LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz

The Benefits of NLP In Your Daily Life & Business & How to Use It To Win Everyday

November 16, 2022 Lucas Season 1 Episode 8
The Benefits of NLP In Your Daily Life & Business & How to Use It To Win Everyday
LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
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LEVEL UP Your Real Estate Biz
The Benefits of NLP In Your Daily Life & Business & How to Use It To Win Everyday
Nov 16, 2022 Season 1 Episode 8

This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

In this episode we explore The Benefits of NLP In Your Daily Life & Business & How to Use It To Win Everyday!

The mind is a powerful thing, in the infamous words of Henry Ford “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Today we will be diving deep into the mind and explore how past experience (whether it is seemingly small or large) can change our internal cadence for the better or for worse and how to adjust that so we can create a winning  internal environment to Win & Champion Every Day!

For this episode I have an absolutely incredible Guest Co-Host This guy is an absolute Bad Ass NLP Mind Ninja with an incredible heart; you all are really in for a treat! It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce  Joe Visintanier;  he absolutely brings it as always and this episode will not disappoint! 

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Joe and his team whether it's to learn more about how you can use NLP in your daily life or if you want to have him come and speak to your team here is his information below: 

Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Joe Visintainer ?  

 IG - joev_mentalalchemy
Email - joe.visintainer@gmail.com

Want to get in touch with Lucas the Show Host? Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

 Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team! Over 2.5 Billion in sales in 2021!


Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!



 If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

 We drop Daily FREE content on all our social medias to help you Level Up everyday!   




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To Your Everlasting Success!!!

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This podcast was created by Real Estate Professionals for Real Estate Professionals; Brokers & Agents a like who are looking to “LEVEL UP” their business and their life WITHOUT all the BS and FLUFF. Each show has actionable information you can put into practice immediately and take measurable action so that you can experience measurable results!

In this episode we explore The Benefits of NLP In Your Daily Life & Business & How to Use It To Win Everyday!

The mind is a powerful thing, in the infamous words of Henry Ford “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Today we will be diving deep into the mind and explore how past experience (whether it is seemingly small or large) can change our internal cadence for the better or for worse and how to adjust that so we can create a winning  internal environment to Win & Champion Every Day!

For this episode I have an absolutely incredible Guest Co-Host This guy is an absolute Bad Ass NLP Mind Ninja with an incredible heart; you all are really in for a treat! It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce  Joe Visintanier;  he absolutely brings it as always and this episode will not disappoint! 

 If some of the things in this episode really hit home for you and you're interested in chatting with Joe and his team whether it's to learn more about how you can use NLP in your daily life or if you want to have him come and speak to your team here is his information below: 

Want to get in contact with this episode's Co-host Joe Visintainer ?  

 IG - joev_mentalalchemy
Email - joe.visintainer@gmail.com

Want to get in touch with Lucas the Show Host? Live in Florida?  More Specifically Miami & Keys?

Want to join an incredible real estate team that lifts each other up and collectively wins every day?!

 Ohh ya... Did I mention we are a 9 figure annual Local Team S.Miami to the Keys? Part of a larger#1 in Florida #1 in Country 10 figure Annual team! Over 2.5 Billion in sales in 2021!


Ready to level up shoot me a DM lets Chat!



 If you are looking to "LEVEL UP" your Real Estate Biz and surround yourself with an ever growing incredible community that are looking to lift each other up & win together everyday shoot us a DM, or check us out on Instagram, our Private Facebook Community, and on Tick Tock.

 We drop Daily FREE content on all our social medias to help you Level Up everyday!   




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To Your Everlasting Success!!!

