Lots and lots of movies have soundtracks. Some are classics. Some are bad. But the majority fall somewhere in between. This podcast is going to take a look at all of them (or, as many as I can). Every week I'll be covering a different movie that had an original motion picture soundtrack, and then digging into the album. One part film discussion, one part music discussion, the Soundtracker podcast is here to help you navigate the wide world of movies and music. In each episode, myself and a guest discuss the movie and its soundtrack, rate each one, give you our picks for the best songs on the soundtrack, and suggest additional recommendations for what to watch or listen to in relation to whatever we're covering. So join me, as I look back at an era that's largely a thing of the past, and maybe you'll find a new favorite film or song along the way. New episodes every Friday. Theme Song provided by Howell Dawdy of Howell Dawdy's Fast Track Edited by Ross Reilly (@4_5_and_7). You can follow me on Twitter at @uwebollocks, and follow the show on Twitter at @Soundtracker_ for updates. Help keep the show going! You can do that at, where you can get 2 monthly bonus episodes and more!
Episode 106: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (with comedy writer and cartoonist Michael Chau, @Srirachachau)
Today on Soundtracker, I'm talking about one of the few Thanksgiving movies with a soundtrack, PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES. And I'm joined once again by Michael Chau (@Srirachachau) to talk about it. In this episode we compare this to the rest of John Hughes work, talk a whole whole lot about John Candy, discuss what makes the "twist" at the end land so well, and dig into the fairly weird soundtrack. You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. But at least listen to this episode.
Check out Michael's cartoons here:
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