Masterpiece Moments

Live your life the way you feel, be true to You!

Shawn Ashman Season 3 Episode 3

Ever felt like a square peg being squashed into a round hole? Join me, Lady Ash, on a transformative odyssey in Masterpiece Moments, where we unwrap the golden threads of personal and professional contentment. Imagine an environment that doesn't just acknowledge your abilities but celebrates them, where your day-to-day battles are replaced by the joy of being in your element. I reveal the potent mix of authenticity and the right setting, which has been the crux of my own metamorphosis, and could very well be yours too. Here's to crafting a narrative that resonates with your true self, to standing unswayed in your values, and to the allure of a life where your talents don't just shine—they dazzle.

This episode is a clarion call to those yearning for an authentic existence, one where each day is more than just a tick on the calendar. I'll walk you through the courageous steps that may involve embracing a humbler paycheck or the daunting unknown, all to secure a niche where your spirit flourishes. Through stories that breathe life into these concepts and coaching sessions that equip you for the journey ahead, I promise to guide you towards a haven of independence and creativity. It's not just about finding the right fit; it's about carving a space where you can serve with heart, revel in genuine interactions, and ultimately, lead a life sprinkled with the kind of joy that comes only from living true to oneself. So, let's stride confidently into the life you're meant to lead, with Masterpiece Moments as your compass.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Masterpiece Moments, where we explore the transformative journey of turning lives, fragments, into a work of art. I'm your host, lady Ash, and today we are looking at being in the right place. If, today, you find yourself in a place where you feel worthless, unappreciated, stifled, where you're still struggling to fit in, then that is not the place for you. Whether it's your job, whether it's a relationship, whether it's a school, whatever you are doing should not be a struggle. I'm not saying that everything in life is easy, but you should not have to be fighting against the green to do what you love, to do what you're capable of, to do what you know brings you joy, to the point where you don't want to show up, to the point where you cry every day, to the point where you don't want to drive there, to the point where you don't want to see the person. If you are in the wrong job relationship today and you are not happy, then you won't be brilliant. When you're at your happiest is when you can do the most incredible things. So if you're in a space where your ideas are suppressed, when you send the same report ten times but at the end of the day, persons are told oh, I did not get a report from this person. When you know it's a blatant lie, but you can't do anything about it, don't fight anyone, move forward. I know this is difficult, but I can tell you that now I am working from a space of authenticity, where I'm working from my space of my highest creativity, where I'm serving my people, from a place of happiness. I can tell you that this truly is, in fact, the best way to live, work and to be, and a lot of us are still living, working on plantations in 2024.

Speaker 1:

We need to find our rightful place and go there. And some of us we know, you know, we know, but we are too stubborn. Sometimes, when we look at the situation in front of us, we say, boy, we need this job because we want the money or we need this relationship because of the kids, but at the end of the day, what about you? You have to be filled to the brim so that you can bring the sunshine every day. And so many of us, we just put on that masks and we just put on that suit and we just go to work and we don't push back, we just listen and accept and at the end of the day, we are so unfulfilled and our best self or hardest work or brilliance will never shine because we are not being used to the highest potential, we are not being appreciated, so we are not encouraged to do certain things.

Speaker 1:

In 2024, may I encourage you to control your narrative. All the hard work that you do should be recognized. Firstly, it should be known. It should not be buried in file 13. It is, in fact, your job to be understood.

Speaker 1:

First, you understand others, make sure you know what they're saying, and then your point of view is also important and you should not allow anybody to prevent you from saying what you feel. Now, I'm not saying you need to be rude or disrespectful, but your voice need to be heard. You don't have to agree with everything because you don't want to ruffle any feathers. You have to be true to who you are and sometimes, when persons are telling you to do certain things and you know it's against certain policies, don't do it because at the end of the day, you're going to be blamed for it anyways. You have to make sure that, wherever you are, you stand in your integrity and your brilliance can shine, that you feel worthy, that you feel that, yes, I spent seven years to be trained in this area and I'm gonna just do a fantastic job.

