The Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast.

Session 0034 - John Scanlon , Irish Hypnotherapy Conference 2024

February 17, 2024 Hosted by Aidan Noone
Session 0034 - John Scanlon , Irish Hypnotherapy Conference 2024
The Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast.
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The Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast.
Session 0034 - John Scanlon , Irish Hypnotherapy Conference 2024
Feb 17, 2024
Hosted by Aidan Noone

John Scanlon is no stranger to listeners of the Professional Hypnotherapist Podcast. Today we hear from John about the forthcoming Irish Hypnotherapy Conference at the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport 19th/20th/21 April 2024.

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John Scanlon is no stranger to listeners of the Professional Hypnotherapist Podcast. Today we hear from John about the forthcoming Irish Hypnotherapy Conference at the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport 19th/20th/21 April 2024.

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The European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists is a group of like-minded hypnotherapists who are accredited professionals in their field. Many of our therapists have many many years of experience behind them which means you are probably in the best possible hands, available to you.

Why not pop on over to and choose the hypnotherapist that suits you. Many provide online hypnotherapy.

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Aidan Noone [00:00:00]:
You are listening to The Professional Hypnotherapist Podcast, a production of the European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists. That's John Scanlon is no stranger to many of our listeners. In today's podcast, we hear from John and he talks to us about the forthcoming 2024 Irish Hypnotherapy Conference. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. To The Professional Hypnotherapist Podcast. And, we had a bit of gremlins there earlier, but we're we're hopefully, we're back and fine now. And you were just talking about, the upcoming, Irish Hypnotherapy Conference in a hotel near in Dublin Dublin Airport.

Aidan Noone [00:00:44]:
Yeah. So, tell us about that, John. What's what's happening in in 2024?

John Scanlon [00:00:49]:
Okay. So in in the conference, it's April 20th 21st, and it's at the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport. And it is over 2 days with 20 speakers. It will actually start on the Friday night because, doctor Kate Bevan Marks will be, who will be presenting at the conference, but is, also doing a a a thing that she does in London and Las Vegas called HypnoGames, which is actually really great fun, honestly. I think last year in Vegas, I was with people who are complete and utter beginners and Sean Michael Andrews all into 1 group just having fun, and it it's a great way to connect because the conference is actually really about 3 things, Aidan. I'll go through the list of people, but just it it really is about 3 things. Wonderful. It's about learning.

John Scanlon [00:01:40]:
So it's about bringing kind of the best in the world over as much as as as many as we can get, bringing them to Ireland and letting people see them up close and personal, learn their learn from them. It's also the case that they are accessible over the weekend, not just when they're presenting. So whether it's sitting down, having a cup of coffee with them, or joining groups with them, or whatever, all of that happened last year in our glow. Happens in London, happens in Vegas, and will happen again in Dublin. And most of them are in fact, all of them are really friendly people, and they just want to spend time. You know, we spent last weekend with Freddie Jackman in Dublin, and and, you know, Freddie just gives of himself, and and they're all the same. They're all the same. They have knowledge, and they wanna share it.

John Scanlon [00:02:31]:
So it's about learning first and foremost. It's also about community, though. It's about building and strengthening a community, and the APH does that. But there's not too many organizations outside of the APH for hypnotherapists that do that. So, like, since AARQLO last year, I think we've had 3 in person events. And for long periods, almost a weekly in person event, on Zoom. We've kinda moved to monthly because time constraints have kind of pulled us back a little bit, but the idea is to continue to share learning connections. And that was very visible, when people were in Dublin last weekend with Freddie because they'd only met in our club 10 months ago, but you could see the the depth of friendships that was already there.

John Scanlon [00:03:18]:
That also not only creates that sense of of community, but it also creates, inspired action that people will take, whether it's collaborations they come up to with together or new things that they'll come out with. And there's a visible sense of enthusiasm is probably the best way to describe it. You know? And, ultimately, both of those steps, I am aiming and what this conference is ultimately about behind it all is to get hypnotherapy as a more mainstream therapy. That's the ultimate objective behind all of this. Yeah. Because we have research to show that it is one of the it is the most effective therapy in loads of cases. But if you ask the general public, you'll find that that's not the case in their minds.

