LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz

The Importance of Being Relational Rather than Transactional in Our Life and in Our Biz

July 12, 2022 Lucas Season 1 Episode 5
The Importance of Being Relational Rather than Transactional in Our Life and in Our Biz
LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
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LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
The Importance of Being Relational Rather than Transactional in Our Life and in Our Biz
Jul 12, 2022 Season 1 Episode 5

This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

In this episode we explore the Importance of Being Relational vs Transactional in our life and in our Biz.

Many times in life and biz we can get caught up in the momentum of things and forget the importance of relationships and the people we are helping and how this can impact current and future relationships as well as business. Today we really dive in deep and peel back the layers of the onion. We were able to learn some incredible action steps to identify if we are being relational and if not how to correct that path quickly.  I have an incredible Guest Co-Host who is going to help us explore in great detail this topic. This guy is an absolute Bad Ass world renowned speaker and is as real as they come. It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce  Robby T;  he absolutely brings it as always and this episode will not disappoint!  (Don't Forget to check out Robby's new Podcast!)

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Robby and his team whether it's to jump into one of his lead conversion boot-camps  or you and or your team to be coached by Robby & Hatch Coaching you can find Robby's and his team's information below: 

Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Robby ?  Don't Forget to check out Robby's New Podcast & New Book!!!

Robby Trefethren (Robby T)

Hatch Coaching


Want to get in touch with Lucas the Show Host? Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

  Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team!

Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!


If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

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To Your Everlasting Success!!!

Show Notes Transcript

This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

In this episode we explore the Importance of Being Relational vs Transactional in our life and in our Biz.

Many times in life and biz we can get caught up in the momentum of things and forget the importance of relationships and the people we are helping and how this can impact current and future relationships as well as business. Today we really dive in deep and peel back the layers of the onion. We were able to learn some incredible action steps to identify if we are being relational and if not how to correct that path quickly.  I have an incredible Guest Co-Host who is going to help us explore in great detail this topic. This guy is an absolute Bad Ass world renowned speaker and is as real as they come. It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce  Robby T;  he absolutely brings it as always and this episode will not disappoint!  (Don't Forget to check out Robby's new Podcast!)

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Robby and his team whether it's to jump into one of his lead conversion boot-camps  or you and or your team to be coached by Robby & Hatch Coaching you can find Robby's and his team's information below: 

Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Robby ?  Don't Forget to check out Robby's New Podcast & New Book!!!

Robby Trefethren (Robby T)

Hatch Coaching


Want to get in touch with Lucas the Show Host? Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

  Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team!

Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!


If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

We drop Daily FREE content on all our social medias to help you Level Up everyday!   

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To Your Everlasting Success!!!

