Rev, masters of esoteric studies, Indigenous knowledge, and tarot. They guide us on the path to spiritual balance, warning against the pitfalls of constant healing and spiritual addiction. We don’t always need to be healing.

Instead, they encourage us to breathe, be present, and embrace our shadows.

Authenticity, nurturing support, and the strength drawn from the community are important. Through heartfelt anecdotes, Doc and Rev highlight the power of feeling "enough" and confronting our inner darkness. The episode also delves into the balance of male and female energies in spirituality and the transformative support of a partner.

Exploring unique practices like tarot readings, divine cards, numerology, and crystals, the hosts emphasize the need to remain open-minded and continually learn. Their library-like recording space reflects their vast range of subjects, fostering a holistic understanding of spirituality.

From sound bowls and astrology to infusing our surroundings with positive energy, Doc and Rev inspire us to live our best lives through spiritual growth and emotional authenticity. They remind us that true abundance, joy, and inner peace come from a deep connection with ourselves and others.

Stay tuned for more episodes as we explore the boundless universe of spirituality and living our best lives. This is here to guide you toward abundance, joy, and inner peace.

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 I've been to a lot of people and done energetics and things like that. And hands down what I experienced with you just completely. It was just like, I was like, I don't think I'm even the same person. I think I went to a different timeline. 

I'm a skeptic when people like, Oh yeah, I took a weekend class and now I'm a Reiki master.

Bitch, you got so much work to do. You aren't even a, a key master, let alone a Reiki master. 

the spiritual movement, it's very cultish and they're like, Oh, we're healing. And I'm like, dude, you're fucking some people up for sure. And then why are we always healing?  Right. Yeah. You in this moment sitting with us are exactly where you should be. And so to be in a constant state of the need for healing devalues that you've done some hard work.

I don't think you always need to be working on yourself. With the gaslighting that.  Healing is a full time job is just that. It's a message that devalues where you are and that sometimes the biggest spiritual thing you can do is just fucking breathe.


  Welcome to the Samantha Parker show.  Hey! What's up? This is my first Samantha Parker show threesome. What's up? How are you guys feeling about that? The pineapple is outside. Upside down. Right side up. No, for girls it's right side up. Oh, is there a code? I don't think there's Like couples are upside down? 

I think yeah. Yeah, yeah. I think if you're a DTF, then just put a pineapple out. What if I just like pineapple? Okay, welcome to the podcast today. I have got Rev and Doc, Holly and Carolyn, and sometimes I space your names. I'm like, well, it's Rev and Doc.  Does that happen to people? It happens all the time.

Yeah? Yeah. Okay. Because at work in Sedona, at Miyamo, where we worked, I would go exclusively by Doc and she would go by Rev.  So.  People would be like, and wait, what's your name?  Carolyn and Holly, whatever. But then we had people who knew us pre Revendock that would call us  Carolyn and Holly. We'll answer to anything, anything loves.

We'll answer to anything. All right. So tell me a quick elevator pitch. I always hate this stuff, but just tell me about you guys. So my listeners are like, who the hell are these ladies? I'm like, they're the tits. They're amazing. But who are you?  So basically I am the woo woo. Portion of the And this is Doc.

This is Doc. This is Doc. I'm the woo woo portion, so  spent a year, about 30 years ago, learning the tarot. So that's my main modality because I think if you have an instrument in front of you that you can look at, you're going to take the message a lot better than if I tell you something from an impression and you're like, yeah, this is great.

Lady's crazy, but if the card is right in front of you, so, and I really am dedicated to it. And as you'll see, once we do a little tour, I probably have about 250 decks. So it is a lifelong obsession with the esoteric. That's my main modality is all the woo. And. Then there's Rev. Then there's Rev. And real quick, you, you're an actual doc.

Well, you have a I'm an actual, I have a PhD. The reason they call me doc is I've earned it. So I have a PhD in indigenous studies, which is the studies of the first people on the land. So all the native indigenous tribes, which I could go and do a whole podcast about,  that. And then my second, PhD portion is in esoteric studies.

So all the will.  Palmistry, chakra, divination, runes. I spent a lot of time studying each of them, not just reading a book for a weekend and getting a certificate, but like really to my core. And she is an actual reverend. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So you're a reverend. I am a reverend. So I'm Rev. Holly. And a lot of people ask me, what does rev mean?

And I'm a reverend of metaphysics. And to dive in a little bit more, what does that mean? I had an opportunity to study world religions. I went to four years of college. And what I really surmised was that. All religions are about love. And that's what I was really looking for. What makes us different? What makes us special?

What is our commonology? And I think that really it came down to what is love. So I'm a metaphysical, spiritual, loving type of reverend. And yes, I went to four years of college to become ordained as a reverend. So if I wanted to hypothetically get married, could you do that? Yes, I could. God, that'd be so badass.

Yes, I would. Maybe I'll make Jake we get married again to me. Yeah, absolutely. Wouldn't that be fun? She's actually done some really beautiful weddings, not only in Sedona, but we did a lot, she did a lot at,  here at the Labyrinth and things like that, like in the Red Rocks.  So that's really beautiful.

Outdoor weddings, you can't beat because you get to be barefoot in a white dress. I mean, how, yes, how princessy is that? And you guys are married. And we are married. Married. Yep. I jokingly  prefaced earlier that people say we look alike.  It happens . Um, but guys do look cool in Utah. We aren't sisters, which we get asked all the time.