Aidan Noone [00:04:04]:
Yeah. Yeah. So it's very you know, to use an expression, John, it's very holistic in terms of the approach. I think it's wonderful that you you know, you're bringing these, well, for the want of a better word, these hypnotherapy stars who indeed are very ordinary people, as you said. That you're bringing them to the small island of Ireland, you know. And that's not only that, but you also you mentioned community. That, you know, hypnotherapists, generally speaking, were were sort of sole practitioners. Right.

Aidan Noone [00:04:36]:
We're on our own. And it's always good to build that sense of community, that sense of camaraderie, rather than repeat your words. But you know what I'm getting at? Absolutely. That sense of community. So keep going then. Tell us tell us more.

John Scanlon [00:04:49]:
So, I mean, basically, in in Dublin at that weekend, we will have 20 hypnotherapists from around the world, basically. And we will also so we'll have 2 rooms going, which we we only had 1 last year. So that'd be a choice for people, which is normal at at at hypnotherapy conferences or hypnosis conferences. And our conventions, depending on where you are in the world, they call them different things, but, you know, it's the same exact same thing. In and many new speakers, so they're first time presenters. There there are 3 Irish people who will be presenting for the very first time, at a conference, which is, on on their protocols, their different techniques, and there are ways of using it. So we will have, say, Sarah Jane O'Neill, who who uses the inbox method of hypnosis without trans, and she'll be demonstrating that on this Saturday morning. Laura McDonald, on transfer trans Laura does the, she's based in Mayo, and she does the BWRT.

John Scanlon [00:05:56]:
She trains in she trains BWRT. She's doing a blueprint for weight loss and life lifelong success, and Fierca Morrison is going to do, and I actually love this because, when I asked Gary Coles the question, you know, what does hypnosis means to me, means to him, I should say. Sorry. He he just said, imagining things differently. So Faker's comp Faker's presentation is on the power of imagination, that we see the past, present, and future, and I'm I'm looking forward to that. It would be a choice because at the same time, you're gonna have Sheila Grainger on who will be doing 15, 15 secrets that super successful hypotherapist use. So we're covering the business side. Steven McGill will also be doing, marketing.

John Scanlon [00:06:44]:
Grant Morell on Saturday morning is doing the blueprints for successful hypnotherapy business.

Aidan Noone [00:06:51]:

John Scanlon [00:06:53]:
Jason O'Callaghan is doing because he is a a trained psychologist, so he he he is also doing ways to 10 ways to make money as a hypnotist. So you're covering all of the business side of it, but you're also covering then all the therapeutic side of it.

Aidan Noone [00:07:07]:
Yeah. So You mentioned Gary Coles there. Is Gary Coles coming? Yes. How about that?

John Scanlon [00:07:15]:
Yeah. So if I like, on the therapeutic side, you have, well, Karina McEvoy or Karina is doing, positive programming mindset in our kids using NLP. Rob Degrief is doing the art of simple, hypnosis. Right. Kate Bevan Marks is doing rapid therapy techniques. Kate is very well known for her, EMDR training and all of that kind of stuff. She's really, really well known at that. And then Freddie Jackman is rapid change, phenomena, so changing lives in minutes or changing minds in minutes is the way Freddie says.

Aidan Noone [00:07:57]:

John Scanlon [00:07:58]:
And Gary Coles and Sue Peacock are both on Sunday morning. So Sue is doing, to as I turn my page here. 1st time the 1st time that we're actually The wrong way.

Aidan Noone [00:08:14]:
That's good old Freddy.

John Scanlon [00:08:15]:
That's the Freddy there in the background. And Sue Peacock is reversing the neighborhood of spiral using hypnosis to manage depression. Yeah. And Gary Coles is doing the hypnotic intervention for the Cancer Journey, so hypno oncology.

Aidan Noone [00:08:28]:
Yeah. Yeah.

