Cyber Nut

014 - Stupid Tech Headlines of 2023 (So Far) with Adam Doud (Part 2)

July 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
014 - Stupid Tech Headlines of 2023 (So Far) with Adam Doud (Part 2)
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Cyber Nut
014 - Stupid Tech Headlines of 2023 (So Far) with Adam Doud (Part 2)
Jul 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14

On this episode, host Enrique VTee and guest Adam Doud talk about more stupid headlines. Uber released its list of strangest items left on an Uber. Then, we talk about Twitter's broken verification system when a parody Disney Jr UK account gets a gold badge, and finally, we talk about Porn Hub blocking all traffic to Utah because of new age verification laws.

Since we're on the topic of Porn Hub, we poked around some of the insight data that the company released of its real time traffic patterns during last year's Apple event. 
This is the second part of Enrique and Adam's conversations about stupid tech headlines. Make sure you don't miss episode 013 before listening to this one!

Follow Adam on Instagram/Threads
Follow Adam's podcast: Benefit of the Doud

Stories covered in this episode:

Uber releases its 2023 lost and found index

Twitter gives Fake Disney Jr account that uses racial slurs a Gold Checkmark Verification

PornHub blocks users in Utah from access after requiring a credit card for age verification

Pornhub insight (SFW)

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Show Notes Transcript

On this episode, host Enrique VTee and guest Adam Doud talk about more stupid headlines. Uber released its list of strangest items left on an Uber. Then, we talk about Twitter's broken verification system when a parody Disney Jr UK account gets a gold badge, and finally, we talk about Porn Hub blocking all traffic to Utah because of new age verification laws.

Since we're on the topic of Porn Hub, we poked around some of the insight data that the company released of its real time traffic patterns during last year's Apple event. 
This is the second part of Enrique and Adam's conversations about stupid tech headlines. Make sure you don't miss episode 013 before listening to this one!

Follow Adam on Instagram/Threads
Follow Adam's podcast: Benefit of the Doud

Stories covered in this episode:

Uber releases its 2023 lost and found index

Twitter gives Fake Disney Jr account that uses racial slurs a Gold Checkmark Verification

PornHub blocks users in Utah from access after requiring a credit card for age verification

Pornhub insight (SFW)

Follow your host, Enrique VTee:

