Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises

Mother's Day Edition 2024

The Morning JoyRide Season 3 Episode 15

Every mother's love writes its own story—a tale that weaves itself into the fabric of history and the hearts of her children. As Melody and I, Candy, come together for the Mother's Day weekend special of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises, we turn the spotlight on these extraordinary narratives. Our episode is a mosaic of laughter and tenderness, adorned with the most memorable moments from our Morning Joyride that celebrate motherhood. We laugh over Mother's Day jokes and dive into trivia that spans the globe, cherishing the countless ways moms are honored. But it's not just about the present - we look to the past and honor Mary's mother, a symbol of a mother's enduring influence across generations.

The sisterhood of womanhood is a bond like no other, and this chapter is a hymn to that unity and mutual support, especially poignant as Mother's Day draws near. I weave a message of encouragement for all our listeners, reminding every woman of her intrinsic value and the strength found in togetherness. Amid the festivities, we also offer a comforting embrace to those for whom Mother's Day is a complex time, sharing stories and moments that speak to the heart. Join us in this celebration and reflection on the joys and journeys of mothers and the indelible marks they leave on our lives.

0:00:00 - Melody

Hi, I'm Melody and I'm Candi, and you're listening to Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises. Well, Candi, Mother's Day weekend coming up very soon this weekend actually and so I thought how fun would it be for us to go back and do some of the best-ofs on the Morning Joyride pertaining to moms. 


0:00:22 - Candi

We have such great stories of encouragement, of thanks for being a mom, and we just wanted to share these all with you and even some funny things, some trivia, some jokes. 


0:00:33 - Melody

We think you'll love the best of Melody and Candi on the Morning Joyride, the Mother's Day edition, on this episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises. 


0:00:44 - Candi

During this Mother's Day week, I can't help but think of Mary, the mother of Jesus, but not just her, but Mary's mother, and we ran across this from someone named Sarah Trent. 


0:00:57 - Melody

Yes, you know, we talk about Mary at Christmas a lot. We play that song. Did you Know Mary? Did you know? Yes, we play it a lot. But what about Mary's mother? Someone had to raise Mary to find favor with God. Someone had to raise Mary to treasure purity. Someone had to raise Mary to honor Joseph and someone had to raise Mary to know the voice of the Lord, even though they were living in the silent years. 


Mary's mother? We don't even know her name. We don't know what her life looked like, we don't know who she was married to or what he was even like. But all we know is that she raised the mother of Christ, goodness gracious. She raised a daughter highly favored of the Lord. She raised a daughter to fear the Lord when the Lord was silent. This is what we do know. 


Mary's mother didn't have an encounter with an angel telling her to raise Mary carefully because of how the Lord was going to use her. Mary's mother chose to raise Mary wisely so the Lord could use her. Wow, Mary’s mother didn't have an encounter with an angel telling her to honor her husband because Mary would need to honor Joseph when he told her to travel to Bethlehem while she was great with child when he told her to flee Herod's wrath. Before it came to pass in the middle of the night, Mary’s mother just honored her husband, obeyed and submitted to him because she knew that's what she was called to do. Mary's mother didn't have an encounter with an angel giving her a word to cling to in those dark, silent years, but she clung to the word of God that she had. She trusted his word even during the silence, and her home shone with divine favor because she made choices in the dark that affected the whole world. 


Mary did you know? She knew some, she knew what the angel told her. But Mary's mother, she had no idea, but she chose to raise a daughter that the Lord could use, and that choice still affects us all today. So who can you raise that can affect eternity? The example that you set in your marriage can affect eternity. The example you set in your home can make the gates of hell tremble, but it starts with you. Happy Mother's Day weekend. From the Morning Joyride. There's nothing like some funny, corny Mother's Day jokes to get us going today. 


0:03:11 - Candi

Well, speaking of corn, what did baby corn ask mama corn? What candy? Where's popcorn you get? 


0:03:20 - Melody

it. Oh my Bonk, bonk, bonk. 


0:03:25 - Candi

Why is Mother's Day before Father's Day? I don't know why. So the kids can spend all their Christmas money on Mom instead of Dad. 