Speaker 1:

Work your hardest, but have a plan for your life. And sometimes it's not as clear-cut as we would want it to be in terms of that transition, but I'm telling you that it is important that you control your narrative. It is important that you be your most creative. It is important that you are understood. You should not and will not fight anymore to have your voice heard. Get your job done, done on time, do the best you can every single day. And I know, in order for your best to come out, you have to be in a place of contentment. You have to be happy, you have to feel appreciated, you have to feel worthy, right, because it doesn't matter how smart you are or brilliant you are. If all the knowledge that you have and all the work that you're doing is being suppressed, you're not going to be your best. It's going to be that much harder to show up and to do the work that you need to do.

Speaker 1:

So, wherever you are, strive to be happy, because the best work comes when you're happy. Work from a space of an open heart. Give, give and give, but at the same time you should be receiving. Receiving it's a give and take, it's a yen and yen it's an in and out, and the minute you're in a place where it is not balanced and what you're doing is not reciprocated, then it's time for you to move forward. Find that place, find your comfort zone, find that place where there is joy and bliss in whatever you do.

Speaker 1:

When you work work at your highest potential and you do great work where you're respected, where you're listened to, where you are appreciated one of the great things about being an Entrepreneurs I don't have to go through a board or through any boss or anything to approve my ideas. So when the ideas come from spirit, I can move with them. When I get an idea for a painting, I can try it. When I get an idea for a product, I put it out there. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not, but I get to explore my creativity because it's in the doing that you become better. It's in the doing of things that are not so perfect that you grow and you become better at what you do, and there has to be a space For that in your life, no matter how smart you are, no matter the 4.0, don't matter how many degrees you have.

Speaker 1:

If you're in the wrong place and you can't use your skills, your talent and your Energy in a positive way, then you are in the absolute wrong place. I encourage you To find the courage, the guts, to find the strength to stand up for who you are, stand up for what you are and go and be in the right place. It may mean that you will take a salary cut, it may mean that you will have to travel a little further in terms of distance to work, it may mean that you have to relocate, it may mean you will have to leave that relationship. But those skills and those talents that are given to you by God, those skills that you have worked so hard to acquire, they deserve a stage, they deserve to be heard, they deserve to be executed, and so you need to put yourself in a place to shine. I know it's not easy and a lot of persons have been asking me. You know what were the things you had to do to put yourself in a position to move away from a 9-to-5 job situation where you can work independently and freer and more creatively and I am available for coaching sessions to help persons with that, because I know it can be difficult and for some persons it may be easier than for others, but it's a process and you start with a plan and you have to execute that plan, one day at a time.

Speaker 1:

But the most important thing is to believe in yourself and to know that you are worthy. You are worthy of happiness, contentment, respect. You are worthy of all the things that comes with your brilliance. And you should be in a place and in a space where you can show up and show out without feeling that somebody sabotaging you or without your reports being hidden or without narratives being changed around what you're doing to paint the wrong picture. Because if you don't control that narrative, the possibilities of the wrong picture being painted are great and unfortunately, some of us will never get the opportunity to speak the truth and the truth will not be heard. But the truth may not be heard from your lips, but the truth will be heard in other ways.

Speaker 1:

Find yourself, don't worry about people. Find yourself that space for you to be your authentic self, where you can shine, where you can give, where you can serve your people, where you can change lives, where you can be happy and live your most authentic life, because this life is short and it's pointless to be in it and you're not enjoying it. So I encourage you to take that step, to find the courage to start the plan in taking on a new phase of your life. Find yourself a place, whether it's a church, whether it's a relationship, whether it's a job. Find yourself in that place where you belong, and you would have won the battle. It's nice talking to you. This is Lady Ash, and I'll talk to you soon, ciao.