Welcome to the level up your real estate biz podcast. This podcast was created by real estate professionals for real estate professionals who are looking to level up their business and their life without all the BS and fluff. All right, hello and welcome. My name is Lucas Rowell, and I am your host very excited to be here with you today. On episode five the importance of being relational rather than transactional. Each show our objective is to give you the tactics behind the strategy so you can immediately put into practice what you've learned, because measurable actions lead to measurable results. So I'm super excited to introduce my co host and very special guests for today's episode. This guest has been dubbed the top ISA and is a trainer in the entire world. Absolute badass real estate coach, and whose name is known relational, not transactional sales. Frickin ninja, please help me welcome the man the myth, the legend, Mr. Robbie two. Man, I'm gonna hire you to intro me every single time Lucas that is money dude, I appreciate it. And I'm excited to an honor to be here today to share some nerdiness about lead conversion man and how to really serve and help people dude, I'm excited as heck. Awesome brother will really appreciate you jumping on and before we jump into things I just want to say I could see God your Instagram, but I love this the Gen Z talk. Oh goodness, man. They're unique breed those kids. I tell you why the term finna and all these things. I keep learning. They're not So dude, I tell you what, though, you You did really well. I was looking at those without keeping count myself up like man. I like what I would have done that. Well. Oh, man. They're crazy. I mean, if you say batting 500 at best as well, I guess I'd be good at baseball so that it is tough. I don't have any Gen Z kids. I've heard that a lot of the parents like oh, how do you not have a fin is my kid says it all the time. My kids are eight, five and two. So they're not quite there yet. Outstanding. But you're getting that you're getting it all in right now. So you're learning up so you know exactly what's going to happen when you get there. I have a feeling that they'll come up with some new crazy stuff by the time I figure these ones out. And so sweet brother. Well, so today's episode, as we talked about, you know, and as we said in the introduction, your name is synonymous in the industry with unparalleled professionalism, and relational selling, right relational rather than transactional. So very excited for this episode. There's a lot of I think there's a lot of people out there and a lot of our listeners that struggle with us on a daily basis, right? How do I be relational? How do I be transactional? When am I being too relational? And how to kind of balance that in and make sure that we're able to lead with value and always over deliver. So really excited about today, man, me too, dude. Got some some outlines and some thoughts. I'm excited to share. Cool. So to start off, could you tell us kind of a little bit about yourself how you got into real estate, you know, your journey, where you are today, and what your current focus is? Yeah, so we'll go back to Oh, man, where could we start with? Well, I'll start here. I, before I got into real estate, and I worked in political campaigns, which is a, I always tell people, there's one thing that is less popular than sales, I promise you it's working field organizing in political campaigns. And, you know, the reason I say that is in field organizing, your whole job is to literally go to people's doorsteps and try to identify who they plan on voting for, and try to persuade them to vote for your candidates. And as you can probably imagine, I've been called every name in the book. I've had guns pointed at me. I've seen people and partial clothing. And that's being generous. Humans are unique man. But what I learned from that political background was one simple truth that kind of set me up for success. And really, what it comes down to is, when I was going to people's doorsteps, I was given a script book essentially, right because there's not much difference between sales you're just selling a candidate instead of a product or trying to earn somebody's business in real estate. I was given He's talking points about our candidates. And Lucas to be very frank, at first I tried using them, I walked up to people's doorsteps. I tried using them. And again, it just wouldn't work. And fortunately enough, I'm not someone who likes to keep running my head into a door. I'm like, Okay, this isn't working, I need to adapt, there's got to be a better way. And I'd read a couple books at the time. I've always been a voracious reader. My joke, Lucas is 60 pages a day keeps poverty away. And I read 6060 pages a day, I've read 47 books. So my goal is to read 100 per year, right on pace, essentially, for that, well, we'll see where we end up. But my point was, is when I went up to those doorsteps, and I got booed off of it, I pivoted, and I had read a book around that time called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. And one of the habits was seek out one of the best, right Stephen was, Stephen Covey was one of the most brilliant people I know, that really took a lot of Habits of Successful people and simplified them, frankly. But one of them was seek first understand then to be understood. And what I realized was, I was spending no time on the doorstep, trying to find out what mattered to them. I was trying to sell them on what mattered to me. So I pivoted, I shifted it, instead of me going to the doorstep and trying to sell them on my candidate. I said, Well, I'm gonna go to their doorstep and try to sell myself on them, and trying to understand what matters to them this election. So literally, that's what I did I start going up to people's doorsteps. And I'd say, hey, Lucas, I'm out here with blank and blank political party. I don't ever reveal the political party for obvious reasons. I don't want to start a war on your podcast today. Appreciate what I write. I mean, we could if we wanted to, but I walked up and I'd say, Lucas, you know, I'm out here with blank and blank political party. And man, I just wanted to know what matters to you this election. And of course, people would never just open up right away. There's always the I describe it like this, people give you little, they crack the door, tiny little bit. It's almost the analogy I give is if you're at a hotel, and somebody knocks on your door, you look through the peephole, you're hesitant, you slowly open the door, you're just swinging off, like, hey, come into my hotel room. That's not what people do. That's not normal human behavior, unless you're kind of psychotic and crazy. Rather, what people did was they slowly would drop hints like, well, you know, I really care about schools, but I already know who I'm voting for. Because what they would do, and I'm like, okay, totally makes sense. Lucas, you know, when you say you care about schools, tell me about that. And this is the biggest thing that set me up for success in real estate sales from there, when I got out of political campaigns, because political campaigns are like a passion project, do you work real estate hours without the real estate pay. And we're expecting our first baby. And I had just left a political campaign on unfavorable terms, as I need to get out of this game. That's when I found Eric became an ISA and I took the exact same thing I'm telling you, because my job was to talk to expireds cancelled old leads, and have a conversation about their desires to potentially move. And the funny thing was, I was given the old script books like everybody else was given. I won't say any names of the coaches or anything that were on it, but it was all trash. I tried it out. I was like, This is terrible. And I was back to square one. I was like, I need to find a better way. And I was like, Okay, I want to go back to seeking first understand. And really, that was the foundation Lucas of, instead of trying to sell people on myself, instead of me trying to sell them on our team on our accolades on what we could do for them. I just pivoted, I shifted and threw all that out the window. And instead of me trying to turn into a transaction, I turned into made them the focal point and their needs, wants and desires. And it's just as simple as truth I've learned in the trying to summarize this, as you can tell, it can be long winded is people don't want to be sold. They want to be heard, understood, and valued. And that's what I've tried to make my mission is trying to bring this this idea that you don't need to sell people on things or if you do need to be a truth teller at some point. You can only do it effectively after you understand what is it that they deeply need, want or desire. So that's how we ended up here I have the privilege of coaching and training. A ton, probably about 50% of the top 100 teams in the real estate ecosystem within the United States. your guys's team being one of them. The Robert slack isa team, and I live breathe. And I used to say