About two weeks ago, our lawn guy said, oh yeah, your sister. I, he's like my wife. But you look so much alike. And I said, that happens. You guys are just like two sisters living in a house with all your That's right cats. With all our cats.  . The old Spencers.  The old Spencers will kick your ass. So bring it  . I know.

I wouldn't mess with you. No, I, yeah, that would probably be best. Hollywood hug you after I hurt you. Well, okay. But all truth, like all jokes aside, I've never felt more loved by two people than you two. We adore you. We absolutely adore you. Yeah. And you know why? Because the first time you met me, you were really open to the message.

And that's how I bond with people. Because people find me Find both of us to tell you the truth, but especially find me because they call us  hug him tight and hit him hard. And you're the hit him hard. And I'm the hit him hard. And she's the hug him tight. And we really, that's my most favorite thing about her is everything that I'm not she is, which such depth and authenticity.

And so people that can get the message I really bond with. I think you and I bonded when I told you, you, you know, had betrayal in your life and how.  Don't you see it? You're like, dumbass.  I didn't say that because I don't believe that. I just think that we're in our own way sometimes. Yeah. And you were in pain and but you, and I think bonded because you could still hear that even though my message might have been hard, my heart was really open.

Yeah. And I was really nurturing you in a way that most people wouldn't think Is nurturing and that is I can feel your pain. It is not mine to take but it is mine to offload very temporarily so that you can take a breath.  That's very beautifully put. So I have experienced both of you guys, in your gifts and you know, the cool things you do.

So I've had tarot readings from doc and it's funny cause we're on video, but I want to make sure that I'm like explaining it if you're just listening. And then I just had an energy session with you, Holly, and it totally changed my mind or not my mind. It totally changed my entire world. And I have told so many people about it.

They're like, who is this lady? And I'm like, I've been to a lot of people and done energetics and things like that. And hands down what I experienced with you just completely. I mean, I did it an entire year with my shaman, which was great. I think it put me in the position to be so open to what. I had with you, but it was just like, I was like, I don't think I'm even the same person.

I think I went to a different timeline. Oh, I love that. Well, thank you. Thank you. And you said it, you have to be ready to be ready. And the reason why doc and I work so well together is because I have that, the capacity to hold you where you are. And that's really important as an energy healer. I don't bleed into you.

I hold space for you. But I'm very direct with the energy. Can be very, very loving and soft, but you need to have both in order to be effective. And there's so many modalities in the history of my career. I've been doing this 30 years.  I'm a. First a massage therapist and I got into energetic and esoteric healing and went to metaphysical college and studied that as well.

And what I really came to find out was that it's inside, , just really develop it over time and there are some unique techniques that I have developed with the program. It's not Reiki, it's, it's not something that's very well known or common. It's really something that was channeled through me and that's what I offered to you.

And you were open to receive it. I was quite surprised. When you're like, okay, we're going to open this portal in the floor, and I'm like, mm hmm.  And then I was like, can I lay in the portal while I sob to death? And you're like, yeah. Yeah. I've got a line. I've got a line for you. Come on back. It was amazing.

Thank you. And, I love your tarot readings, too, because Oh, thank you. Dude, they're fucking epic.  They are epic. They're fucking epic. They're fucking epic. And, you know, a lot of people, like, well, they'll get excited, they'll hear about me or a friend, and so they'll be like, I want to work with you. And so I turn away a lot of people, actually, because of that readiness.

But what I'll do is I'll ask them, do you need candor? Or do you need some more nurturing? And if the answer is some more nurturing then i've got the perfect  component and the perfect, you know, yin to my yang of, okay, then I think you probably need to work with Reb, who is my spouse, who is very equipped to still deliver hard messages.

But her heart is just so overwhelming. I mean, she gives the best hug, sometimes too long for me. Like, she'll be like, that's only 22 seconds. Like, take it longer. Sometimes I'm not sure what to do. I'm like, sorry, moving on. away. Yes. But I like it because it makes me uncomfortable. Yes. But I'm like, okay, we're doing this.

I'm married to her. It still makes me uncomfortable. She'd be like, 22, 23. I'm like, Oh my God, I could have done like 10 things, but that's what she's known for is the best hugs on the planet. So come get you a Rev Holly hug because It's also life changing.  But we adore you and we are so thrilled and so proud of you.

And you know, you're a baller boss mama and it is just incredible. Oh, well, thank you. Yeah, I absolutely want to take that in too. I will. I'll be like, Oh, thank you. Yeah. And we gave you some nurturing, drinks. So I have fresh watermelon juice from Nami, Nami. Where'd you get this? The Costco? Amazon o.

Amazono. The Amazon. And then, , they've also picked me some blackberry cucumbers and then infused it into a sparkling LaCroix. Yes.  And we also put the Revendoc hoochie hoochie, woo woo on there. Did you? You're like, woo woo. No, not really. We, I just handed it to you out of the fridge, but  I don't want to be one of those type of people that everything is a procedure and every, it's part of our authenticity is, I'm a really big skeptic to tell you the truth.

Are you? Yes. Like what? Tell me. I was in a class for mediumship and I was like,  liar, liar, liar.  Oh, it can be very easy to fake.  If you'll notice like the first reading I ever did with you, I said, don't tell me anything. Yeah. Because I read people cold. I don't think I'd ever even met you before. No. Yeah. And you were sitting behind that big white desk.