Welcome to the level up your real estate biz podcast. This podcast was created by real estate professionals for real estate professionals who are looking to level up their business and their life without all the BS and fluff. Hello, and welcome. My name is Lucas Rowell, and I am your host very excited to have you all with us here today for episode nine the benefits of NLP in your daily life and in your business, and how we can use it to set ourselves up for success every single day. Each show our objective is to give you the tactics behind the strategy. So you can immediately put into practice what you've learned because measurable actions lead to measurable results. So I am super, super excited to introduce my co host and very special guests for today's episode. This guest has an absolute incredible wealth of knowledge is a badass NLP master mindset and negotiator and is in the trenches every single day, helping his clients level up their business. So please help me welcome the man the myth, the legend. Mr. Joe vintner, you got it. I got it. Yeah. I love it, brother. Thanks for having me, man. Oh, brother. So excited. Today's topic. Oh my gosh. Right. We've, you've we've got a real treat today for you all listeners. So how's your week been going? Man? What's what's been going on with you? Dude, it's, it's been amazing. You know? We were gonna be talking about mindset a little bit here. And you create your reality through your mindset. I don't have bad weeks. I don't have bad days. We all have amazing days. Dude, I love that. And that's what it's all about, right? People? I hear people like, oh, man, this, this happened to me or my kids even they'd be like, oh, man, I'm having a bad day. Like, are you having a bad day? Or do you just have something that happened that maybe that you weren't expecting? But you know, do we want to project that into the rest of the day? Or do we just want to okay, that happened? It's done? Is there anything we can learn from it? Let's move forward. Totally. Totally. Cool, man. So, Joe, share with us a little bit, if you will, the audience and for myself in the audience about yourself how you got into the NLP space, your journey, and kind of where you are and where your current focus is? Yeah, dude, I'd love to. Yes, I spent the last like 25 years in sales and training people in sales and how to up their game. And about five years ago, I went through a divorce and life was pretty hard. Back then, you know, I definitely was not in that mindset of power and transformation. And I met a woman who I'm actually engaged to now who introduced me to some of the different transformational programs like landmark and psi and that kind of stuff. And they were amazing. But what I saw was, people kept coming back with the same problems, I kept coming back with the same problems. You know, we like to describe our problems, like, like flowers, like dandelions that are in your grass, and, you know, you go over them, and it's gone, right? Then three days later, it's back. You're like, well, I cut that off, it's gone. Why does it keep coming back? Well, the reality is, unless you deal with the roots, it's gonna keep coming back and coming back and coming back and coming back for the rest of your life. And I was introduced to to NLP as a way to be able to really go and pull those roots to really transform what's going on inside your mind. So what NLP is, is called neural linguistic programming. Developed by Richard Bandler, and some other guys back in the 70s. It takes a whole bunch of different psychology things and brings them all together, and really helps to change the software that's running inside your mind. Outstanding. That sounds like some heavy stuff. That's fun. I know, I know. I'm really really very excited to unpack this. So let's, let's jump into I know, I know we kind of breached it there a little bit, but let's really unpack this if we could. For those that are unfamiliar with NLP, the benefits to our daily life and our business. Can you share with us kind of and maybe go a little deeper, I know you you've started to there, but go a little deeper into how you've developed your life focus and practicing it and why we should care about it. Yeah, for sure. The little bit more than just about, you know, NLP. What we've got going on, in our minds is, you know, we've all heard that our life is a compilation of every event in your past, right? So that time, Lucas when you were 10 and the kid, you know, stole your backpack and threw it up into the tree and you went that kid, you know, people don't like me, life isn't fair, blah blah, blah, or you took the path that I took, and you beat him up. So you had to two choices there really you had way more than two choices. But you know, since you were 10. In my case, since I was 10, I went, I've got a fight. I don't have to. And what I learned in this was, I was just being like Pavlov's dogs. So if you remember, like the old Russian psychiatrist, he had this kennel full of dogs and he'd ring a bell. And then he feed them. Then he'd ring a bell, and then he feed them, then he'd ring a bell, and they'd all drool. Yep. Well, that's how we run. That's how we run every single day. You know, bell rings, bang, there's a reaction, the bell rings, bang, there's a reaction. We like to call it the B 12. Button. So if you remember the old jukeboxes, you press B 12. It runs the same song over and over again. So, think about this. We all have a B 12. Button. And everybody gets pissed off when they drive, right? Yep. Yeah, dude cuts you off. Not paying attention. He's on his phone. He's texting. He cuts you off. And what do you do? You get past. Right? You're like you made maybe exercise stretching your middle finger a little bit? You know, or, yeah, cut around the dude. And then you cut them off and you slam on your brakes. You're like, they're there. I got it. Trying to take that power back. Right. Yeah, you're trying to take that power back. But the reality is, you never took any power from you. You took it from you. You decided to interpret that action as bad, right? Well, what if you interpreted that action as he's on his way to the hospital? He's got to poop. That's my favorite. I'm like, Ah, poor dude. He's got diarrhea. He needs he needs to get over. I won't tell you what my fiance's is. It's it's pretty hilarious for the girls, though. But it's a whole compensation conversation that she says about him. And, you know, we were running on this this, like this autopilot, and autopilot is created by the experiences that have happened through our lives. Right. You know, maybe you have kids, you got to for those of us, those of us who have kids, you know, you tell them when they're leaving for school, like, all right, when you get home, I need you to do this, and this and this. Right, you get home. They've been home from school for three hours, and they're playing the Xbox. Never. And you look, and you look and you walk past the room, and you're like, oh, my gosh, my kids are so disrespectful. My kids never listen. And you're running this whole thing and you walk downstairs in your past and you're like, move your butt. Go clean your room. Well, that that reaction is running you you're not running the reaction, right? You know, what if there was a different way, and you could go, all right. Take a deep breath. You're like, Hey, guys, turn the next box off. No more X Box rest of the day. So you got to do your chores. You didn't do your chores. So you have consequences. Go clean your room. They're like, Alright, you're right, dad. We didn't, I'm sorry. And they go and clean their room. Right? It sounds so easy. And it is easy. If you can get that B 12 program to stop run it, right. That's really that's really like if you really, really boil down. What NLP can do is we can really change the programs that are running us and let us run them. I love it man. So that reminds me of a story. From Dale Carnegie's book, How to Make Friends and Influence People and he was telling a story about how Abraham Lincoln and right, that we all know him as honest aid. And he used to be a little bit too honest. And it got him into trouble, where he almost had to get into a, a sword fight actually with someone because they used to write scathing letters, and then he would drop by the side of the road where people would drive by and pick them up. And he did that one too many times. And someone actually challenged him to a duel because of it. But oh, my gosh, but the lesson was, and after a bad past, you know, they had found this desk that I used to sit at, and it was locked in they, they ended up opening the lock, and found an enormous amount of letters in their skating letters that were written, written, written, they were sealed, they were signed, they were ready to go out. But what he practiced was the power of the pause, he would write it all down, write it all down, get it all out, he would put it in an envelope, he'd put it in that desk drawer, and he'd lock it. And he'd come back to it. Okay, should I come back to it in 24 hours, read this letter. And if I still feel the same way, and still feel that this is an appropriate thing to send, then I should send it. The thing was, is that desk drawer was completely full of envelopes, none of them ever got sent. That's cool. And that reminds me of that. And that's something that we we practice a lot in our household is working through, like, it's not the action, like they're not, they're not trying to be bad kids. It's an action. It's something that's missing, there's an underlying missing thing that they're not getting. And they're trying to get our attention through, you know, the wrong way. But we all did the same thing. So yeah, what one of the the tenets of NLP is to come at every situation, from the standpoint that people are doing the best that they possibly can with the resources that they have. Like