die, which I don't want to say anymore. So I live breathe and geek out about psychology and lead conversion. So that's me. Outstanding brother. Well, what a journey and right. seek to understand before seeking to be understood. And yeah, that that is I mean, at the end of the day, right? I think if we, if people understood that that one statement, we could probably throw out most of the script books, right? And just be like, Alright, these aren't leads, these are people, right? They have dreams, aspirations, things that they're trying to accomplish, dive in, understand where they're coming from, they're gonna tell you what's most important to them? And then you can help them define that 100%. Yep. Outstanding. Well, really appreciate you again, taking the time to be with us here today. There's a lot of exciting things that we're going to jump into. And we're hoping to really dive into some tactics and strategies behind those theories, right. So sure, to be I know, we touched on this a little bit, but I want to dive in deeper if we can, of course, so given again, to title relational rather than transactional, what does relational rather than transactional actually mean to you? Well, let's talk about the transaction piece, I think transactional means that your main focus is to produce and create some form of transaction. And I actually think that being attached to creating a transaction creates pushing or sales breath, one of the biggest things that I train and teach people on is you have to let go of the attachment to the sale or the transaction. And here's why, if there's one simple thing people can write down from this is being attached to an outcome creates blind spots, because what happens is subconsciously, your mind is not looking for truth. It's looking for your version of the truth. And you're afraid to see disconfirming information. And again, I am a nerd of psychology. And our mind is centered around the idea of confirmation bias. The reason I tell people that you need to let go of the attachment to a transaction is when you're so focused on it, you will literally hear people say things saying, they'll talk about fears, they'll talk about things that are holding them back, they'll say things that are very indicative that they're not going to do something. And then he'll try pushing them to do it. And what happens is, is that people again, don't want to be sold. They want to be heard, understood and valued. And what's really funny about this Lucas is that didn't always used to be the case. To be very, very frank. I think this really change at the with the advent of the internet, to be very, very frank. I think the internet changed so much about real estate, if you go if you were to rewind, right, let's go back 20 years ago to 2002 when nobody was really using the internet yet. How were people viewing homes, while they would either they'd see it driving past on a sign. They weren't really using websites yet, or the majority of the population wasn't. And the main way people would know about listings was the good old MLS book, right literally printed off pages of listing information, or newspapers, things like that. In other words, what used to be in real estate was people used to be gatekeepers of information. You real estate agents owned all the gates. They own the keys to the gates to give information out. What the problem is, is that that has been changing, right that the internet and Zillow and portals and looking at homes online, changed the gate there quite a bit at open that it kicked it down. I could go view a home. Well, that gate is being kicked down even further right look at as you said earlier, actually, when you're saying Matterport is what Matterport does is allow someone to get inside the home without getting inside of it. video tours with phones like this thing, right? Funny story. I'm a big fan of Stranger Things part of Stranger Things were recorded on an iPhone. That's how much the world has changed these days. So I can record professional grade video at my fingertips. So this gate is diminishing and diminishing and diminishing. When you have the keys and you are the gatekeeper. You can be salesy as hack and get away with it. The other thing was there was no accountability back in the day, Lucas, none. Right if you were to screw somebody Over in 2002, let's say I was your salesperson and I screwed you over, I pushed you into a situation you didn't want to do where I made you uncomfortable. Here's the reality, you would tell two or three people, and that would be it. Today, if I have you go through an uncomfortable experience, I push you to do something you don't want to do. In literally two seconds, you can tear my whole reputation down. So there's more at risk, right? For sure. When we talk about relational selling, really the focus is, is we're making the other person their needs, wants and desires, the center of everything that we do. And this is really the crux of it is, sometimes that means that I advocate for something that is not in my best interest, but it's in yours. Sometimes it may make more sense for you to wait, sometimes it may make sense for you not to purchase yet. Sometimes it may make sense for you to continue renting, I'll be very frank, it is very, very, very rare. But here's what happens when you let go of that attachment to the sale. You're your speech. And what you say is rooted in truth. And look, it's that's one of the biggest things that I've learned is really great salespeople do really honestly three things is is really kind of it. Okay. Number one is yet to pivot around emotional base objections that people give you up first. Okay, we'll, we'll talk about that later. Number two is yet to learn someone's truth. And the easiest way to put it is you should dig until you find out what are they running from? Or what are they running towards. And almost every single situation people are running towards or away from something, or a combination of both, right? And then number three is you also have to speak truth. You have to speak truth. You are an expert. Traditionally, hopefully, you understand things at a really high level, and you have to speak truth and educate. But that's not selling, it's educating. And then number four, a lot of bonus one is you don't tell people what to do. You educate and then give options. Because when you give options, you're giving somebody a choice. That's the biggest thing about all this Lucas's transactional is saying that I the salesperson have control, relational simply that debt, Lucas, you have all the control. And people are afraid of that. And what I found is that by doing this, you actually attract way more business compared to trying to push you into something that may or may not be the right thing for you. For sure. Well, not. Not only just, you know, from me being being your buyer Am I like wow, this is great. I have someone that's actually going to listen to me. And they're they're going to be my friend, but they're educated on a super high level. So they're going to be able to give me that advice that I need right? Go to a bricklayer when you want to lay bricks, not when you want to buy diamonds, right? So. So we're coming to you, we're having a high level conversation, but you're taking that time and walking through and actually asking us what's most important to us? What are our needs? What are our desires? What are the things that we're looking to accomplish in life, so that then you can connect and make that synergy? To see how you can best assist. Maybe it's as you said, maybe it's not right now maybe it's sometime in the future, but helping me to understand the emotional barriers that I'm putting up for myself, between myself and success and whether that is truly warranted, or whether it's just scared of change. Yeah, and one of the funny things that I've always said is, when we're engaging in conversation with leads, we need to recognize that you can bring massive value because people are like, you gotta bring value bring value. And I'm like, Cool, what the hell does that mean? Right? And a lot of people think that bringing value means you giving information, are you telling them something, you're giving them a nugget. And what I've realized is actually, you bringing clarity to their situation and helping them creating a circle of safety for them to process their own ideas is far more valuable than you saying you're going to sell their home at 101% of market value, that that should just flies over their head. Right? Right. Rather, you can bring immense value to people by having a conversation where people feel comfortable and safe to tell you the truth about their situation. And by doing so, you're creating parameters in their mind, because I think we have this this misguided idea that these people will have sat down, and in a notebook wrote out every single thought about real estate. Right? We think they've done that. Nobody does that. Not a single person. No one sat there. Lucas, for example. What's your What's your wife's name? Tracy? Tracy, right. Do you and Tracy, if you were buying a home agree on