LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz

Fitness, Mindset & Peak State

April 05, 2022 Lucas Rowell / Episode Co-Host Jon Janson Season 1 Episode 2
Fitness, Mindset & Peak State
LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
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LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
Fitness, Mindset & Peak State
Apr 05, 2022 Season 1 Episode 2
Lucas Rowell / Episode Co-Host Jon Janson

This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

This Episode we dive deep into Fitness, Mindset & Peak State! We have an absolutely incredible Guest joining me today as our shows very first Guest Co-Host. This guy is an absolute Bad Ass, and we go way back .....Mr. Jon "Fitness" Janson.  You are not going to want to miss this one! Jon has had an absolutely incredible journey from where we all first met and started out to where he is today! He is making huge differences in the local community and across the nation changing mindsets, changing Fitness and changing people's Life Direction.

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Jon and his team whether it's creating individualized meal plans, virtual workout regimens custom to you, maybe you live locally in the area and want to be personally coached by Jon and or his team in person, or you simply want more info on how to become part of the "Lift Heavy Be Kind" movement.You can find John and his team's information below:

DO 2 of the Following and we will enter your name into a drawing at the end of July one lucky listener will win a "LIFT HEAVY BE KIND" Shirt!
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Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Jon Janson?

Jon Janson

Iron Legion Gym Web:

Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

  Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team.

Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!

If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

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To Your Everlasting Success!!!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

This Episode we dive deep into Fitness, Mindset & Peak State! We have an absolutely incredible Guest joining me today as our shows very first Guest Co-Host. This guy is an absolute Bad Ass, and we go way back .....Mr. Jon "Fitness" Janson.  You are not going to want to miss this one! Jon has had an absolutely incredible journey from where we all first met and started out to where he is today! He is making huge differences in the local community and across the nation changing mindsets, changing Fitness and changing people's Life Direction.

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Jon and his team whether it's creating individualized meal plans, virtual workout regimens custom to you, maybe you live locally in the area and want to be personally coached by Jon and or his team in person, or you simply want more info on how to become part of the "Lift Heavy Be Kind" movement.You can find John and his team's information below:

DO 2 of the Following and we will enter your name into a drawing at the end of July one lucky listener will win a "LIFT HEAVY BE KIND" Shirt!
Share Episode- Like and Follow Jon and His Team on IG - Leave us a Top Review on Podcast- Like and Follow  IG Lucasrowell_RealestateCoach.

Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Jon Janson?

Jon Janson

Iron Legion Gym Web:

Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

  Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team.

Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!

If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

We drop Daily FREE content on all our social medias to help you Level Up everyday!   

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To Your Everlasting Success!!!