that, like, you know, in your case of your kids, you're exactly right, where you're like looking at it going while they're missing something. Right. So they're doing the best they can, but they need some more teaching, they need some more training, they need more focus, they need more attention, whatever those things are. They're doing the best that they can with the resources that they have. And if you can approach relationships from that standpoint, man, it's free. I love it, man. I'm really I'm excited as you can tell, I I've really thought guys and gals and audience I really enjoy where Joe and I were chatting beforehand, we're talking about psychology and all this fun stuff. And I absolutely this has been a passion of mine forever. Like how the mind interacts how, how we are able to talk to each other and how changing a word changing a sentence changing a, you know, a position, the way that we're holding our bodies, the way that we're doing things can really those millimeters shifts can make such an enormous difference in someone else's life in our life as well. So really, really very excited jump in. So we've, as we talked about today, our episode. Title is the benefits of NLP in your daily life and in your business and how you can use it to win every single day. So most of our audience, Joe are in the real estate, excuse me, the real estate space, the entrepreneurial space. So can you help us understand like, what are what are we going to be talking about, rather than just a broad topic? Like what are the nuts and bolts that we're going to be jumping into today? And really diving in so our listeners once they get off? They can be like, Oh my gosh, I'm going to do that right now? For sure. For sure. Yeah. Yeah, let's let's land the plane in our life as salespeople and specifically as entrepreneurs. So if you've spent any time around entrepreneurial people and we all do, because we are those you know, we're a little bit of a special breed, right? We have the ability to create something out of nothing to the outside world. It looks like we're just touched with luck and we got the Midas touch and all of that kind of stuff. But we all know that we spend 80 hours a week creating that Midas Touch there's no luck in that then it's seriously seriously hard work to go and create that write it out so you don't just get to pick up the phone and make one phone call and have that person be like I have been sitting here waiting for Lucas to call me because I'm about to be foreclosed on in I only want to deal with him in yes Lucas, I will give you any price that you want. That never happens just that I grew out of my head man. They do not allow that I grew into my mentality so the reality what we do is we we work our butts off. And sometimes as entrepreneurs I've I've found you Also the entrepreneurs that I have are are all like, a never gonna die kind of people, right? I don't care how hard it is I'm gonna go I'm not taking the easy path. You know, they're the people who go climb Mount Everest. They don't go just, you know, and stroll through the park, right? For all of us, yeah, all of us have things that we need to overcome that make an absolutely powerful difference. I made just just a little list. And let's see if any of these resonate. Maybe call reluctance? Sure. Do you? Do you hesitate picking up and making that next phone call? Or the difficult phone call? That's I think that's a big one for a lot of people afraid of that was a huge one. Yep. It's a huge one. You know, if I lined up 100, people said, Alright, here's a list of 100 people. And one of those 100 people is going to be receptive to talking to you. So you're going to spend five hours smashing your face against the wall? For 15 minutes of positive call they go. No, thanks. Right. But it's kind of what we got to do. We just kind of do it anyways. And we power through it, but we don't have to just power through it. So how about in negotiation? Where we're reluctant to to ask for whatever it is that we really want. Because we're embarrassed, we're self conscious. We're feeling greedy at the time, whatever it is, it's fear is stopping you in your negotiation. This is a huge one, asking for money. That's, that's a taboo in a lot, a lot of people's households, right? Totally, totally. And a lot of dive into that. We're gonna dive into that a little bit of like, where that asking for money thing comes from. In fact, you know what, I want to jump into it now, because it's a cool story. So my daughter was a Girl Scout Cookie fanatic. So she sold like 2500 boxes. And she had no problem asking for money. She had no problem asking for the extra order and that kind of stuff. And I taught her like kind of what to do. And in our house asking for money. Money wasn't a taboo. My kids know, today, just how much money I make. If I do a deal, I'm like, Look, I made $25,000 on this deal. That's not it. That's just how we are. Well, the leader of the Girl Scout troop was like, could you have Emma, talk about what she does? That's cool. Like, yeah, for sure. You know, so she's like, Well, yeah, you know, when they ask for the price, you say it's five for one, or it's four for 20. And he say the five for one really softly in the four for 20. You know, more more boisterous. And this mom does. Now, not that is so impolite. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm like, why is that? And she's like, well, it's not polite to go and ask people for money. So for her, asking for money, was impolite. Right? So if we weren't really dug back in with her, you'd find that her mom or her dad went, No, we don't talk about money. Right? And, you know, or she came home and you know, they were going to do Girl Scout cookies, or, you know, she was doing a program for the school. You like, well, how many how many candy bars you need to sell? Well, the minimum we need to satisfy cool, here's 20 bucks. Now we don't need to go ask people for money. It's lazy parenting instantly. A program is created there. You don't go ask for money. And it runs the rest of your life. Now you can overcome it, but it takes some power to do it. But with NLP, we can go back and dig back into that situation. You're like, oh, yeah, nine years old candy bars. 12 years old. I asked that about money, whatever those were, and go and unpack all the emotions around that and now have some freedom of choice. I have one specifically for real estate, right? Because this actually happened. I was listing my last house and I called this guy and you know my case? I want to sell my house. And he goes, alright, cool. I'll give you a discount. So look, if you're a realtor, right For many years, and now we we have the esteemed opportunity to lead some incredible incredible agents here in my indicates, yeah. Yeah, that's beautiful. So if I asked you this question, Lucas, hey, I want to sell my house 500 grand want you upfront to pay me five grand? And I'll let you take the listing? Would you say? No, they wouldn't they wouldn't pay you 5000 the list? Yeah. But instead of asking me to pay the $5,000 up front, what did they do? They go, I'll take 2% Yeah, I'll take 1% And they just hand the money away. Like, I never asked for a discount. I wouldn't let you take the 3% Yeah, I was coming to you. Because A, I wanted to give you the business. B, I think you do a good job. And I'm like, Alright, so his name was Ken. Hey, Ken, how many houses you do a year? I don't know. I remember what he said, you know, let's say 20. Like you just handed 100 grand away. Like, you're you're, you're giving your income away? Well, what creates that need to go and do that automatic discounting? Right, lack of knowledge, lack of self appreciation, trust and professional ability, self worth, you know, overall, just, you know, I would when when someone jumps right to that, again, it just from a professional ability, you know, just not valuing their time and not valuing the tools and resources and things that they've accumulated over the years of practicing. Yeah, yeah, it really comes down, you absolutely nailed it. And I'll boil that all down. It's lack of self appreciation. He can't see himself as being valuable to take the full commission. Or he has a view that in order to get the listing, because somebody else is going to discount it. I'm just the same as everybody else. So somebody else is getting discounted. I'll just automatically do it. And hopefully he won't go talk to anybody else. Right? The scarcity mindset rather than coming from a place of abundance. Yep. Totally, totally. Right. You know, what we call these they're called limiting belief systems. So back when we were a kid, mom, dad and other kid a teacher, whatever said or did something and events happened. And we developed a belief about it. Right? I like to, to steal it from from Tony Robbins. He calls it BS. You know, I dropped out. It's it's just BS, it's bullshit. It's the bullshit that runs in our head every single day. Right? On that list, are there any that that the you've got that you want to add? Well, let's, let's take a look here. So we have call reluctance negotiation, asking for money, automatic discounting, lack of confidence, self sabotage. I mean, all I think all of those things are are pieces that run through our head at any given time. I had the really some good fortune when I was younger, to have a mentor that said, I really disliked public speaking. Okay, that was like one of the most scariest things for me. And I had that mentor, say, whatever scares the living hell out of you the most you need to do that every freaking day. Right? I won't use the word they use, but they said every day. And so from from that day forward, we had an English class and you know, we had a little portfolio that we that we did our writing works and and stuff, and we had to present it. And I remember the first year was excruciating, because I literally waited to be the