every single thing that you guys want in your next home? Absolutely not. Goodness. Of course not. You're different humans, different people. But here's what's funny if I'm talking to Lucas, and I'm asking Lucas what he wants in his next home, whose perspective? Am I hearing? Your Lucas's right? Only yours? And by simply asking a question like this, Lucas, you know, if Tracy were on the phone with us, what are some of the things that she cares about in our next film? That's value because what's happening is you're creating a more clear you're creating clarity for people in that moment by simply asking questions. Other things I could ask is something like Lucas, who's all impacted by your move? And then he's going to tell me about his wife or family, right? And if he has pets, or kids all literally say, so you got the kiddos? What would they want? When it comes to your kids? What do you want in your next home? I almost guarantee there's gonna be one big thing is me. I want a backyard where I can throw them and it can be the babysitter. Yeah, right. That's what everybody every parent wants is thrown in the backyard, allow them to be free. So I can, I don't know, read a book or drink my wine or watch. The Stanley Cup Finals, I don't know, doesn't really matter. Right. By the way, a heartbreaker for you all down in Florida, this, you know, two days ago, one of the craziest goals I've ever seen. But the point is, yeah, it does. 100% value comes, can come through you creating clarity. And that's what I've learned is by doing so in creating clarity, I can help create an unparalleled experience, because I'm not assuming what you want. I'm not guessing what you want. I have it very clearly what you want, because I've taken the time to ask questions and slow down and understand. This is what Lucas is wanting, and why. And by doing so, I can anticipate your needs. I can better educate you, I can call you on your shit. Because guess what's gonna happen? At some point, Lucas is gonna get frustrated in a search, right? Everybody didn't last 18 months, although it's kind of changing. And then he sends over a house with four bedrooms, even though he's told me that he has to have five. And he said to me be like, Okay, let's go view it. I'll be like, Lucas, you told me five bedrooms was of paramount importance. But you sent me this house with four. What's changed man? only has four. I don't want to see it that. Right? That's value to Lucas in that moment. But I only earn the right to be able to do that, because I've taken the time to understand and make clarity about what is it you want? And this actually, by slowing down it upfront, allows you to run so much faster on the tail end. Oh, I couldn't agree more man. And that's, that's one of the things how many if I was asked the agents that are using this strategy, right, which is the strategy of being a person, right? Yeah, right. Here's the groundbreaker be a person. It's funny, because this is too simple. You're just saying be economist. Yeah, it's not that hard. You're overcomplicating? This one. The thing is, like, when was the last, like, when was the last time you had like a really good, like, solid conversation with someone? And how many people do you think are having those types of conversations anywhere in their life? 100% It's, unfortunately, when you ask that question, it's incredibly rare. So for you to come and ask that question. And maybe you have the husband and wife in front of you. And you look to the wife and say what's important to you, or you look to the husband, what's important to you, you know, part of when we are doing our, you know, our our new buyer console or buyer console, I always like to make a T chart and I gave it to each one of them and I said needs and wants across the top and I gave each one one separately, and I said don't cheat off each other. Sit down. I want you to both write it down and then you guys are gonna swap. You're gonna see how much people don't actually talk to each other. What spouses don't completely agree on everything. Come on now. Someone's been lying to me my whole life. So, so you're helping, you're helping them to understand and by building that relationship that you're explaining Robbie. So what you're doing is you're earning the right to be real with them. Like you just said, you've now you've become a trusted, am I understanding that correctly? Like you've, you've lowered the relationship tension, you've increased a task tension, and now you can be a little bit more real with them on what needs to happen. And and is that about, right? Yeah. So if we were to kind of create a matrix here, I'm a massive believer. And funny thing about this, Lucas is whether you're leading people what we should actually rephrase this, what we're talking about right now is not sales. It's not persuasion. It's simply the idea of influence. That's all Asus. Right? When I was knocking doors, on political campaigns, it was influence. In this game, it's influence right now. It's influence. When I have coaching conversations with a team leader who has 40 team members, it's influence, it's all this it's influence. That's what we should be talking about. And if you want to influence people, effectively, what you have to be doing is learning somebody's truth. And I want to create a matrix. There's a really great book that I, I caught, I started telling people about this. And then I read this book, and it put really great framework to it is called Radical candor by Kim Scott. And Kim Scott is a former Apple and Google executive. And I think she's just really mastered the art of influencing the people. She's leading people that are in her, the people that she's leading, managing, etc. And it's really interesting, because I tell people that that there's two things that you have to be doing right, I said earlier, you have to learn someone's truth. And really what that means is you have to take the time to understand what is motivating them, what matters to them. What are they afraid of? What are their feelings? I think a lot of people are afraid to talk about the F word. And we're not talking about that one, we're talking about feelings. We're afraid to talk about feelings in business, although everybody nearly everybody is motivated by feelings. I'm it's why emotional intelligence is a far better predictor of success and raw intelligence, because we success has far more to do with people than it does with data or numbers. But what it really comes down to is you have to be able to learn someone's truth and create a circle of safety. On the other hand, you also have to be willing to be a truth teller. After you've learned somebody's truth, you have to be willing to call out blind spots. You have to be willing to name that there's inconsistencies potentially, in their thought. You have to sometimes tell people that unicorns aren't real, or Santa Claus was their mom or dad, because in real estate, people have unrealistic ideas, and you have to be willing to tell them that right putting somebody on a safe search for $500,000 home when that $500,000 home is going to cost 750 is a waste of everybody's energy. You need to be a truth teller. Now, what's really interesting is Kim Scott says when you're a truth teller, you're challenging directly. And when you're learning someone's truth, you're caring deeply about them. And I agree 100% She calls that radical candor. On the other hand, if you're only a truth teller, but you don't care deeply about them, you don't learn their truth, we call that being an asshole. Right? And that's the right bed manner. Right? The doctor is a lot but just as complete as ass, right? Nobody wants to talk to that guy. But the bigger actually, I've always said that, like the best thing you do is have radical candor. The second best thing you can do is be an asshole because at least you're advocating for truth. Or at least your form of truth. Number three is the enabler. This one irks me. All right. I see it all the time. Man, Lucas, I care so much about you that I'm not going to tell you the truth. That's called enabling bad behavior. And that's where a lot of people are at. We call that being kind. That's not being kind actually, that is allowing bad things to persist and whether you're leading people, or whether you're leading your leads, or you have clients, right and you're not speaking truth. What will happen is is that you will enable bad behavior and then you're going to sit there and wonder why aren't they taking action and it's not their fault. It is as yours, you see, I think to win in this game, you have to take Extreme Ownership that failures and things that are not working out for you are not somebody else's fault. They're always yours. If your clients did something weird, you failed to discover what is it they actually wanted. And they acted in a way that was caught off guard for you. That's not their fault, it is yours. That's just the way the world works. By the way, if you don't care deeply, and you're not going to be a true teller, I just like to say you're screwed. So that matrix, right if you want to make