This is Max.  This is like the 4th time you’ve tried calling me. I’m in the hospital, leave me alone! Hello?

We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.

Are you BLEEPing kidding me? My car was a hand-me down from my sister, it never had a warranty. Oh my god, I just realized, I’m going to have to sell my car! There’s no way I can fit in it now.  Why am I telling you this? You don’t care that the Stag just died, and I somehow absorbed his powers and grew a giant rack of antlers. Why am I still talking? I think I have an exposition problem.

Muahaha! Of course I don’t care about the Stag, that’s why I killed him in the first place!

Hey, you’re not a warranty vulture,
you’re– you're Linus and Sally’s dad!

Yes, it is I, MACGUFFIN, the driver of the PLOT!

Uh, how'd you get my number?

I’m resourceful. And clairvoyant. And that’s not the question you should be asking.

Okay, then, WHY are you calling me?

I’m calling to let the fans know there’s going to be another season of Second Fiddles!

Fans? My room doesn’t have any fans. It just has, like, normal air conditioning or whatever.

Regardless, the listeners need to know, Second Fiddles will continue!

Of course it will, it’s just on hiatus while I’m adjusting to life with antlers and my new powers.

Not your sidekick support group, I mean the podcast! There’s another season coming soon!

You sound crazy right now. And what season are you talking about? Rose City really only has three seasons: summer, winter, and rain.

You’re not getting it, are you?

No! I’m a little overwhelmed right now, okay? My friends Sophia and Ren, they're about to travel into outer space for months, my sister Tammy has to find and hire her own sidekick, I need to figure out what to do with my life now that my hero’s dead (no thanks to you, assBLEEP) AND I have a budding romance with the invisible guy I’ve been crushing on forever.

Thank you for outlining the upcoming season’s plot points for me! But you’re right, you do have an exposition problem.

You know what? I don’t care why you called. Leave me alone!

My job is done, little Buck. You enjoy the new season! Prepare for a few twists along the way! Hahahaha!

Okay, well, you prepare for me to learn how to use my new laser vision so I can melt your face! Byeeeee! Oh. You already hung up. What a BLEEP.