last person then I got up there. And I knocked out of the park, I use humor. I did, and I did and it went really well. And I was like, Oh, shit, okay, borrowed confidence, right? But I had that conversation. And the judge was like, do so then every year afterwards, I'd raise my hand, I'm like, Alright, I need to be the first second or third person to go. Not just to get it out of the way, but to prove self prove to myself, it's not that big of a deal. And I can continue to do this. And that from that point forward. That's why you know, that's why we have this podcast. That's why we have all these other things is pushing ourselves outside of that comfort zone, because there's no growth in comfort zones. And luckily, I had rather than it being a self limiting, I had the other side where they're like, don't limit yourself, just put yourself be uncomfortable and put yourself out there. Yeah, When we were talking before you'd mentioned add, yep. Tell me about that. Yeah. So, so growing up, and that's, that's something that, you know, I've, I've never been officially diagnosed, and I think that word gets thrown around a lot. But on the same token, it's something I know, I've always had to work significantly harder than everyone else around me. Now I did, I graduated with honors, you know, when I graduated college, you know, 3.8, I think, or somewhere around there, 3.9. And like, but I know that I always had to work that much harder to understand a topic that much harder than the rest to, at least what it seemed like the rest were doing to be able to get those those desired results. And that was something that, you know, my parents told me early on, they're like, Hey, this is this is something you probably have. And that becomes a little bit, it could be a limiting belief. But then also, they paired up as well, like, these are the people that actually have had this, and this is what they've gone to do. So they were able to take that negative and make it into a positive like, this is how you're going to be this is one of the attributes that will help you to be successful. In the future. What what what, what a gift that your parents gave you the positive context of it, because you just nailed exactly what happens. Right? So how old do you think you were when they said you probably have this? I think it was probably nine. All right, so. So you're nine years old, your parents say you probably have this, and I wish I had a piece of paper. And Lucas like puts this piece of paper on and has a label that says, Add. Now, your parents gave you the gift of saying, this can be a gift, you can be powerful. But it's still even like today maybe is still running a little bit in you that oh, hey, I've got this thing back here. That if I don't do A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and do it harder than everybody else, I'm not going to be successful. Sure. Right. So that's a belief system. In your case, it served you. And, you know, you, you you went and you put your big boy pants on and you worked extra hard. And you overcame what that label was whether the label actually existed or not. Right, right. Sugar, sugar pill. Here you go. The sugar pill. Exactly. So somebody said, Your add now is add real? Yeah. Yeah, it totally is real people really have it. You know, the new days, add as autism. People as I think I have autism, like, No, you're just not confident. tear that off here. You don't need to throw a label of autism on yourself. And we all want to do that because we go life's hard. It must be because of Hold on, add autism, whatever, whatever my label is. I want to use that label as the excuse, rather than saying, well, things can be hard. And I need to work extra hard. You know, I was that kid in in school, they could barely pass an English test. But I could get a 98 on a math test. So I could have a label that said I have a learning deficiency in English, right? I don't, it was just hard. Yeah. Right. And so as long as those belief systems, at least we know them, we know that they're there and they serve us. We're running them, they're not running us. They can be powerful. Right? So part of what we talk about is removing belief systems. But whenever you remove one belief system, we want to install something. So we when there's something that's disempowering, we replace that with something that's empowering and allow that to run. Right. So I told you when I was young, you know, the only thing I knew how to do is fight. So what I did is I uninstalled fight it under and I installed compassion now I have a different choice, right? Yeah, somebody's coming after my family. You betcha but they're they're gonna they're gonna meet fighting Joe. Right, right. But the first thing they're gonna get as compassionate Joe, like they're going to be given they're going to be given a choice where before My belief system says you don't get a choice. come out swinging. Right? So seek to understand before seeking to be understood. Absolutely. Absolutely. So let's talk about one of my clients liberal caller Suzy, extremely successful entrepreneur, who, in her words, she was very successful despite herself, okay, which is kind of like that add kind of conversation. She spent her whole life as a rebel didn't really have friends didn't really have relationships made a grip of money. She purposely for provoke people, like she was just knowing that people were like, you hang out with her, you're gonna get pissed off. It's just how she ran. It, she really hated the way that she was. Was a fulfilling like I said, like, a long relationship with her was four months. Okay? She's like, 40. So in digging into her past, and what we do is called regression work, right? So we go back into her past and keep going back and keep going back and keep going back and we came back to a Christmas morning. She thinks she was about like, 910 years old. And she is the middle child. And older sister is responsible for getting the younger sister ready. You know, picture Christmas tree trees underneath presents underneath the tree. Apple cider vinegar, Abba, Mo feta in the background and apple pie. Just imagine that whole scenario. And she's waiting for the bathroom to be free of her two other sisters. Well, mom goes, Hey, girls, come get a cookie. And she says to the oldest sister, we'll call her Sally. Oh, my gosh, Sally, you look so pretty. In great job helping Fanny. The youngest. Get ready. Thank you so much have a cookie. Then she turns to Sally, the young one. Or Sammy. The young one picks her cheek and says, Oh my gosh, you look so cute. Have a cookie. And she says to my client. She's like, hey, bathrooms free. Go get ready, have a cookie. So here's the decisions that she made. She said, I'm not pretty. My sisters are pretty. I'm not pretty. I'm not important. My sisters are important. In order to get attention, I've got to do something different. So she knew when she asked it up, she'd get attention. So she went, wrote a little program in her mind and said, You're going to be a rebel, that will get you attention. And bang. On that morning a belief system was created that did her mom do anything wrong? No. She needed to get ready. The other girls were ready. But in that moment, my client made a decision that took her 30 years to go and unplug. And she was like, Oh my gosh. How did that happen? Well, you made a decision when you were nine or 10. And she fell on the sword. She let her sisters get ready first so that they could be ready for things just because that was what her her role was. But she was carrying the burden of of all of that with her. Yeah. Yeah. The hero's journey. No, yeah. Now she has the capability to make different choices in her life. Now, is she still kind of Rebel Without a Cause? Yeah. She's always going to be that way. That's what her business is. And that's how her life is. But she now has a really thriving relationship. She's happy. She's like, I've never been happy in my whole life. Well, no, you were happy until you were nine. And then you were unhappy until you were 40. And now you get to be happy again. Yeah. The power of storytelling, the power of the power of storytelling, the stories that we tell ourselves. Exactly. Outstanding. So what are what are some of the other aspects in our life that NLP can help with? For sure. So and I recognize we're running a little bit tight on time. But so for me, the biggest aspect, at least in business that NLP helps with is in building rapport. And we use that word real loosely, but what report is, is making a real genuine connection with people. So, like to say that people like people who are like them, birds of a feather flock together, yet birds of a feather flock together, right? So, in, in building rapport, we need to pay attention to body language, which is like 70, debatable 60 to 70%, of how we communicate his body language 30% that we communicate is tone and pace. And 10% 10 to 20% is what we say. So, if the majority of what we're communicating is not the words that we're saying, the majority of what we're communicating is, how we're saying it, and how our body is communicating. It's important to be able to understand how those things work. And in sales, you know, we've talked about people know, matching, and mirroring and aping and all that kind of stuff. But report goes, a level past that. And a big part of what I teach is understanding your language, rather than you understanding minds. So there's three basic types of communicators. There's visual, there's auditory, and there's kinesthetic. And we've heard that in how people learn and that kind of stuff. For sure, if you're a visual communicator, you'll say things like, Oh, I see. If you're a kinesthetic, you'll say things like, Oh, I feel that. If you're auditory, you'll be like, Oh, I hear you. Now, if I'm a visual communicator, and you're a kinesthetic listener, you're speaking French, and I'll speak