That's right. Yep. And,  So I read people cold because, you know, I don't want to be one of those,  I, you've got somebody with the letter D and they're speaking to me cause it's, it's quite easy to fake. Yeah. And so I'm a skeptic when people like, Oh yeah, I took a weekend class and now I'm a Reiki master.

Bitch, you got so much work to do. You aren't even a, a key master, let alone a Reiki master. And living in Sedona, which is some of the most talented.  Wonderful people I've ever met live there, and some of the biggest  shysters and charlatans live there, you know. I'm sorry, you know, this is the, my opinion only,  Doc's opinion only.

A 30 year old white girl has no right to call herself a shaman. No, you're not. No, you're not.  No. Thank you for saying that because I agree. And the spiritual movement, especially I would say this new, like the last couple of years, maybe even like 10 years, I feel like we're starting to go into it like 10 years, 2015 is when I started seeing it.

It's very cultish. Yeah. Yeah. And they're like, Oh, we're healing. And I'm like, dude, you're fucking some people up for sure. And then why are we always healing?  Right. Yeah. You in this moment sitting with us are exactly where you should be. And so to be in a constant state of the need for healing devalues that you've done some hard work.

You'll have some more hard work to do. So will you. So will I. But right now, we good. Yeah. We good. Yeah. I don't think you always need to be working on yourself. With the gaslighting that.  Healing is a full time job is just that. It's a message that devalues where you are and that sometimes the biggest spiritual thing you can do is just fucking breathe. 

Just take a pause, take a breath and just breathe. That is better than any chant or mandala or  pendulum that you can have is the ability just to be centered in yourself for that moment.  And when people often ask after an energetic healing, they say, what do I do with this? What's the next step? And I just clearly say to them, sit with it right now.

And it, we get so far into our heads. That's why it's so important for me to come from my heart because the head is so far away from the energetic healing, or any type of healing, quite frankly. So to fish for the next solution, to dive into something else, or what's else on the menu, that's fine to look a little bit here and there, but to constantly have to dive, that's a way of avoiding as well.

You need to celebrate what you have learned, and then incubate that. Allow that to come into your cell bodies, and feel it in your bodies, so that you can then become aware of what's inside of you.  Yeah, you know, I've noticed too, and I've even lost a few friends to it. A couple of them have come back recently though, and I was like, Oh, hey girl, yeah, we celebrated that.

Yeah.  I call it spiritual or a spiritual drug addicts. Essentially, I feel like I've lost them to drugs and it's like a spiritual drug and sometimes it is literally like more ayahuasca. Yeah, more combo, more shrooms. No, and you know what that does? It fractures you. Yeah, it fractures you and you don't even know what reality you're truly living in.

I mean, You can have moments here and there, but it starts to splinter your mind and your experience of where you are. So when do you think it is appropriate for people to go on like a healing journey?  I'm going to answer this twofold.  I think that if you have based your journey on the ability to look at yourself,  and you are intrigued and horrified and celebratory and all of the human emotions,  and you are ready to go further on your own and deal with the consequences, then more power to you. 

The second part of that is you're not ready.  Okay.  Yeah.  See, when I think of it now, just through my own experiences, and this would be my own opinion, as I'm like, well, maybe, you know, someone died, And you're really working through that. I'm like, yeah, I think that's a good time to go on a little bit of a healing journey.

Or maybe you had something traumatic happen. And in my case, I put it in a box in a closet, like literally, yeah. And then I was like, it's there every night. Yeah.  And then it was like, I needed to look at that severe trauma and heal from it. But I don't think in my everyday life I need to be No.

Constantly waking up every day and being like, I need to work on myself.  I think so much of current spirituality is based upon looking at the  symptoms. You know, we can talk about the symptoms as you're not good in relationships or you, you date the same person. So we look at the wounds,  but real spirituality is getting to the gunshot,  to what fractured you, to what broke you.

And that is a really hard,  messed up journey.  And so, I kind of teach people and we teach people that if you can link the worst thing that's ever happened to you with the best thing that's ever happened to you, because whether that's an easy message to hear or not, they are systematically linked,  then if you can hear that,  if you can hear that right now as I say that, and not recoil,  you're a lot closer.

You're a lot closer to having a really authentic spiritual journey with yourself.  That's beautifully said. Thank you. How about you? 

Like, what are your thoughts over there? Well, it's, it's very synergized with what Doc is saying too, you know, that we have to go on our own journey.  We have to learn, we have the power within us. I think a lot of the issues come from that trigger, that trigger.  that we feel like we're not enough. And if we keep going in that  direction that we're not enough, and then we alter just for a moment, and we have that flicker of light that we are, it's that moment in time that we need to hold on to that takes us on that next step, that takes us on that next journey. 

And that is what the light is about. The more that we work on ourselves, the darkness is there, the shadow is there, it's always there. The more we work on getting healthier and stronger and lighter, all you have to do is just look left or look right and that's you. The shadow is going to stay with you the entire time, whether or not you illuminate it. 

So go for it.  Go for that illumination, but don't do it in a way that becomes a sabotage or an addiction. It's  Yes. I like that a lot. Addiction to any of those things. Because I'm sure that ayahuasca has its merits. We were just referencing that. But for the most part, it is a cape and a cloak.  And I  don't think that we  recommend those.

Because it's just further taking you away from you finding the gunshot. And you're just putting peroxide on the wound.  Until you can actually dig out the bullet. Yeah. Absolutely. If you have that deep, deep wound and you can't figure out where it came from,  then go on a journey.  But make that the, the catalyst that takes you there, the vehicle by which you explore.