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So you're back for more. Okay. I see you took my advice and subscribed as well. Great. Yes. this is the second part of a two-part episode with Adam Dowd. If you want to start with the first part, go back and start with episode 13 and then come back here. Enjoy. Oh, and by the way, this is where we talk about corn tubs. So you've been warned I've never left anything in an Uber, but I've left something in a taxi. Okay. Um, I left like, you know, a r like a sweater, and, and, and I've definitely been in Ubers where the previous person left something like, you know, like a bag or like, you know, maybe like a phone or like a water bottle, you know, like normal things, right? right. Sure. So the next headline, Uber's 2023, lost and Found report includes dentures weed, a light saber, and a slushy machine. Now there's a lot of things people be leaving on Ubers and Uber and Uber made a whole report about it. You know, all the, all the data they collect. Right? Um, so this is, uh, this is just a quick summary from CNN Business, Published on April 30th. Uber has released its annual, Uber does it annually. Uber. Uber has released its annual list of items forgotten by passengers and cars, and it includes some truly bizarre items, including an ankle monitor, fingernails, and a slushy machine. The Ride Share Company published its 2023, Uber Lost and Found Index on April 27th. As Mercury makes its way back into retrograde a time of the year, astrologists say influence for influences forgetfulness according to Uber., the index is based on missing item reports filed by passengers. So let's go ahead and open that list, uh, that Uber, uh, released. So before we do, uh, open that list, what's a weird thing you think might be on here? Well, I mean, I'm looking at the header image and there's a unicycle Okay. This, this Hader image has some good things here. Yeah. I'm just gonna go quickly over some of the, most commonly forgotten items and most forgetful cities, right?, the top three most commonly forgotten items on Uber. You know, nothing crazy clothing. right? Like a, you might leave a jacket or a shirt or who knows, uh, scarf phones, which, you know, it's on our laps. It's a part of us, but we always like fumble when we're getting out. And a bag, backpacker purse, right? Most forgetful cities in the top 10 include Jacksonville, number one, Jacksonville, Florida, San Antonio, Texas is number two. Palm Springs, California is number three. And number six is Miami. And I had to mention it because I'm from Miami. Of course there is a list of the 50 top most unique lost items I on Uber, right? I highlighted some of them. I'm not gonna mention all of the list, but here's a, here's the ones that spoke to me, right? My favorite is number one, a Danny DeVito Christmas ornament. That is priceless. And I feel bad for the person that was going to decorate their tree with that, and they just couldn't find their Danny DeVito, you know, they've got Rio Pearlman right there, and she's just hanging in the tree all by herself. You know? She needs her power more, you know? I'm just gonna keep going. A blue cap that says I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning. Yeah. Okay. Um, an, an ankle monitor, well, they're pretty self-explanatory. Um, 16 ounces of fake blood. Okay. All right. Better than 16 ounces of real that's correct. And, you know, they probably ruined their Halloween costume, They were going as, they were going as Jason, and they ended up just being Olaf Gorman. The goal, the, the goalie for the Toronto made Leafs. I don't, I don't know what his name is. I've just made one up. Um, here, here's, here's another one. Um, a printer and remote controlled vibrator. Now I have to wonder, did they fill out one report for both of those I, I believe these are all words that are from the reports because some of them, some of them are in first person. A pin with Jesus holding a slice of pizza. I mean, you need to someone, a small camping stove. And my funeral pamphlets. So that's the, that's the first person right there., a cat collar that says Maui on it. My hamsters are in her car. That's just literally what it's listed as. My hamsters are in her car. This, this next one made me laugh out loud. Half a gallon of fireball, Half a gallon half a gallon baby. That is someone who's going to party or coming home from a party down half a gallon, they're better off without that half gallon. I mean, okay, the next, here's the next one that stood out to me. Two fingernails. That's it. Just two fingernails. they whole fingernails or were they like clippings, I guess is my question. I don't know, I guess. Oh, you know what? Okay. That's a good point.. what's acrylics right? thinking they were acrylics, you know, have you ever seen like the people with like the super long, like Freddie Krueger clause and they're like tapping on their phone like this, you know, And, and you know, like, like those that you've seen the, like the nail art they do like on yeah, I would fill out a