A View from the Left Side

Rep. PPH Capital Updates: Back Story on the Budget

Rep. Pam Powers Hannley Season 2 Episode 8

The Arizona Legislature surpassed Day 150 this week. You'll remember that the target length for a session is 100 days. That shipped sailed in mid April.

Season 2 Episode 8 of A View from the Left Side is a compilation of Legislative Updates recorded between April 18, 2022 and May 31, 2022. 

Three of these updates focus on the stalled budget process. The House Republican Caucus is fractured and there is no collaboration between the House and Senate leadership teams. 

There are rumors of another Republican budget but no bills have been dropped, and recent leaded spreadsheet likely doesn't have the votes to pass. 

Libertarians don't want to spend money on anything -- despite great need in the state and a $5 billion surplus.

Democrats aren't likely to support a budget that doesn't include a significant investment in public education. Prop 208, which the Republicans took down in court, would have provided $900 million in revenue for public education by assessing a fee on excessive income over $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 for couples. 

Here is my starting point. Republicans don't want Arizona's 1% to pay more in taxes, so take a billion from the surplus and put it toward public education. That's what the voters said they wanted when they passed Prop 208 in 2020.

It's June 7. We have until June 30 to figure this out. Many people have planned vacations. Stay tuned. It should be interesting. 

Time Stamps
 Rep. PPH Intro to Season 2 Episode 8 of A View from the Left Side   0:51

 Grover Norquist Tax Pledge Unrealistic in Tax Giveaway State April 18, 2022  2:57

Republicans Propose Austerity Budget. Why? April 19, 2022 (Day 100)  7:24

Divided Republican Party Delays Budget and Drags Out the Session May 18, 2022  
 House Hears Seven Election Bills ... Budget Remains Stalled May 17, 2022 (Updated May 31, 2022)  16:50

[You can view the original video updates on my YouTube channel.]