it is telling the truth, learning the truth is radical candor, right? It's relational selling, it's coaching. If you're being a truth teller, but not learning truth, you're an asshole. If you're learning truth and caring deeply about people, but you're not being a truth teller, you're enabling, if you're not doing either, you're probably not listening this podcast, so I'm not gonna waste my breath anymore. Again, I love it. That's what I tell my team all the time. Like, I love you guys, but I'm gonna be an ass. And the reason being is because I love you all. And I know you can do better. And I know you've got more inside of you than what you're letting out. 100% Yep. And if you pair that with learning why they want those things and where they want to go. And, you know, one thing I'll just simply say is one of the biggest hiccups I see. And all of this in the art of influences. We don't dig deep enough. So when somebody says something like, I want to make$100,000. In our minds, we say, well, they're motivated, make$100,000, that's their y, that is not their y friends, there is so much more depth there. And it can be as deep as they want to make $100,000 Because I grew up and their parents are poor as hell. And all they remember is living paycheck to paycheck. That's a why or they want to buy their first rental and create financial independence. But I'll even why that well, why does that matter to you? And I think the biggest thing is that we have to be going deep, instead of wide, and trying to understand at the depth. What is driving somebody. And then one more little note, Lucas, while we're at it, is as you do this, the deeper you go, stories evolve. Stories change. It's why in this game, you'll hear the mantra buyers are liars, okay, for so many times. And I actually don't think buyers are liars, or very few of them are. I think the vast majority the time we just really suck at listening and asking quality questions. We make assumptions because we're bias and we have our own upbringing. And people say things and our internal definition is different from theirs. We think they said this, they actually said this, right? Sounds like a marriage by the way. But you think they said this, they said this and there's this gap. It's just what happens. And what really great communicators and leaders do is they're willing to bridge that gap and seek clarity. A really good example I always tell people is and I've made everything I've learned and share about just know that I'm making more mistakes than anybody else. Okay. Although I think I'm making good progress. It's all away, right? I've failed a ton. I try reading from books but you know, the situation want to share with you taught me more than anything. Basically. I call it a lead one day they said they're looking to get a bigger home. I said, okay, cool, what's causing you get a bigger home? And they said, Well, my family is on the grow. I was like, Oh, great. Congratulations once the baby do. And there was no baby. Right? I heard and that's what happens when you hear families on the go. Our brain hears babies on the way. Well, the reality. The funny thing is from my experience, Lucas, as people have said their family is on the grow. And it's because mother in law is moving in because father in law just passed away. That's what happened me. I said, Oh, congratulation. wants a baby do and I said, Well, my father in law passed away a couple days ago. I congratulate someone on their father in law passing away. Right? I have failed more than anybody else. All the things I've heard is their adopted their drug addicted kids. A drug addicted brother and sisters, kids. They are getting horses. They're having a litter of puppies. They're expecting twins or triplets or a kid. Right? There's too many different scenarios. So what I've learned is you can't allow your mind to make assumptions. You simply got to be asking yourself, what does that actually mean? And unless somebody directly said we're having a kid, I don't believe anything they say is they're having a kid until they say those words. So you got to consistently be seeking clarity, or else you will accidentally operate on bad assumptions not because you're a bad person. It's because you've made a mistake. That's it. I love it, man. So you're essentially you're trying to color their picture wearing your color, or hue lens, if you will. 100%. And everyone's lens is distorted to your upbringing. Right, Lucas, you and I, we have a lot of things in similar. We have young kids, we're family man, right. But I grew up in Frozen Fargo, North Dakota. Lucas, where did you grow up? Old Orchard Beach, Maine. All right. So actually kind of somewhat similar, somewhat, not as crazy. But my point is your internal definitions and how you define things are going to be different than mine. And then you take into account wealth, right? Somebody says, I want a big home, that's going to vary from person to person, what's a big home, you have to realize that you are biased, that your lens discolors everything you hear to your color, and you have to actively actively fight against that, or that, that that picture won't be, if there's one thing that we should really get at is your picture, the truth will be distorted from the real truth. And then you're gonna be caught off guard. That's the power of all this is you operate on more accurate information. And it's why empathy is so key. Right? Empathy is our internal best guess of okay. If I were in their shoes, this what would I be feeling, but I should validate that I shouldn't make sure that that's what it is. Empathy doesn't go far enough yet to be willing to ask questions about what somebody actually means. It's why I tell people the best script in the book is Tell me more. Or help me understand or give me some clarity about this or help be brave enough, say, Lucas, I'm not sure I understand that. Could you explain that a little bit further. Because guess what people do? They tell you, because they're not used to. And they're, they're enamored by you being willing to shut your mouth and hear them. Right. But most of the time, Lucas, what I hear is people try to sell, push. And then everybody's got that they're kind of like a shark. They hear oh, you want to buy almost go through some houses. Like they literally get a taste of blood and they'd go for the bite. And you have to slow down and ask more clarifying questions. Because a lot of times you'll be wrong. I love that, man. I love that. Yeah, that drives me absolutely insane when I'm doing roleplay calls. And and the first thing is, is oh, let's go look at some houses. And it's like, well, you don't even know me yet. Yep, exactly. Don't even know me yet. You want to bring me home? And we haven't even had our first conversation. That's right. It's, it's the whole you met somebody at a bar and you're asked them go home with Yeah, you'd even find out their name or anything. And you know, just because it works one at 100 times, but some people are desperate. And I think Lucas that's if there's one thing people need to hear today of this timing is today is is June, or it's June of 2022. And we are just coming out of we're actually two months removed from the stupidest seller market we've ever seen. Especially you all down in Florida, right? You all saw extra stupid stuff. Because you guys were attracting people from all over the world. Well, all of the United States, I should say for sure. And what we need to realize is when the game was like it's been for last 18 months. buyers were so desperate they were like fish jumping out of water into a boat. Everybody thinks they're really great at fishing when they're terrible at it. And that's where people really right now we're seeing the separation happen of people that are willing to reinvest in their skills and even good people started to get really bad. But here's what's really interesting Lucas is when people are desperate skills don't matter as much. Let's just call it what it is. It's imagine this right? Who are you a basketball fan at all Lucas, or could you name some good basketball players? Sure. Well, well, okay. Name one. Okay, name want me the best basketball player of all time knows. Okay. Yeah. Michael Jordan, who's that guy? Who's that guy? All right. So the reality is this is that real estate has been like playing basketball on that little tykes hoop that you had for your kids. You know, it's what I'm talking about. Right. The two foot one we've been playing basketball and a little tykes hoop. And here's what's funny is Lucas you and I could keep up with Michael Jordan on a little tykes hoop. Because the game is too easy. When people are desperate, the game wasn't hard. For the last 18 months. The game wasn't hard. We call people out. It's been too easy. Conversion has been Oh, they're desperate. They'll do go do anything. All right, let's go do it. And what we're seeing is the bar has been raised, it's not quite to 10 feet, right, the hoops back, back up to eight feet. Lucas, Michael Jordan would begin to smoke us on eight feet, and as prime, right? Once it goes to 10 