But come back to yourself.  It's when you continue to go down that hole, that's when I'm talking about the splintering occurs. And then you don't have any idea what's real and what's not real. And to measure, this is something I always say, it's very difficult to measure your spiritual success.  You have to take those grand moments and pause.

Write it down. Look back on it. And that's why we recommend checking in with us and seeing how you are doing. And frankly, if you need to measure your spiritual success.  It isn't a spiritual success.  I was just, when you said measure your spiritual success, I'm like, I've never really sat back and been like, how spiritually successful are you?

That off. Yeah. You know, people want to take a class and listen, classes are great. We've taken classes. We. teach classes. So we teach classes. In fact, there's going to be a pendulum class, probably in May in an open house here, here in our little studio. Do you guys have a date? I need it on my calendar. I can't miss it.

Okay. We will put it on the calendar. Before we wrap this up.  And listen, we want, maybe you're like exclusive insider social media girl at your open house. And listen, I want to be really clear that we are not gurus. We are not shamans. We are humans.  That try to come from the vibration of love. And we are not immune to love. 

all the feels. We, we lost a fur baby, you know, day after my birthday, which,  because that kind of grief and that kind of pain people, I know, you know what I'm talking about. Like it took me to my knees, like it took us to our knees and we are bad ass strong bitches. And when one of us goes down, it is usually the other one that says, I got you.

I, I see you, I hold you, lean on me. And when, when that happened, because it was unexpected, I mean, we were, we were both on our knees. It was devastating. It was devastating. And because of the practices that we do and because of our relationship and because we talked it out and.  felt and cried.  I'm not going to say that.

I mean, a little tear wants to come now. I'm not going to lie, but your feelings aren't your enemies. Your feelings tells you what's going on in your body and your soul. And if you can just breathe into them,  then you can transmute that into something beautiful and something that is really powerful. So your feelings aren't your enemies.

Your lack of desire.  To deal with your feelings is really what creates the enemy inside of you. Well, and sometimes I don't even know if it's my lack of like, or people's lack of desire. You know? I can only speak for myself. Yeah, fair. Yeah. But it, you know, when you're a kid, it's like, shut up, stop crying.

Yeah. Pull your shit together. Even as an adult, it's like, yeah, for sure. Pull your shit together. Yeah. Fair, better. Sick. You know? And I wonder if it's almost like a learned behavior too. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . I think that one of the greatest things that I heard was your ability to work it out on your own and not need or ask for help is.

The ultimate coping method and mechanism that you were taught that you had to carry the burden. And I thought that was really powerful because so many people, especially women, not to be sexist, but so many women carry their burdens so deeply and asking for help or needing help is almost a sign of weakness or something that they just avoid at all costs.

And listen, throw up a hand, girl, I need help. That's there's, there's power in those words because  Let yourself be caught because if we can catch you,  then you're going to be able to catch somebody who in that moment also desperately needs it. So the more work you do on yourself, the more you can build a community, the more you can build a community, the more bulletproof we become because  there isn't a lot that women of aligned thoughts, and actions and intentions can't accomplish.

And men too, men get a raw deal because, you know, spirituality is kind of viewed , viewed as a feminine thing. And  we know a lot of really powerful healers and,  energy workers that are also male that, you know, some, some people think, Oh, no.  The male energy has its role and play in spirituality. Also, I love my husband.

Cause when we, I first started on my little spiritual journey, he was like, Ooh, this is fun. I feel like he's always just a smidge behind me. Cause I'm really far out there sometimes. And he's like, Hey girl,  throw me a line. I'm right here.  Hey girl. Hey. I'm like, Oh yeah. I love that about him though. I love, I love his little cute sense of humor.

And I love, he reminds me a lot that whatever I bring up.  just like you. She's like, Oh, we're doing that. Okay. That's Jake. We're doing that. Yeah.  But we're doing that is powerful part of a really healthy relationship, you know? Yeah. You guys though should see all of his woo shit. I love it. Like he's got all the samples.

I want, I want to, I need to get him some big glass ones, but he's got the metal ones. Yeah.  And he's got all the crystals and he's like very into that shit. Yeah. Cause I saw your room. Oh, it's just the cabinets. Oh, okay. Gotcha, gotcha. I'm going to open your cabinet.  I'm looking for the woo. You like vibrator. 

Oh, sorry, in different kind, I'm looking for a different kind of vibration. The other day, my daughter was looking for something in my drawers and I was like, you might want to stay out of that drawer. And she's like, I already know your vibrators in here. I was like, but what the hell? Fuck off.  They just don't care anymore.

You know, I would have been mortified. And now they're like, whatever. I mean, there's some beauty in that though. I mean that they're, you know, self actualized enough that it doesn't bring them horror. Yeah. There's a confidence that I like about this generation. Yeah. They're like, whatever mom and dad have sex, whatever, you know, everybody's bisexual or pansexual.

That's fine too. Whatever.  Do you, as long as doing others is consensual and legal and. Consensual.  Put that on a post it. I'm gonna put that on there twice. You know. She's like, did I say it? Consensual.  Teach your daughters that how they dress has nothing to do with how they're treated and treat your boys that how a girl dresses has nothing to do with how you should treat a woman.

