Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises

The 2nd Edition of “Would You Rather?”

The Morning JoyRide Season 3 Episode 16

Join us, Melody and Candy, on Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises, where this time around, we tackle a series of whimsical 'Would You Rather?' questions that will have you chuckling and perhaps even pausing to ponder. Listen in as we debate the eternal struggle between enduring constant heat or cold, the choice between an unstoppable urge to sing or dance, and the intriguing option of possessing encyclopedic knowledge or excelling at every endeavor. Our playful banter is peppered with personal tales—from Candi's impromptu singing to my grappling with early morning wrinkles.

You won't want to miss out as we navigate through this lighthearted labyrinth of choices, where the simple dilemmas of life bring joy and laughter. So, wrap up in a cozy blanket or grab a snack (preferably your favorite meal), and tune in for a dose of fun that might just reveal more about us—and you—than you'd expect!

0:00:00 - Melody

Hi, I'm Melody and I'm Candi, and you're listening to Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises. Well, on this episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises, it is time for yet another edition of Would you Rather? These are fun, oh, it's like my favorite thing to do. So, Candi, I'm going to start with you. Okay, you ready, I'm ready, all right, would you rather be hot all the time? No, or cold all the time? Cold all the time? I could have answered that for you, because y'all, this girl, I'm telling you, I have been in our station vehicle before and icicles will grow off your nose. It'll be in the dead set of winter, 20 degrees outside, and she's got on the air conditioner full blast. I'm hot all the time and she don't care who else is in the car. Bring a coat, bring a coat. Oh, I've learned. I bring two coats and a blanket. Now, all right, Candi, would you rather not be able to stop dancing or not stop singing?


0:01:02 - Candi

I love to sing, so I'm going to have to say just I would rather sing than dance. 


0:01:08 - Melody

Yes, yes, I can answer that for you too. Let me just give you another little Candi story. I'll be here in the control room and she'll be in her little cubicle space and all of a sudden you'll just hear a random when he's four days late. Yep, yeah, that's what we'll hear. You won't hear the whole song, it's just random moments, random concerts by Candi. Yep, all right, Candi. Would you rather be poor with lots of good friends, or have a whole lot of money but no friends? 


0:01:40 - Candi

I want my friends, I love my friends, but I don't want to be poor. If I'm poor, I can't do nothing with my friends. That's right. 


0:01:49 - Melody

That's a very hard one it is Poor with lots of good friends or rich with no friends. I guess I'm going to go with poor with friends, you lied. Would you rather know everything or be amazing at anything you tried Like? You know everything. Any question, anybody asks you. You're a walking encyclopedia. Or would you rather be amazing at any activity you did, Whether it be sports or dance? 


0:02:15 - Candi

or I think I'd rather know. I think that would take you farther in life. I'd rather know every detail of everything. All right, yeah. 


0:02:23 - Melody

Would you rather wear clown shoes, oh my, every day of your life, or a clown wig every day of your life? 


0:02:30 - Candi

That one is hard, ain't neither one of them good. None is better. What if you had to pick? I guess I'd go with the shoes You're gonna wear them big clown shoes, I mean, what's the alternative? 


0:02:45 - Melody

That's hilarious. Oh, here's a good thought, provoking one. Would you rather never be able to eat warm food, so you can't heat your food up, or never be able to eat cold food? 


0:03:00 - Candi

I would go without cold food. I don't want to get rid of my good comfort warm food. 


0:03:06 - Melody

I'm with you on that, I agree. Okay, so would you rather have a two-bedroom apartment in a big city, wherever you wanted to live, or a mansion in the countryside where you live now? 


0:03:19 - Candi

A mansion in a countryside. 


0:03:21 - Melody

That don't seem like a, would you rather? 


0:03:23 - Candi

does it. That is not a hard one. Who would? 


0:03:24 - Melody

pick a two-bedroom apartment in a big city over a mansion in the country. No way Me either. Good gracious, that's not even a question. No, all right, I'm going to give you one more Candi. Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life? Let's just say smack and cheese, every meal for the rest of your life. 


0:03:47 - Candi

What could be the alternative to this one? 


0:03:49 - Melody

Or never be able to eat your favorite meal again. So you're either going to have to eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of your life or never eat it again. 


0:04:01 - Candi

I get tired of stuff so quickly, so I would just say never eat it again. I know she's tired of me too. 


0:04:05 - Melody

No, I ain't. It's been 17 years. She's ready to throw me to the curb 18, but who's counting. 


0:04:11 - Candi

That's funny, okay. So, Melody, now it's your turn. I'm gonna ask you some. Would you rather questions? I? Love it uh, number one. Would you rather wake up with wrinkles that straighten out throughout the day, or wake up with great skin that gets more wrinkly as the days goes by? 


0:04:30 - Melody

well, since I do that pretty much anyway, I would, I guess I would just say wake up with wrinkles, my skin gets better. Yeah, I have to wear a c-pad machine and you can see Candi, I've already got this wrinkles you got them on your face for me? Yeah, I don't usually see those on your face, but I do a little bit today. Yeah, I slept. 