feet, which is where we're heading, we're done. We're done. Game over, skills are beginning to matter, again, and what people need to wake up to as other skills have eroded. And they haven't been as good as they think they are. And you got to be really, really diligent on focusing on your training and your standards. Are your training standards and your lead generation standard? And you have to get good at the stuff again, because fish aren't jumping out of the water anymore. I think you're a fisherman, aren't you? Lucas? You go out once in a while. Don't Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. You got to you got to put bait on the hook, you got to cast the rod, you got to set the hook, you got to reel the thing in you got to land the fish in the net, right? You have to go through all those steps. Everyone right now hasn't done any of that. And in a really, really long time. So you have to get really good and diligent again. I couldn't agree more man. And that's that's the only way a muscle grows is under tension. I feel like we've just been, we've been doing those reps under under 00 tension at all. And that's that's what scares me. I've been saying to, you know, when I'm seeing these new agents that have come in within the last couple years, and they're buying Maseratis, and they're doing this and doing that, I'm like, oh, no, like, this is not gonna end well. Hopefully, they're listening. Hopefully, they're, they've got someone in their life like you that stalking, having a real conversation and saying, Hey, that's, that was rainbows and unicorns, that was wonderful. But I hope that you saved a little bit. And now you're investing that in how to actually play the game of real estate as it's played in real life. And real life. Yeah, because we're Easter weekend when rates right before Easter weekend rates popped about 1%. And that's when the market shifted. We've really gotten to three markets, by the way, this year already. The first three months of the year, four months was this crazy seller market that we've been seeing for the last couple last 18 months. Then you saw the transitional market where things were normalizing when rates went up. And now we're actually seeing in some places, flipping to a balance or in some price points, buyer markets, high end prices, for example, Miami, high in price points in Seattle, you're seeing more of a buyer's market, there's more listings than there is buyers. normal price points still busy as heck. And I don't think that's going to disappear because we're in the midst of a housing crisis. And I'm sure your economists on your next episode will talk about that we're in the midst of a housing crisis, both in the rental market and the housing market, because we under built homes and not enough housing for all the people and there's been a diaspora of people spreading out and moving to different places. And people want to cohabitating like they were three years ago. And the reason or not is COVID. You don't want to cohabitate with the fear of man, if there's another pandemic, I gotta be stuck in my house for three to six months with my friends, I love my friends, but I don't want to be around that much. I don't want to be around my spouse that much. Right. But I'll tolerate that because I love them. My friends, it ruins my relationship with them. So people literally spread out. So instead of cohabitating with friends, family, people are spreading out. And it's creating a housing crisis because we under built homes, due to the ramifications of seventh and eighth it decimated builders and people weren't taking on the financial risk. And you know how things work, they're always cycles. And 2007 2008 was the perfect storm of negative things in a market 2020 to 21, really through 2022 was a perfect storm of positive things for a real estate market in terms of increasing value. So it's funny how that that works. Crazy. So we'll we'll see where it all goes. So let's, let's say, right and I love I love where this has gone. And this has gone very organically. And I'd love to bring back to going to if I'm a listener, and let's say this is the first time I'm ever hearing this, right like I've never heard this before. Maybe I had the unconscious understanding but I didn't have the conscious learning or conscious understanding how to identify in my life if I'm taking that introspection, I'm looking like how can I look and understand if I'm relational or if I'm transactional? Okay, here's what I would do is I'd pull out a pen and paper and I would just pull up one of your clients. And I would write down who will One where, why and how. And if you can't fill those in easily without checking your notes, it means you probably haven't been relational, you've been selling. And here's just some simple questions that I think you should be able to answer is, who are the decision makers? Who's all impacted? What are they want? What are they currently have? When do they want to be in their house? What do they want to be done with the process? What are they running towards? What are they running from? Basically, if you can't answer these types of questions, you are falling short and you're being transactional. And you don't have influence, like the influence that's measured is your influence comes from the questions you ask. It's not from your accolades. It's not from your reputation, that might earn you an opportunity with people. I agree with that all day long. It's great for marketing. But in one to one people don't care about that. It's funny, because we did a scientific poll on Facebook, right, which was not scientific at all. But Eric put out there into the Facebook world. And Eric has 5000 Basic friends, and are Facebook friends and a stupid amount of followers. And he asks people, when it comes to selling your home, which of the three options matters most you are working with a real estate professional, which one of the options matters most to you? Option one was the person with the most accolades and most Awards, the highest awarded real estate agent in your market. Number two was the person who's going to get you the most amount of money for your home or get you the best price on your home. Or number three was a person who is going to make you feel like they are your number one client, and they're going to make you feel like you can trust them at the highest level. And nine out of 10 people said number three, nobody said number one, nobody, no one cares about any of that crap, almost no 110. But 10% People said number two, and I almost guarantee you those are high seas, high DCS not out of 10 people cared about, it's really what my Angelou said, which is, people aren't gonna remember what you did or what you said, they're going to remember how you made them feel. And that's what people intuitively care about is, do they feel like they can trust you? Do they feel like you have their best interests at heart. And really, what it comes down to is, I think you need to treat every client as if they're your mom, dad, brother or sister or your best friend. You need to treat every lead and care about them. Like they're your mom, dad. You know, best friends brothers or sisters. Because they are that important. There are people they matter. I think that's so key. I love it, man. Absolutely love it. So I've got a couple more questions. We're getting pretty close to wrapping it up and I want to dive a little bit more into kind of what you guys are doing in your coaching business. But before we jump into that what is what is your morning routine look like? Like how do you how do you get ready? Like you obviously you came in here and you're you're dropping this incredible value. And you know, I know some some people have just, you know these specific routines some are just like hey, this is just how I am this is me. I love it. So what is what does that kind of look like for you? How do you get yourself ready for the day? How do you get yourself ready to to bring this much value and and just be a real person. It's funny because Eric says this about me all the time and said I'm not naturally talented. I wasn't born with this natural gift of charisma or sharing and I'm in high school I was a 2.3 student I barely graduated. I've always kind of jokingly told people I'm very of average intellect. For me. I do two things that matter more than anything my morning routines. I sleep more than almost anybody you know. I get eight to nine hours of sleep consistently every night because I have to show up and have conversations like this because Lucas I pay almost no attention to or I have no clue people are going to ask me almost all the time. Right and coaching calls I have no idea what problems people are going to be encountering everything in my life is impromptu and that takes a massive mental energy. So for me you know somebody will wake up and they go workout I can't I found that that's not for me. i For me, I work out typically in the evenings because working out for me doesn't require mental energy. My work does this stuff. I always tell people it's like being an actor. I have to be