Yeah, I love that. But my husband took his sound balls on deployment with him and he said he would just like sit down in the middle of the room and start playing them and everyone would just sit down with him. And I was like, was it weird? Like, did it feel like weird? And he's like, no, everyone was like, oh, cool.

And they just would like vibe along. And I'm like, that's really cool. Well, I'm sure in a state of constant  alertness and readiness that any little breath of.  breaths that you can get or any sort of relaxation. I mean, good for him for showing the strength and, for his, his troop to go, yeah, this is like, what really life is about is let's take this precious moment right here when we're all safe and, you know, become a brotherhood and rock out to the, to the bowls.

Yeah.  Okay. I don't think I mentioned this in the first podcast, but this is a traveling podcast today and I'm sitting in your guys  I mean, it is a garage technically, but like, it's not, I'm like, there's no garage happening here. Well, the garage door opener is here, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, I probably don't want to take it down, you know, no, because if we ever sell the house, it'd be like, so we still have to be adults even in the midst of the woo.

If we ever want to resell the house, tell me about this space I'm sitting in cause this is like fucking insane. So incidentally, we had a brick and mortar for a while and we kind of built these shelves and well, we didn't, we aren't those type of lesbians. We had the shelves built.  You know, shout out to all the lesbians that actually can do things and, uh, let's be friends.

Um, so we had all these shelves built and I like people to come into a space and touch things. And so many people are like, oh, don't touch my cards. You know, the, the grand woo woo of, you know, St. Michael Vientia gave them to me. No, they didn't. You got them at, you know, So I started collecting so that people could come in and I also have a lot of books and workbooks about things that I'm interested in.

And Holly's interested in so that if people are like, Oh, I always wanted to like find out a little bit about palmistry, then just, you know, vibe with us. Take one of our palmistry. I also have palmistry cards. Kind of play with it. And if you like it, then you can buy it. But you've got like a library basically.

It's basically like a library. And so the first few shelves are kind of my stuff. So, like I said, probably about 250. So tell me what's going on here. What are on these shelves? That is my Native American shelf. So my indigenous shelf. Okay. So she's got. Tons of books. Tons of books, crystals. And because I'm a tarot reader, I'm also always gonna have some sort of work workbook or cards about that modality.

Okay? So I have a lot of, so this is very organized. Very organized. Mm-Hmm, . All right. And then I, next section is the chakras. So I've got, oh, I can see that. Um, again, workbooks, I've got crystals and the colors of the chakras. I've got rocks that a friend of mine in Sedona, uh, painted with the chakra symbols on there.

And then we get a little bit more. Um, to where I've got an astrology section, I've got Arun section. Are you guys into astrology? Mm-Hmm. ? Yeah. I do. I read astrology charts. Oh, cool. Yeah. But I read them like they're tarot cards because I am not an astrologer. My friend Mindy Mendelson in Sedona is a true astrologer.

I like astro astrology. And so I figured out a way to read them like tarot cards. And each one of the heavenly bodies kind of have a personality, and so each one of them have, um.  a manner in which I can read them and tell you the story of your life. So if you want a, a natal chart, get a real astrologer.

If you want someone to tell you the story of your life back as if they were tarot cards, then yeah, I'm your girl. Oh, that's cool. And so then I've got.  Numerology, just a few things. Runes are down at the bottom. Then I've got more tarot cards, and then we start to kind of share. So I've got a big crystal section, and then on the top is our Eastern, so, um, you know, Buddhism, world religions, things that really speak to both of us, but especially Holly.

And then her section starts with the, um, tuning forks. Yeah. Okay. So tell me about your, your stuff. Oh, so the tuning forks that I use in sound and I also use on the body. So I have different types of tuning forks available and then I use pendulums since I was very, very young. I picked up a pendulum and it's the divination tool that I use all the time.

Uh, so I have a collection of those and just whatever one resonates with me at the time I use.  So do you walk in here and you're like, mm, Samantha is the, and you pick one for the day? Oh, absolutely. The person who's coming in. Whatever resonates with me at that moment. That's what I use. Absolutely. Because they're all my friends. 

They're all my friends. But it depends on. She's a scanner. She does a little body scan. Yeah. Use a pendulum that day. I always like to use a pendulum as a first tool of introduction to the body. And on the other side, we've got Ayurvedic medicine and energy, vibrational, um, so that's on this where the, um, second shelf over here is, and then of course the eastern and then you have the world religions, um, on top, and more of the, um, Ayurvedic studies, esoteric studies, energy studies on this side as well.

So we do kind of overlap with, because we both studied this in just different ways. Mine's hands on the body, hers is not. Uh, so it really synergizes beautifully and does overlap quite frankly all the time. You know what I like about this is it feels like, um, there's no one way to do anything. you know, it's like, it's not, there's not just one book that starts with a B and it is, you know, the law it is, Hey, if you're feeling called to this, like try this.

Right. Yes, exactly. That's fucking cool. I also think like we lived here for about a year and a half, a little longer than that during COVID. And then we went back to Sedona and I think now upon our return, I don't know if it's just us being in a different mindset and getting through the pandemic. And, but I also think people are a little bit more.

like ripe and open to it because when people like  we were getting our hair cut recently and Um people like whoa, I want all the stuff, you know all i'm just so interested in that and I really love that I I think the beginner's mind and the interested mind is a real place of beauty rather than the Oh, yeah, i've already done all that You know and i've already done all that Is  such an unattractive spiritual cloak to wear because it leaves you out for experiences where someone, there are tarot readers that are probably 10 times better than me.

