Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises

Handle with Care

July 15, 2024 The Morning JoyRide Season 3 Episode 21
Handle with Care
Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises
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Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises
Handle with Care
Jul 15, 2024 Season 3 Episode 21
The Morning JoyRide

Join us on this heartfelt episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises as Melody and Candi discuss the increasing anxiety among school-aged children, often stemming from turmoil at home. Drawing from personal experiences and the touching story of Russ Taff, who carried the weight of his home life into the classroom, we explore how these struggles can impact a child's performance and well-being. We share a powerful initiative by a compassionate teacher who sends home a "handle with care" note, offering additional support without requiring families to divulge personal details. This simple yet profound gesture emphasizes the importance of understanding and grace in education and in everyday interactions with others. We all have days when we also need to be "handled with care." Tune in to hear how small acts of kindness and understanding can significantly impact the lives around you.

Show Notes Transcript

Join us on this heartfelt episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises as Melody and Candi discuss the increasing anxiety among school-aged children, often stemming from turmoil at home. Drawing from personal experiences and the touching story of Russ Taff, who carried the weight of his home life into the classroom, we explore how these struggles can impact a child's performance and well-being. We share a powerful initiative by a compassionate teacher who sends home a "handle with care" note, offering additional support without requiring families to divulge personal details. This simple yet profound gesture emphasizes the importance of understanding and grace in education and in everyday interactions with others. We all have days when we also need to be "handled with care." Tune in to hear how small acts of kindness and understanding can significantly impact the lives around you.

0:00:00 - Melody

Hi, I'm Melody and I'm Candi and you're listening to Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises. On this episode of Quirks, bumps and Bruises, I know by being a former teacher. It wasn't as bad as it is now, but I feel like kids and Candi you can relate to this more than me at this point. But I feel like school-aged children now are dealing with a lot of anxiety and I think a lot of that is coming maybe from home. There are just things in the home that are a little bit out of sync, a little bit off kilter, so to speak, and so kids take these things to school. 


I was listening recently to Russ Taff and Russ was talking about his childhood and if you know his story, he even did a movie called I Still Believe and he dealt with a lot of issues as a child at home and he would go to school and just carry that weight with him at school and just anxiety. And it just breaks my heart to know you don't think of children having anxiety, but I think they do. But they're carrying it because of so much turmoil that's happening at their homes and it can be just detrimental to a child. It can affect not only their personalities but their grades and their friendships. Sometimes they don't eat yes, their eating habits and sleeping habits, and then that carries on into adulthood if at some point it is not taken care of. 


But I recently saw where a teacher sent home a note to her classroom and I think this is just absolutely one of the greatest things and something that if you're a teacher that you may want to think about, because you know kids come into classrooms and when they are dealing with anxiety and they're overwhelmed, what happens a lot of times is discipline problems. 


It comes out that way and so a teacher maybe think they're just being a problem, when in actuality they've got a lot of stuff going on that the teacher knows nothing about. So the teacher sent this home and at the top of it it says handle with care. She says this if your family is experiencing difficulty at home, I would like to provide additional support at school. I understand that details are not always to be shared and that is okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please message me, quote handle with care, or you can email me. Nothing else will be said, nothing else will be asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, extra patience, extra help and a lot of love during the day. 


0:02:49 - Candi

Oh my goodness, what a teacher. 


0:02:51 - Melody

Well, it's a teacher that knows how to show grace. 


0:02:54 - Candi



0:02:54 - Melody

I had a friend recently say that she moved from one state to another and that ever since they had moved from the state they were in to the state that they're in now, her kids in school have had several times where they needed a little bit of grace. There had been a lot of family issues going on, some family drama going on and it was affecting the kids, and there was no grace shown in the classroom, and so I just love that idea of just letting these families know look, just text me, handle with care. That's all you got to say. You don't have to give any details, and can you imagine the difference that could make in the life of that six-year-old, that eight-year-old or even that 13 or 15-year-old? 


0:03:39 - Candi

Yeah, incredible, and I do, I think, and I do, I think all of those who have gone into the profession of teaching, you got to care, you got to have a heart. I know it ain't because you're in it for the money, that's for sure, but I think that's a great reminder that, yes, I know, because my kids are in class and I know that my kids probably drive their teachers crazy and they don't necessarily always need special care. It may not be because of that. So, yes, I know you're stressed and I know there's a lot going on, but the difference that you could make in a child's life by teaching, doing that, is incredible. 


0:04:19 - Melody

I love it and I know by teaching myself and it's been a long time since I was in an actual classroom I probably couldn't do it today. Teachers have to deal with a lot and teachers are. You want to show the teacher grace as well? I think, parent, this could be like reverse too, because parents, I think, sometimes get so aggravated when teachers aren't handling things the way they think they should be handled. A little Susie would never do such a thing in class. I dare you write a note home that kind of thing. Side note teachers don't have time to tell you your child is doing something if it's not true. That's the truth. They don't because they're busy doing counseling, grading, pay. You have no idea what teachers are doing when they leave every day to go home. They're going home and working more. 


But parents could give teachers some grace as well, because teachers are going through stuff too. Absolutely. That teacher could have had a fight with their husband that morning before coming to school, or they may have a sick mom or dad that they're trying to take care of and they're're exhausted, or they could have a migraine that day, and teachers never say anything about those things. But we all have bad days, yes, and so there are always days that we need to just handle with care. That's right. So not just the classroom, not just the teachers, like we've just talked about, but even in your workplace. 


There are days I need to be handled with care Candi. There are days that you need to be handled with care Candi. There are days that you need to be handled with care All the days that end in Y yes, I do. And just show each other a little bit of extra love, as that note said. A little bit of extra patience, a little bit of extra help could just make a huge difference in someone's day. That Brian Fran assurance song you could be somebody's miracle just by smiling and being kind and showing a little extra mercy to that person that needs it most. 


0:06:12 - Announcer 1

Thanks for listening to the Quirks, Bumps and Bruises Podcast with Candi and Melody. If you enjoyed the show, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and share the podcast. You can learn more at joyFM.org. 


0:06:29 - Announcer 2

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