John Scanlon [00:08:30]:
Stephen Travers, how to communicate with your amygdala using hypnosis and havening to overcome addictions. What I'm really looking forward to because I actually love metaphor, but Adam Cox is doing nested loops made easy on Sunday morning. Adam has The Hypnotist podcast, which is about 7,000,000 downloads or something at this stage. Is

Aidan Noone [00:08:51]:
he is he from the States, is he?

John Scanlon [00:08:53]:
He's he's from the He's from the UK.

Aidan Noone [00:08:55]:
Oh, okay.

John Scanlon [00:08:56]:
And he's a clinical hypnotherapist based in Harley Street, and he has that podcast. And it basically incorporates metaphor. So it's basically sessions using metaphor. Lovely. And it's rich. I love I I just love the approach. That's just really nice. Shawn Michael Andrews, instant and rapid inductions, and Steven McGill then on the future of therapy promotion.

John Scanlon [00:09:20]:
In the afternoon, then you have Kaz Riley. I think this is the first time Kaz has presented. I mean, if my memory serves right now. So she's talking about, let's talk about sex, why understanding and discussing sexual health can lead to breakthroughs. And then Carl Smith working with military and emergency services, so behind the body armor. So it's a lot of that will be about working with the families of fire, guard, ambulance, that kind of stuff.

Aidan Noone [00:09:49]:
Like trauma or something. Trauma. Yeah.

John Scanlon [00:09:51]:
That's that's Carlos Forte. He Yeah. Yeah. The thing that's closest to his heart. Yeah. So that basically is you know, it's 2 rooms in the morning and 1 room in the afternoon,

Aidan Noone [00:10:12]:
Very comprehensive, lineup, John. Congratulations. I mean, this is this definitely is, in

John Scanlon [00:10:20]:
the Actually, in in addition to that, there is actually one more thing. Of course. And he was meant to be in Dublin, but, unfortunately, something that was meant to be happening in May happened in April, so he can't be here. But he is doing a master class 2 weeks before for everyone coming to the conference. Anthony Jacqueline is will be doing a 2 master class on Zoom for us. Lovely. And Anthony is doing that on self hypnosis and the power of self hypnosis for change. Excellent.

John Scanlon [00:10:53]:

Aidan Noone [00:10:55]:
Very exciting lineup. And, what what what is your, you know, your your goals for all of this? And and, indeed, for the future. What what's your vision for this and for the future of the Irish Hypnotherapy Conference?

John Scanlon [00:11:12]:
Very simply, Aidan, to be the largest one in Europe. Lovely.

Aidan Noone [00:11:18]:
That's that's simple. Absolutely. I don't think it's

John Scanlon [00:11:22]:
It's I I it's not illogical No. Because we're on the doorstep from the UK. It's a very short flight. Yeah. When I was in Vegas last year, I flew through Chicago, and I had a 4 hour flight from Chicago to Vegas. And it made me realize as I was flying, that that's a very short flight for Americans. Mhmm. But you would be anywhere in Europe in 4 hours, but, hence, the reason it's next to the airport.

John Scanlon [00:11:48]:
And, of course, Americans love Ireland. So Yes. If you can tie it all in,

Aidan Noone [00:11:52]:
then why not? And tear a few leprechauns. You know?

John Scanlon [00:11:56]:
Absolutely. Yeah. So that is basically the idea behind it, and the idea then ultimately using the conference is as a platform for hypnotherapy to be more and for hypnosis to be understood. Because, I mean, you know, the the the the the answer of what is hypnosis is using our imagined using our imagination differently, changing our minds about things. So in essence, we're all in hypnosis at various points about what we already believe. Yeah. And, you know, hypnosis itself is is a state. It's a state of being.

John Scanlon [00:12:48]:
And we can use it for entertainment, or we can use it for therapy, but it's the same hypnosis. And it's about understanding that and taking the fear out of it all at the same time. Mhmm.

Aidan Noone [00:12:58]:
Absolutely. Taking the fear out of it. And I think fear is something that, you know, holds us all back and and can get in the way. So, John, what would you say to, a probably a hypnotherapist out there who's, you know, working maybe not in maybe on the outskirts of the country, you know, a bit far away. What what would you say to them? Why should they come to the Irish Hypnotherapy Conference? What are they going to get out of it?