Hello and welcome. My name is Lucas Rowell, and I am your host, very excited to have you all here with us today for Episode Two, fitness, mindset and peak state. Each show our objective is to give you the tactics behind the strategies, so you can immediately put into practice what you've learned because measurable actions lead to measurable results. So I am super, super excited to introduce my co host and very special guests for today's episode. This one I have known for a very, very long time, we came up from playing three ninjas, and army men out in the woods of Maine to the strapping fit individual that you see here in front of you today. So please help me welcome. The man the myth, the legend, Mr. John fitness Janssen. What's up my brother? Hey, man, how you doing? Thanks for having me. Oh, dude. So, so excited to jump into this today, not only because you're an absolute badass, and you know, we know each other for such a long time. It's been incredible to see through. Like, I'm so excited. I'm so excited for our guests that, you know, whatever in our listeners to hear just kind of where everything's gone. But you're absolutely doing some amazing, incredible things and really excited to jump into the show and, and showcase and chat about some things that really right now are are super important. Important with what's going on. Really in the world. So. Absolutely. So I'm still in town here. Go ahead. Sorry. I'm headed on. Yeah. Outstanding. Outstanding. So so how are you doing? Brother? What? What's been going on? What's what's been going on your life between then and now. So back then, I think I met you and your brother, I think I was to you guys were the first people that I knew as friends. So since then, you know, did a few things been around the block. So I went to University of New Hampshire after high school, studied finance and economics. And then took a turn and decided I would go into teaching for a little bit. So I moved over to China. China, the country, the country, not the not the town in Maine, moved over to China for a year and I taught English to like sixth seventh eighth graders. Which was wild. absolutely wild. I can imagine my podcasts for different day. hours to talk your ear off on that. So is there like, is there a bunch of little Chinese kids over there with a with a northern accent? Yeah, they say they say wicked? And they say I and all that good stuff. Yeah. So So yeah, while I was there, I met up with these two guys. One was from Britain, one was from Ireland. And we started lifting together. And so that's that was the big catalyst for me, I'd already gotten into fitness a little bit in college, you know, running, doing tough, Mudder, stuff like that. But these guys really got me into lifting. And that's, that's when I started to see my body composition change, right? Like, I was like, Oh, I'm starting to look like those, those guys in magazines. Like, that's what I want to look like. So did that for a little bit. And when I moved home, I was like, Okay, how do I take, you know, the skill that I have that is teaching with this passion that I have that is lifting and fitness, and put it together? And that's you know, working at a gym being a personal trainer. So that was 2014 So I've been working at at a gym since then, a couple couple gyms along the way, but for the last seven years, working at Iron Legion strength Co Op here in Little Westbrook, Maine, and we're doing our thing. Very cool, brother. So what is what is your position currently look like? Are you still are you lifting every day? Are you helping people live there? What where's that kind of evolved? Yeah, so you know, obviously it started off, we were a very small kind of like boutique, personal training gym, just a few coaches. So you know, I've worked my way up ahead 30 Plus sessions a week, that kind of thing, which is kind of, you know, an average for us. And in the last two years, now, I've transitioned over to more of a management position. So I'm managing all the new coaches, or all the coaches I should say, onboarding new coaches, training a few clients still, and I'm also helping facilitate when new clients come on board helping them get set up with a coach and get the ball rolling. So I've got you know, a hand or a pile on every burner if you will, right. So I'm doing a little bit of everything right now. Outstanding man outstanding. So kind of jumping into right so today with you know, the fitness the mindset, the peak state aid, right? All of these things intermingle. And they all support each other in one way or another. And really, I think help bring it full circle, would you? Would you agree? Each one is important to the other? Yeah, absolutely. Could you just give your definition of you know what peak state is so that people know what you're talking about? So I've got a good feel what you're talking about? Yeah, absolutely, brother. So and we'll get into this here in a few but peak state what what we mean by peak state when I when I say that to John, and when I, when we came up with the title of the episode, is really feeling the best to you that you can you know, where you're feeling like, there is absolutely nothing in this world that can stop you. There could be barrier after barrier after barrier and it doesn't freakin matter. You're over, under through around, you're going to figure out a way to get through, there's absolutely nothing that is going to stop you. That's at least my definition of peak state. Yeah. No, that's great. And I mean, that's, that's honestly like our, you know, so one of our main slogans at the gym is lift heavy behind, which I've got on my shirt here. But our real, like, our mission statement at the gym is empowerment through strength. Right? And so how can you or how can we as a gym, as individual coaches help influence our clients, and not just our clients that we see every day, but the people that we're coming into contact with, you know, through social media or in person? How can we find ways to exactly that help them get to that peak level. And our focus is mostly on, you know, lifting with correct form and building up your physical strength. And through that physical strength, that's obviously going to lead to mental fortitude, that a lot of people, you know, it's there, and it wants to come out, but they don't really uncover it until they start to actually do something that's physically demanding. And start to realize, like, oh, okay, I, there's a lot more that I can do. I'm capable of much more than ever thought of as possible. That's absolutely, absolutely our empowerment through strength is run online with your European state. Outstanding brother. And I really love that because that's a lot of times we put these these false boundaries for ourselves, right, these barriers that we're like, oh, like, I couldn't do that, or oh, I don't know if I could get there. Oh, how are they doing that? Like? How does one get to that level of being able to accomplish? Exactly. So that's obviously you, you do run into real barriers, right? You know, I'm in a position right now where I don't have kids, right? So yeah, I can dedicate three hours a day to working out, because it's what I do. I'm a gym manager, and I don't have kids, and I got this and that. But you know, we've we've talked about it before, too, you've got to wake up early, to get your stuff in. Because that's before the kids get up. So having that mental mental ability to just say, hey, you know what, I gotta get this done. I need this for me. I'm gonna do it. That's, that's huge, outstanding. I love it, creating that anchor and figuring out what's most important to you. So you can get into that peak state and that peak state can support or be the foundation for the rest of your day. Right. So, yeah. All right. So let's, let's circle back to get right back kind of into some of the things some of the questions that we had, and one of the very first would be so as far as fitness is concerned, right? I know, we've kind of jumped into it a little bit. But what is what does that really mean to you? Right? I know, it means a lot of things to a lot of different people. But when you hear fitness, like what, what is, where's that for you? So me personally. I mean, like I was saying, when I lived in China, I met with those guys, we started lifting. So fitness was always for a long time, just my ability to lift right, staying healthy. Because if you're not healthy, you don't have the consistency and you start to lose progress. So staying healthy and lifting more. That was always my goal for a long time. But in the last two years, I've started also swimming once a week. And I hike at least once a week, maybe every other week out in the White Mountains in New Hampshire usually with a couple of friends. So you know now now my, my personal definition of fitness has has really evolved to