Unexplored Territory

#083 - VMware Explore 2024 US Special

Duncan Epping, Frank Denneman, Johan van Amersfoort

VMware Explore 2024 in Las Vegas is a wrap. The team was present and will give you the opportunity to get an idea what the show was like. You will hear large number of guests covering some of the announcements, some specific aspects of the conference (like the Hands-on Labs), but also some of the vendors on the expo. The episode contains the following topics:

  • The future of VMUG with Brad Tompkins
  • A hands-on labs tour with Brandon Bazan and Joshua Schnee
  • Spring One and Spring AI with DaShaun Carter
  • VCF and AI at VMware Explore with Stephen Wagner
  • EUC and 10zig with Kevin Greenway
  • Google Cloud with Simon Long
  • Microsoft AVS with Rene van den Bedem
  • OVH Cloud with Pascal Jailon
  • Pure & Stretched vVols with Cody Hosterman

If you like to watch one of the sessions mentioned, check out William Lam's Github page:


Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions shared in this podcast are our own/guest(s), and not necessarily those of Broadcom or VMware by Broadcom.