John Scanlon [00:13:27]:
What they're gonna get out of it is world class speakers giving them information in person that will effectively help their practice no end. They may take a whole presentation or they may take a nugget out of a presentation. That will make a difference in their practice. They will be part of a community that expands and builds, and they'll make new friends. And they'll probably meet some old friends as well. But they'll definitely make new friends because it is the most embracing community that I've been part of. And it's a real joy to actually see people just coming together and supporting each other, which is the big thing. Because what you end up getting is a very active support network where people are there, where people work.

John Scanlon [00:14:24]:
But and it really does depend on the therapist themselves and what it is that they're looking for. I mean, I've I've said it, and and I you know, if you're a if you're, a massage therapist, for instance, you know, you could listen to Adam Cox, get your nested loops, get your metaphors, and you could actually, while you're massaging somebody, give somebody a metaphor that can, in in essence, change their lives Yeah. Or help them to overcome something or help them to heal quicker. It doesn't matter. Anyone who has an interest in working with people's minds in any shape or form, they will benefit from this without absolutely no question. And for me, I look forward to welcoming everybody here because, this will be, I think, one of the biggest events in hypnotherapy in Ireland that has probably ever taken place, but I'm not I can't be a 100% sure on that. And it's going to get bigger, and I just would like people to be part of it from the beginning, because they will learn. I have learned.

John Scanlon [00:15:33]:
And and to be honest, I was fascinated. And I've gone slightly off point, but I'll come back on point if that's alright.

Aidan Noone [00:15:41]:
Yep. Over Christmas

John Scanlon [00:15:43]:
over Christmas, I watched there was something on YouTube, but it was American TV, and it was undercover billionaire. And I don't know if anyone's ever seen it, but, basically, what they did was they took 3 billionaires. And I've only seen 1 so far, by the way, so I still have to watch the other 2. But they took 3 billionaires, and they landed them in 3 different cities that they'd never been before. They couldn't use their own name. They had $100. They had an old, beat up pickup truck and a phone that had no contacts on it. Right? And their job was to make $1,000,000 in 90 days.

John Scanlon [00:16:20]:
Now I'm not looking to make $1,000,000 in 90 days. The object the real lesson behind it was they did that using their connections and their contacts that they made. So it was the people that they met and establishing the relationships that allowed them then to use their skills. Yeah. And in essence, not only will you learn, but you'll meet people, and you will establish contacts with people that will help you both as a person and in your in your in your business. Because, ultimately, it is a business too, and that's the other side of it. We focus a lot on the therapies, and on the techniques, and they're all vitally important. But it's also a business because we have to pay the bills.

Aidan Noone [00:17:05]:
I think it's wonderfully exciting. In fact, I I would be going this year, and I think it's really, really exciting, to be going to this conference. To meet, the the best of the best, in in many regards. And, to learn and and indeed to network because networking is so important. And I'm really looking forward to it, John. And, hopefully, if if you allow me, I I'd like to maybe interview a few people there.

John Scanlon [00:17:36]:
Absolutely, Anne. That was absolutely. Like I said to you, this is about, this is about connections, and it's it's about establishing rapport and friendships with people

Aidan Noone [00:17:46]:

John Scanlon [00:17:46]:
That benefit the whole profession. So anything that does that, I'm completely in favor of.

Aidan Noone [00:17:51]:

John Scanlon [00:17:51]:
I mean, I've been very lucky in the last 12 months to have traveled, you know, a lot of places around the world, and I will be even more this year. I'm and and I'm on the James I'm making a presentation on the James Braid Society in London next week. Right. So it's Wonderful. It is about putting Ireland on the map. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it's about.

Aidan Noone [00:18:14]:
Yeah. Yeah.