But in that moment, I was like, well, I don't really think so either.  I wanted to say that on the record. That's not really true.  Extracted. Extract. Delete. But I have to be open. I have to be open because I like to buy other people's tarot decks. In fact, some of the decks on here are some from friends. I also have been following a lady for a long time that did the Crow Tarot and then the Raven Tarot.

And I love all of that because  she's creating.  A deck from her heart and her imagination that also speaks to me. And it's such beautiful. beautiful thing to be so involved in divination, but also to be open that the way that she's expressed this is just really lovely. So we buy a lot of tarot decks actually at, um, you know, garage sales, especially living in Sedona because it'd be like estate sales.

And there's a lot of common crap that, Oh, you have to buy your own. No girl, please. If you practice resonance, meaning that your vibration resonates at a frequency of which you are claiming.  A hundred people can touch this deck.  Right here. A hundred people can touch it. There. This is the universe has your back.

I think I have that word. Yeah. Gabby Bernstein. A hundred people could touch this and this is still my deck. Yeah. Not because I've claimed it or peed on it, but because my heart. You didn't take a piss on it. I mean, I don't like wet cars. I take them into the yard. So resonance is about the highest frequency,  highest frequency in any room  is the leader. 

And the nice thing is I don't always have to be the alpha. I just have to follow, if I'm going to be the beta, it has to be an alpha that I trust. And that's why community is so important is if you are the alpha of a certain thing, then be the alpha, but know when it's also okay to be the beta of energy healing.

And, I cannot make a pendulum work.  They don't speak to me. I like the crystals. I have a lot.  They don't work for me because it's not my vibrations. Now, dowsing rods. Oh, I can do a dowsing rod. So it's just about being humble when it's desirable and accurate and being a baller when it's accurate.  You guys have like a way with words too, where I'm like, Oh yes.

Like wordsmith. That's true. Yeah. Well, teaching, I mean, teaching is really like, are.  love. And that's why we're going to start to have just little small, you know, relatively inexpensive.  You what? I would love to see you guys on Tik TOK. Actually, I might invest  because you know, there's these, like we're an age gap couple.

We're this couple. Well, I want to do, we're a metaphysical couple. Oh yeah. So of course I'm going to sprinkle you with love and light until I don't.  So,  I got it all written out in my head. It's gonna be brilliant.  Yep. When, since Jake and I started creating the TikToks together, um, and really they're only doing well on my Instagram. 

Um, but we're having so much fun. It's so fun. I got 7, 000 likes the other day on TikTok though. Oh yeah? And I was like, wow.  I don't know how to replicate that or what I did, but  I'm just going to celebrate. It's all just a mystery. Like people come to me and they're like, tell me the viral formula. And I was like, I don't know, like stick a stick up your butt and see, you just gotta be you.

Just do you. Yeah. I think just do you. So do you guys have anything right now that you're doing or working on that's just like feels exciting to you? Like what's your favorite things right now?  Well, for me,  is to working with sound, sound has walked the path with me. I've been working with particularly the drum for years, and I do it with energy clearing.

 And then I got to end to working as a reverend with different types of bells. , What nots wind chimes and things like that. But I've been studying the last few years, really diving into sound, studying music, what does sound mean? And it is the universal language. So that's what I've been focusing on from my attention.

And I'm going to be teaching sound to others. Where here in this,  in the studio, does it have a name?  Does it have a name?  It's kind of like, an elevated, like, man cave, but like, on  Crystal crack.  If it does feel like that. Yeah, it's like, We got to come up with a name. Yeah, we do. We really do. Absolutely.

Name, forthcoming. I think the thing I'm really excited about. I want to see it on the door, the side door. Actually, we were making this sign that says Rev and Doc, because you know, we do like the different wall hangings and things. So we actually, made one. We're  to put out on the door if, like, it's in session or just to kind of, like, introduce the space so that people know where to come.

I think the thing I'm most excited about is Holly has worked really hard on setting up this space because the other side the side that we haven't spoken about is her  body work and energy healing. Yeah. And it's stunning over there. So that's where she's got kind of consultation chairs. It's very warm and inviting.

She also does body work and  I don't want to just call it massage, but people always like, well, does that mean massage? Does she also do that? Yes. She does all hands on thing. So we also created a little kind of, womb or cave, for her to do her magic. And it's not that this is my side and hers, cause you see the sound tables are set up and we've got the sound bowls.

So I think really just starting to introduce the space, that's why we want to have an open house. We want to have a pendulum class. I think having a tribe right now is really important and it's essentially very important to us. So tribe, where are you at? Where are you at? Let's go Southern Utah tribe. You know, I feel like.

There's just such magic happening and we need to counterbalance all the bullshit that's happening and we just are so bogged down with so much bullshit. I want to counterbalance that with  okay, this is how you do a pendulum. If it doesn't talk to you, then okay, what about this? Can you do the dowsing rods?

Like, you don't have to be good at everything. You just have to be good at keeping.  going forward. That's the one thing you have to be good at is to love yourself enough to just keep exploring. And so we've created, I think, a space that people could come touch the stuff. I've got rocks. I'll tell you every rock down there.

Cause I'm kind of a crystal junkie. So we have a lot of modalities and I'm really excited by that. I think building a really strong tribe of people from any dimension. Any planet. I don't even care anymore. I'm not shocked by anything. Just, let's come together. Oh, I like that.  that's my goal.

