The Scholomance Project
Explore the esoteric! Join Troy the Devil-Man as he interviews fascinating guests for thought-provoking discussions on topics from all corners of Western esotericism and the occult.The Scholomance Project strives to aid students of the occult arts in their exploration of Western esotericism. Experience and learn from some of the great minds in occultism. The broad range of topics examined will engage aspirants at all levels of attainment, whether newly curious or a dedicated practitioner. No matter where you are on The Path of your own Great Work, if your spiritual interests or curiosity fall somewhere outside of the mainstream this podcast is for you. Aspire. Explore. Inspire.
The Scholomance Project
MWBro. Philip Durell on Tolerance and Forbearance
Troy the Devil-man
Season 1
Episode 15
Most Worshipful Brother Philip Durell was installed as Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon in June of 2014. His year in the Grand East coincided with my year as Worshipful Master of the Duke of Connaught Lodge and we spent a lot of time together in lodge at that time. His thoughts about The Craft and the men who practice it have been very influential on my interpretation of Freemasonry.