Legends of Data & AI
Is AI really going to change the world? How do we make it pragmatic? Can anyone use data? Join Dr. Fayyad as he brings data & AI legends to reflect on their experiences and on the future of their industries.
Legends of Data & AI
Future of Search Technology and IR 3.0
Dr. Usama Fayyad
Season 1
Episode 4
In the most recent episode, Dr. Usama Fayyad talks to one of the pioneers of modern information retrieval and search Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Director of Research @ Northeastern Institute for Experiential AI and Founder & Director of Research @ OptIA. Dr. Ricardo specializes in responsible AI and ethical issues of AI. Tune in to hear Ricardo share his thoughts on the biggest pitfalls caused by AI and search algorithms, data usage and what we need to do to detect and minimize the harm of these pitfalls.