you know, how can I be as strong as possible because I still want that to be you know, if a friend calls me up and says, Hey, I need help moving. Okay, cool. I can do that. But also, you know, we're going to go hike this 4000 foot mountain, like, let's do it. Oh, and we only have this much time. So let's let's hustle. You know, so it's a it's a very interesting blend of parties. vascular fitness with hiking and swimming, but also the muscular strength. And it kind of just comes out. So that's, that's my definition of it. But for everybody, it's going to be different, right? We've got clients who are, I want to say she's around 8082 years old, one of our clients. And so her definition of fitness is making sure she can get up and down the stairs maybe, and playing with her grandchildren, or something along those lines, where it's not going to be hiking a 12 mile mountain, but, you know, just getting through the day with fewer aches and pains. And I think that's one of the biggest benefits to hiring a personal trainer to little plug for myself here is the customization. Right? Because if you come up to us, and you say, here are my goals, here are my you know, restrictions I got this job I got two kids while the law. Okay, what can we fit in? And where? And how do we build out a program that says, Alright, look, in six months, we'll be measurably closer to your goal of doing XYZ thing. Outstanding. That's a roundabout way of defining fitness. But it is unique to everyone. But it's also fun to see how it evolves for people over time, too. And we've had a lot of clients for many years, where their definition of fitness has evolved from I want to lose weight to I want to get stronger to I want to win a powerlifting competition. You know, those are that's a big, big change for somebody who came in here years ago. And it's like, I just want to lose 10 pounds. Big mentality shift there. For sure. And for for those people as well. I'm sure that just not not only just in the, you know, in the form of fitness, but how do you see their confidence level changing? How do you see their stature, the way that they really attack life? When you see someone that came in from Hey, maybe I just want to shed, you know, 10 pounds for for beach season to now on doing? You know, I want to go in and do it? How are lifting competitions? What does that do for them? Like, what's that? What's that look like? Oh, I mean, it's, it's awesome to see, you know, and it also helps that we have such a great supportive community. Right. So yeah, there's actually a powerlifting competition tomorrow, a few of our clients and a few of our coaches are participating in. And you know, it's a, it's an open to the public kind of competition, but you best believe that our gym has the biggest show, right? All, all of our people are coming to support whoever, even if it's just one person competing, we have like a 10 to one ratio, like 1010 guests, or one one person meeting. So the community helps a lot, but individually, even you know, you take it out of the gym realm. And again, they've over the last couple of years, they've been training that build up their mental fortitude, and they say, Hey, you know what, I'm going to go back to school, I'm going to do night classes, I'm going to change jobs, I'm going to ask for that promotion. And just seeing that kind of stuff. That's pretty unreal, like watching somebody go to a powerlifting meet is awesome. But then watching somebody actually truly change what their life structure looks like. Is, is mind blowing. And it's very humbling to, you know, I started out as a personal trainer when I was 24. I have like, zero life experience at that point. But over the years, I've grown because of my clients, but they've grown because of me. And so being able to see them get, you know, get to whatever their next level is. That's pretty awesome. For sure. Very one of my favorite parts of the job for sure. Thank you for sharing that with us. So it's a it's a solid symbiotic relationship. And it's, it goes to it reaffirms the things that you're teaching, you're saying, Oh, well, what I was saying was working, what we're doing is working. Let's figure out how to continue to multiply, offer that tweak it continue to grow and continue to use that to help others succeed. Exactly. is outstanding. So so we're kind of getting and this is, this is kind of interesting, right? So our flagship episode was setting meaningful, obtainable yearly commitments, goal setting recharged, right? And we're getting to that time a year, right, where a lot of people set those New Year's resolutions, you know, they may be getting to that point a year where they're not staying as consistent as they wanted to, they're following out of routines, you know, what type of advice would you give to someone who's trying to stay with those fitness goals that they set, but maybe haven't made it a commitment yet? Or maybe don't have that support system? Like what are some of the things that maybe you could give them advice on to help them continue to stay on those? Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think one of the things you guys probably don't see it as much down in Florida. But you know, for me We definitely have beach season. And then we have not beach season. And beach season is about two months long up here. And in Florida pretty much a year round. So up here, people want to get beach ready, right down in Florida, my boss actually owned a few gems in Miami years ago. And so he would always tell us about this, but like, it's always beach season down in Florida, you always have to be in shape. Up here, you can take the winter off. And then all of a sudden come, you know, March or April. summer break is coming up in two months, the kids are off, we're gonna get the beach, I gotta go. And so you know, going back to those New Year's resolutions, it's like, that's when he needed to stick him it was in, you know, January 1, to get ready for June 1, if you will. And one of the one of the biggest things I see, you know, obviously committing to a resolution is great. But the big grand sweeping gesture is usually also the least likely to continue. If you can make those small, incremental changes over time, it's so much easier to maintain, you know, none of the coaches that I have worked with or do work with or have met along the way, none of them just goof did it. All. Right, it was a learning process, just like with any job just like becoming a parent, like you don't know it. All right, right up front, you gotta learn it. So, you know, the the January 1, resolution is great, but what were you doing for the few months prior to that? And what will you be doing a few months after that? And, you know, it's one of the things if you fall off the wagon and have a really fun Friday night? Well, instead of continuing your bench to the weekend, you gotta reset some Saturday morning, you know, like, this is a small things don't get to pay the piper and will restart Monday, right? Don't say, oh, restart Monday, say I'll restart now. You know, and so it's those small changes, it's yes, being in the best shape of your life by summer would be great. But what can you do today that you can do every day, for the next six months to a year such forever? So it's a small incremental changes, that's where you're going to see the most bang for your buck. Unfortunately, those also take time. Right? But those are going to be the longest lasting changes that you could make. So So what you're saying is the millimeter shift, right? The millimeter shift, yes. The little wins lead to the bigger wins, not to not to look at the Some may like this analogy. Some may not. But a long time ago, one of my mentors, I was having a difficult problem. And I went to him like, oh, this city is like, alright, slow down, slow down, slow down. Alright. Lucas, how do you eat an elephant? And I was like, what do you what do you mean? How do I you know if things like how do you eat an elephant? I don't know. He goes, one bite at a time. Let's take this one step at a time. Let's break it down into its smaller pieces. It doesn't have to be this huge right there. We can have the macros but the thing is with the macros is every macro is made up of micros, right? A house is not it's a house, it's a big house, it takes up a lot of space. But it's made up of little pieces, little individual nails and boards. And when they all come together, they do something incredible. So it's the it's the patience and the wherewithal to say, hey, you know what, I can live with these two small changes. And I know I won't see results from them for maybe six months, right? But if I commit to it forever, and I can live with those changes, then I'll see. I'll see what I want to see. Given enough time. But it doesn't break the bank and you don't give up. Right? It's the biggest, that's