0:04:47 - Candi

I thought I thought I'd point that out. Thank you, melody. Thank you, would you rather receive $100,000 today or $1 million 10 years from now? 


0:05:04 - Melody

A million dollars 10 years from now, really, even though you don't even know if you'll be here in 10 years. Well, my family will get it. 


0:05:11 - Candi

Look at you. Would you rather be able to fast forward your life or rewind it? 


0:05:18 - Melody

Oh, I think I would like to rewind it because I'd like to do some things over. Oh, amen, sister, you know, sometimes you're just dumb, you know. And so I'd like to redo some of the dumb things, for sure. 


0:05:33 - Candi

Would you rather have Google for a brain, or would you rather have the brain of Albert Einstein? 


0:05:39 - Melody

Google for a brain. 


0:05:40 - Candi

Yeah, I agree, have the brain of. 


0:05:40 - Melody

Albert Einstein Google for a brain. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, you just could know things immediately. 


0:05:45 - Candi

And Einstein was a little odd. I mean, I give him credit for but he was a little odd, but he had great hair right? Yes, he did. Would you rather be able to delete parts of your own memory or delete parts from other people's memories? 


0:06:02 - Melody

oh, delete parts from other people's memory. That goes back to being dumb you know if I could just wipe some of the dumb things away from other people. 


0:06:10 - Candi

That would be great would you rather not be able to read or not be able to speak? 


0:06:17 - Melody

Oh, wow. Well, I speak for a living, really. But I think, if I had to choose, I think that I would rather be able to read. 


0:06:30 - Candi

I think this is great and this really makes you think. Would you rather meet your ancestors or meet your future descendants? 


0:06:42 - Melody

That's hard, isn't it? That's hard because meeting your ancestors kind of gives you a pathway to where you are in your life. 


0:06:49 - Candi

But how cool to see your future like way down the road, or maybe not. 


0:06:54 - Melody

Well, this is true Always keep things in perspective. 


0:07:00 - Candi

I know that you love the Olympics, Melody, I do and they're coming up soon. Well, I'm going to ask you this Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or a world-famous scientist who cured a disease? 


0:07:14 - Melody

Well, it's going to sound awful if I don't say scientist that cures a disease I know. 


0:07:20 - Candi

That's why I'm asking you Because I know you love some Olympics. 


0:07:24 - Melody

I'd like to have me a gold medal in some gymnastics or figure skating. 


0:07:29 - Candi

I'm not judging, sure, you are, I'm judging. So I know you like books and you like to cook, you love recipes and all this. So I'm going to ask you this Would you rather write your own recipe, book or oh recipe book. 


0:07:45 - Melody

That's easy, yeah, I knew you were going to say that yeah, I may do that one day, who knows? 


0:07:50 - Candi

Melody, would you rather your kitchen be full of completely black appliances? Like every appliance in your kitchen is black or pink. 


0:08:01 - Melody

Oh black, really, yeah, how boring is that. Okay, Barbie. So, Candi, would you rather always have your boss not like you, no matter what you do, no matter how good you do a job, he just don't like you you've been talking to john, ain't you? That already happens or would you rather never get a raise, forever more? But your boss is always nice to you, like he's nice you, but you're never going to get a raise. Or you get a raise, but your boss just you can never measure up to his expectations. Oh. 


0:08:36 - Candi

I can deal with that. I don't care. I don't have to measure up, so I'd rather have more money and deal with him not liking me. How about you? What would you say? 


0:08:43 - Melody

I'd say the same. 


0:08:44 - Candi



0:08:49 - Melody

So let me ask you this would you rather have someone read aloud your last text or have everyone in your family read your search history going back for the last week? 


0:08:54 - Candi

I would be so embarrassed about my search history. 


0:08:57 - Melody

And it's not because it's something like god wouldn't approve of, it's just like it's so random and random and they think that you had a issue like a problem. 


0:09:07 - Candi

Well, like why did Cheetos turn your hands? Orange, she's telling the truth, oh yeah. Yeah, I'd be pretty embarrassed I can. 


0:09:15 - Melody

So see that? Well, let's do one last one. These are so fun. Would you rather never have to pay for food again as long as you live, you don't have to pay for it or never have to pay for Wi-Fi again? 


0:09:29 - Candi

Food Because I can live without Wi-Fi. You can go to places and, honestly, most restaurants you go to, where you get your free food, has free Wi-Fi. So I choose food. I want free food. 


0:09:39 - Melody

So you're going to kill two birds with one stone? 


0:09:41 - Candi



0:09:42 - Melody

Leave it to Candi to take a. Would you rather and make it where she actually didn't answer the question at all? 


0:09:47 - Candi

I should be a politician. 


0:09:49 - Melody

Ooh ain't touching that. 


0:09:51 - Announcer 1

Thanks for listening to the Quirks, Bumps and Bruises Podcast with Candi and Melody. If you enjoyed the show, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and share the podcast. You can learn more at joyFM.org. 


0:10:08 - Announcer 2

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