form for that. Yeah. Yeah. You know how mu like nail art is expensive? Yeah. I would do the same. Okay. Now that I, now that I understand. super glue. Those things back on baby. this one just says I lost my girlfriend. With the Uber driver, The next one says be day. The next one says lotion and chicken wings in the same line. Um, the next one says, one Gucci loafer, Ah, um, an important pregnancy test. Like, okay, couldn't you get a second pregnancy test if you lost the first one? I mean, and it also makes you wonder what the story is behind that, cuz like is it important because she's not, is it important because she is, is it important cuz she still needs to take it. Or it is important because it's not hers. negative. I she the pregnancy delivery girl you don't know? Or is he the pregnancy delivery boy? You know, you don't know um, a feather. Just a feather. That's all. Um, a slushy machine, which was in the headline. Um, my friend's fake tooth is another one. And, um, and weight loss surgery guide, Hmm. Wait, what? weight loss surgery No, I heard you. I'm just not sure I understood you. So yeah, that was, uh, those are some interesting things that were left behind., and then there's just some insights. Really quick insights on lost items. People are most likely to forget chargers on Mondays. Most likely you'll forget keys on Tuesdays. Most likely to forget wallets on Wednesdays Wallet wallet Wednesday, most likely to forget cash On Thursdays, people are most likely to forget watches and jewelry On Fridays, people are most likely to forget passports on Saturdays and most likely to forget groceries on Sundays. I can, some of these correlate actually. Yeah, they do, they do kind of track like, you know, you're, you're, you're, you just had a long business trip. Monday through Friday, you're finally flying home on Saturday. You're gonna go home and see, you Eric and the kids. And, you know, you, you, you're not thinking of anything. You're just like, I just wanna be home so I don't have to think about dental floss anymore. And, you know, you pull up and you're just so excited to see your, your, your husband and your two ugly kids that you just leave your passport in the car. It happens. who hasn't been there yeah, I see that. the most forgetful month is April. April 5th and ninth are the most forgetful days of the year. And coming in third is New Year's Day The most common time of the day to report lost items is at 11:00 PM as some are either ending their day or just beginning the night. Yeah. yeah, that, that, that tracks, not really a story, just, you know, a lot of, uh, interesting data collected by Uber, so So, let me ask you this, what is the most, what is the, what's the thing that you've lost in like a public space and, you know, and never recovered? I'm just curious. sure. Um, when I was in seventh grade, I, it was when I got my first phone, I had the sidekick too, Ooh, okay. and I used to put it on a side, pocket, side, mesh pocket of my backpack. Because I was a, I was a child, I was a 12 year old child, and, it was gone day, one, I was switching classes, and when I got to that class, my phone was just gone. And I was like, oh, it's gone. it it was, there was 2004, in 2005 four, whatever, whenever it was, but, um, no. Thankfully I had insurance and it actually covered theft. I, I just had to pay a, like 40 bucks back then the deductible. Um, and they did it on c o d. They came to my door.. They came to my door, brought me the new phone, and they collected a check or money order for $40. And that was my, insurance exchange. So I didn't recover it, but I did get a replacement, That's, that's good., oh, another thing I lost that I did not recover and did not get money back for was another phone. I lost an iPhone 10 R uh, I had just bought it three months before on a payment plan, and I got the Apple Courier without the theft part, and so I left it in the bathroom in la I was on my way back to like, that day we were leaving after Vegas, after CS I had just taken my SIM card out of the phone, so, , there was no way to recover it, find my, didn't have that feature yet. So, yeah, for me it's just really been phones. thankfully, but yeah. What about you? uh, earbuds pretty much constantly. I've, I've, I can think of off the top of my head, I've probably lost three pairs of earbuds. Uh, give or take, I lost two sets of earbuds on two consecutive trips to our local theme park. Great America. Yeah. Uh, so that was, that was very unfortunate. Fortunately, I was done reviewing them. but unfortunately one of them was a really nice pair of earbuds that I, I, I, I still miss to this day actually. Like, I don't have the heart to delete it outta my Bluetooth outta, Ah, like, it was, it was a really solid set. It was a, a set of Sennheiser, um, earbuds, which are, which are really nice. uh, and then like the other, the other time, as at the same amusement park, I lost both of my phones on one Ah, stop. Wait, like gone Unrecovered. no, they were recovered. So the, the thing a, I don't, I don't remember what