Okay, let's do it. I think you guys are doing it though. I think we're, I think we're, we set up the space. You set up the space. And that was a real labor of love and it took us a while to tell you to move a house. And yeah, we've been at that point, three dogs, you know, and also take care of this and the mini split.

And like I said, we aren't those types of lesbians. So it's not like, you know, we are, you know, Doing that. I mean, yeah, like, and many splitting it up. Now we hired people to do that kind of stuff. So I know I, I'm always grateful for my man, right?  Rent a lesbian. I don't care. I bought  all this furniture and I'm sitting and I'm like, turns out there's like this little, this little metal things that the furniture comes with, you know, like the little Ellen wrenches and I'm like, you're supposed to put all this together with that.

Like, yeah, I'm done. We don't typically usually fight, but, Get a box cutter. We're not our best. But we're not our highest and best when we put shit together. And usually one of us says, you think you're so smart. It's like playing twister. Ugh. Just not playing it very well. I was like, oh, here's an extra piece.

Oh, then get that piece. Now wait, oh shit. Oh, and then you have to like take the whole thing apart and you're like, you stupid bitch. Yeah, exactly. And I love this woman to death, but her brain does work a little different. And so, and so, you know, she's just a little,  Lovingly dyslexic, so sometimes right is left and left is right.

See, I was going to think that you would be better at like putting the things together. I thought so too. I feel like that was all advertisement to tell you the truth. Most of the time. Yeah, most of the time. She, she's a very, she's very strong. And she's, , reasonably handy, but when it comes like to the hard stuff, we just, we, we have girls, girl tools.

Yeah. Although she tells me I'm going to buy myself a tool belt. Okay. Yeah. You do that. I see all the time where I'm on the ladder. Why we have it. Cause then, Yeah, get back down the ladder and go back up. It's really funny. So yeah, I like to have a tool belt so I can have it all on me. But the times she remembers it is when she's on the ladder. 

Okay. Completely let it go. Afterwards. You know that video that Jake and I just made together where he's like, this is how you fix the smoke alarm. Yeah. It's the latter, but it's a kind of a funny running joke because the whole time he was deployed, we had something weird going on with our smoke alarms.

It was spirit stuff, too. I could get into it for sure. For sure. And the one was, The night, well, it was the night, the night before my grandpa's funeral. And so I was up all night with the smoke detectors going off. And I'm like, this isn't funny. And I know he was doing it. A little prankster.   But my solution, I would just rip him out of the wall.

Yeah. Yeah. And my bitch is gone. You know, so my husband's like, why is there a pile of smoke detectors on the counter? And I'm like, well, I took those out in January and he's like, it's November. And I'm like, yeah, we're fine. See, well, Mr. Army man, if you had been here, you could have changed the batteries.

But no, you're away. We're defending the country. Thank you for your service. God, that's what happened. I know. And one time I was mowing the lawn and this is when men come in handy. You guys, I was mowing the lawn. Oh, I don't know what that, I don't know what that was. You have, he was gone. I went and got myself an electric mower so I could just broom, broom. 

And I broke a sprinkler head and they're pretty easy to like, there's a tool where you go in and twist, but I mean like I, you know, this man thing with their hands, how do they twist it so tight and. He FaceTimed me because I'd been texting him about this for a while and he's like, Oh, I have time. I'll FaceTime you.

And I like flipped the fuck out in the yard. I started hysterically crying because I could not get it untwisted. And I was like, I just have to go. And I was like,  sometimes when we're sharing at Gatorade, she twists it on too hard. I can't get it off. I hate that. I swear he does it on purpose. He makes me swear. 

Yeah. Cause he, we drink for that. I swear over that too. We drink like a probiotic drink in the pre whatever drink in the morning. And so he makes it and he'll bring it to me, which is super sweet. But then like when I, I cannot get the fucking lid off. I'm like, why did you do that? It's like Wolverine, can you reopen this? 

And I like hurt my wrist trying to, I'm like, I'm straining myself, giving myself purple tunnel. And we're just putting the lid on. Yeah. That's the beauty. Is they're just putting the lid on so it doesn't spill on us, which is sweet. Okay. So is one of you like, how do you guys share cooking?  Do you guys both cook?

Actually we do. Do you? We do. A little bit more. Yeah. Originally I was cooking more. Yeah. And then I got hired, but got pretty busy and then I got really busy. I'm kind of a crockpot queen. Oh. I'm a crockpot queen. Like, and I've come up with some really good things. I just kind of make it up in my head what I think she's teaching me how to use a crock pot.

What I think would be good. Yeah. Yes. So I'm good for like,,  baking sheet or crockpots where I can just kind of put it together and let it cook. But like standing at the, at the stove frying up the bacon. No, I, I, no. No, no  . Too many steps. Not gonna happen.  not gonna happen. You're like bored over here.

I'm bored. I'm kind of bored with the whole thing. It's actually true. She does get bored with that. Yeah. Okay. So it takes too much. And I used to love to make homemade stocks and sauces and all that, but that takes time. Homemade stock and sauce sauces. Oh my God, yes. So it like 2020. I'm like, let's get her sourdough starter going.

Yeah. Oh no, I have, I have, I have PTSD from all my friends on social media, putting their little.  sourdough starters on their, on their. It's coming back though. Yeah, actually, I saw it again. It's coming back. I probably would enjoy it to some degree, because I actually do like sourdough bread. It's just. I like to get it from the girl at the farmer's market.