0:03:33 - Melody

Why did they have to rush the mommy rattlesnake to the doctor? She bit her tongue. 


0:03:38 - Candi

Hey, melody, yeah. What are the three quickest ways to spread a rumor? What? The Internet, the telephone and telling your mama. Why was it so hard for the pirate to call his mama? I don't know why. Would that be Because she left the phone off? The hook, pirate, hook, I get it. 


0:04:11 - Melody

So it's Melody and Candy right here with you on the Morning Joyride on this Friday before Mother's Day. So I'm going to have a little bit of fun with Candy, because on Fridays I usually do fun fact trivia. I love those. Yeah, I'm going to quiz you, candy, on some Mother's Day trivia today. 


I'm going to start easy with you and then we'll move into some fun questions. Okay, in what month does Mother's Day take place in the United States? May, very good. What is the most popular gift to give on Mother's Day? Flowers, really, greeting cards. A card's not a gift. 


0:04:45 - Candi

Well, I'm just saying Unless you put a gift card in there. It's not a gift. 


0:04:48 - Melody

Is Mother's Day on the same date every year. 


0:04:51 - Candi

No, it's always. 


0:04:54 - Melody

Sunday. It's always the second Sunday, but the date makes it. It can change. Yeah, okay, why is it that the word for mom starts with a M-A sound A ma sound in almost every language? 


0:05:08 - Candi

Mom, mom, mom, are you asking me why? Yeah? 


0:05:14 - Melody

Do you know why? It's the first sound a baby makes. My mom, dad is so sweet, isn't that sweet? How do they know this? I have no idea. I guess they ask the baby. Mother's Day marks the most blank on any given day of the year. What do you think it would be? Mother's Day has the most fill in the blank on any given day of the year Lunch trips, man Phone calls oh, on Mother's Day, phone traffic spikes up 37%. Call your mama. Mother's Day is the busiest day. For what? Restaurants, yay. I always tell my family that the best thing you can give me for Mother's Day is not take me out to eat. What type of flower is associated with Mother's Day? 


0:06:04 - Candi

Roses Carnations. 


0:06:07 - Melody

Carnations, Yep carnations. Do Americans spend more money on Mother's Day or Father's Day? 


0:06:14 - Candi



0:06:14 - Melody

Mother's Day totally. 


0:06:15 - Candi



0:06:17 - Melody

Aside from cards and flowers, what is the third most popular gift for Mother's Day? Chocolate, Jewelry I don't think I've ever seen that on Mother's Day Me either and lastly, Candy. What are the most popular activities that is done on Mother's Day? 


0:06:38 - Candi

Going to see your mama, like maybe having lunch with her, having dinner, just anything. Yeah, it involves spending time with your mama, like maybe having lunch with her, having dinner, just anything. 


0:06:45 - Melody

Yeah, it involves spending time with your mom, going to church, you know, going to restaurants, just sitting at home with the family, whatever it is, of course, anything to do with just being with the one that you love. So great trivia questions, candy. I think you did pretty well. Thank you very much. We had a few of these right here. Well, good morning. It's Melody and Candy here on the Joy Ride and we have something special, I think, today. Candy Kayla Sanders is the wife of Brian Sanders, our Executive Vice President of Positive Alternative Radio. You've heard Brian here on the air with us. In fact, he and I did some morning fundraising together recently and his wife is just a precious soul and we love her so much. And she wrote a letter to women and we wanted to share that letter because it's just a beautiful letter that kind of does all perspectives of those that are dealing with Mother's Day in whatever way they are, whether your mother is still here or whether she is not. So here is Kayla's letter to women, so to the moms. 


0:07:50 - Kayla Sanders

We are in awe of you. God handpicked you for the little ones he's gifted to your care. He knew that that beautiful human being would need you. Do not allow yourself to fall prey to the negative voices whispering condemnations and comparisons. Resist the urge to be superwoman, because we need each other. Brave inviting that other woman into your circle. Maybe she's the single college girl or the newlywed, the grandma or the other moms in your life. Your messy is both beautiful and refreshing. Do not wait until your house is put together or your hair is washed. 