they call it. It's like a vertical coaster. Like it goes up and then it goes on a track down and like, and it's like spinning you all around everything while you do the thing. And so I had both of my phones fall out of my pockets. It was, uh, the iPhone 13 mini and it was the first nothing phone. app, I think the iPhone fell off at the top because that thing was gone. I mean, that thing was shattered. Um, and like, I think it hit the track a couple of times on the way down. And then the nothing phone actually slipped out of my I saw both of the phones sitting on the ground and, you know, and I was not the only one to lose phones that day. um, so I ended uh, I ended up having to sit in the exit of that ride for three hours waiting for an employee to go into that area because they can't go into the area while the ride's no. They have to. Wow. They have to they had to sh they had to shut down the ride and like three hours later someone should have down. I said, can you hand me those? And so she's said, yeah. And uh, what's the passcode? And I'm like, here, I'll tell you what. I'll ring it. And so I like put, and it started ringing and just said, okay, this one's yours. And then she looked at the iPhone. She's like, oh, here you go man. It's cuz it was, the scream was just gone. phones. And it's because of that, that I never carry anything in my pocket's of Great America anymore. I have a bag. That's a good idea. Yeah. Yeah. Theme park. Take a bag. Especially if you're going on big rides. Yeah. Don't keep phones in your pocket. Yeah, leave the, leave the phones in your bag. next story. Yes. Um, here we go. Twitter, going on a Twitter, talking about Twitter for a second. so Go ahead. since, since the Twitter restructuration el unification, um, there are now three different color badges, right? You know, the blue verified of the regular that you have to pay for. Now there's the yellow or gold one given to verified businesses and organizations, and there's a gray one, I believe that is, um, like governments and like publicly funded stuff right now. Right. the headline of this one is, um, Twitter gave a fake Disney junior account that uses racial slurs, a gold check mark verification. So the, the Twitter handle is at Disney JR uk. Yep. Right, is, which according to the story, , has not been around since like 2021. Like the channel itself, Disney Junior UK was is no longer on the is no longer a thing. Gotcha. And so someone just posts random offensive stuff on it. And so,, Yeah. I'll just start with the story. As of the morning of the story, the Twitter account, Disney Junior UK boasted a gold verification badge on the social site accompanied by a message reading. This account is verified because it's an official business on Twitter, in its pinned tweet. The account due to its content and follower number does not appear to be an official Disney account. Because it had like, what, a hundred and something followers and it, it was not even, there's no following to it, right? the tweet that was part of the account says hashtag fuck that en bomb Elon hashtag Kwan Oof. hashtag meow feet freaks All right. just nonsense. Right?, and the Post did not censor the slur as it was, , censored on this, , article by So, the Twitter account, which was believed to be a long-running parody account, also posted tweets claiming that the adult animated series South Park and a family guy would soon be available on Disney Junior uk. Excellent, just not a real account, and Twitter clearly made a mistake thinking that. Disney Junior uk, which also had a Disney with a Mickey background and Disney Junior logo as a profile photo. right?, , the account owner was surprised tweeting quote, no fucking way. This isn't actually real, right? Someone fucking pinched me or something. And alongside a screenshot of the account's profile page with the gold check mark circled. Yep. now for full disclosure, the check mark is no longer there. Actually the account's suspended. I just looked it up. Oh, is it really? Oh, wow. Well, there it is Yeah. Well, because, you know, Elon got embarrassed and that account hurt his fifis, so he had to make it go away. And then the Disney also wanted it to go away, you know, so, well there's that. may, man, I mean, just this whole check mark thing has been such a cluster fuck. And I, I really don't wanna talk about it anymore. I'm so sick of talking about Elon Musk on Twitter. I don't even go. Yeah. I don't even go on Twitter anymore. T2, all the way baby technology. Anyway. Yeah. So yeah, we know what happened. We know what's going on with the check marks. It's a shit show., and we'll probably we'll continue to be a shit show, um, in the future. So, moving on. Hey, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to the show, if you know anyone who likes tech or anyone who you think would enjoy hearing this show, send them my way. Send them the link to this show site. That's how tech, and they can find and follow the show right from the homepage in just a couple of taps. Next story. So this is a, um, four