on I'm ready to roll at any point. So that's that's probably the first thing is I get eight to nine hours of sleep I prioritize sleep some people say resting is the opposite of discipline. I think resting is discipline. And that's just me. Secondly, I am consistently reentering, reading and mastering new subjects. I read 60 pages a day to keep poverty away. And as you can see, from all my friends around here, the books behind me, I have more over here I've an Airbnb with five, six bookshelves full of books. I read voraciously and passionately. And what I've learned is, the more I learn, the less I know, there's some truth to that. And I'm always trying to look for new and parallels and new ideas to connect together. So for me, the way I'm able to show up and have conversations and bring value is I prepare every day by reading subjects. Like right now I'm reading three different books. One is about relationships. Another is about emotional intelligence. And then the third is about psychic texture, which is basically the mental mapping of your mind. And I'm just consistently reading all the time, man. And it's something I've done for over 10 years now. And I think people are like, man, Robbie knows a lot. Sure, yeah. But I've read stupid amounts of books to get here. And it's simple to me in my mind, and I can articulate and talk about it, because I've read about it for hundreds of hours, oftentimes. So that's me, man. That's my thing. And then I do believe in for me, also, eating well, I can't eat sugar, I got to eat pretty clean. I usually don't have more than 20 grams of sugar per day, because it messes my brain up. I think that stuff is a cancer. When you consume way too much of it. I'm not saying skip dessert. Oh man, I love myself a desert. But sugar is the unspoken enemy, and then I speak or I drink 200 ounces of water per day, as well. So you probably saw me drinking water and air 200 a day keeps the doctor away. Or it is yeah. Yeah, I have to go to the bathroom every like 30 minutes. Exactly. That is that's the same thing is I tell I tell them apart from like, hey, you know what? And you can tell like, there'll be some days like if I if I go and I'm doing a team event. I'm like, Damn, I'm not gonna be able to drink enough of this because I'm gonna be running back and forth. And but I feel it at the end. I'm like dragging my bodies achy. I'm like, I'm gonna get some. Get some water in me. Oh, yeah, yeah, 100% Man I needed I just don't feel good anymore. I'm so accustomed to it and pure. Like, how do you do it? It's just like, it's a habit and drink. For me just mentally attach drinking water. Two, a lot of different things I do throughout the day. So it's normal. And most days I drink way more than 200 ounces. So especially gym days. Love it, man. So we'll have two left to share reading list because yeah, I try to do try to get about four books. Four books a month myself as well. I love it, dude. Good work. We love it. Yeah, it's, I would love to if there's any that you're like, you gotta read this. I'm running out like the top 100. I go to lists of like, top 100 books and like good read, or the books recommended. I found my favorite authors make really good recommendations. But I'm running out. I'm getting I'm running out of them. I need more. I'm like, go write more books. Adam Grant Brene. Brown, go read another book for me, please. It's a Yeah. And it's funny. So then you read that one? Of course I have yet give and take and originals? What was his last one? I forget what was called Read? Or what was it where you had to relearn things and let go of what you previously learned. Or think again? There we go. See? That's what I was saying. I think again, yep. Same same way. It's right. Smart people learn from their own mistakes, wise people learn from others, right? So if we can try and learning curve and shorten that life curve, let's let's do it. Right. Growth is all about feedback cycles. And that's all reading is, is it's just you're shortening and picking up on those feedback cycles. It's all this you can either learn it through failure, or learn from other people's failures, like you sad or successes or wins or whatever. It's just it's feedback. Feedback is your friend. And what's funny is most of us hate feedback. It's funny, right? That was that was the one thing and I'll just to go off target real quick. So when I when I started playing basketball in middle school, and I had this coach man, and in a time I was like, smoking guy like I realized when I got to high school and I didn't have that type of coach, right? In middle school, I had the coach that was like, you know, hit get in your face. And I was, I grew tall, quick, but I told them like, Listen, my doctor said, I'm only gonna be like six to Max, you guys have me playing center and power, you know, this is not gonna go well, what a kid, you know? But they're like, Alright, you're good, you're good. So he would he would, you know down the pain, he's beat me up, beat me up, beat me up. And then I get to high school and my high school coach would just be like, you know, and he was a great coach. But he was like, Oh, you're doing a great job, just keep it up. I'm like, Well, what can I improve on? What can I get better on? Like, where are the pain points, I just keep doing what you're doing. It's like, that's not what I need. I need to know where I'm sucking. So I can get better not just just keep doing what you're doing whatever you're doing is working. And that's not it's not helpful to anybody. Right? It's just like we were talking about earlier. It's the enabler. Right? cares about Yeah. He likes Yeah. But he isn't giving you any honest feedback about how you get better. Enabling bad behavior. So, or he's blind. I'm blind to it, you know? Maybe about it either way. So I've got kind of an interesting question for you, brother. Yeah, for sure. So, alright, so let's say I have a database full of buyers who bought from me? Maybe I haven't nurtured that maybe I was transactional, rather than relational. Right? Maybe it just happened. Now they're in my database. What are maybe three things that you would do? Where I could, you know, where, where we could go ahead and, and rekindle those relationships and really show them how much we really care about what that relationship even if maybe we didn't show them at the time? Yeah, so the first thing I'll say is, relationships are always beyond repair. And if you're like, man, it's awkward. I haven't reached out in a year years, just own your shit. And name it like, hey, Lucas, I haven't reached out in a while. That's my bad. But I wanted to do X. And I think there's two main strategies that I see working. Number one is, you got to be doing client events, where you bring little pieces of value to your clients, and client events should be very, very date, there should be a quick option. So like going to a baseball game is not a good client event. That's universal, because a lot of people don't like baseball, or they don't want to be there for three hours. Giving up pies. On Thanksgiving, great client event. Everybody likes pie, right before Thanksgiving, right? So you want universal and the option to be quick. So I think that'd be doing client events where you bring value and to stay top of mind with people. The second thing that I'm seeing work right now is reaching out to your past clients, friends or family and saying, hey, hey, Lucas, we, you know, I haven't reached out in a while. And there's been a lot going on in the real estate market. I'm going to contest with a few of my other team members to give out the most free CMAs to my past clients, friends or family. Any chance you want to have an idea of what your current updated value of your home is, and almost always are gonna say yes. Right. So doing that, it just creates a conversation and it's not selling just hey, here's, here's this thing that we could give you. So that's working really, really well. Cool, man. So, there it is. Those are my those are my two. That's that'd be I don't want to overcomplicate it, there's your two. I love I love it brother. And that's that's all it takes some times right and again, the going back to that relational part and in owning owning your shit like you said, like, Hey, listen. I know we haven't had those conversations but and rather than and this is I think key where some people get lost though. Do you have any friends or family that are looking to buy or sell real estate? Yeah. I don't we haven't talked in a while but do you have any friends or family like can you help me? Yeah, 100% 100% of your value before your ask right? Yes, exactly. I agree. 