the biggest thing not stopping. Okay. So the law of compounding and it's in its full nature, if you will. Right. Right. Well, and what's the what's the old you know, if you've got, you know, real estate agents making cold calls. I think there's a there's a breakdown to it. It's like for every 50 cold calls you might make you might get 10 responses and like and one sale, right? Or something to that effect. So just because the first cold call you did that you made didn't pan out doesn't mean you stop. It means make 49 more to get that one with. Outstanding. That's just how it goes. Yeah. And you don't just go to the reps. You make every single rep count. Right. Exactly. Exactly. That's huge. The warm up is just as important as your heavy your top set. That's that's where I see and this is something actually we were talking about the other day with the team that A tip with my real estate team as we're chatting through, you know, our founder, Robert has this really great Winston Churchill quote, and I'm gonna absolutely butcher it because I don't know the whole thing off the off the top of my head. But the the main, you know, the main idea of it is, the difference between winners and losers is winners are able to go from a loss to last to loss without loss of enthusiasm, right? Yes. And that's where people, that's where people get stuck, like, oh, well, I mean, 30 calls. But if you look at it, the first one, the first No, you had a little bit of integration, right? You're and then the second one little more, a little more, a little more. And then before you know it, now you're just going through like, well, if I get to 30, maybe I'll get one. But you may miss that opportunity. Because you're not giving every single one of those 30 120%. Exactly. Exactly. And it's it's hard to do, but you have to really, truly understand. Again, it's one of those things that comes with more practice. But if you've succeeded in that fashion, once before you understand, okay, it's doable. So, you know, tomorrow when I show up to work, I know I need to give 120% to each of those calls. And I'm more likely to get that one way. But standard until you actually see it happen. It's hard to to actually go with it to believe it. Oh, for sure. Well, and so. So then would you say you talk a lot about communities, so communities a big part of that continued group coaching, that accountability, all that kind of ties in together? Would you say to to help with that with that next step of that adventure? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. I think there's a, there's a few, I could go off on real big tangents about community, I'll try to keep it concise. So there's a few books that I've read recently that are, you know, they really expound on the virtues of being part of a tight knit community. And I think that's one of the things that we, I mean, I don't, I don't really know where you live, but like in my neighborhood, I think I know the names of two of my eight neighbors. And, you know, that's just as much my fault as it is their fault for not, you know, I see him across the road, but I don't introduce myself. But, you know, we have that sort of distance. In our day to day life, that's, you know, I'm driving down the road, and I've got a pane of glass between me and then I'm in my car, they're getting into their car, they're in a rush, I'm in a rush. So one of the big one of the big benefits to not just our gym, but most gyms, you know, CrossFit does this really well, too, is they build that community. And it gives you that sense of belonging, right. So you show for a workout, but you're also at your community event, right? You get to interact with people, you get to make relationships, you know, professional or personal relationships, you meet your, you know, your chiropractor, you know, how many people have, you know, one of my best friends married the guy that she met at CrossFit. Like, that's awesome. You know, because they just went to the same gym together, they fell in love, and they're happy, and it's great. So like having that kind of community? Yeah, it's it. It'd be great if you could show up to the gym every single time and give it 100%. But we both know that's not true. You can't give 100% Every single time, especially with workout, sometimes your body's just wiped out. But when you show up anyway 75% is a heck of a lot better than 0%. And is that community that keeps people coming back? Because without it, they're just like, I can do that. But they really want to see Suzy and their trainer and catch up with this person. So they're gonna go and they might get that text right like, Yo, bro, where are ya? Exactly. I didn't want to come today either. Right? But here we are. So getting it done is always better than not. And that community aspect of it is just you know, it's missing in so many various parts of our lives. So having it at the gym I know is really beneficial for a lot of our clients and people all over so with those difficult tasks and right we look at working out and a lot of us are like oh it's difficult and that we'd be graduate right in the same with really anything prospecting, building our business focusing on the things that push us outside of our comfort zones regularly, right we want to stay within our comfort zones. That's why they're called comfort zones. But having that so having that community there having that those people that kind of push you along and that's that's again, like we're talking about right that's, that's that millimeter shift. That's that and a lot of times, don't I mean I know with me when I get up, I'm like, god dammit, I gotta work, you know, and I start, but then you start getting going and you get momentum. And you're like, Oh, all right, you know, and it's not just, you're like, alright, you maybe you set the bar low, because you're like, I just I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it in anything, right? Let's do today. Yeah. And then you get into it. And then before you know what you're absolutely crushing it? Yes, absolutely. Well, and so much of that, too, is also routine. Right? So it's having the community aspect of it to show up, it's having the, you know, knowledge of the millimeter shift, but it's also building a routine, I started a lot of my workouts off with jump rope, it might only be a minute or two. But that's sort of my mental click of it's workout time, you know, and I get start to get into the groove there. And this is relatively new for me too. I haven't jumped roped in quite a while so. But it's super, super helpful. Same thing. At the end of the day, when I'm done with work, and I turn off my laptop. Before we go to bed, I like to read because that's my turn off switch. Right? It's time to read and unwind, and get ready for sleep. So it's having those kinds of cues, those little triggers as part of your routine to help get that mindset shifted into action. Outstanding. I love that little anchors the little pattern interrupt? Yeah, absolutely. Awesome. So I know, we just chatted, we started to allude a little bit about it. But let's jump right into it. So how important would you say my morning routine is? Morning Routine. I mean, it's like, like with anything, or any part of the day. But if you don't get that if you don't get off to the right foot, it can definitely be detrimental. Right? I mean, just like you said, you you get up and you work out first thing. And I'm sure there are days that you miss. I'm sure your day feels really weird when you don't get those workouts in. Oh, yeah. I like lately. Absolutely. Absolutely. My day starts off a little slower, I just go for you know, as a tea, have some coffee, do some reading or you know, a little bit of writing or whatever. But it's just my, whatever, 1520 30 minutes to check in and take stock of the day and get everything ready and lined up. And on days that you know, occasionally you have to throw your routine out the window. And those things are always just rushed. And Nick and I feel like I'm just fumbling that entire day. So having that routine. I feel like well, at least I know, I've got this under control. And the rest of my day is set up. And then we'll just take it how it comes. So you get your little anchor and you say, Hey, listen, I'm going to be able to control this one particular aspect of my day. And knowing the rest of the day could go to absolute hell, nothing could line up. But at least I know, if everything's falling apart, I can go back to that one particular anchor that one piece that went right, to help us continue things on track. Yeah, yeah, it's a good reference point. And it's a good, like you're kind of you're getting at, I think it's a good way to, to be able to, if you have a few minutes to reset when your day is, you know, going to going south, you have a few minutes to reset, you can go back to that and say, Okay, where