It All Ties Together

Episode 157: Emma and Emily, Two of the Finest Younger Women I Have Been Blessed to Meet, Offer Their Observations on the State of Womanhood, Motherhood, and Culture From a Millennial Perspective.

Justin O'Quinn Season 1 Episode 157

Episode 157: Emma and Emily, Two of the Finest Younger Women I Have Been Blessed to Meet, Offer Their Observations on the State of Womanhood, Motherhood, and Culture From a Millennial Perspective. 

A while back, while I was hiding in a coffee shop to shut the world down for a bit, Emma and one of her co-workers approached me and asked me if they could pray for me because they felt led to.  And then they prayed specifically for some difficult circumstances that had happened to me earlier that morning without me having ever met or spoken with them before.  What they were praying for made no real sense to them, but their prayer was so specific to the precise details of what had transpired earlier that morning I knew that God was all over them as they prayed.

Emma's co-worker moved on to other things, but Emma was still around when I went back to look for her to ask if she would be willing to come on the podcast, which she was.  I knew when I first met Emma I was in the presence of one of the finest younger women I've met in my life.

Emma agreed to come onto the podcast to speak more directly and clearly to other women than I ever could.  She brought a friend, Emily, to join her and we recorded what turned out to be one of my most enjoyable and informative interviews to date.

Emma and Emily are definitely two of the finest younger women I have ever been blessed to meet and interviewing them for this episode left me with a greater sense of encouragement about the future of our culture.

If you have not already listened to it, I showcased my first "chance" meeting with Emma and her former co-worker in Episode 130 and I highly recommend listening to it before or after this one.