part story because it, so if you're listening to this with your kids, you might want to put something else on, if anybody listens to it with the kids, May I, may I recommend Disney Junior uk. Wow. I did not expect to go that quick. Right there. It's, it was right there. It y Thank you for that. You are welcome. Um, so, um, the story, the, here's the headline. PornHub blocks users in Utah sites, state's age verification law. So in Utah, recently a law passed that adult websites or websites that needed a certain age verification had to do it, or would, so, sorry, let me start this You said do it. Websites that need to verify age if they cannot verify the age properly and minors are somehow subject to content, not meant for them. The institution that hosted the content could be held liable and, and get in trouble. And so PornHub said, Hell no. we're not getting in trouble. We're blocking all of y'all from watching this. right. So they blocked access to users from Utah that wished to view their content in a video message displayed on the site. A spokeswoman for PornHub said that legislative action taken during the 2023 Utah legislative session has prompted the company to block access to Utahans. Quote, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users. The spokeswoman said sp specifically, the bill requires a porn site to verify that a user in Utah is at least 18 years old. It's also imposes, in quotes, imposes liability for publishers and distributors of material harmful to minors who don't comply with the age verification requirement. Right. And it was signed into law on March 14th, 2023, and takes effect. It took effect on May 3rd, which is why this happened so recently. PornHub said that a better solution to identify users age is by device, So Yeah. these are, you know, In a related story, uh, VPN subscriptions in Utah, quadrupled in the month of May. of, uh, What a lot of porn sites will do, so I hear is they'll put up a thing up at the front that says, are you 18? If you click this button, you're saying that you're 18. And, and regardless of whether you're 18 or not, people are gonna click it, click the button because they know the boobies are on the other side. So, Um, so, but what we, what Utah is saying is need to, you need to check the can go and like, there are some states that actually have like digital IDs where you can submit, you know, yes, I am, you know, of age to be able to, you know, look at the, look at the fuzzies on the other side. The fuzzies. um, but Utah is not one of those states because Utah barely has pavement, let alone technology. So, , you know, that's, I'm just kidding. Utah, I love you. I've never been, and I probably never will go, but you know, Hey, you sound like you're cool anyway. you is beautiful. Just a side note. Yeah. The, the, the state itself, the, the, the nature, the national parks are beautiful. That said, um, They got some backward mofos in there. I'm just, no, I'm just kidding. yeah, I, I mean that, that's, that's what the people in charge want and that's what they're getting. And I'm curious to know if it's still blocked for people in Utah, cuz Hang on. Let me fire up my Oh my God. Yes, Adam, this is Do, do you want me to do this on the air? I'll do it I sure. I sure as hell do. Yes, I do, I do not know what connecting to a VPN in the middle of a podcast will do, but I'm gonna try it. Oh, true. I I did a search for Utah and the K up, no results. Hang on a second. There's, oh, you mean there's no VPN servers in Utah. oh. No. Here's Salt Lake City. Here we go. Okay. All right. I am connected to Salt Okay. There you go. Now I just have to go to PornHub. Should we livestream? Should we, should I bring up a, a Oh, there you are. There you are. You had gone for a second, but now you're back. Oh, okay. So, yeah, see that's what happened was I connected uh, I connected to the Utah, uh, thing, and I was gonna, I was gonna ask, should I bring up a live window so that we can, we can go to and see what happens. Sh, why the fuck not? I Sure oh, okay. Dear user, as you may know, you're elected officials in Utah are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. Safety and Compliance. Safety and compliance, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Um, model or content Partner access. Yeah. They just won't let you in. They just, no. Unless you are a PornHub model or a content manager. but yeah, It's, it's a, it's a video message that says, you know, we can't let you in. Um, but you know, sure enough, you can't go to PornHub if you're in Utah. Now, should we take the next step and connect my VPN to Denver? No, I'm just kidding. No, we're not gonna do that. we We happens. We know what's gonna happen because the only state affected by this is Utah right now. Right. I'm gonna disconnect from my VPN right now, so I might, I'll probably go a little scry on you again, but, Yeah. and we're back. Okay. now PornHub does a lot of fun insight articles, and I, I did some research on Pornhub's Insight page, which is actually safe for work. They don't post