It All Ties Together
Formerly a podcast devoted to helping good men and fathers have a voice in our culture, but re-branded in early 2024 to enter a wide-open field of other topics that I believe affect our severely fractured culture. Topics that may appear to be random and unrelated to many people, but not to me. I believe that a whole lot of random isn’t random and, somehow, It All Ties Together.
Topics will vary, but are likely to include:
· encounters with the unusual from the heavenly and underworld realms
· culture and community
· questions about the historical and current narratives in which we live and move
· building stronger relationships between the men, women, and children of our nation
· the Bible, especially the parts that too many churches avoid
· the “Mudflood,” "Chemtrails," Missing 411, and similar subjects that are not mainstream
My hope, since I launched this no-budget podcast in 2021, is to play at least a small part in helping our culture heal, despite my limited abilities. Because I believe that…
A united people who stubbornly view and treat each other as fellow countrymen, as neighbors, deprives tyrants what they need most to rule over us.
It All Ties Together
Episode 193: Hiking 2,000+ Miles in California Mtns and Something Followed Me for Many of Those Miles. May Not Have Been What I Thought Was Following Me.
If you want to reach out to me, please do so via email at italltiestogetherpodcast@gmail.com