John Scanlon [00:18:15]:
Great. Great. Because I you know, when when you when you think of Gary Coles who works in hospitals where they do acknowledge hypnosis in in forms in the UK, where in Europe, they use hypnosis, in in in hospitals in in France and in Belgium and certain places. And here, we we you know, it's it's I won't say fringe, but it it's it's not as mainstream as the others. And it's about creating that level of acceptance that allows and if it means that Ireland gets, a bigger profile within that community, then the community will only benefit.

Aidan Noone [00:18:55]:
Absolutely. I think it's wonderful. And I would definitely urge, anyone out there, as you say, anyone who's working with people in in it doesn't necessarily have to be a therapeutic environment. Mhmm. It can be in in in somebody working in sales to learn a language and to learn the language of influence and to meet the experts there. And indeed, I'm sure, you know, because of the generosity of of the people in the profession that they will be forthcoming in terms of helping. You know?

John Scanlon [00:19:25]:
And that's that's a given. That's an absolute another given. They are the most friendly and open people. And having met them also in London and Vegas, I know that that's you know? And that was before I'd ever even thought about producing a conference, so I wasn't anybody worked. You know, it was just an artery an artery everybody. But it was yeah. So they are they they really are fantastic. And I suppose the thing the other message that I'm actually trying to get out, and I suppose it's part of that, is that people teach us how to, you know, care for ourselves, eat properly, do all the things that we do, get clean our garden, do whatever else we need to do.

John Scanlon [00:20:11]:
Very few people teach us how to manage our mind. Yeah. Human interpreters can teach us how to manage our mind. Yeah.

Aidan Noone [00:20:17]:
Yeah. And Yeah. Well yeah.

John Scanlon [00:20:19]:
Going to a conference will help anyone who has an interest in the mind, help manage their mind and then help others.

Aidan Noone [00:20:26]:
Yeah. You know, the I always remember the the expression, you know, we were born with the most powerful computer in our heads, and yet we were never given a manual for it. And that that's something that so the the Irish tell us when again, give us the details of the conference and when it's happening. And more importantly, you know, anyone out there who wants to come along, how can they do that?

John Scanlon [00:20:49]:
Right. So it's April 20 21st, which is Saturday and Sunday. And it will begin on the Friday night. Friday morning's there at 7:30, but, it starts at 9 o'clock, So I think registration is about 8:15 on Saturday on Saturday morning. There is a dinner on on on the Saturday night for anyone who wants to attend, and then it will continue through to about 4 30, 5 o'clock on the Sunday. And both both Kaz Riley and Kyle Smith on on Sunday afternoon, and 2 fascinating talks, which I'm really looking forward to. For anyone who wants to go, I mean, they can contact me, or the website is www.Irish hypnotherapy All the details are on there.

John Scanlon [00:21:33]:
All the links to both the hotel and the, and the and the the tickets for the event.

Aidan Noone [00:21:40]:
Excuse my my coughing.

John Scanlon [00:21:42]:
Absolutely fine.

Aidan Noone [00:21:43]:
Excuse me. I should've normally, I silence myself. So, it's it's, just give us the website again, John, please.

John Scanlon [00:21:50]:
Www.Irish hypnotherapy, and it has all of the speakers. It has the schedule. It has the links to the hotel and the links to the tickets. They're all there. But if anyone has any problems, it's just John at Airship Therapy Conference that will get me.

Aidan Noone [00:22:06]:
Excellent. That's wonderful. So I urge anyone out there to to to get in contact and to go along to this because this will be, one of probably one of the most exciting events in terms of human change, if you want to call it that, on the island of Ireland in April of this year, 2024. John Scanlon, thank you so much for your generosity and coming on to talk to me, here today. And, I look forward to the next time we have you on. Absolutely. And indeed, I'm looking forward to the Irish Hypnotherapy Conference in, in April. So thank you so much, John.

Aidan Noone [00:22:43]:
Great to meet you. Take care, and bye bye for now.

John Scanlon [00:22:45]:
Thank you.

Aidan Noone [00:22:46]:
My thanks again go to John Scanlon for his generosity in helping me record this podcast. Why not take a look at the Irish Hypnotherapy Conference website? And when you're there, take a look also at the website. I have been your host, Aiden Noone. And thank you for joining me. Until next time. Bye bye for now.