The Vinekeeper Bible Podcast

(4) Jesus is Tested: Worship Me (Luke 4:5-8)

May 06, 2022 Rick Walker, M.A., M.Div. Season 1 Episode 28
(4) Jesus is Tested: Worship Me (Luke 4:5-8)
The Vinekeeper Bible Podcast
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The Vinekeeper Bible Podcast
(4) Jesus is Tested: Worship Me (Luke 4:5-8)
May 06, 2022 Season 1 Episode 28
Rick Walker, M.A., M.Div.

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The Devil offered Jesus a shortcut to glory: Bow down and worship me. I will give you all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus refused, only worshiping God. In the end Jesus will receive the glory from the Father. The tables will be turned and the Devil will bow down before Jesus.

Rick Walker

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Would be glad to hear from you. If you want a reply post your e-dress.

The Devil offered Jesus a shortcut to glory: Bow down and worship me. I will give you all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus refused, only worshiping God. In the end Jesus will receive the glory from the Father. The tables will be turned and the Devil will bow down before Jesus.

Rick Walker

The Temptations Part 4: Worship Me (Luke 4:5-8)

We are continuing our look at the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. Men are especially vulnerable to temptation when then are very tired, very sick, or very hungry. Jesus has been in the desert for forty days.

Very tired. Very hungry. The tempter has come and tempted Jesus to allay his hunger by turning a stone into a loaf of bread. Jesus withstood the temptation. Today we are in Luke 4:5-8. 

About three miles northwest of Jericho is a high mountain which is called the Mountain of Temptation. According to tradition it is the mountain where Jesus was shown the kingdoms of the world. Also called Mountain of Forty in Latin. Referring back to the forty days of fasting. 

You can make a thirty-minute hike up to the summit. Along the way tourists pass through a monastery. Or you can just do what a lot of tourists do and take the cable car. And from the top you can see the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, Moab and Gilead. But if you really want to see it as Jesus saw it, go the extra mile and fast forty days before you go up.  

Jesus saw what you will see. But Jesus saw more. In a moment of time, in an instant, the Devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Looks like something supernatural took place—to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment. That is quite spectacular, to see them all at once.

And I will give it all to you, Jesus. I will give you these kingdoms and their glory. It was given to me, and I can give to you. All you have to do is bow down and worship me. 

A Path Forward  [3:13]

So, that is the Devil’s bribe. Bow down. Worship me. Take my kingdoms. Receive their glory. This is not just an attitude of worship, this is the attitude of worship and the posture of worship.  Bow down in my sight, where I can see you face to face.

Jesus is already destined to have a kingdom. Jesus is already destined to have glory. But Jesus knows and the Devil knows that it will cost suffering on Jesus’ part. He is going to have to suffer. He is going to have do die. He will sweat drops of blood in the garden of Gethsemane before the appointed time. 

The Devil is offering a different path forward. A different path to authority. A different path to glory. A path that will avoid suffering, being handed over to the Gentiles, mocked by the Jews, and crucified by the Romans.

There is no need for all of that. Just simply bow down and worship me. Trust me. 

The Psalms is one place that ties the path of suffering to the place of authority. Psalm 22. Clearly a prophecy of suffering. Clearly about the crucifixion. My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me? (22:1). Everyone who sees me mocks me. They shake their heads. They say, “Let the Lord rescue him.” (22:8). 

But the Psalmist comes around to the place of authority and glory. All the nations will turn to the Lord. All the families of the earth will bow down before him. Dominion belongs to the Lord. The Lord rules over the nations. (22:27, 28).

Oh Jesus has a path forward to authority and glory. It is the path of suffering and the cross. He is going to gain authority. The Devil is offering a shortcut. A different path forward. But Jesus will not be bribed, and the Devil will not be worshiped. 

The Link to Israel  [6:27]

In our last episode we showed the connecting links to Israel. Israel: Baptized in the Red Sea. Led out into the desert. Tested with hunger. And Jesus followed the same path. Baptized. Led into the desert. Tested with hunger. 

And there is another link. Bow down and worship me. Idolatry. 

While Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mt. Sinai, Israel was at the base of the mountain. Waiting for Moses. Moses was on Mt. Sinai for forty days and had been fasting the whole time.  (Ex. 24:18, Deut. 9:9). 

Israel was waiting for forty days. What happened to Moses? Why is it taking so long? The top of the mountain was on fire because of the presence of God. They probably wondered if Moses had been burned in the fire. Something has happened.

Well, after forty days Moses descended, carrying the two stone tablets. The first commandment written on t those tablets—you know what it is: You will have no gods besides me. (Ex. 20:3). And the second commandment forbade the Jews to make idols to worship. (Ex. 20:4). 

And at the very time that Moses descended with these commandments carved into the stone tablets, the Jews were worshipping the golden calf. Moses has not even come down from the mountain yet, and Israel has already broken the first two commandments. (Exodus 32)  
 Israel was plagued with the temptation to worship idols for hundreds of years. The golden calf. Baal. Asherah. And many more.

