Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises

Fun and Funny Best Of Moments from The Morning JoyRide

The Morning JoyRide Season 3 Episode 26

Join us on this special episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises as we rewind and share some of our favorite moments that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Melody puts Candy's picky eating habits to the test with a fun and fast-paced game where Candy reveals her likes and dislikes of various foods. It's a hilarious segment that will have you playing along and maybe even shaking your head in amusement. We also share a heartwarming moment featuring Melody's grandson, Benson, singing "Jesus Loves Me" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" from his car seat—a clip guaranteed to warm your heart.

But that's not all! We sprinkle in some fun and quirky trivia. Plus, we share a classic joke that will make you chuckle—ever heard of Cole's Law? It's not what you think! So sit back, relax, and enjoy a joyride filled with laughter, love, and a bit of light-hearted trivia.

0:00:00 - Melody

Hi, I'm Melody and I'm Candi and you're listening to Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises. On this episode of Quirks, bumps and Bruises, we're going to take you back a little bit into the vault, so to speak, and give you some best of moments that may make you smile just a little bit. Today we live in a world where we need a little bit more laughter. 


So, on this episode. We hope you'll just take a moment, smile, laugh or maybe even shake your head. It's Melody and Candi on the Joyride, and Candi, I always love to do this to you because you can at times to be a little picky about your food Before I've given you some picky eater test and so I have another one for you. Okay, I love this and this. You know, those listening can play along. You need to just say yes or no. Okay, okay, I'm going to go fast. Okay. Liver no Celery, no. Mushrooms yes. Eggs no Coconut yes. Asparagus no. Pork cauliflower no. Zucchini no. Brussels sprouts no. Tomatoes no cabbage yes. Sardines no. Black licorice oh, no. Oysters, yes. Crab yes. Shrimp yes. Chicken yeah. Canned tuna no. Cottage cheese yes. No Cottage cheese yes. 


Snails Is that? Do you eat that? Yeah. Olives no. Grapefruit yes. Blue cheese yes. Mayonnaise yes. Jell-o no. Hot dogs yes. Pickles yes. Avocados yes. Peas no. Eggplant no. Ranch dressing yes. Tofu no. Bananas yes. Beets no. Lima beans yes. Spinach yes. Raisins no. Grits yes. Beef yes. Cucumber yes. You were about half and half on that. 


0:01:56 - Candi

I don't even know what. Half of those other things I didn't know those were edible. 


0:01:59 - Melody

Snails, they're delicious, and a little butter and garlic, ugh. 


0:02:05 - Candi

Good morning. You're on the Joyride today with Melody and Candi. I saw the cutest video. It involved Melody's grandson Benson, and he's in the back of a vehicle in his car seat and he is just singing out Jesus loves me. 


0:02:23 - Melody

Yes, Candi in the back seat singing Jesus loves me. And then there was an encore presentation of he's Got the Whole World in His Hands. Here you go y'all. I hope this makes you smile. 


0:02:30 - Benson

Jesus, love me, for Bible tells me. So what do I do? Oh, I have to say something. Yes, Jesus love me. Yes, Jesus love me. Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me. So he's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. 


0:03:32 - Melody

Y'all, I could absolutely eat that baby up. Useless pieces of trivial information that do you no good but are fun to know Like this. Did you know the woodpecker can hammer? 


0:03:41 - Candi

wood up to 16 times per second. Did not know that 16? 


0:03:45 - Melody

times per second. If you ever had one at you, wendy, you know that I'm telling you. I wanted to slap one upside the head one morning. 


0:03:52 - Candi

Probably wouldn't hurt him. He's used to being hit. 


0:03:55 - Melody

True, there's one Saturday morning when I can sleep and that thing was out there sawing. 


0:04:02 - Candi

We have one outside of our house too, but I don't feel like he does it that fast. 


0:04:13 - Melody

Hey Candi, have you heard of Murphy's Law? 


0:04:15 - Candi

Yes, well tell me what it is. That means if something can go wrong, it will go wrong Exactly. 


0:04:21 - Melody

So have you ever heard of Cole's Law? No, what is that? Thinly sliced cabbage and mayo. 


0:04:30 - Candi

Oh, my word, Cole's Law, you're on the Joyride with Melody and Candi and I heard today that the human body is made up of mostly 60% water.


0:04:44 - Melody

Well, that explains a lot. I'm not fat, I'm flooded. 


0:04:51 - Candi

You're listening to Joy FM, Melody and Candi with you. Melody, you are a Gen Xer. I am. Why is it that your generation seems to be so mad at music? 


0:05:04 - Melody

Well, I will just tell you, because we had to replace our record collections with a tape collection, and then we had to replace the tape collection with a CD collection, and now that's slowly being replaced with the MP3 collection and finally, now we have to have a subscription to even listen to music. Frankly, we're tired Candi. We're tired Candi. I've decided that I am going to stand outside today. Okay, why? 


0:05:34 - Candi

Welcome to the Joyride. Many of you have grandchildren and, melody, I'm going to ask you I don't have them yet, but I can imagine what I'll be like when I do Do you find that you treat your grandchildren differently than you treated your own children? Absolutely, okay, well, don't feel bad about that, absolutely. 


0:05:54 - Melody

Here's a great example of that when my kids were growing up, I would cook dinner and I'd put it down and say you get what you get. Let's just say I fixed spaghetti and salad and bread. I don't want spaghetti. Well, I'd say well tough, go to bed hungry. Yeah, you get what you get, deal with it. You either eat it or starve. You don't do that now. No, now, as a grandmother for my little two grandsons, I'm like would you like your little grilled? 


0:06:21 - Candi

cheese sandwich cut into stars or squares. That's the truth, isn't it? What has happened? 


0:06:25 - Melody

You totally change when you become a grandmother. It doesn't matter Like no, they can have whatever they want. 


0:06:31 - Candi

Like if you don't want this fancy pasta dish, honey, what do you want? 


0:06:38 - Melody

want this fancy pasta dish. Honey, what do you want? I will make whatever. Yes, yeah, I have totally gone completely in the opposite direction of how I raise my own children. That's okay, though, right? Oh, I think it's in the rule book of how to be a grandmother. It's Melody and Candi here on the joyride, and Candi. There's one thing we both love and there's one thing we both don't love. We love French fries, mm-hmm, but we don't love exercise. 


0:06:59 - Candi

Right, you know, it is amazing to me how much exercise and extra fries sound alike. 


0:07:07 - Melody

I'll take fries with that. Hey, Candi, yeah, I feel like the morning joyride is like a box of chocolates. 


0:07:13 - Candi

Really Mm-hmm. I agree, you never know what you're going to get. 


0:07:17 - Melody

Is that not the truth? 


0:07:20 – Announcer 1

Thanks for listening to the Quirks, Bumps and Bruises Podcast with Candi and Melody. If you enjoyed the show, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and share the podcast. You can learn more at joyFM.org. 


0:07:46 – Announcer 2

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