A new breed of retail chain emerged in the 80s that spelled a last hurrah for brick & mortar before the digital floodgates opened in the 90s. Bigger than a specialty store yet smaller than a supercenter, category killers offered every size, style, and color imaginable, all in one place, and at nice prices. Suburban expansion, supply chain leaps, and global communications advances added momentum. Then came Amazon and its wake of digital competitors, slaying niches without mercy. A recent wave of retail bankruptcies attests to how lack of diversification has become a deadly trap. Category killing was a great model...until it wasn’t.
In this quick-take episode, Carol Spieckerman explores the history and future of category-killing and its impact on the retail landscape.
Episode highlights:
· Why retail obituaries are riddled with dubious causes of death
· Why smart retailers are scrambling to diversify
· How category killing quashes retail media opportunities
· Why portfolio plays and digital forays won’t save the day
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