in Russian. And we can't figure out why things just never connect. So in aspect of rapport, it's incredibly important to build that rapport with people. And a big part of NLP is the way that you speak the words that we use, how my body is positioned towards yours. And as you start to learn rapport, you'll actually start to see people's bodies moving and matching yours. Totally unconsciously, you'll see their pace, match yours. So like, if I'm talking to you, and you're a quiet speaker, I'm gonna lower my voice. If you're from the south, and you speak slower, I'm not going to be the dude from New York who speak at a mile a minute. Now, I may start slow, and I may quick in my pace to bring you along with me once I bring rapport, right. But you'll experience things where people be like, Oh, my God, dude, I feel like we've been friends forever. You just get me. I just feel so comfortable with you, I feel so secure, I feel seen, I feel heard. Where all you did was you match their energy, you match their body positioning, and you paid attention. And this is incredibly powerful in sales. It's even more powerful in relationships. And I find this most powerful as a dad. I love that. So you can match their energy as the kid and then pull them back. And then have them engaging at the energy level that you want to be at. Totally. So to all of us who have boys, young boys do not like to talk face to face. It's uncomfortable. Girls like to talk face to face. Boys do not like talking face to face. So what we as dads will tend to do is keep moving, or make them move. So they're squared up to us. So I'm in the power position, well, then they shut down. So if you want to have a conversation with a boy, sit on the same step as him. And both look out at the trees and watch him open up. That's his language. He's trying to tell you his language. He's trying to tell you the way to get to get him to communicate. And you're trying to force it into something else and can't figure out why you're always passing each other. I love that man. So So in family in business and sales, right a lot of times. Again, going back to that saying right seeking to understand before seeking to be understood. And I do, you know, going way back to kind of the beginning where we were talking, you know, I try to remind myself of the same thing of, you know, I, whenever I approach somebody, or whenever we approach someone, we never know the kind of day that they had before we approach them. So the communication or the way they're communicating, or the situation we might be getting, most of the time has absolutely nothing to do with us. It has to do with whatever they've they're experiencing right now in their life, relationship, business, financial, whatever. And we just aren't getting the, you know, the culmination, the perfect storm of that into our communication. So, understanding and really is from what it sounds like, what you're saying is we should be slowing down, we should be matching kind of matching, where they're at bringing them along the path and then seeking to go a little bit deeper and understand some of the surface statements or things or body language that they're doing, so that they can feel comfortable to really open up to us. And then we can really figure out the best way that we can help solve their problem. Right? When we say it, be interested, not interesting. I like them. So if I'm interested in you, in a built rapport, and I'm seeking to understand who you are, where you are, what your issues are, how I can help them, rather than being interesting. And talking about my pedigree, talking about all the houses that are sold, talking about where I went surfing last weekend, and all of that kind of stuff. Now people see themselves. They're heard. Yep. And all of those things that I said, of feeling connected and feeling like we've been best friends, the barriers between us are minimized. Absolutely. We used to call that vacation ownership would say you're lowing lowering the relationship tension and increasing the task tension. That's what we're relationship tension, I guess you could say, yeah, totally. I love it. But But yes, a couple other things that we could do. And I'll give you a little laundry list some of my favorites. Okay. One is stop biting your fingernails, and all of those kinds of things. Right. So my son was a lifelong fingernail biter, and in about 10 minutes, stopped biting his fingernails. Stop smoking, lose weight, be more confident, connect with people have genuine forgiveness. And big ones. Now this is where we go deep into NLP as remove phobias. Like, I'm terrified of snakes, I'm scared of the water. There was a guy in my class who was terrified of rice. Weird thing to be terrified, but he was terrified of rice. And in about a 15 minute period, he picked up a bowl of rice and held rice in his hand. That was the first time in 25 years I've touched rice and crude my two favorite benefits for me of NLP, better relationships, and making more money. Those are two great things. I think we can all I'll be lifelong learners and growers on for sure. Totally, totally. Outstanding. So go ahead. Make you want to say something there additional Joe? No, no, I was just telling you that I'll make this one super quick. But I had a client just happens to actually be my fiancee. Yep. Right. So technically, she's not a client. One of the most powerful women I've ever met, she runs huge events. She trains people to be public speakers of all things. She's amazing. But once you become an up on an event, she just be spinning. Like just get totally ineffective, like the stress level would just get so deep, that she would be ineffective. She called the spinning right? And in about a 10 minute session. We reassigned the energy in her body. Like I asked her I'm like, you know, how does that energy feel and all that stuff, reassign the energy in the body. And we gave what's called an anchor, which is the same thing as when we talked about Pavlov's dogs. Yep. So the bell was an anchor. So we gave an anchor in her case, she pull on her left earbud Yep. And when she pulled her left ear lob, stress was gone. That was, I'd say a year ago, and I haven't seen her spin since. Now, lots of times I've seen her on a call or whatever. So reach up and just touch your earlobe and put her hand Don't back down. That she's like, huh, it's like it's a drain, it's like an energy drain. In my case, when I do that, I move everything to my big toe. Because I have an imaginary drain underneath my big toe that when I press my big toe down, the energy goes out to drain, and the stress has gone. I love it. That's something that we can all all do every day, I think I use, I'd have one where I'd sit there. And I'd write down all the things in my head that were stressing me out on, on post it notes and stick those up. And then pictures, same kind of thing, flushing it down, those are all gone. And it's like, okay, there's an issue anymore. Now. All right, let's move forward. That's cool. That's another way to get. Cool. So when I first heard about NLP, as I mentioned, I started my real estate career in timeshare, and vacation ownership, obviously, a very high pressure sales environment, right, you take someone that in most cases, they feel like they've been lied to. And by the time, by the time of the presentation, you know, you want them to be your best friend. And, you know, we're buying drinks, and we're going planning the next trip to Mexico. And, you know, there were some some good things, I have some mentors that taught us, you know, mirroring matching parenting and taught us how to take someone who has time to try to time close you and 90 minutes, and they stay for 567 hours, you know, and are saying, hey, you know, you need to meet my granddaughter and all this, like, completely different, right from guard up to, oh, my gosh, you're now part of our family, right. But on the same token, there was also another manager that used it almost kind of like a parlor trick of, Oh, I'm gonna get you to say bicycle, right? I'm telling you that I'm going to tell you, your your I'm gonna get you to say the word bicycle. Right? In some. So taking that, right, obviously, we've heard so far, you know, we've been speaking for 47 Incredible, engaging minutes about the benefits mentally to ourselves, as well, to our businesses, and relationships, and just everything in general. But could you help us unpack where maybe some of our listeners, you know, heard of NLP? And they're like, you know, what is? What is the benefit beyond just getting tricking someone right into saying or doing the things that you want them to do? Yeah, you know, there's a, there was a guy who he's now not around anymore, who was using NLP, and marketing and online is like, the ultimate pickup tool with women. And what his whole trick was, is get into rapport with a woman, and she'll be interested in you. Now, he didn't market it that way. You know, these are like magic words that you can say, and bla bla bla, but it was just it's getting into rapport and any technique, you know, whether I'm teaching you you know, national sales closing technique, or I'm teaching you NLP, or, you know, I'm teaching you self defense, right? All of those can be used in a negative way. For sure. Right. So I can't promise you that there aren't weird, creepy parlor trick kinds of things about NLP for sure. Kind of weird that the guy wanted to make yet you know, say bicycle. But you know what, here's the crazy thing about NLP. All of our listeners just pictured a bicycle. Yep. Because we said bicycle. Bicycle. They're gonna see it everywhere now. Right? Just like you buy a certain car and now it's everywhere. There you go, guys. Now you see bicycle. success in your business. Let's make it anchor right here. success in your business from here on forward. There you go there directly. It only comes in it doesn't