And now Jesus is being tempted to worship the Devil himself. You see the connecting links.

An Empty Promise?  [9:15]

In our last episode we asked the question, does evil exist? Is there a personal being who orchestrates evil? And of course the Biblical answer is yes. The Devil. Satan. The Deceiver.  

But this temptation raises another question. Did the kingdoms he showed Jesus really belong to ηιμ? He said he would give the kingdoms to Jesus, but did they even belong to him? And could he really give them to Jesus if he wanted to? 

There is a lot that could be said about that. Does this world belong to the Devil? Or, does this world belong to the Lord? But Jesus did not talk to the Devil about that. 

If the kingdoms did not belong to the Devil, Jesus could have quoted from the Psalms. The earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord, both the world and everyone who lives in the world. (Ps. 24:1) But Jesus did not quote this Psalmist. 

Or, he could have called the Devil a liar. He could have said something like what he said about the Devil to the Jews. “There is no truth in [you]. When [you] lie [you] speak your native language, for [you] are a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)  But Jesus did not say that either. 

Never Shake Hands  [11:20]

One of the values of these temptations is that we learn how to deal with our own temptations. We can do like Jesus did. We can turn to scriptures. 

When tempted to turn a stone to bread, Jesus quoted scripture. 
When tempted to throw himself down from the temple, Jesus quoted scripture. 
When tempted to bow down and worship the Devil, Jesus quoted scripture. Worship God and serve only him. (Deut. 6:13). 

Jesus did not enter into a debate with the Devil. He did no ask if the Devil really owned the kingdoms of the world. He did not ask if the Devil would really give them to him. Jesus did not try to figure out if it was a trick.  

For Jesus, it does not matter. He will not go against his father’s will. 

Jesus said something else latter in his ministry. It was getting close to Jesus’ hour. The hour of the cross.
 It was getting close to the time of his most intense suffering. Sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. And dripping blood from the cross on Golgotha. The time was close. 

Jesus talked to the disciples about what was coming his way. Suffering. And told them they must suffer too if they wanted to follow him. If you want to save your life, lose it. Then Jesus asked this: What profit will come to a man if he gains the whole world but in the end he loses his soul? (Matt. 16:26). 

That is really the bottom line. If the Devil ever promises you the kingdoms of the world remember what Jesus said. Why gain the world if it will cost you your soul? 

Don’t shake hands with the Devil. Just turn and walk away. With the Devil, there is no gain. Only loss. Eternal loss. 

Every Knee Shall Bow  [14:28]

So Jesus took the long path of suffering and death. And what did Jesus gain? He gained honor from all the kingdoms of the world. The very thing that the Devil promised. 

The early Christians—and when I say early, I mean during the time of Paul—sang a hymn about the honor and glory that came to Jesus because he chose the path of suffering. It is a very interesting hymn. We don’t know the melody, but we know the words. Do you know the hymn I am talking about? It is in the New Testament. 

I am sure you have read it a hundred times and maybe never knew it is a hymn. Philippians 2:6-11. You will notice in some Bibles that the words are in italics. That is indicating that this was a song.

Paul begins by saying this is the same mindset that you should have. And then the hymn begins. The mindset of Jesus. Jesus did not use his divine nature to his personal advantage. Like when he refused to turn a stone to bread. Like when he refused to call legions of angels to save him from the cross.

Jesus became a humble servant. He was obedient even unto death. Our mindset should not be “faith only.” Jesus was obedient even when obedience meant dying on the cross. Even then!

What came out of this humility and obedience? He ascended to heaven. His name is the highest name. And listen to this—every knee will bow before Jesus. Every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. (11)

Every knee. Every tongue. 

Isaiah knew this truth. Every knee will bow before me, and every tongue will swear. (Isa. 45:23)

And Paul in Romans. (14:11) Every knee and every tongue. 

So, in the end Jesus will get the very thing the Devil offered Jesus. The honor and the glory. But he will not get it from the Devil, he will get from the Father. He will not get it because he worshiped the Devil, he will get it because of his faithful obedience to God. 

And do you know who else will be bow down before Jesus? Do you know who else will bend the knee and confess with the tongue? Not only do we have the words of Isaiah, and Romans and Philippians. We also have Revelation.

John heard a loud voice. The voice of angels. Ten thousand times ten thousand. They were saying, “The lamb is worthy.” Worthy to receive honor and glory and praise. And every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth joined in the praise. (Rev. 5:11, 12)

Jesus has received what the Devil promised to give him. But there is more. When John says that every creature worshiped and honored Jesus, that includes every man and woman, every angel and demon, and even the Devil himself. Every creature means every creature. 

No Jesus did not bow down and worship the Devil. But he will receive the honor and glory. And the Devil will bow down and worship him. 

Oh, I know, it hasn’t happened yet. But history is moving in that direction. 

Rick Walker
Vinekeeper Bible Podcast 


.A Path Forward
A Link to Israel
An Empty Promise
Never Shake Hands
Every Knee Shall Bow