did I leave off? You know, if you make a list or whatever your morning routine is? Okay, well, I did manage to get this done. And I gotta do these two other things. Before you know, before I can call it quits. Ability to kind of reset and pull yourself back together. That's always super helpful. So having having some flexibility, understanding that sometimes things aren't going to go right. But if they go off the track, you don't just throw everything in and say okay, we're all done. It's all right. Well, what can we salvage, we had this win, right? We go back, what, what else can we bring in? What other small wins? Can we get to maybe get that momentum going, right, that workout that we didn't want to have, but now we've got the momentum, you know, or whatever tasks that was. So now we start getting a little bit of micro momentum, and maybe we can get the day back on track. Absolutely. Yeah. That's huge. Awesome. That's huge. So yeah. All right. So morning routines important having an every one's going to look different, right? The creating that anchor, creating whatever that is for you introspection, some people meditate, pray, go for walks, light jog, whatever, but that for you. So what you're saying is that regardless of what it is for people, they need to get something in some kind of time for themselves before they put on everyone else's oxygen mask. Exactly. Yeah. No, that's the perfect analogy there too, is put your oxygen mask on first. Make sure that you've got your things under control. Everything's in check. And then you go from there. And then Yeah, I mean, there are definitely some days, I don't know about you. But last week for me was just one of those weeks where nothing went according to plan. But everything got done, you know, so I had that moment to check in, I had my coffee, got my day planner all set for the day. And then as things fell apart, I just said, Well, that's okay. No, no, we'll, we'll either it can get pushed it tomorrow, you know, if it's a rescheduling with a client or whatever, or, you know, I can do it out of order, I can flip flop things, you know, you just have to be able to take it as it comes. Adjusting the field as needed, have your structure to, to set the day up. So you know what to expect, but expect that it's going to, there are things that are going to go awry, and you need to remain, as they say in the military to be able to adjust in the field as needed. where needed. Yep, absolutely. It's crucial. And it's gonna look different for everybody, like you said, Okay, so let's say that I've got my morning routine down. And I'm starting to get some momentum, like, what are some other things that I can do to help level up? My current fitness, obviously, there's more just like going to the gym than just going around and like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know, throwing stuff around like, what? What, what are some things that if I was a listener, I'm like, Hey, I really want to get my fitness to that next level, I feel like I'm plateauing. Like, what? What could what could I do? Well, I think one of the, one of the words you use, you said, like micro routine or something like that. I on and again, you know, I've built my life around exercise, but I have micro workouts that I would do. So usually after, got my coffee reader journal, set up my day planner, I'll do 10 or 15 minutes of Light Movement, whether it's, you know, if I'm seeing a physical therapist right now to work on some knee pain, and so it's a few of the exercises he's prescribed, or it's, you know, 15 minutes of yoga or light stretching. It's those little itty bitty things. Again, it doesn't have to be this massive, I'm going to have a three hour kick ass workout. We can't do that every day. So I get 15 1015 minutes of this little stuff. And then later, when I go to work out, I'll still do a warm up. But I know I've already done my little things, right. It's like eating, you gotta eat your vegetables. I don't know how many times I didn't eat my vegetables, and your parents probably swore me under their breath. But I do eat my vegetables now. And having those little little workouts doing the little stuff, you know that everybody's got the achy shoulder, the low back pain? Well, there's little things you can do to help prevent that, especially if you're sitting at a desk all day, what kind of stretches can you do to help undo all that sitting, you do that for 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, that can be really bad can have a really big compounding effect over time. And then once you do get to your workout, if it's later in the day, your workout doesn't you don't feel as crunchy or as rusty getting into your workout. Right? So. So building in those small routines, it's not the big stuff. This is what we're talking about today. It's none, none of its big stuff, right? It's every individual nail in this wall behind me, that put up the house, and that I can limit it. But it's not going to be this big, massive workout. It's the little things that you do along the way. Either in the morning, midday, maybe it's after work, because you've worked out in the morning already. Whatever it is, if you can sneak in those little ones, that's going to build up. And really, you're going to help it's going to help you see more results later on. Okay, so and then at the end of the day other micros Exactly. Other small ones you can do is just add in 10 minute walks, right if you have a dog even better, but just get up at lunch and go for 10 Min. Walk it doesn't have to be a friggin marathon. Just move and get outside and if it's sunny out great, you get some vitamin D to buy. Okay, it doesn't have to be this 30 minute power walk just move a little bit. That's where That's where it all adds up. I love it breaking up the monotony. Right? Yes. That's absolutely. The other thing too. That's so this is one of the things that I use pretty regularly. So, one of the I know there's a lot of different everyone, you know, all these different productivity hacks. Everybody has, you know, what was that movie? six minute ABS you can't do it six minute abs, right? But like 20 So breaking chunking things up like into 25 minutes right and saying okay, I'm hyper focused. for 25 minutes, and I'm gonna take a 10 Minute. So maybe that would play into kind of like what you're talking about. So if I'm working at my desk, I'm like hyper focused 25 minutes, and then I could get up and do like some calisthenic kind of stuff. Is that what you're kind of saying? Exactly? Yeah, even if it's just 10 minutes of stretching, or you just get up, walk to, you know, fill up your water bottle, go to the bathroom, come back, do one or two stretches. Because I mean, how often, you know, do we find ourselves doing this kind of thing. So you just throw in some neck stretches, you don't have to get up some of them. But just stuff to stay loose, and just counteracting. But I really love that. That was one of my study tactics in college. I wouldn't study for more than 30 minutes at a time. But I study like six times a day, I had a test coming up for four days. Okay, no, but it never felt it never felt like a burden. Okay? Because it's 30 minutes, you don't get burnt out after 30 minutes. So I'd review one page of notes or do a couple of questions on the practice guide, or whatever it was. And then I'd take a break, grab some food, whatever, doesn't have to be a long break and come back to it. And I did pretty well in college. So I want to say chunk. Absolutely, absolutely. And obviously, you know, with with a full on workout, you have to just do the workout, you know, it might be 45 minutes or an hour, that's you just got to do it. But you can chunk out the mobility stuff and the stretching and the small physical therapy movements, that kind of stuff. It doesn't have to be an hour, it can be three 410 minute blocks. Okay, so that actually brings up an interesting question. And I know we haven't talked about this before. So I'd be curious to see. So when when you're seeing workouts right and I know there's there's a lot of different just like the the six minute abs, right? Everybody has a different hat or a different way to do a particular workout. But like when you're going in, do you do? Do you have days where like, Okay, today is only arm day, today's only chest day? Or do you like to rotate things in? Like, how do you? How do you from a fitness standpoint, from a trainer standpoint, look at those the differences in those two workouts like CrossFit, versus focusing on one particular muscle group for an entire workout, for sure. Sure. I've always been a big proponent of full body exercises. And for sure, you know, I've done chest day, and I'm doing leg day and stuff like that. And I still have, I split them up into like upper and lower body workouts. So I get a hike in once a