anything there. so it's, uh, if you want to go. The first thing that I found was the 2020 election week top relative searches. So they gave, , a list by state of the top. Search terms of all the states during the 2020 elections true story. I just learned what pegging was the other day. there's actually another story about that., un but I'll, I'll, I'll save that for another one. But anyway, really quick, just to gloss over these, some curiosities included the relative popularity of Succubus in Oregon, which I don't even know what that is. A, succubus, uh, that's like a, like a demonn, like a, a, a, a beautiful demon who is a temptress who is going to, um, you know, suck your bus. Some curiosity included the relative popularity of Succubus in Oregon, tushy in Colorado. They said tushy is the highest result during the week. Bec tickling in Georgia, yoga pants in Iowa, wedgie in Connecticut, and accidental cream pie in Missouri. Fans of mature porn. Were searching Granny in Tennessee, grandma in South Carolina, Cougar in Ohio, 8 0 8 in Hawaiians in Hawaii. Like why were they searching the area code? Louisiana said had a craving for Popeye's. Hold on, Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It is there. Popeye's. But this wasn't an accidental search for Popeye's, like do you think they're on Google Maps? Right? I mean, is a real search on. okay, look, I'm just gonna say that Cajun food is amazingly hot, and I could see that maybe, you know, some people were going a little gaga, you know, trying to, you know, because of the heat in the food. Like Cajun Cajun's food's really good, but it's also really hot. But anyway, and, and back to Utah, uh, was checking out some wholesome Mormon porn while Texas was spicing things up with Sex. Me. Oh my God. Not sex Me. Oh my God. So, yeah, you can check that out. PornHub Insights, that's the, that, now that's just election week. That's just the week of elections 2020. now moving on. I found this other really interesting one. insights, which Sure. Yeah, yeah. just, can I just ask you, maybe, maybe, you know, maybe you're one of your listeners know listener mail, write in and tell. I'm, I live in Illinois and I do not know what T H O T means. Okay. Am I old Uh, probably so and I'm afraid to Google it? it honestly, okay. T h o t I don't know what you would find if you searched it, but a T h o T is a thought. A thought is also an acronym for that hoe over there. Oh, all right. All There's probably different contexts to use thought, but it can also be used as an adjective thought is, or thoughty, or I'm wearing my thoughty outfit, or in my thought era, I don't know, whatever. Huh. All right. So that hot over there. Okay then. No, kind of what it, I think it's more a vibe than an actual, like sexual act in my limited knowledge of. Search results on PornHub for thought. Um, Yeah, we're, we're, we're kind of working with, uh, one hand tied behind our back here, so, and the other hand is not doing anything that we can advertise. So yeah, there it is. Ba boom. All right, North Dakota, they're searching for pumpkins. What the hell is going on with North Hold on, hold on. Kentucky is searching among US and New Mexico is searching Fortnite. Fortnite. I get Fortnite. I get you get some cosplay stuff going on. Yeah. That could be fun there any cosplay? No, not listed Fortnite. Sure. There N oh, no, no, no. Yeah, that for sure. I'm sorry. I just meant like, I thought cosplay was like one of the topics searched. Oh. The top search term during election week in Alaska is no net, November. Meanwhile, in Florida, the top search on PornHub is Trump. Stop. Oh my. No, no. It, I, I can't, And in related news, in Pennsylvania it's fat ass. results. But in Virginia, they love their sloppy blowjobs. Well, I think it's, , I think it's tied to move on from, from election , PornHub results. Well, who Okay, next, next story. Let's move on. I'm sorry. Did you say something? There's insight for PornHub by the minute on Apple's September 17th event last year., about 10 minutes into the event, the new Apple Watch series eight resulted in, in a noticeable drop in page views, as well as during the crash detection presentation. The new watch Ultra gained the most interest from viewers, resulting in a 7.4% decrease in Pornhub's page views from Apple users. Wow. Can you believe the Apple Watch Ultra took away 10% of Pornhub's traffic? That's Impre 10% is, is is huge. That. That's the fundamental rule of my podcast is if you can clock 10%, that's massive. So if it's like 10, 10% off, 10% gain in something, 10% reduction in something, 10% is a significant statistic. That's impressive. I mean, I, kudos Apple Watch. That peak, that peak occurred around the time that the workout endurance and diving features were being presented. ironically. Non non-Apple devices . Experienced their peak drop of 3.4% at one 30 during the same part of the presentation. Okay, now, later on the AirPods around 1:40 PM as the new AirPods are being presented, page used from non Apple users began to increase returning