go out. There you go. You know, so that that aspect of building rapport is really, where all of that that stuff that you were talking about. They're teaching that vacation ownership thing. So you're, you're matching your marriage and your parenting, your aping is the other word. You're being interested, you're not being interesting. You're asking discovery kinds of questions, all of those kinds of things. They're all super, super valuable. Everybody, whether you're in sales or not, can can use learning report in your life. Right. So one of my very favorite tools, and there's just a free technique for everybody, right? One of my very favorites. So I'll tell you the technique and a story then I'll describe what kind of what happens right so We were in New Mexico on vacation with some friends. And I asked the husband, Matthew, and I'm like, where do you want to go for dinner? Yeah. And he goes, I don't know. Typical answer. Everybody. When you ask where they want to go dinner, they go. I don't know. Right? And I asked asked Matthew, Nico Matthew, I know you don't know, if you did know, where would you go? He's like, Joe, you can't use your NLP stuff on me. Chinese. I'm like, alright, you even recognized what I was doing. And told me that I couldn't do it. But then the answer just popped up. So what that question does, is I say, I know you don't know. Alright, so your conscious mind that this job is to protect you. That is always the No, it goes up. Sweet. I'm off the hook. If you didn't know, what would it be now your unconscious mind this the supercomputer of your brain? Because Chinese? You want Chinese? That's what you want? You want Chinese hypothetically, that that question is, had been more valuable in sales to me than any other questions? I love it. Yeah. So you ask a question. Like it used to just take your selling house, you're like, Hey, Joe. What do you think? Yeah. I don't know. What I know, you don't know. If you did know, what would the answer be? I just don't think this is the right location. Sweep. Well, we could have kept that house on the list, and gone back to it five more times and wasted a bunch of time. Now you know, the real answer, take it off the list. Or you're like, Ah, I love this house. I love the location. If the landscaping was just blah, blah, blah, and the price was blah, blah, blah. Totally do it. Yep. Sweet. Well, let me see what I can go and do. I used to, I loved one of the things that we would use to compartmentalize objections. So all of if we were to take all those things and push those aside, is there anything else that would keep you from moving forward and they'd be like bla bla, bla, bla. Okay, wonderful. So if I'm hearing you correctly, it's this this this this this? Okay. Is there anything else? No, there isn't. Okay, wonderful. So what I'm understanding is if all of those things were taking care of this is something that you would be interested in moving forward on today. Yes, we would. Okay, wonderful. Let's see what we can do to help with that. Does that sound fair? So that's one of one of the one of the questions that I like to use similar to yours is, does that sound fair? Because everyone likes to be fair? Totally. Totally. One thing I'll say, after you ask the question, yep. Shut up. The next person that speaks, loses. And for all of us, our sales, and this is not an NLP thing. The silence is, is the golden tool that we all under us, because we we hit that silence and they wait 10 seconds and everything in us because we're talkers, like it's what we do. And we all want to go. Don't let them chew. I agree. They uncomfortable silence is always it's it plays in does wonders. It's amazing. Well, and that's where so I was on a role playing session. Last. So every every Wednesday, our team, the whole company, actually that I'm part of all the teams have an opportunity 9am On Wednesdays, to jump in one of the team leaders came up with an idea, it was great. They're like, hey, let's bring everybody together, you know, and let them go in there. Because that's obviously one of the biggest pain points for a lot of people is being comfortable on the phone understanding and like with all the things we've been talking about today. And one of the and the great thing is, is we asked for constructive feedback on anybody that's done the role playing. And one of the guys, he had these great questions. I'm like, Yes, but then you would answer the question. I'm like, no, no. And then so that was one of my things. I was like, Dude, you were asking some incredible fact finding questions. But then you're trying to answer those questions with your own, you know, your own understanding your own hue glasses, if you will, right. Like they say rose colored glasses. Like you're wearing your rose colored glasses, you're trying to, you're diminishing that question the question. You're answering it for them, stop right there, ask questions and just stop, shut up. Don't say anything, and listen. Totally. And that's where, again, seek to understand before seeking to be understood. So for any of those objections, In types of things, right, that's where Barney's always said, you know, a really important answer question with the question, right? And it's always tell me more about that, right? Interest rates are too high. That's an interesting statement. Tell me more about that, you know, how does that make you feel? Where does that go? And start to unpack those things. And then, as you mentioned, like, let's get to the true idea of what's going on. So we can actually help you. Because that's what we are. We're problem solvers. We're looking to help, you shouldn't be buying for my reasons you need to buy for your reasons. But let's unpack that, because many times you're putting these invisible barriers between yourself and what could be in might be in should be in might happen, but in reality, a lot of those don't exist. Yeah. Do we do that a lot in our own lives? Yeah. All day, every day. So I've been talking about today. So let's talk about that all day, every day. So how can we take NLP? How can we take neuro linguistic programming and use it in our daily life to have better and more productive days? Yeah, absolutely. So we talked about creating neural pathways, right? So neural pathways are created. Many ways, one of them is through routine. Right? So when you first wake up, and I'm just, I'm gonna give you my routine, your routine can be different. You're trying to achieve different things, you're in a different place in life, I'm giving you my routine. But have your routine, be purposeful. So I get up, do brushing teeth, go to the bathroom, all that kind of stuff, and try to have movement. Right? So my movement is actually like, as soon as I wake up, I do like four stretches in bed. As soon as I wake up before my feet hit the ground. I do like four stretches, and it just like, okay, so energy is kind of moving in me, right. Now, the next most important thing to me, is for me to enter the day clear? Yep. And the word meditation scares people, meditation is really, really simple. Sure, right. I'm gonna give you what was given to me as the way to start meditating. I still use this sometimes. Right? So I close my eyes, I picture a red balloon, I take a deep breath in, the red balloon gets bigger, I breathe out, the balloon gets smaller, take deep breath in, the blink gets bigger. And I just do that I just pay attention to the to the balloon, and having something to pay attention to because we all say like, meditation is being point of thought, good luck. Like, if you can make it a third of a second without thought, you're better than the best Buddhist monks. Our brain is wired, it is always going. So you have to give it's called your monkey mind. You have to give it something to do. spend four or five minutes meditating, you know, if you want more than, than focusing on the balloon, you know, I have a whole bunch of different ways that I do it. I I've moved mine, I focus on a tree and I watch the leaves move and I watch them shimmer, and I look at the bark and all that kind of stuff. So I'm giving my mind something to do. One thing that I highly highly recommend is a process called the six phase meditation. It's amazing. It's by Vishen Lakhiani. He is the founder of Oh goodness, I'm blanking on his his app. I'll think of it. But look it up on YouTube. It's free. It's a six phase meditation. It takes you through a process. And I really like to do the first two every day. And I haven't like multiple times in my day. The first aspect is gratefulness. I love that. The second aspect is forgiveness. So in gratefulness and I do this a lot when I'm driving. I've got about an hour drive to my office right. So I will go through randomly people I'll pick Lucas you are actually on on my drive home yesterday. I am so thankful for Lucas I'm so thankful for this podcast. I'm thankful for what he's trying to create in the world through this podcast. And it's hard for me to have a bad relationship with somebody when I've been focusing on what I'm grateful about them so what that's doing in an NLP in a mental standpoint is rather than putting label on Lucas as this dude that wears a hat on a podcast. I'm like, the guy who created incredible podcast, who has a heart for people who wants to see change in the world who wants to see people better in his life was hard not to like you, when you have those labels on, right? For sure. And that works in your personal relationships in your business relationships with your clients. When I'm on my way to appointments, I'll go through and I'll tell you this, you can do it really, really fast in your mind, your your brain is best. In on the way to appointment, I'll I'll focus on the things that I'm grateful about them. The second thing, which is more important to my heart, than my mind, is forgiveness. So I practice something that's called the whole point