1,000,000% Cool, man. So all right. So jumping into as we're wrapping this up here what is the next couple years look like for you? What types of career goals what types of life goals like what if What have you set for Robbie T. Home man. You know, I'm fortunate enough to be in a place where you know a lot of my work up to this point has been financial fun. naturally driven creating financial goals, building financial wealth. And you know, we've fortunately been able to make some really great progress there the last few years. I think for me, the the last two years has been all about creating and living my best life. And I think that comes through in two ways. One is bringing value and engaging in conversations like this. And, you know, for me paying it forward is sharing ideas, thoughts that, you know, for me, I tell myself every single day that my goal is to share ideas, products and services that help people become better versions of themselves, help people convert better leads, and be better leaders, or convert more leads and be better leaders. So that's just what I do every single day. As odd as it sounds, I'll be living the life I live right now will be the exact same life that we live in three to five years from now. Because it's very much by design. I've hired my brother to be my full time personal assistant, aka takes care of all the crap that I don't have time for. We have a lot of privileges in our life. And I recognize that and we've been a combination of lucky and worked really hard to be where we're at. But sharing and sharing these messages doing what I did today is what I'll be doing. It's what I do try to do more of it. Do it outside just real estate because this is not real estate specific. It is human specific. Obviously, the real estate language is the one I know the best because it's the game I've been playing for 10 years now. Or almost 10 years, I should say. But I know the stuff is universal. So starting to dip our toes outside real estate is probably our you know, the next big goal for me. Nice brother, I love it. We love it. Focusing with value, you can never go on, excuse me never go right 1,000,000%. Alright, so as we talked about, we like to we like to lead with value, we like to, you know, put that out there and in help. And one of the things again, you've been so gracious with your time you spent an enormous amount of value, or excuse me an enormous amount of your day sharing an incredible amount of value with us with our listeners with those out there that are going to hear this. Yeah, but our give back right is what what types of things. Let's talk about hatch coaching, let's talk about like, what types of streams you're doing, how agents can connect with you guys, what it is that that you're able to do. So a couple things, I would definitely check out our YouTube page, or is a ton of free stuff. We post there tons of free value conversations like this, about growing your team leading people building an ISA department converting leads, you name it, we've covered it, go to our hatch coaching page. So that'd be the first just Google Apps coaching YouTube, you'll find it I'd also check out our store or our legitimate page hatch coaching.com. We do boot camps very consistently, our biggest problem is scaling us is really impossible. So we are trying to do boot camps that bring people value and mass to a lot of people. So for example, I've been doing a lead conversion boot camp, I do it about every six months. And I started it in June. The fourth and final one is today. And we will be there'll be about 115 ish people on there. So that's the way we're trying to give value. But my biggest ask I don't think you need to do anything for me is take care of yourself and do better for yourself in your own world. take what you've learned what you've heard today and actually implement it. Because knowledge without action is really pointless. And so many people love this stuff, and they hear it and then do nothing with it. So my biggest thing that I would ask is do take some action, implement some of this stuff, be a true teller, if you know you're enabling people, if you're being an asshole start caring more deeply. Start learning truth a little bit more. And don't do don't expect for pendulum swings. A lot of growth in growth can be in a massive moment. And naturally I kind of like to grow that way. But I've also realized that growth can take place in little tiny gains over time, kind of like building muscle. Right? You go through spurts and I think you just have to be patient with it. But take action. That's the biggest thing. I love it. And so also so you've got a new podcast that you've launched as well right. And Leeds geeks podcast. 100% Yeah, just one episode in we're real deep are really professionals at it. I love it, dude. Well, we're definitely after we get done here. What we're What we'll be doing is we're going to be putting all the links and everything within oh, cool scription and would love to, to link to that as well. So people that are on here that love what he's talking about, I love where he's at. That way we can send them over and you guys, you know our listeners, you guys can give him a like, and we'll follow and get more of this incredible information that you've been hearing today. Perfect, man, I completely forgot about that. So I appreciate you. So, alright, so as you mentioned, like, the best way to get a hold of you, we can go to hatch.com or hatch coaching.com. You said? Yeah, or follow me on Instagram and DM me, or Facebook. Just search Robbie T, you'll probably find me. Don't search Robert traffic there. And that's my dad. And I love my dad, but he's a truck driver. So unless you need driving advice, probably don't send the messages about how do I convert leads? Or how do I respond to this? That happens every once in a while. It's just search Robbie t. I am on tick tock now doing those videos. That's weird. I'm not a tick talker. But we post it there. We are doing to funny to funny things. We're doing me guessing celebrities, because I lived under a rock my whole life and I don't care about celebrities. And I literally have no idea who half the people are. So if you like really, you know making fun of me, come and join in on that or me trying to guess Gen Z phrases that make no sense. Check it out. Follow me on social. Love it man love it. So absolutely incredible episode guys and gals, I have an enormous amount of respect for Robbie T and what he's doing, you know, and super honored to have him on our show today and to know him, you know, and it's wonderful to see the things that you're doing the large impact you're making in people's lives every single day. And that's, that's what it's all about here. Right? So we have a quote, it's not my quote, but I use it regularly which a rising tide lifts all ships? Yep. 100%. So every single episode, what we're looking to do is bring you the tactics behind the strategy, cut through the Bs, and bring you the people who are getting it done continually every single day, so that you can level up in your life and in your biz. So if you'd liked our podcast today, please leave us a comment, share it with your friends. Follow the Facebook Instagram page. We are streaming now on all major platforms. You can ask Siri you can ask Alexa, you can jump on Apple podcasts we are there. As I mentioned, all of Robbie T's information is going to be here in the description. So you're going to be able to get a hold of him and his team. If you want to be coached. If you want your team to be coached. If you want to see his podcasts, if you want to hear about the books that he's reading, that kind of thing, you are going to have all that information there. And please, please, please make sure you head over to his podcast you like it, you follow it, you share it with friends and family. And thank him and social currency for the amount of time energy effort and incredible value that he's brought us today. So very excited for everything you're doing man and again, really appreciate you know that you're leading with value and over delivering. Always try and brother one more thing. We our book releases. The perfect real estate blueprint. I didn't tell you this we're releasing a book should be out within a week. So keep your eyes up and I'll be on our house coaching page and we'll be sharing it on social luck like crazy. We'll be giving you a blueprint on how to build a highly profitable quality team. Basically we've heard of the Red Book, Mr. EAA. It is we think the best thing for real estate sense mrea it's probably a little better. Sorry, Gary Keller. I love it. Well, let's definitely let's get maybe a link to that where they can order that. Can we put that right in the description? 1,000,000% I'll give you that too. Yeah. Oh, dude, that's absolutely awesome. And maybe we can even twist your arm a little bit to do like a listener giveaway? Maybe? Yeah. 100% Yeah, I'm cool with giving a book away. I can afford that we're there. I love it, dude. So lastly, if you're in the real estate bids, and you're looking for a change, you're looking to level up in both your life and in your bids. shoot us a message on Instagram. Our team currently said excuse me serves the state of Florida, specifically mining the keys would love to have a conversation with you and reach out to us and Robbie as well if you're looking to get into his market. Until next time, this is Lucas Rowell signing out wishing you everlasting success in your life and in your real estate is awesome. Thanks, brother. Thank you