to normal levels by 1:

48 PM Android users and non Apple users were pretty much done with the Apple event., , at the same time Apple devices were down. 5.6% during the iPhone 14 reveal and dropped further as the new satellite service was being presented. Immediately after the event, apple device page views began to increase well above as high as 5.1%. About 20 minutes after it ended, it appears that Apple users were excited by what they saw and they headed to PornHub for some release. All right. I'm glad the article said it cuz I was about to. Well, that's pretty much self-explanatory. Yeah. That's, that's amazing. I love that. And then the next one, which is just, you know, say kind of same thing, you know, this was back in 2021 October. Pornhub's traffic increased during the Facebook and Instagram outage of 2021. that was a lovely day. It, they actually got a peak 10.5% increase above average. Um, right around where did the, the, the outage occurred in the morning by


00 AM It was kind of still normal, and then 11, and then lunchtime hits, and then everybody's on PornHub, That's, that's right. I mean, I don't know about you, but I am and then there's a free, and then there's just like a really small note at the end that says, PornHub statistic, pornhub's statisticians. Statistic. Oh, status. Can you say it again? Statisticians Statisticians porn hope's statisticians found similar traffic increases during another Facebook and Instagram outage in March of 2019. So that pretty much wraps, wraps that up. Um, any, any final notes, any final comments on any of the stories? Uh, well, any of the stories, I mean, I just, you know, just final st final note here. You know, again, Facebook and Instagram going down, um, you know, PornHub increased by 10%, which is massive. You know, that's a, that's a huge non-trivial statistic. Um, but yeah, I mean, as far as the rest of the story, I think we covered'em all pretty, uh, pretty thoroughly. Um, I'm still waiting for my free air tag from the New York mayor. Um, I, I fill out the forum for it, so we'll see if it actually ever shows up. But, um, but yeah, and, uh, honestly, uh, principal McGee don't feel bad. Yeah. Just move to a different state. Change your name. You can get another job as a principal, and I'm sure you will do a wonderful job. She doesn't even need to do, she doesn't even need to lead afl. Leave the state. was gonna say, she does not need to even leave Florida. She could have seen your name, Yeah, that's true. That's true. but then if she gets in trouble again, she would still be Florida principal. yeah, don't, don't feel bad. And I'm Elon Musk. Okay, let's go. Um, I just, where did you go to find these stories? You crazy. Crazy, man. No, I love it. It was great. This is a wonderful selection. I think. I think we actually, I, you know, I, I don't wanna toot my own horn. I don't wanna to toot your horn, but I think we kind of nailed it. I think we did. I think we did. Ju I think we did just as good a job as we did last time, which either means we did really well today or we did really badly before, so we'll see. Um, but, uh, but yeah, no, I think, I think this is, this is a lot of fun and I, I, I really appreciate the fact that you brought me on to, uh, to talk about this stuff because I kind of miss my, my podcast kind of pivoted away from doing news, and so I kind of miss talking about the news, especially the fun news stories that kind of pop up in the middle of the week. Like, what the hell? Um, so no, I really appreciate you bringing me back for this because this was, uh, this was a trip. I'm glad, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you, Adam. Thank you for coming back on, uh, to talk about stupid tech headlines. Um, yeah, I actually found them, uh, same thing, same way I found the, uh, the other set is I, I went on not the Onion, and I just scrolled and not scrolled. That's right. Yeah. I haven't been back there in a while. I need to go back. Yeah, obviously there's a lot of stuff on there, but I kind of just like filtered out the tech stuff on there and yeah, yeah. that's pretty much, yeah, I, I think I need to find, I think my next thing will be to find, um, tech related Reddit stories, There you go. There you go. Yeah. That could be next. I, I'm down. Um, call me Boo. so, uh, Adam, uh, where can people find you? You have anything to plug? As if they wanna find me. Uh, no. I, yeah, I, I am dead technology and all the things, um, on Twitter when I bother to show up anymore, which honestly is not that often. Uh, Facebook, I don't do anymore. Um, Instagram, I'm kind of there. Great. America's Open again, so I'll be active on Instagram again. Um, but, uh, yeah, otherwise you can find my Oh. The one plus pad. That, that, that's, that's, I think that was one of the most recent ones that I did. So yeah, I've been, uh, banging out reviews over at slash year and uh, you know, uh, I'm a bad freelancer cuz that's like my one home. So, um, but, uh, you know, I'm looking to, uh, expand the freelance portfo portfolio a little bit, so you might start seeing me in other places that rhyme with orbs. Um, so we'll see. Yeah. Okay. Sounds great. Sounds great, Adam. Thank you Thank you again for, for coming on and, uh, sharing these, these headlines and I will definitely hope to have you yeah. We'll do it again. again. soon. Thank you. Thank you, Adam. Thanks for being on. here at the How Tech Podcast, we know that you just have so much to do. So thanks for putting all of that off to listen to my show. If you have any interesting tech stories or questions or topics you want us to cover on the show, send an email to how tech podcast or reach out to us on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. Remember to charge your phone before going outside and for God's sakes, throw your empty Amazon boxes away. Literally, don't just leave them there. They're like all up in the way. Okay. Goodbye