of pono. Prayer. And it's really, really easy. We don't have time to actually go through it. But it's really just kind of three things. So I picture. Lucas, and I had some blow up. Right, right. And I picture you want to stage? Yep. I go through my my gratefulness thing about you. But I just tell you, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. And I imagine a string that goes in between our hearts, my string happens to be red, like red yarn, it's actually like, I can picture it sitting in the little bin in my grandma's front room. Right. So it's that red yarn. And I cut that red yarn, that red yarn is the connection to us that was negative. So now I am I'm in a state where ungrateful. Whatever is between us is gone. Now I can be free and empty. I love it, man. Love it. That's and again, listeners. This is, as we talked about, right? When we say we cut through the BS to give you the tactics behind the strategy like this is this is what it's all about, right? These are the millimeter shifts and things that you can do daily that you can take, as soon as you you could pause this episode right now and do it. Or when you finish up, you could do it. But don't put it off, regardless of what it is. And if you pause it, come back and get the rest of this, we're almost done here. We're getting close to wrapping up. But that right there, that's incredible. Absolutely, that's the last thing that I do is, in my meditation, I set an empowered mindset. And I do that, and I'll just give it to a really, really quickly. I in my mind, I fly through my entire day. Every meeting, I'm going to have the phone calls I have to make. And I pause at each major thing. And I turn around and look back at it. And I see it in a positive context, I see it coming up the way that I wanted to. Even if let's pretend that I've got to go to the IRS today to talk about back taxes. I don't I don't have back taxes. So IRS don't call me. But I need to go have that meeting. I'm gonna visualize that meeting, I'm gonna visualize building rapport with that person. I'm going to visualize a positive conversation, I'm going to visualize a powerful, empowered context coming out of it. I now my brain is not programmed for that meeting to go, well. Guess what? Your unconscious mind is really good at making things happen the way that it's programmed to make content. If it wasn't good, we wouldn't have all the BS from when were 10. Very, very true brother. I actually I did that same thing before we came on this podcast, the same thing sat down. And that was something that was taught to me. Years ago, I do the same thing before I went to an interview, I'd picture before I went in, I picture the end of it. I wouldn't picture anything in between and picture the end of it as shaking hands. They're excited. We're happy. They're welcoming me on board. And then the rest of it the, you know, the angst or anything about, you know what's gonna happen. What's this about? It just gone. And then it was okay. I'm going into this. And I know I've already succeeded. And I think that's, I've heard you know, Olympian runners, and there's pro athletes, they run the race a million times before they do they do that action a million times they shoot the basket and make the winning shot a million times before they actually do it. So it's not a new thing anymore. It's something that you've done forever. Correct? Yeah, we call it putting in your reps. I love it. Right? Yeah. So if I'm a golfer, a basketball player, a shooter, a fisherman or whatever, I can put in way more reps in my mind than I can in practice. Right. You know, so I think When I learned to shoot, you know, it's going through the whole process of your breath and your sight picture and all that kind of stuff. And you can just close your mind, you can go through that, I can take 1000 shots in an hour in my mind. And practice them all perfectly. The other thing I wanted to talk about, and it's, you know, we talked about, you know, buzzwords and add the new one being autism. This word I hear more often than any other word in these kinds of conversations, and that's anxiety. Everybody has anxiety. So what anxiety is, it's fear about a future event. And you're viewing it in a negative context. So exactly what we were just talking about of that visualization, what you're doing to yourself, is you're having fear about something that hasn't happened yet. Because you're viewing it negatively. Yep. And fears, good fears keeps us alive. I mean, you live in the keys, and there's a fin swimming through the water at your kid. Fear is there, to supercharge you to go through the water and grab your kid. Right. That's why fear exists. fear keeps us alive. It's good, and it's healthy. But unless you live in the caves, and you're swimming with sharks every day, you're not facing that every day. So our mind is always just looking for things to be scared about. And that's what part of like, you know, call reluctance and all that kind of stuff, you just get this anxiety, like, I don't understand where it's from, well, really, really simple way. Another just this, this is free. And it's one of the things that if if any of the listeners, contact me and want to go through a free anxiety relief session, and I will teach you the details of how to do this on your own, this is my gift, if I can give this gift to a million people in the world, my life's fulfilled. Because I say this, I almost never have anxiety. And when I do it last second, the only time that I've recently had anxiety, I couldn't figure out what it was about. And it ended up being about my dad and his age. And it was a conversation that happened at like seven o'clock in the morning and bubbled up at three o'clock in the afternoon. Right. So here's the anxiety relief method, really simply close your eyes, float forward in your timeline to that event, look straight down at it. Now go past it by 15 minutes. And look back at it and see it working out. See it from a positive context. And the anxiety that's in your body will release. And the other thing is the butterflies that are in your stomach. anxiety and excitement are the exact same thing. The only difference is what you're calling it. Right. So before this podcast, I had that little like bubbly in my stomach. And I was like hell yeah. I'm excited. Embrace it. Instead of instead of Oh, shit. This is scary. Right? My wife, just just the interpretation. My wife told me one thing she said you're going to, you're going to experience it one way or another. It's already been decided you're already going to be there might as well make it a positive one. Right? That's 100% right? already wasted genius. It's already happening. Right? We can Yeah, we can choose to be like, oh shit, what are we going to do? Right? Or it's like, this is what we're gonna do. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I took my kids skydiving. My oldest son Cades. Girlfriend, Rachel was like, Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous. And I'm like, What? What do you mean? Like, what do you feel? She's like, Oh, it's right here. It's just right in my stomach. I'm like, oh, no, that's not nerves. That's excitement. That she was like, it is like, yeah, that's just excitement. That's not nerves. You're viewing it totally wrong. Like, whatever you think that is. You're wrong. And she's like, Oh, my God. That's awesome. And like her whole demeanor changed. That it was amazing. She's like, alright, Joe, when the door opened. I'm like, yeah, when the door opened. That's legit fear. Your brain is going you are two miles above the ground. Do not jump out of a plane. You're going to spot like a bug. That's what fear is there for right? Yeah. I love it. All right, man. Well, we're kind of getting close to the end here. So let's see. If we can I know we've got a lot more here and I'd love to have you back for another episode sometime to really kind of dive into some additional things here. But just to just to recap, before we really kind of wind down let's What are three things that, let's say I was a listener again that I could implement today to change my business. So I believe that lasting a powerful change starts on the inside. So we want to deal first with what's going on inside our heads and get a different result. So the same software program is running into your head, you're gonna keep having the same results. So we want to take the trash out, we want to get rid of the stinking thinking, right. But just in a practical sense, this is what you can do today. Number one, build rapport. Number two, set powerful contacts. Number three, we've only really skated on the edge of this one. But use powerful languaging. We call it hypnotic languaging. And it's not really hypnotic. It's done by a guy who is one of the best hypnotist in the world. His name is Milton. But to use languaging, that creates pictures, if we think in pictures, you speak in pictures, I'm trying just like we talked about with the bicycle. I'm trying to create an image in somebody's head of what I want them to see. And I can only do that if I'm speaking their language. All right, so let's um, let's talk about you, brother, because you know this. So this podcast, right, what we're looking to do is we look to bring an immense amount of value to our listeners, we want them to take the really something that they can take away today and implement right now. But on that same token, we'd like to lead with value and over deliver, and we'd like to also pay it forward. Right? So can you share with us kind of a little bit about what you're doing? And what we can do to really best give back to you? Yeah, for sure. That's awesome. Thank you. So in my real estate world, which is where Lucas and I met, so we both are Gator lenders. And, you know, Gator lending is just short term loans for earnest money and, you know, deposits and that kind of stuff. So anybody who is