And I'm like, that's her craft. She's really good at it. With rosemary butter. Yeah. I'm about that. Yeah. I'm going to buy that. I'm not going to do it on my own. Although we do make our own dog food, especially Holly. And that's just because we've got a little older dogs and we were spending so much money on crap that, you know, she was later picking up about two days later in the backyard.

So she started making their food. Although there's a really funny story about that. Do you want to hear it? I do. Oh, no. So our dogs, one of them, like I said, passed about a couple of weeks ago. Blessings Kaya. Blessings Kaya. But Holly, who is a very sweet person, I don't know if you people can tell, but she's a very sweet, heart centered person and has great patience. 

But I'm a little older and my hearing has started to go, so sometimes our dogs would wake her up and I legitimately, like, I don't know.  Don't hear them. And so she did it for a couple of nights and then one night she got very dramatic and she's like, I can't do it by myself. I was like, okay, Scarlett O'Hara, I can't hear them.

Like legit, you're going to have to wake me up. Then she's like, well, if I have to wake you up, I might as well do it. Like a very rare, moment of her being dramatic. And so,  and so, you know, it is what it is. I was like, babe, just wake me up. Like I would never purposely leave our dogs in, in,  you know, trauma or  deny you sleep.

So she was making like this big meatloafy thing with all the stuff. And so we ran out and she's like, I think I'm just going to buy, like, we buy pet fresh, like from Albertsons or whatever. It's in the refrigerator. She's like, I'm just gonna, I was like, well, I don't think we should make it. Let's just buy a couple of bags.

So we did. And I noticed  the dog slept through the night. Oh, and then the next night.  Hmm. Did anybody wake you up last night? 'cause I thought maybe I couldn't hear them. And she goes, no. And I was like, it's the food you are making. You are doing this. Because she was putting like a bag of carrots in a bag of kale and a ba bag of broccoli.

Broccoli, bag of blueberries and strawberries. She was fiber. I wanted to have dogs, love blueberries. She was fibering them to death. So of course they were waking her up three and four times and I have to go poop. Yeah. So it was just so funny. Fibering them to death. She was fibering them to death. I was like.

I'm going to cut the fiber down and yeah, now our dog sleeps through the night and so does she. They were getting up in the middle of the night to take a poo? Like three times, several times. That's why she was losing in her shit. Yeah, I mean, it felt like a brand new baby. Yeah. I was just up and up and up and I'm like, what is going on here?

Yeah. And  funny shit was,  It's you, Scarlet, who are doing this. You are fibering our dogs through the night. That's funny. And we had a good laugh about it because, you know, I did feel bad and I did say, just please wake me up. I mean,  and I meant it and then she never did. She never did, which was very sweet.

So luckily it was very short lived. Yeah, I don't do waking up with dogs in the night.  Yeah. I mean, you know, when you get older dogs, it's kind of like having perpetual toddlers only, you know, they almost age the other way. Well, my dog is. 11. Yeah. And then we have a one year old dog. Yeah, yeah. We've met both.

We like both.  I like, I like them both. Our 11 year old dog is pretty sassy. She's missing most of her teeth. We got her read by a pet psychic once and she was like, that dog has a potty mouth. I love it.  She kind of reminds me of like a little old woman named Agnes, right? It's like a chain smoker and she's tired of all your fucking bullshit.

And no one knows who her parents were or where she came from. Right. And you kids think you have it tough. Yes. Bullshit. I love her. I love saucy old people. I can't wait to get older so I can be even more saucy than I am now. Oh boy. Yeah, because no one will say, they'll just be like, Oh, she's old and saucy.

What can they do?  I firmly can't wait.  Okay, ladies, this has been so fun. So fun! We had a great time. Okay, tell me the, where are you going next? You're going to hold classes here. Hold classes here. Okay. And you guys can follow them online. Yes. Rev.  What's your Instagram? Rev. doc.  We'll link it in the show notes.

Link it in the show notes.  And we're working on the website a little bit. Do people still do websites? Is that kind of a thing? Like, is that something I should? Yeah. I have a website, but. You did yours, right? Yeah. I love my new website. Yeah. But it's just a showpiece. It really just kind of is a shell, right?

It's like. Yeah.  Most of my business comes from just honestly, my Instagram stories. Yeah. I think kind of the same way we're, we're going to talk about our website, but follow us on social media. I think it's a good place to go. Like, you know, then people can. Kind of get your vibe. Yeah. Well, and everyone is a different learner, right?

Like I see something a lot of times, it's just like, I'll hear their voice and their frequency and I'm like, Ooh, I need to talk to them or, Ooh, I'm supposed to be working with them. And then there's other people that need like all the information. So I think having a website's great. And then on there too, like people can book a call with me.

So you'd be, yeah, yeah, it kind of fills in some of the blanks. So, yeah, we're not awkwardly damning you. Like, what is it that you offer? What is it that you do? Right. Right. Yeah. So we are going to be here at our Woo Studio, name. The crystal  crack cave. Crystal crack cave.  We'll put a crystal in your crack for enough money.

No, not really. We won't. We're not those kind of lesbians either.  But we basically What are those? Something for everyone. There's something for everyone.  So basically just having an open house, teaching some classes, and  spreading the love, and finding our tribe.  Exactly. Love it. Thank you guys for your time and letting me come over.

Thank you. We love you. Namaste, bitches. Peace. Peace.