week usually. So that's pretty much a lower body workout, right? So the day after that, I usually try and schedule my swim. As like a full body cardio workout, it's a good way to plan to relax and unwind from a big hike. I do a lower body workout, which it's not just legs or quads or glutes, but it's going to be core, you know, work in my calf muscles a little bit, keep those healthy for hiking. And we break it down a lot of the coaches that don't have my gym, break it down by movement pattern, as opposed to by exercise. So instead of having a benchpress day, it would be an upper body pushing game. So that could be benchpress. Push Ups could be overhead pressing, could be one arm could be two, one could be dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, you know, there's so many different implements. It doesn't, I like to do it that way. Because it also gives you a little bit of flexibility. So if I'm feeling a nagging injury, or if a client were to walk in with something, we can say, Okay, well, instead of doing this movement, we can stay in that same genre, but do a different movement, get the same effect with no pain. Oh, and by the end of the workout, you're actually feeling better. Right? So having that flexibility, but not being you know, having a having a general guide, but having flexibility within that allows you to work around life's aches and pains. So yeah, I would go with a with an upper body and lower body. I'll do that twice a week, hike, swim. And then, you know, once or twice a week, I might do like a 20 minute little hit circuit or something like that, you know? Burpees tire smash kettlebell swing, those kinds of movements. Outstanding, not for super long, but just to get my heart rate up and get it get a good sweat going. So mixing things up a little bit and making sure we're hitting the muscles in different ways. So they don't get used to one particular type of movement or workout. Yeah, and so make sure that you're not getting burned out. Right? That's the biggest thing is the physical burnout of doing the same thing. So often, it's doable again, if you know we have clients that want to do a powerlifting meet well powerlifting meet is only three exercises. It's a squat Have benchpress and the deadlift, so you have to be very proficient at those exercises. But if we have somebody else coming in, that wants to be proficient at life, then you don't have to be stuck to one particular movement all the time, you can have a movement pattern, right? Because every day, you should be sitting on the toilet, which is a squat. So we have to train that pattern, but the way that we train it, we can do it differently. And I think that's, that's definitely one thing. You know, you want to be able to go heavy, sometimes. But you also need to be able to make sure that your movement is good. So you have to focus on movement quality, some days and all those little variables. Outstanding. So, jumping into obviously, we can't talk about, you know, peak state, we can't talk about, you know, working out without talking about diet it all right, and I know, yes. So let's say I'm a listener, and I'm like, Listen, I want to lean up, you know, put on some good muscle I'm not trying to go do you know, a body lifting, you know, I or ski mountain hunting, lifting, like a heavy lift competition or anything like that, but I'm looking to just put on like solid muscle and lean muscle, like, what are the types of things that I should be eating? How often like some people are saying, hey, you know, do these intermittent fasting or just never eat or eat too much? Or like, what, what? What's your advice? So, I mean, obviously, the they're sort of cop out answer is going to be it depends, right? It depends on the individual, again, lifestyle. Are there any health considerations, you know what they can, blah, blah, blah, but just general standard advice. I mean, if you can't grow it, pick it off of a tree, or like, butcher it, you probably shouldn't eat it. Right. Now, I just picked up now I'm gonna throw myself under the bus right here. I was at the store the other day, and I picked up a big old box of Pop Tarts. Because they're really convenient for when we go hiking. They're already prepackaged, it's all carbs, which is just straight fuel for us to go, you know, do a 12 mile hike. They're not good for you. We all know they aren't. If they say Strawberry, strawberry flavor. If you truly believe that pop tarts are healthy. That's a whole different conversation. So my advice is eat as much as you can, of the stuff that you cook at home. So if you buy something from the store, and it's one ingredient, like rice, or potatoes, or steak, or spinach, those are all good things. And you can pretty much eat as much as you wanted it. Because at some point, your body's gonna say I've had enough. That's the beauty of natural foods is your brain, your stomach? All the chemicals going on in there? They're gonna say, Hey, I'm tapped out. I asked this question one time, last fall. You know, because apple picking season comes down. We all go apple picking up here in Maine. And that's one of the best time of the year. favorite time of the year up there. Yeah. And so I you know, it's natural. You go apple picking you fill up your bag, but you eat an apple long leg. And I think that and I was like, I don't know if I've ever in my life eaten two apples in a row. And I put a question out to people on Instagram. And I asked that as like how many people here have ever eaten more than, like two, one or two apples in a row? And like three people responded, like, yeah, I ate six apples one time, but then I threw up and I'm like, Okay, well, that's your body telling you, we don't need more apples. So eating that natural food. It's super, super convenient for your body to say, hey, that's enough. Right? When I eat that pop tart, when I go hiking, I could probably eat another pop type. Go when I eat an apple. My body's like, hey, that's it good. Because the natural sugars in the food. And the fiber in the skin is going to be a trigger for your brain to say, hey, we're good. Same thing with spinach. I've never eaten too much spinach. You know, same thing with like rice. I've never eaten too much rice unless it's fried rice from a Chinese food restaurant and then you start to feel gross because you because of all the flavorings that they put in it that's not really natural. Your body just keeps going and going and going until you feel sick. Same with Easter candy. Same with Thanksgiving dinner, you name it. The natural whole foods your body just cannot eat too much of it. It will shut off. And at some point you're going to start to figure out like okay, this is how much I can eat without getting sick of it. And at that point, you're going to start to see results, you're going to start to see your body change, you'll start to see the body composition change. And we can talk about proteins, fats, carbohydrates, like how much protein does your body need. For most people, I would just say, eat more than you think you should, because you're probably not eating enough as it is. And again, make sure that it's real. Make sure that whole foods, make sure that it is as clean and as healthy as possible. That's, you know, bacon isn't really a protein, it's mostly fat, and it's delicious. But you don't need too much of that. But if you have a good kind of, you know, some ground beef or some chicken or, you know, tofu, if you're vegan or vegetarian, all that stuff is good. And, and you just, you gotta have it. But unless you're getting, unless you're dining way deep in with a nutritionist to set up a specific meal plan, eat real food. 10 times out of 10, it's going to serve you well. Outstanding. So if we're hearing you correct, if I have to jump on Google to try to put it in an ingredient to try to figure out what the hell it is, I probably shouldn't be eating it. That's probably true. Yes. And by all means, indulge, like I said, we bring pop tarts on our iPads. That's cool. But yeah, nine times out of 10, you're gonna want to stick with the real things. Okay, yeah. So that's the answer. Yeah, that's not the big sexy answer, but like, honest, moderation, and real food, that's gonna get you almost as far as you want to go every time, every single time. Well, brother, that's the whole theme of this is all the, you know, all the information without the BS and fluff. Man, that's this is, this is what we're about. It's real, real info that you can literally take and put into effect tomorrow, or today, or as soon as you get off this, you know, listening to this podcast and make a change. And that's, that's what we need. And that's, that's I think there's a lot of a lot of different, you know, everybody wants to have a different strategy and not saying that they're wrong or not saying that they're right. But, you know, when it