looking for short term money, you know, whether you're a wholesaler, you know, you're buying whatever. But for short term money, contact me, I'd love to help you on that. In in my big picture, real estate goals, I'm looking to get to I have about five deals right now I'm looking to get to about 20 doors across the country. So if anybody knows of small multifamily, I'm not looking for apartment complexes, small multifamily. With high cash flow, I'm looking for 400 to $500 a door per month. Those would be amazing. And NLP is a key aspect of my business in my life, you can tell this is my passion. I want to see people be free. I want to see Lucas 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 I want to see Lucas, keep on evolving and evolving and making the change that he wants to make in the world, right. So if you're looking to up your game, if you're looking to be free of your BS, you're looking for better relationships, more money, peace of mind. Call me. I love it, bro. I love it. Yeah, Lafley just in my big, big picture. I just started writing a book. So this is I use my own tools on me, right? So I went back and I'm like, Alright, where's my passion? So my passion is NLP. What other passions do I have? I've always had a passion for writing. So about a month ago, I saw that and I was like, Alright, let's go. So in the last like, month and a half, I've written my 180 pages of a novel. We'll see what happens with it. But if I wasn't free, I don't make that decision to go write a book. Because I'm not attached to the outcome of the book. If I write the book and 10 people read it. Cool. Nobody reads it. Cool. I wrote it. I did it. You know? Yeah, you set you set a something that you were looking to accomplish? And you saw it through? Yeah. That's what it's all about. It didn't didn't have the fear of failure in the way, right. fear rejection. Yeah, there's no attachment to the outcome. That's a, that's a very freeing statement, right? When we can, when we can disconnect from the outcome and just live in the present and enjoy the journey. Right? A lot of times we get so caught up in the destination, right? People are like, oh, I want to make $1,000,000.02 million, whatever, like, Well, why you like and what are you going to do when you get there? Like it's the journey, the journey in between, I believe, at least, yeah, well, here's the reality. We all know this, we none of us think this, when you hit $2 million, you're unfulfilled, you need $5 million, you're unfulfilled. When you hit $5 billion, you're unfulfilled. The destination isn't the fulfillment. So I'll give a book recommendation. Amazing. It's actually written by moe who's my future brother in law, Stephen Shapiro. He's one of the greatest innovating minds in, in the United States, wrote this book about 10 or 15 years ago. It's called goal free living. And the title makes you think, not having goals. That's not it. It's not being attached to the goals. So I'll give you an example of this. So we wanted to take a trip and go back to Boston. airfare was just insanely expensive. And I was like, Well, hey, what would happen if we flew to New York, where airfare was cheap? And we took the train from New York to Boston? To dad, my fiance goes, Well, why don't we just take the train the whole way. So if I'm attached to a specific goal, and a specific way of it happening, I never go and get on that train. Which, by the way, best three days of vacation that I've ever had, like, it was absolutely amazing. And it was, hey, here's where we want to go. We want to go to Boston. How we get there is the fun. Yep. Right. I want 20 doors. Are they single family? Maybe? Are they multifamily? Maybe are they in Florida? Maybe are they in Tennessee? Maybe? What if it ends up being 17? Sweet. Rather than having that goal be failure? Right? I said 20 by 2023. I love that. So alright, so when you're not learning and not teaching NLP, what are you doing for fun? Currently, it's writing. It is reading this book has been a blast jumping out of airplanes. That yeah, I hate I like jumping out of airplanes. I like camping. Like, you know, looking for my next dog in ice. What kind of dog? You know? Yes. Yes, I do. So my daughter's dog is a wee fake mixed between a Kellyanne grey hound and a rat terrier. I've always had big dogs until I had her and I was like, Oh my gosh, well, then my daughter moved out, which is what she's supposed to do. And you know, it's her dog. So she took her with her actually, I actually tried to bribe my daughter to leave the dog. I'm like, you can move out? Can you leave Luna? Yeah, yeah, the dogs are we have dogs ourselves as well. And regardless of whether it's a dog, whether it's a cat, whatever, it's, you know, tortoise there, it's great to have additional companions in your life. Right? Totally. Totally. Sounds you're amazing. Alright, so 2023 Right, we talked about the book, but what else is going on for you? Where's your focus? Expanding on real estate, I'll be completing my NLP master courses which are supposed to do in 21. But they got shortchanged by by COVID. So I'm just getting back to you know, classes and all that stuff, BMI. So I'll be taking NLP to the next level. Getting a whole bunch of new incredible skills that I don't have already, which is incredibly exciting. Exciting for me personally exciting for the people that I help. And in 2023, you know, our intention is that my fiancee and I cannot Tober September are going to do the Camino de Santiago, which is a pilgrimage across northern Spain and have our wedding just the two of us or whoever else wants to go on this journey with us at the end of that nice man. I love that. That sounds absolutely incredible. Sounds Absolutely. It's going to be I can see it. Well, that's as we talked about today. That's the for that's the most important part, right. Yeah, the visualization. So So who would you like to we always we always ask you know, we we all know we never get here by ourselves right? There's always so many people to thank so many people to shout out that have helped us along the way to get to where we are there's never enough time to thank them all but if you could think and mentioned and shout out one person today who would that be? It really be It'd be my NLP teachers. name's Dr. Matt James. Amazing program, their website is nlp.com. You know, I told you Lucas that they make their basic class like ridiculously cheap. It's like two 300 bucks for four days of absolutely solid training. You can't they lose, they literally they lose 1000s of dollars every time they do an event and they do events all across the country. His vision and his heart to get this technology out in the world for people to be able to have their own personal freedom is amazing. So yeah, I'm thankful thankful to him trying to try to model what I do with NLP afternoon. I love it. Man. That's the Go Giver mentality. Right there. You know, Billy 1,000%. Yep. Awesome, brother. So with that said, let's go ahead and wrap this thing up. So let's say I was an agent, or I'm a listener, or an investor or somebody that's listening to the podcast right now. What is going to be the best way for them to physically get a hold of you? Yeah, so I'm on. I'm on Instagram. Email, Sal. We've put both of those in the comments so people can easily look them up. But my last name is kind of long, but it's just Joe died visiting her@gmail.com Very simple. First name dot last name@gmail.com going to be launching a website sometime soon. And we'll update the comments section with that. But yeah, anybody who's listening or like I said, it's a free gift. If you want a one hour anxiety relief session, and really learn how to free your life from anxiety, that is my gift to any listeners just mentioned this podcast, and we'll get it scheduled. Oh, yeah, brother, I appreciate that. I appreciate it. All right. So let's go ahead. That was an absolutely incredible episode, guys and gals, I have an enormous amount of respect for Joe, you know, this hour and almost 30 minutes that he's taken out of his life to spend with us to drop some incredible pieces, some takeaways, you know, really humbled to be able to spend this much time with you and really talk through this. You know, it's wonderful to see what you're doing in the community, what you're doing with business professionals, and people really just helping them to level up their business, level up their life, and let go of the baggage let go the things that are holding them back from their true potential. So we have a saying around here, right, so a rising tide lifts all ships. And every single episode, we're looking to cut through the BS to bring you again, those tactics behind the strategy. So the moment you finish this podcast, you can take those, you can put those into your life and you can absolutely work on changing that every single day, right? It's that millimeter shift, cut through the BS, right and continue to level up in your life and in your biz. So if you liked this podcast, please leave us a comment, share it with your friends, follow the Facebook, the Instagram page, we are now streaming on all major platforms. So you can listen to us wherever, whenever. And our contact information as well as Joe's contact information is going to be in the description here. So you're going to be able to get a hold of all of us. And lastly, if you are in the real estate business, and you're looking to change and want to level up again, both in your life and in your business, shoot us a message on Instagram. Our team currently serves all the state of Florida and even more specifically, my team is Miami and the keys and we would love to have a conversation with you. So until next time, this is Lucas Rowell, signing off, wishing you everlasting success in your life and in your real estate biz. Thanks, Joe. Thank you, Lucas.

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