Forgive the well-meaning who offer unsolicited advice. It's not automatically a critique of your parenting. You get to choose what suggestions and opinions are helpful and what you are meant to step over To those wishing to be moms. Your life has purpose. You are not defined by your womb. You are not defined by your womb. God knew your story the day he started knitting you together. 


Mothering doesn't always look like caring just for those you birthed. We women are born nurturers. Ask God to give you opportunities to pour into other women. Perhaps that means showing up for a new mom so she can nap while you babysit. Maybe you can open your home to college girls. You are not less than it is okay to grieve something you wish for but couldn't have but resist the urge to let it consume or define you. God may give you opportunities you couldn't otherwise have pursued. 


Forgive the comments that may sting about how luxurious your life is without children. They are usually just attempts to fill the silence To those who are dreading Mother's Day. I am sorry for your hurt or your sadness, Whether that's grieving a mom who's no longer with you, a strained relationship or your own disappointment. Give yourself much grace this weekend. There's no rule that you must attend every celebration. Trust your heart and mind for what it needs on this day. 


Linger over that cup of coffee or tea, Curl up with your favorite book, Go for a walk at your favorite spot, but surround yourself with those you feel. Leave you feeling loved and safe. Cling tight to the truth that God loves you deeply and he can be trusted with your breaking heart. Dear women, we need each other and we truly are better together. May we lay down our impulses to compete or compare. Each of us has so much we bring to the table. Genuinely, see the women God has placed around you. Choose to link arms rather than push others away. Let us be the ones who cheer the loudest, laugh the longest, love the deepest. 


0:11:09 - Candi

It's incredible. I've listened to it several times myself already, so sweet it is. You can find out more information about the Peas and Carrots podcast. They talk about a lot of unique stuff, real life stuff. They make you laugh, they can. They are Husband and wife team, Brian and Kayla Sanders. You can find Peas and Carrots Podcast wherever it is you get your podcast from. 


0:11:33 - Melody

Well, good morning and welcome to the Joyride on this Friday, Friday before Mother's Day. And so, Candi, we're going to do a little blast from the past, yeah, and we are going to go back and listen to something that took place a couple of years ago that, I think, is going to touch your heart. 


0:11:52 - Candi

You ready? I think so. Let me get the tissues. 


0:11:55 - Melody

I called your mom and I just told her you know, maybe interview Hunter and ask him a few questions for Mother's Day. And so she did, and I think you're going to love what's mommy's favorite food. 


0:12:08 - Hunter

Chicken makes her strong. 


0:12:13 - Candi's Mom

What does mommy do at bedtime? 


0:12:15 - Hunter

Sing me a song and read me a book. What do you do when you go outside? Play on the trampoline? And how old is Mommy? Twenty, and does Mommy love Jesus? Yes, yes, she does love Jesus. Mommy loves Jesus. Do you love Jesus? Yes, ma'am, yeah, I love Jesus. Mommy loves Jesus. Do you love Jesus? Yes, ma'am, yeah, I love Jesus. 


0:12:44 - Candi's Mom

Mommy teaches you about Jesus. How does she teach you about Jesus? 


0:12:48 - Hunter

Teaching me the Bible. And where does Mommy work? Joy of Him With Melody. What's Mommy scared of? Spiders? What are you scared of? Crack a thousand spiders. Happy Mother's Day, mommy. I love you so much, mommy. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Happy Mother's Day, mommy. I love you. You're the best, you're the best Mommy, you're the best Mommy in the world. 


0:13:31 - Melody

Oh my goodness, is that not the cutest thing ever? 


0:13:36 - Announcer 1

Thanks for listening to the Quirks, Bumps and Bruises Podcast with Candi and Melody. If you enjoyed the show, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and share the podcast. You can learn more at joyFM.org. 


0:13:53 - Announcer 2

Try Peas and Carrots Podcast for more encouragement. Brian and Kayla share life from their piece of the vegetable patch. Expect to laugh, find common ground, and hear stories you can't wait to share. It's a podcast about doing life together, growing in Christ together, and learning to laugh no matter what comes your way. Search Peas and Carrots Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts today.