comes down to foundational, we're talking about today a lot about foundational principles. Like, what you're saying is Keep it keep it simple. And when your body says that's enough, that's enough. And if you're doing more, you probably just like a vehicle, if you're gonna drive further, you probably put a little bit more fuel in it. Otherwise, you run out of gas and your car stops. Exactly. Okay, that's perfect analogy, right. So tell me a little bit about like, I love that shirt. Man, I need to I need to get what I need to get one or a couple I'd love to. Maybe we can maybe we can raffle one off to we can think of something kind of fun to do where maybe one of the listeners or something, we can send it out there and get some shirts around the country. But tell us a little bit about lift heavy, be kind. I know you alluded to it, we talked a little bit about it. But like, how did you come about? What is what is the mission? What are you guys trying to do? Like? Walk us through it? If you would? Sure. Yeah, absolutely. So the gym I work at Iron Legion strength go. The owner, his name is Scott. And he's been lifting for years. Like I said, he owns some gyms in Miami. He grew up lifting in like New Jersey, New York and stuff. And one of the stories he loves to tell is, you know, I'm not going to get the details, right. But basically, he would go to the gym as a teenager, young adult and not with a personal trainer, but to the gym with a buddy and the you know, you'd be lifting and someone would come up to him and say, Hey, do you want some awesome help, like I can show you how to do this do that. And it was always the people that were willing to help. Were always the big scary looking dudes that he would have never approached on his own. But these guys would come and approach him. And then they'd offer their help. And you know, these, this is like New Jersey in the 80s. Scott, you're not you're not that old. So if I get the years wrong, sorry, but he's less careful. But like, these are some big scary bad guys. You know what, they're super nice. And so all these years later, he owns a gym up in Maine. And now he's the big scary dude. He's got a beard. He's got tattoos. But he's also got this big smile, this warm, friendly handshake. He's very inviting and welcoming and warm. And so it's just one of those melt those perfect combinations of we want to look and feel tough, right? And our gym is kind of gritty and you've got spray paint on the walls. It's an old mill building. We play heavy metal. So it feels like it should it looks like it should feel intimidating. But then you meet with a coach and that coach has the same friendly handshake and warm smile. Obviously, I don't have a big beard. But, but we got that dichotomy of lift heavy, which to some people implies looks scary. But then we have that very kind demeanor, and we do charity events throughout the year. And we make sure that we help people. You know, even if it's not my client, I'll still give people you know, tidbits of advice. So it's that, that perfect dichotomy of actually lifting heavy for whatever that perception is, or, you know, whatever is relative to you. And then also making sure that we're going the extra mile to put people at ease and make sure that they feel comfortable at our gym. And then they can spread that as well. Right? We want that to be spread out throughout our community as well. So that's, that's how this heavy b can be kind of came about. And, yeah, it's our largest by far our best selling t shirt. So outstanding, man, I love that lifting success through lifting others up. Like that's, that's what it's all about. Right? That's that's the other piece of it. Right? Yeah. lifting others up? Yeah. You know, the rising tide lifts all ships, right, guys and gals. It's not my saying it's one that I've borrowed. It's one that I've it's become one of my mantras. And like this, what you guys are saying is exactly I feel like what it's all about, right? It's like, you're, you're bringing people in, and it's that you're, you're going against the grain, right? You're, you've got this gritty place people are walking in, they're expecting like, folks like gruntin throwing stuff everywhere, right? Gosh, and their heads on the walls and stuff. And it's like, Hey, how are you going to do it? Like, right? You're creating that, that. That's incredible. And then you're taking that and you're taking it out into the community, you're bringing more people in, you're maybe taking that like, the, you know, the jaws in the back of people's mind, right? What Jaws did for people in the ocean, you're taking that out of the gym, they're like, oh, my gosh, look at these, these big fit, like, I don't know how I could get there. And then you're bringing that kindness with it as well. Like, listen, if this is a path you want to go on, this is where we can bring you for sure. For sure. No, that's I mean, that's exactly what it is, you know, it has to be. It goes back to that confidence piece, too, right? We want people to feel like they are absolute total badass is in the gym, right? We celebrate the PRs. We want them lifting heavy, we want them feeling like they can do anything. Like they can run through a wall. And then taking that out into the real world with that confidence that run through a wall mentality and do everything they can to better their life and better the life of their family. But do with a smile on their face, and you know, a friendly handshake. So it's in that 100 times out of 100 that's gonna get you further in life anyway, is being nice, so far. Like, for sure we're gonna extol that, that virtue all the time. I love it, man. And that's one of the things my kids like, I'm like, Man, if I learned anything, please and thank you, we'll bring you so far. leading with your give before your ask another one, like, what can you do to help others before you go and say, Hey, I need this, Hey, I need that. Hey, I need that. It's like, here's what I can bring a value. And this is where I'm struggling. Yeah, I don't see each other. That's huge. So look, what what do you want to say to those guys and gals out there who are consistently skipping leg day? Yeah, we went there, like day consistently skipping leg day. I don't know. I don't know if I have anything to say to him. I have three leg days a week. So I don't have much left to sit right there. I got squats and deadlifts on the docket for later today, too. So no, but for real, you know, it's one of those things and needs to be done. So from a scientific standpoint, they've done studies I can name the study off the top my head but lower body strength, as you get older is one of the key indicators of longevity. The stronger your legs are. The longer your life is. The reason being, you know, you think of your grandparents or, you know, someone who's elderly. If you trip and fall, we've all heard stories, right? So and So tripped and fell and they broke their hip. They ended up in the hospital, they got pneumonia, and they passed away. Now not saying that that's the case all the time. And not saying that having a really heavy squat is gonna save you from that, but you're less likely to trip if you have strong legs, because you're going to have fast reflexes and better ability to catch yourself before falling and lifting helps increase bone density, which means you're less likely to break a bone. So if you do fall, you're less likely to break your hip. So, if that right there is not enough of a case to not skip leg day, then I mean clearly, clearly, you just don't care. I mean, I don't know though, like, the other day I was where I was at the grocery store. And this dude was huge. Like, if it was it was behind like a desk, I'd be like, Man, this got, and then like those little legs, those little legs was pretty cool. Ya know, not to speak badly of anybody, there may be a few of you out there. And that's cool. That's your thing. But you heard it right here from Mr. John fitness Janssen. You want to live longer, that's what you got to do. It's a big muscle group, you got to you got to feed it. Exactly. And the other big benefit to it too is like you said, it's a big muscle group, you're gonna, when you're doing leg exercises, you're going to burn more calories, you're going to build more muscle, which is going to increase your body's ability to keep burning calories, too. So if you're looking to lose weight, leg exercises are way to go, because they're going to increase muscle mass, which increases calorie consumption, which means you will be burning fat, even when you're not working out. That's pretty sweet. Interesting. So Yeah. Kind of personal one here for you. What's on your playlist when you work out? Plus, obviously, it's gonna depend on the mood. Right, right. I definitely have a heavy metal playlist with you know, you got disturbed. You got a little bit of Metallica in there, I guess. But dude, the thing I've been doing lately. Lifting without music? Really? Yeah. Yeah. Not all the time. You know. And if there are other coaches around, they might have, you know, some Eminem or some other kind of rap on or whatever. But if it's my choice, I like to honestly help him get in the zone even more. Because I don't need to be necessarily hyped up and like, losing my shit over whatever song is playing, I need to get focused. And the best way to for me to focus is silence or relative silence. So actually, I listed out music, or with the music on you know, pretty low level more often than not. But also Slipknot is great too. So you got to have that. Life is all about balance, right? Just like we were talking about, you're gonna be the guy tipping over at the grocery store when the wind blows, right? Same thing here you want to give and take right a little bit of classical, a little bit of quiet a little bit of a rock a little bit of whatever it gets you going to, to get that next rep and but focus in and put in the effort. So So what's what's next for you? You've you're doing some absolutely incredible things in the space. You know, your your guys's company is focusing on the right stuff, right? You're really focusing on people and changing, changing them from the inside out. Right, not just the outside in? And what is what does that look like? Like? What types of big differences in people's lives? And does 2022 The rest of 2022 really hold for you guys? Yeah, well, we are we are working on building out a second location we're going to have open by the end of this year. And again, it's just you know, we're in Westbrook, Maine, it's just outside of Portland, it's not a huge population center by any means compared to places like Florida. So it's how can we be more convenient and reach more people. And that's, you know, have other locations where people can get to us a little bit quicker, because half of what we've talked about today is time, and routine, and the actual ability to get somewhere. So if something is five minutes down the road from your work, versus 20 minutes away from home, it's a no brainer, you're going to a place that's five minutes away. So if we've got, you know, a second third location, we'll be able to reach that many more people and teach them the benefits of lifting heavy and being kind. Outstanding. Continuing to multiply that that message across the masses is I love it. So last question. If so, let's say I'm a listener, right. And I love everything I've been hearing I love you know, your guys's message I love you know, and maybe I don't have that in my life. Maybe I'm not seeing that maybe I'm not around that type of that type of community. What are some different ways that I could maybe get a hold of you you know, to discuss mindset fitness, maybe someone that can help keep me accountable, right? Maybe I'm in the local area and I could be trained by you or maybe on somewhere else in the country like, what's, what's the best way to get a hold of you? Sure. Well, yeah, to that point, too, we do offer online training, right. So we can, we can meet up and develop a plan with for someone wherever they are. Okay? Easiest way, it's going to be Instagram. That's sort of where our lifeblood is these days. So our gym is Iron Legion strength, go, my name John Janssen. Either either one of those, you know, you can reach out to me personally or through the gym page. And then, if you look us up online, you find my email my phone number, right on our website. So yeah, we're more than happy to work with people, like you said, whether it's an actual fitness routine, whether it's specific nutrition stuff, a few of our coaches deal with nutrition, specifically, in addition to personal training, or if it's mindset, you know, stress management, building out whatever your morning routine should look like. And, you know, Scott and I have also, we've been at this for seven years. So we know, fitness really well. But we've also built out a really good business too, not to toot our own horns too hard. But so if somebody's looking to build out their own personal business, their own personal brand, they're trying to grow whatever business they already have going. We're always more than happy to chat with people and bounce ideas around and give our two cents. I love that man. That's again, like you guys said, it's just what you say. And I love what you say, is what you do, right? And you do what you say. So y'all are saying, Hey, we've built this culture, right? And we can help you with your lifting, we can help you with whatever you need there. But also taking it even peeling the layers of those that onion back even further. It's going back to the theme of today, right foundation is at the foundation, this is a business and you guys are absolutely killing it. You're killing it. Yeah. Well, that's, you know, it's it is it is just a business. It's not just a business, but it is just a business, just like any other business, could be a bakery could be a hardware store, whatever. And end of the day, you got to be able to reach your people, your targeted demographic, and speak to them and then deliver on what you speak about. Right. That's the name of the game. I love it. So before, before we sign off, brother, is there anyone that you would like to give a shout out to? Here, we got to give a shout out to Austin, your little brother. He's He's over there in North Carolina just doing his thing. I think his donkey just had a baby. I know which I never, I never would have thought I'd be putting those words. But you know, it's it's awesome and Gotta love that kid. So if you ever listen to this definitely given him a shout out for for being the awesome guy that he is. Likewise, likewise do absolutely awesome brother, man. And we had he's the one that brought us all together. He's He's the he's the catalyst. He's the glue. And, you know, we talk we talk daily, almost, you know, at least a couple of times a week. And that's that's what it's about. You got to keep that circle small and you got to take care of your people and, you know, get a family is everything to communities? Yes, yes, indeed. It is. Awesome. For sure. Well, thank you again, for your time. This was insane value. I hope that, you know, you guys out there and gals out there. I hope you took a little thing. Maybe you took a lot of things. But it's all about like John has been talking about like we've been talking about this a little millimeter shifts, right? As Malcolm Gladwell talks about, it's the tipping point, right? That that tipping point, that little thing that pushes you over the edge and could completely change the direction your life or your business or going in. So you know, as we talked about John and I go way, way back and it is just absolutely insanely incredible to see the lives that he's changing, impacting how how they're building their business. They're focusing on value focusing on helping people which is super, super, super important. Again, not my quote, but one that I stay very true to is a rising tide lifts all ships. So every single episode, what we're looking to do here, guys and gals is we're looking to bring you the tactics behind the strategy, right, and cut through all the BS and fluff to bring you the people that are getting it done so that you can continue to level up in your life and in your biz. So if you liked the podcast, please please leave us a comment, share it with your friends, follow the Facebook Instagram page. We are streaming now on all platforms. Okay, and so all of our contact information is in the show description here. And all of John's information will be as well. So I know there's going to be a lot of people that have questions or different things that they heard or they're like, man, maybe I need to get a nutrition plan or maybe I need an accountability coach or maybe I just need that, that help with that millimeter shift, you'll be able to get a hold real easily, easily with John. Hopefully he's going to be changing his instagram handle to Mr. John fitness Janssen. I'm putting that out there. I'm going to coin that right there. It But lastly, if you are in the real estate biz, and you're looking for a change want to level up again, in your life in your business, you're more than welcome to shoot us an Instagram message as well. Our real estate team currently serves the bigger team. I'm part of Stearns, the entire state of Florida. My particular team serves Miami and the keys. So we would love to have a conversation and see if it's something that we can do to help you to increase your level of life and enjoyment of life. So until next time, this is Lucas Rowell signing out, wishing you everlasting success in your life and in your real estate business. Thanks, John. Thank you

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